Akatsuki: Shinobi System in Another Universe

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Rescue 3

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Chapter 7: Rescue 3

Transformation Jutsu.

The Shadow Clone of Ryu now looked like identical Kidōmaru, his first inheritance; nevertheless, he removed the prepurchased blood-red demonic-looking mask from his waist and hid his face; the mask gave off a dreary air, with its snakelike slits and elongated nose

Ryu, in disguised, scanned the valley from the edge of the tree line; a large settlement encircled by three-meter walls stood out as hundreds of magical beasts besieged its walls while human defenders atop the ramparts let off dazzling attacks against the encroachment of the magical beast. Unlike his original, who was dealing with the monkeys, which he could safely assume was hidden reinforcement for the main party, these beasts were myriad species that rushed forward on four limbs and two legs; there were even beasts that circled in the sky. 

The clone squinted, a memory surfacing; Aido was here before his death; could his helpers have returned? He clapped his hands together, barely spending chakra as a summon crow appeared on his shoulder. He said words that couldn't be heard over the thunderous noise of battle; the crow tilted its head, looked across the battlefield, and cawed before flying away. 

He balled his fist; muscle taught in anticipation. This would be his first encounter with humankind, and he was nervous. He wondered how his presence would be taken but shelved the thought because Akatsuki must come forth! 

The Kidō clone was about to leap downward before a horn bellowed from the center of Nobule, seizing his body. He activated his eyes and looked westward; a contingent of warriors and mages exploded from the treeline. The small group slammed into the flank of the magical beast. Reinforcement? The clone considered. 

A man in grand robes began a chant as his hand bloomed in a red-hot fire. He waved his hand, sending fireballs that exploded into groups of the beast and pushing his hands forward, sending out concussive waves of fire that scorched the earth. A woman in dark green leather armor carried a sharp blade that seem to shred the beast that got near the mage, and the swarthy men and women accompanying the two standouts weren’t far off from their raw power and potential, unleashing their attacks as they plowed against the unexpected beasts.

Suddenly, the wrought iron doors swung open, sending the beast flying, and a group of defenders emerged; he could see they were invigorated, long gone we're their reservation; the rescue was near, at least they assumed; why else would a crack force show up suddenly throwing the beast into disarray? 

Unfortunately, The clone knew the party, who he could determine by the defenders' attire, must have been an attempt to seek help that his original came upon was decimated by the man-apes. Regardless, They were back on the offensive and even opened the doors for him; only he could complete the mission, so unexpected helpers were still helpers, right? 

He grinned underneath the demonic mask and landed on the ground. He performed succession hand signs before palming the ground.

Earth Release: Golem Technique

The ground rumbled slowly, and a ripple flowed outward from his hand that remained connected to the earth. An arm exploded from the ground, a head, and then the remaining body of the rock golem. The clone rose as the golem emerged. Its ascent stopped at almost four meters. The clone chuckled dangerously and wondered if his original was having as much fun as him. He shelved the errant thought, raised his left hand, made the ram hand sign before he tapped the side of the golem's head, and pulled a sturdy-looking dark staff from the golem's body.

Earth Release: Rock Selection Cane.

The clone paused. He looked at the Bō staff in confusion, his eyes activated and enlarged. Did he create a treasure just like that? He whirled the staff around before planting the end into the golem's shoulder. The golem's mouth opened, and a hollow bellow roared across the battlefield. 

The clone cut an imposing figure atop the construct, and a chilled far, reaching wind swept over the battlefield. The Akatsuki robes wavered, and the battle paused as beast and men alike turned toward the lone newcomer.  



"Magister," hollered a young woman in flowing blue robes; her attire attributed her to be a water mage. 

The magister turned, a glass of amber liquid held in his dainty hands; unlike the scrambling and cries outside, he seemed at ease, as if nothing mattered.

"Carmen," he said, patting the air for her to calm down, "what is it now? I yearned for some quietness after dealing with the upstart Omen clan." He began to walk toward the couch inside the spacious, richly decorated room as Carmen suddenly stopped; she bowed, then went down to one knee and began to speak. 

"Magister Evergreen, your clan warriors, has arrived," she paused before looking back toward the window. The populace was shouting praises and prayers to an untold number of gods.

The handsome man smirked before sipping the amber-colored wine. "Aye. I see why the noise increased. He stood, tossing the cup behind him and beckoning Carmen to continue as he stood directly in front of the kneeling woman, who shuddered but allowed him to raise her face.

"Such a beautiful woman; I'm thankful my father gave you to me." He said, his thumb running across her plush lips before placing his thumb directly in her mouth. She swallowed and shuddered but didn't refute him. 

He released her but didn't remove himself from her proximity. "Go ahead and report my lovely maid," he said as he placed the offending thumb in his mouth, suckling it and moaning in pleasure.

Carmen swallowed hard and closed off any form of retaliation or errant thoughts of defiance; she couldn't; she sold herself to the Evergreen for a core, even if the core was from a weak rank one beast; at least she was a mage, able to cultivate and grow in strength, even a paltry one still held some prestige; unfortunately, she didn't realize the family had other ideas for a woman that looked like her.

"The council has noticed the group assaulting the flank of the magical beast; I'm afraid they have arrived to an assumption on their arrival, magister, also the city defenders became reinvigorated, and at the behest of the council, the defenders opened the gates to push the beast back, hoping to join hands with the supposed reinforcement," Carmen said, finishing, leaving a lot implied. 

Magister Evergreen raised his head and laughed loudly.

"Fools! They dared not heed my terms, and now they think Roanoke has sent helpers to save them." He said in a fit of laughter. 

