Alastor Claec Being A Villain With A Kind Heart Is Hard

Chapter 2: Meeting with the knights? Hell no!!!

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 The halls of the mansion were massive, big enough to fit hundreds of people and still have room left over. A fully armored knight could only look around in disbelief as they walked down said halls, looking at all of decorations that likely cost over hundreds, if not thousands of gold. They have been here for a week, yet they still couldn’t wrap their minds around how much gold was spent on making a house look beautiful.

“All that gold could feed thousands of starving villages... wasted on mere ornaments.” They thought angrily. “Their people are dying from hunger, yet what do the nobles do? Nothing but stuff themselves fat and leaving nothing but scraps for us peasants!”

They passed the servants, paying them no mind besides a slight nod of their head before moving on, too lost in thought to pay any attention to them.

“And from what I heard from the captain, this one will be no better.”

As they continued to walk down the hall, they stopped in place in front of the door to whom they will soon be serving.

“Let’s get this over with.” They grumbled out before grabbing the door and opening it. The bastard did not show up at the required time, so the captain ordered them to retrieve him.

Opening the door, the knight expected for the noble to be sitting on his fancy chair and sorting through their daily finances like the rich bastards they are. What they didn’t expect was to meet face to face once they opened the door.

A cold, but handsome face, stared back at them with a scowl that gave off a threatening air of danger. Their red hair reminded the knight of blood, and his cold golden-brown eyes gave off the feeling of a predator sizing up their prey.

Instincts took over as armored hands gripped their sword that was attached to their belt. It was only due to harsh training to never draw their sword without proper reasoning, that they did not unsheathe their sword.


The knight and noble stared at each other in dead silence.


Neither one made a move to break it.


“Is he waiting for me to speak?” The armored knight asked himself while looking for any sign of what the red-haired noble wanted them to do.


Unblinking eyes intensely glared causing the knight to unknowingly shake in place.

The atmosphere could be cut with a butter knife from how tense it was, as the two continued to stare at each other. Having enough and no longer being able to handle the nobles' intense stare. The knight opened their mouth, hidden by the helmet they wore, to try and speak. But before they could, a cold voice interrupted them.

“Is there a reason why a knight is blocking my path?” The noble glared while crossing his arms to show his dissatisfaction. “My time should not be wasted carelessly, state your motive or move. I care not what you choose.”

The knight was stunned only for a moment by the audacity of this noble to claim that they were wasting his time, before they gathered their bearings and lightly pounded their right hand on their chest to show respect.

“Your Grace, I was sent here by my captain in order to escort you to the meeting.” They spoke clearly, not showing just how much the noble in front of them frazzled their nerves. The noble had taken only a second to register their words before their glare became a scowl, causing the knight to feel faint.

“I have no need for escorts.” The noble’s voice rumbled, as he scowled even further.

The knight shivered but held strong, whether or not the noble liked it, they knight had orders to fulfill.

“Be that as it may, I have direct orders to escort you to meet with the captain, and I shall not disobey orders!" With that said the knight waited for the nobles reply while looking away in order to not meet his eyes, though it was unnoticed due to their helmet blocking their face.

It was as if the pressure of an entire ocean collapsed onto the knight, as golden-brown eyes glared at the knight with unveiled animosity. The armored knight stood unmoving, too scared to do so.

If an outsider were to witness this scene, it would look as if there was an intense standoff between the knight and noble, when in reality...

“Why?! Why is a knight right in front of me?! I was so close damn it!” A hurricane of emotion was running rampant within Alastor. “And they're going to escort me to the meeting as well?! How could it have gone so wrong so fast?!”

He tried to tell the knight he didn't need an escort, but they just have to be the type to follow rules! Now he has no clue what to do to get out of the situation he got himself in! Now they were at a stand still as the knight would not move out of the way and continued to block his path. He narrowed his eyes in focus, trying to find a way out.

“Perhaps you didn't hear me,” he tried for a more firm voice to try and get his point across.“I do not need you to escort me.”

“Please move! Please! I know you don't like me with that intense aura around you! So please just let me run away!” The aura around the knight was frightening, he could feel himself shaking just from being near them! The helmet they were wearing showed no sign of what they looked like, and it was intimidating as hell!

The knight had a badass aura around them. With that magnificent white armor and a helmet that didn't show their face, they just give off the main character's type of energy!

He took a step expecting the knight to move out of his way, but the knight stood firm, much to his despair. Seeing the hopelessness of the situation, he knew he could do nothing but comply when the knight waited silently for his acceptance. He could see the knight was shaking in place, probably getting angry that he was being difficult about such an insignificant matter as being escorted. With a deep sigh he accepted his fate, for now at least.

