Alastor Claec Being A Villain With A Kind Heart Is Hard

Chapter 1: Freedom!!!

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Chapter 1


“Master, are you feeling alright? You’ve been motionless for quite some time now.” A maid asked a man infront of her in concern. She watched as he came out of trance he was seemingly in, and noticed his eyes beginning to look around the room. Minutes passed as he looked around the room, as though he was trying to find something. 


The maid felt her body freeze in place once golden-brown irises came to observe her, his scowling yet beautiful face sending a cold chill down her back. Her heart beated rapidly against her chest as he continued to observe her. 


The woman felt herself being pushed down seemingly by the weight of his gaze alone. The feeling was comparable to that of a rabbit being stared down upon by an apex predator. He stared at her for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only a few seconds, before his gaze went on to the paperwork that laid on the desk. And just like that she felt herself become lighter once his frightening gaze left her.


“Scary,” She thought to herself while gripping her apron in order to calm herself down. “The other maids weren't kidding when they said serving him was not for the weak willed.”


She heard the rumors surrounding the man she was currently serving and none of them painted a good picture of him. The death threats shouted out towards the servants who made the smallest mistakes, the punishment given to servants who did not obey his orders, and the lechery towards beautiful women! The last one sent a shiver down her back bringing back bad memories of a moment in her life that she would never forget. She shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts and brought her attention back to the person she was thinking about. 


Her attention was taken once again when she noticed a rather heavy bag of gold coins. She knew it was gold coins as a lot of it was spilling out when he suddenly grabbed it and poured all of its contents onto the table. She once again lost herself in thought when he began counting the gold coins.

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“If I didn’t need the money so much, I would’ve never taken this job.” Needless to say the only reason why she was working for such a man was because he was beyond wealthy. His family was said to be the wealthiest in the entire Kingdom, and if she worked as a servant to said family she was sure that she would be paid far more than any other job. 


She was fortunate that she got such an opportunity in the first place, but with the rumors she’s been hearing from the servants, she was beginning to think that maybe it wasn’t fortune that she was struck with. Her eyes widened when she realized what she was just thinking, was she really believing rumors?!


“What am I doing?! Since when did I let things such as gossip dedicate my views on others before I even get to know them properly?! Rumors are just rumors after all! I’m sure the other servants were just blowing things out of proportion!” She pumped herself up trying to be positive instead of being full of negative thoughts. “Besides he hasn’t even done anything besides look at me!”


She nodded to herself, happily coming to a conclusion. Once she gets to know her master only then would she cast judgment! He seemed like a nice person, if a little intimidating! 


…Ok, maybe he was more than a little bit intimidating…


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