Alchemist’s Apprentice

Chapter 19: 19. Losing is Winning

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Cathryn gave me a knowing smile as she stated, "That's enough stalling little sister. Let me rephrase all that into one single question, and I want you to answer it."

With her eyes on mine she asked, "Do you like obeying my orders because you know I'll make you do things you already want to but are afraid to try?"

I was still going back and forth in my head over what to do, what to say, whether or not I should try and lie or maybe I could simply stay quiet and refuse to answer. And with all that on my mind I almost didn't notice when someone who sounded a lot like me answered, "Yes mistress alchemist. That's one of the reasons."

My sister's smile became almost predatory as she ordered, "Tell me the other reasons why you enjoy obeying my orders."

With another lurch in my stomach I realized I'd just lost the bet. I was compelled to answer, rather than doing so voluntarily or successfully fighting it. Except Cat didn't seem to know she'd won. She was still asking me questions as if she was trying to trip me up.

My mind raced as I wondered if I could bluff my way out of it. If she didn't know I'd lost then I just had to pretend that last answer was my own choice.

Except I was so focused on those thoughts that once again I almost missed the fact that I was already answering the next question, and my eyes widened as soon as I realized what I was saying. Meanwhile my blush reached all the way up to my hair and down to my chest.

"I enjoy obeying your orders because it excites me," I replied, in a voice that sounded way too calm for the way I was blushing. "When I really stop and think about it, the idea of having to do what you say makes me hot, even though most of the things you tell me to do are boring and mundane. I know sooner or later you'll make me do something erotic, and that's what makes it fun."

By the time I finally stopped talking I was afraid I'd pass out from blood loss, considering how much of it was tied up in my massive blush.

Cat smirked as she continued watching me, "So the idea of being obedient to me makes you excited?"

"Yes," I replied quietly. I was staring down at the floor, still blushing brightly from my hairline down to my boobs.

"And the thought of me ordering you to do erotic things turns you on?" she asked next. Even though I wasn't looking I'd swear her smile got wider.

I nodded and mumbled, "Yes mistress alchemist."

"Good girl," my sister responded with another wide smile. The words still left flutters in my stomach, and helped me feel a little less embarrassed about the whole situation.

After that she was quiet for a couple seconds before finally asking, "Last question cutie. Have you already lost our wager?"

I hesitated for just a moment, before admitting "Yes mistress alchemist, it was three or four questions ago."

"Aww," she gave me a warm smile. "You had to know it was inevitable Val. I wouldn't make a bet like that if I wasn't assured of winning it."

I grimaced, "I thought I had a chance, mistress alchemist."

"Sorry sis," she said in a gentle voice. "Cheer up though, because here comes the fun part."

"Fun part?" I gulped. "For you, or for me?"

Cathryn smiled, "For both of us cutie. I want to test the limits of what that obedience potion can do, but I'll make sure it's fun for you too."

I gulped again but her words left me feeling equal parts nervous and excited.

Without waiting for a response Cat gave me an order, in a firm commanding voice. "From now until we finish breakfast the day after tomorrow, you will let the obedience potion do its thing. You will resist my orders just enough to trigger the potion, then you'll allow it to control you."

My eyes widened as I stared up at her, unsure how to even respond to that. A half second later I felt...something. And I realized the obedience thing just kicked in. That and the knowledge that it was going to stay active for the next day and a half left me a little anxious, but at the same time I couldn't hide how excited it made me.

I gulped, "You could have won the bet at any time, just by ordering that! Whether I chose to obey it or not, the very next order would activate the effect and I'd have lost!"

My sister shook her head, "Not true. You could always try and resist the order. You still can, if you really don't want to do something. Plus that one felt a bit like a cheat which is why I didn't use it until after you lost."

"Anyways back to the fun stuff," she added as her smirk returned. She was still grinning as she ordered, "Mistress alchemist is too much of a mouthful, so from now on you will address me as 'mistress'."

The words came out almost on their own as I replied, "Yes mistress."