“Very well, since you are being so persistent, I shall allow for an escort.” He said in defeat. He could see the knight finally stop shaking when he said this, much to his relief. “Well, at least they're not angry now.”

“I have your coat ready, your Grace!”

  A feminine voice cried out a moment after he had finished speaking, causing him and the knight to turn and look toward the direction of the voice. It was the maid from before, whose name he did not know, and in her arms was a large, fancy, red coat with gold trimming around its edges.

“Please forgive me for taking so long! I was met with many difficulties along the way to get my Lord's coat!” The blonde haired woman said while gasping for air from all the running she did. Claec looked at her, then back to the knight, and back at her before an idea suddenly formed in his mind, and began enacting it immediately.

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“It would seem my escort has arrived, you may go back to your captain and inform them I will be arriving soon.” (Ha! I never said who was going to escort me! Now that I have an excuse! I'm going to be long gone the moment you're out of my sight! Sucker!!!)

“M-My Lord?” The nameless maid gasps out.

The knight was stunned silent, unable to process what he just said, a maid escorting a noble? Seeing how the knight was not saying anything, he capitalized on this moment of silence.

“Go tell your captain I shall be there within a few moments,” Alastor said while turning around and entering into his office. “or perhaps you still have complaints?” He asked with his back turned towards the door, giving him an intimidating aura.

The maid, unsure of what to do, she followed behind him. She was unsure as to what was going on and decided to stay silent.

“N-No your grace, I will inform the captain of your arrival.” With that said the knight slammed his right hand on to his chest and headed out to the barracks closing the door behind him while doing so.

As soon as the knight left, the noble looked towards the maid causing her to stiffen.

“You. Maid. Where are the barracks?”He asked briskly while taking the coat she held out and putting it on. “I should really get her name.”

Startled by his brunt questioning, the maid hurriedly answered his question.

“T-They are located near the west wing of the mansion my Lord.” She said with a slight stutter. Another moment of silence followed as he stared at the maid with a blank gaze.


“...What the hell is a west wing? In fact! Where the hell is the west wing?!”


She could feel her entire being shake as her Lord stared at her with his piercing eyes. Was that not the right answer? Oh Goddess! Was he testing her, to see if she was worthy of being his maid?!

She heard many stories of how nobles would test their servants to see if they were worthy of serving them. How they would ask servants obvious questions, laden with hidden meaning, and if the servant failed to look deeper into the question they were immediately fired, even when they answered correctly. The worst thing a noble could do would be hanging them or failing.

“The west wing you say.” He said while staring directly into her eyes, making her shake even more than before.

“Y-Yes?” She tried to answer, but it came out more as a question. She waited for his response, but it never came, as he continued to stare at her.

She held her head down, unable to meet his eyes and waited anxiously in fear. Did she fail? Was she unworthy to be his maid? What was going to happen to her?!

She could feel her eyes stare at her like sharp daggers. The maid kept her head down, refusing to see the expression on his face, for he surely was displeased with her answer.

The two stood there for a moment, a tense and very stressful moment, before the noble finally seemed to make up his mind, much to her anxiety. She watched as he looked up to the ceiling and let out a deep sigh, making her flinch while doing so, and finally decided to speak.

“Thank you...”

Noticing the red haired man cutting off and understanding what he was trying to hint at, the maid answered quickly. If she wasn’t so frazzled, she would’ve been dumbfounded by a noble thanking a mere servant.

“Iris, my Lord, this humble servant's name is Iris.” She waited for his reply in anticipation, not knowing what he was going to say next. For all she knew this could be another test to see how she would react.

The noble looked at her, causing her already tense body to shake even more than before, before nodding his head in satisfaction. She looked up, using every ounce of braver in her body to do so and was shocked by what she saw.

“Thank you Iris.” He said as a brilliant smile appeared, replacing his always scowling face. The maid blushed, not used to being smiled at by such a handsome man before.

“I will make sure to remember your name if we meet again in the future.”

She watched as he walked out the door, with confidence and elegance that only a noble could have.

“What did he mean by “in the future” surely the meeting with the captain shouldn’t be more than an hour?” She thought to himself in confusion, not understanding why he said that. “Still, I have never met anyone as handsome as him, even the other nobles don't hold a candle compared to him.”

She shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts, a commoner like her should not have with a noble.

 While she was busy daydreaming, another person was also deep in thought.

“This has got to be the way to the exit! I can feel it in my gut!” He was walking down the hall that his instincts told him to follow, with a wide smile on his face.


A hall that leads directly towards the barracks.

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