"Come, beautiful flower, let's take a stroll; for memory's sake, this village won't be here tomorrow by daybreak, and I daresay the populace won't even have a peaceful death." He said. 


Easternmost Magical Beast Forest

Unbeknownst to Ryu about the goings of his shadow clone, even if he had time to wonder, he wouldn't; he had a situation on his hand.

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A spectacle has arisen inside the magical beast forest in Eastern coordinates. The two-and-a-half meter white wind-aspected beast hooted, beat its chest, and jeered at the young human. The weaker man-apes surrounded the two making a ring of bodies, effectively trapping Ryu. At least, that's what the beasts assumed. 

The white man-ape was peak rank one beast; alongside its aspect, which was wind, the beast could be considered a threat, that is, if Ryu was static, which he wasn't, the whole dash to come to the rescue of the human village has dramatically increased his abilities, especially his understanding of Magnet Release. 

He watched the ape as it rushed around the clearing, raising its arms and beating its chest; Ryu watched, replenishing pills in his hands as he threw them in his mouth like popcorn; he felt like he was watching national geographic and watching animal partake in a mating dance, like what else the beast could be doing? It allowed him to restore himself and relax while it riled up the spectators like a bottle girl. 

The white-furred man-ape did another circuit around the improvised ring before whirring around on the young human that sat munching on something staring ahead. 

"Boss battle!" He thundered, finally saying something as he leaped to his feet; his eyes pulsated, Ryu was taking the beast seriously, and he rushed forward, his hand on the wooden handle of his trusty Tantō.

The beast leaped, its arms wide, welcoming the human into a crushing embrace of death, the two soon came to a collision, and the beast slammed down onto the human, its claws raking and flattening the human into the ground. The beast stopped; it had won; it bested the human that killed many of its clans. 

Suddenly, the huge ape leaped backward; a blade slashed through the air as the young human stood to his side, arm extended, blade in one hand and sheath in the other two times, eyes pulsating eerily.

Body Replacement Technique

The ape made a human-like hissing sound; a thin bloody line was cut into pristine white fur. Its beady eyes landed on the damaged earth to see a smashed log, then back to the human slowly sheath the sharp blade.

The ape hesitated, but Ryu began to act sooner; he performed a series of hand seals; the sand rushed upward when the beast paused, whirring around the surprised beast; the man-apes excited shooter grew silent at the spectacle. 

Ryu covered his right hand that held the ram sign with his right and grunted loudly. The sand encased the ape. 

Hiden-Sand Entrapment Jutsu

Unlike Sand Coffin, a finisher, this Jutsu arrested the opponent's movements, enabling the shinobi to retreat or attack quickly. 

He flashed forward his tantō down and sheathed as he stopped before the trapped beats using a quick draw method. He drew the blade and slashed outward, hoping to end the battle. 

The ape roared, the sand cracked, and the wind settled into the area, deflecting his blade upward and freeing the angered beast.  

Ryu's eyes saw the beast move, but his body wasn't able to react as the beast's large hands pounded into him multiple times, causing his to slide across the ground; his sand agitated, and acting on his subconscious mind began to settle around him, causing the swiftly moving ape to dart about looking for an opening. He rolled across the ground before righting himself.

'He's fast,' Ryu thought to himself. Wasn't this battle similar to the one that crippled Rock Lee? His sand flowed from his gourd as he flashed a bloody smile toward the darting man-ape. He pushed his hand forward as the sand rushed toward the man-ape as it dodged around the sand. 

The two continued the cat-and-mouse game as he attempted to trap the beast and the man-ape darted around taking shots when he overextended his sand; unlike Gaara, he didn't have Sand Armour, at least not yet; he did have his Kidö bloodline that was as good or even better, what if he could use both, he could be walking tank. 

He spat out blood as he stumbled back, his sticky gold armor cracking from the blow he just took; at least he didn't hit the ground this time. 

The two stood meter apart, his clones stood above, war bows drawn, the man-apes silently looked on eerily; they didn't expect the young human to survive; some even thought the human wasn't even fully going all out, the older of the apes, felt like the human was growing, it was slow, but he was growing under pressure, instead of pushing the sand around, his hand gestures giving away his action, he now stood arms folded and directing it by his eerie eyes that always followed the boss, using his Wind movement Technique.

A large black bird emerged from the sky and landed on the human shoulder. The human looked excited and looked around before his eyes landed on the slowing boss. The crow cawed, the human nodded, and the bird exploded in smoke. 

"It seems I can't remain; thanks for the help with my sand; the intricate control method wasn't as complicated as I expected. Unfortunately, a battle royale are happening, and you're not a boss, are you?" 

The white furred man-ape didn't understand the human, but the mockery the human held intensified. The beast would consume the human, but not before he completely break this human will. It roared and flashed forward. 

Ryu smiled. His eyes whirled and pulsated. The beast was a deadly opponent, but with his array of abilities and techniques, it couldn't win. Sharingan will undoubtedly get more use going forward, so let's try something he already has under control.

Genjutsu: Sharingan

The clones released their golden arrows before drawing and launching consecutive attacks, capturing the gawking and terrified apes off guard. 

On the ground, Ryu's sand twirled around as he walked forward, the peak rank one beast froze mid-stride, its eyes taken on Sharingan's appearance, he raised his hand, and the sand flowed out in a wave and trapped the beast. 

Hiden-Sand Coffin

As the apes fell from the trees, Ryu's outstretched hand closed. 

In battle, a warrior's worst enemy is an Illusionist, able to trap the cultivator that focuses on body prowess.

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