She was still grinning as she hitched up her skirt and spread her legs, revealing the large cock that was currently hanging down limp. She ordered, "Come closer, bring the towel. Kneel between my legs."

I licked my lips as I quickly moved into position, and as soon as I was looking up at her from between her knees Cat continued with two more orders. "Hands behind your back until I say otherwise. Using only your mouth, get me hard and make me come."

"Yes mistress," I replied with a grin as I leaned closer.

That was exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for when we made our bet, and even though I'd already lost I was still excited. In fact I was probably more excited than usual, knowing that I'd already lost and now I had no choice but to obey her for the next day and a half.

I started by giving her soft member a few kisses up and down its length. That got a stir out of her, and she slowly began to grow hard. I kissed it some more, and also planted a few kisses on her inner thighs.

As her shaft continued to swell and harden I leaned closer, and gave her a lick. I started lower, at the bottom of her labia. My tongue slowly dragged upwards along her folds, over her clit, then up the length of her still-hardening cock. When I reached the tip I gave it another kiss then took it into my mouth and swirled my tongue around the head.

Cat had been quiet up till that point, but I got a response from her right then. She gasped quietly then made a soft "Mmmm" sound, which made me happy.

I wrapped my tongue around the head again, then pulled back and let her cock slip out of my mouth with a little 'pop' sound. It was fully erect now, standing up tall and proud between my sister's pretty legs. I grinned and started kissing it again, from the base up to the tip, and when I got to the top I was rewarded with a dribble of pre.

As soon as I noticed that musty heady scent my body reacted with a little shiver. I was already excited, but my thick pink nipples grew hard while my pussy started feeling warm and wet.

I quickly resumed my worship of my sister's cock, alternating between kissing and licking up and down the shaft. Soon the whole length was slick with a combination of my saliva and her pre.

"Enough foreplay Val," Cat ordered. "Make me come."

"Yes mistress," I cooed, then licked up the length of her cock again from the base to the tip. I took as much into my mouth as I could, and between my lips and my tongue I did my best to stimulate her while my head bobbed up and down.

It would have been easier if I could use my hands, I longed to wrap one around her shaft so I could pump it. Or to slide a few fingers into her beautiful slit. I was also desperate for some stimulation myself, my own pussy ached for attention, as did my nipples. But my hands were stuck behind my back due to Cathryn's earlier order, so they may as well have been secured in iron shackles.

Fortunately I was skilled enough with my lips and tongue that it didn't take much longer to give Cathryn what she wanted, even without use of my hands. Soon I could tell by how her muscles were all starting to tense that she was close. My lips sealed around the shaft while my tongue teased and massaged the tip. I alternated between that and bobbing my head up and down along her length, taking her as deep as I could without gagging.

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Then her ass clenched and the muscles in her groin spasmed. Her cock twitched in my mouth and the first surge of her come hit the back of my throat.

I swallowed what I could, but by the third spurt I had to pull back to stop from choking. A few more blasts of hot white sticky ropes painted my face, while my sister groaned softly in satisfaction.

"Good girl," she sighed. "Now lick it clean."

"Yes mistress," I responded with a smile. I licked my lips first, then took her into my mouth again and sucked the tip clean, before licking the rest of her.

When I finished Cat ordered, "Clean yourself up then get me another cup of wine."

"You may use your hands again now," she added with a smirk.

I nodded as I got up, "Thank you mistress."

The towel I'd been kneeling over was still more or less clean so I used that to clean my face, then refilled her cup with wine. I was still pretty horny, my nipples were rock-hard and my labia slick with arousal.

I really wanted to take care of those needs, or even better maybe she'd do it, but I wasn't sure how strict she was going to be. I figured it couldn't hurt to ask though.

"Here you go mistress," I said as I handed her the wine. Then with a very unsubtle glance at her beautiful shaft I asked, "Maybe after you've enjoyed the wine, you'd like to enjoy me?"

She raised an eyebrow as she had a gulp of wine, then responded "Perhaps later. For now..."

Her tone shifted as she ordered, "Back on your knees Val, masturbate for me. I'll tell you when you can stop."

"Yes mistress," I gulped as I sank down onto the towel again.

My knees were spread wide and I made sure I was positioned so my sister had a good view, then to start with I cupped both my big boobs and started massaging and kneading them. My fingers brushed over my erect nipples, then I started rubbing and gently pinching them as little gasps and moans escaped my lips.

Cathryn smiled as she watched, then after another sip of wine she commanded "Remember you can't stop until I say. And you also cannot come until I give you permission."

"But..." my eyes widened. Then I felt the potion take control again and I gulped, "Yes mistress."

I continued to play with my sensitive boobs and nipples for a while longer, and honestly I wasn't too worried about Cat's orders at first. I figured I could just treat it like cultivation practise, and I had lots of experience at that.

Unfortunately it didn't take long for me to figure out how wrong I was. Because I wasn't working on my cultivation. She ordered me to masturbate, so that's what I was doing. I couldn't focus on cultivation or my core or trying to move mana around. All I could think about was giving myself pleasure and how much I wanted to come.

Soon I had one hand between my legs, a couple fingers sliding in and out of my drenched pussy while my thumb circled and rubbed my clit. My other hand was still at my chest, pinching and tugging at my nipples. Considering I was already a bit wound up to begin with, it didn't take long for my body to start to tense, but that wonderful blessed release was always just out of reach.

No matter how hard I tried, no matter how close I got, I was unable to get past the edge. It wasn't even like I was trying to hold back, it was like the potion and her order had somehow left me unable to come.

I stole a glance up at my sister, and realized she was pumping her big beautiful cock as she watched me. Our eyes met and she smirked, "Doing ok there Val?"

"Hhnnnng," was the most eloquent reply I could manage.

Cat's grin faltered slightly as she brought herself over the edge. Her muscles tensed and her shaft twitched. She had it angled my way, and sure enough several long hot white ropes landed on my face and my boobs.

I knew she was taunting me, and I had a good idea what she wanted. And at that point I couldn't resist. I groaned again as I begged, "Please mistress, I need it! Please!"

"What is it Val?" she asked, playing innocent. "What do you need cutie?"

By that point I had three fingers of my right hand as deep in my pussy as I could reach, while the fingers of my left hand were rubbing and flicking my engorged clit.

"Please mistress!" I begged again. My voice was louder, more desperate now. "Let me come! I need to come! Please!"

"Oh that," Cathryn replied in that same innocent voice, as if she had no idea what was wrong. "No. But you can stop masturbating now cutie. And as soon as you're able to stand, get started preparing our dinner."

"Haaaaaahhhhhhh," I let out a long moan of frustration.

Even with her permission it was hard to stop, I was so desperate for release. I had to force my hands to my sides, then I slumped back and lay on the floor for the next ten or twelve minutes as I tried to will my body to relax and unwind.

I followed her orders though, and eventually got to my feet. My hands still shook and I felt like my body was on a hair-trigger. As I prepared dinner I'd absently brush my fingers against my nipples or pussy, still desperate for release but unable to orgasm.

Dinner ended up being a little overcooked and I spilled a bit due to my shaking hands, but Cathryn seemed to find the meal highly entertaining regardless. After we both finished eating she had me do all the cleaning.

When all of that was finished she gave me a slightly evil smirk then ordered, "Back on your knees again Valeria. Masturbate for me, until I say stop."

"But...yes mistress," I whimpered.

I was still wound up from before dinner, and it only took me a minute or two before I was begging her to let me come. And this time she was merciful.

Cathryn grinned, "All right cutie. You've been a very good girl, so you may come now."

My mind went blank, the floodgates opened up, and I may have seen the gods themselves. My orgasm shook me right down to my soul. Cultivation practise had nothing on the earth-shattering mind-blowing sensations that tore through me in that moment.

By the time it was over I lay sprawled on the floor. My body was sweaty, sticky, and completely limp. All my muscles were like jelly, and my brain wasn't much better. And the only thought to cross my mind was I still had more than another entire day of this ahead of me.

Needless to say, there was a wide, sloppy, blissful smile on my face as I finally passed out.

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