Alchemist’s Apprentice

Chapter 20: 20. Naughty, But Good

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When I woke the following morning I was in bed, cuddled up in front of my big sister. Like usual her arms were wrapped around just below my boobs, while I could feel her chest against my back and her cock against my behind and lower back.

I figured she must have picked me up and carried me into bed, since the last thing I could remember was passing out on the floor next to the table after she finally gave me permission to orgasm after dinner. Those memories sent a happy little flutter through me, and I couldn't help smiling to myself.

Cathryn had already woken up, and she seemed to know that I was awake now too. She whispered in my ear, "Good morning cutie. How are you feeling after last night's fun?"

I was positive she could hear the smile in my voice as I replied just as softly, "Good morning mistress. I feel good thanks. Last night was..."

I hesitated briefly as I tried to find the right words. "Last night was hot, and fun."

She giggled quietly, "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. And we still have all day today, and tomorrow morning until after breakfast to go."

That sent another flutter of nervous excitement through me, and I nodded "Yes mistress."

Her hands shifted to cup and squeeze my boobs, but it wasn't hard to guess that they were full again. By this point it was pretty much part of our daily routine, I needed milking first thing every morning. In light of our bet though, it wasn't much of a surprise that she decided that we'd do things differently this morning.

"Go and fetch an empty bottle Val," she whispered in my ear. "Then kneel next to the bed where I can see you. I want to watch you milk yourself this time."

Even though I kind of expected it I still pouted slightly as I replied, "Yes mistress."

I slipped out of bed and went and fetched an empty bottle, then when I got back to the bedroom I set down another towel to kneel on. I was so used to having Val take care of the milking for me that it took me a bit of fumbling before I got the hang of it again. And even if it didn't feel as good as when she did it, it still felt pretty damn good as I pinched and tugged at my fat nipples while massaging and squeezing my heavy swollen boobs.

And through it all, Val lay relaxing in bed, head on the pillow and a smile on her face as she watched me gasp and moan as I slowly filled the bottle with my rich creamy milk.

By the time I was finished I was dripping wet with arousal again, and as much as I hoped my big sister would want to have some fun with me there was another thought that popped up as I remained kneeling on the floor with the fresh warm bottle of milk in my hand. I gave the bottle a nervous look, then looked up at my sister.

It obviously wasn't hard to guess what I was thinking. She smiled, "You're wondering if I'm going to order you to have a drink?"

"Yes mistress," I nodded.

Cat rolled her eyes, "After everything else you've had in your mouth since we started working together, it does seem incredibly silly that you're still scared to taste your own milk cutie. But I know you've got some silly hang-up about it, so I'm not going to make it an order. It'd make me happy to see you drink some, but it's up to you cutie."

"I'm not scared of it," I mumbled. "It's just the last weird line I haven't crossed yet. Anyways, so is this a test or something? Or what you do with me the rest of the day depends on what I decide now?"

"Not at all," she promised. "Whatever you decide to do now won't make any difference to the rest of your day."

That somehow made it feel worse than if she'd just ordered me to do it, and it took me a few moments to figure out why. The answer wasn't that hard to find though, it was basically the same reason I enjoyed being under her control in the first place. It was just another thing I kind of wanted to do anyways, but because I'd made a fuss about it in the past I felt like I couldn't do it now, so I was hoping she'd make it an order and push me past the silly hang-up.

Knowing she wasn't going to do that meant I actually had to make a choice, and while that wasn't exactly scary it did feel a bit too much like a responsibility or a burden.

My sister was still looking at me expectantly, and I finally blushed and admitted "I don't want to choose. I'd rather you picked and just told me what to do."

"Then put it aside and start getting our breakfast ready," she ordered. "I'll join you in a moment."

"Yes mistress," I replied as I got up.

Even though she already said she wouldn't make me drink it I couldn't help feel disappointed she kept her word. I knew it had to be a test or something though, or maybe she was just making a point. Either way I set the bottle aside and got started preparing a simple breakfast of oatmeal. Cathryn joined me and took her seat as I served up the food, then I joined her at the table and ate quietly with her.

As we ate I asked, "What are our plans for today, mistress? Do you have anything special in mind for me?"

She smiled slightly, and in a commanding tone she responded "You are still not allowed to wear any clothing of any kind. You'll take care of all your normal chores this morning, and as usual join me in my workshop at noon."

"Yes mistress," I replied.

I was a little surprised she was going easy on me again, but it turned out she wasn't finished with the orders yet. It also turned out she was still interested in testing the limits of the obedience potion, and had some interesting ideas on how to go about doing that.

"In addition," she ordered, "I want you to stay so arroused you're practically dripping wet until I say otherwise. However, you're not allowed to touch yourself and you're not allowed to come, until I say differently."

I blinked in surprise at her, and I was just about to ask how that was supposed to work when I felt the potion kick in and got my answer. My imagination started going, and very quickly it was hard to think of anything other than sex. I pictured Cat bending me over the table and fucking me after breakfast, I imagined fingering myself while I did the dishes, and I thought about her big gorgeous cock in my mouth as I swept the floors.

I barely noticed when she headed downstairs to her workshop, my mind was so preoccupied with thoughts and images of sex. I was desperately horny but couldn't touch myself, so all I could do was imagine touching myself. Or imagine her touching me instead. Either way it didn't actually help, it just made me more horny, which fed back into the problem again.

While I did laundry I tried to come up with work-arounds, like maybe I could accidentally splash water on myself so I'd have to rub it off. Except whether there was an excuse or not I still wasn't allowed to touch myself so none of my clever ideas actually helped.

By the time it got close to noon I'd figured out I could stimulate myself without touching, by squeezing my thighs together then flexing my inner muscles. Except I still couldn't come, so instead of helping that just got me more frustrated and needy.

When I couldn't take it anymore I hurried into Cathryn's workshop, despite being a half hour early for my duties there. My hands were clenching and unclenching in fists as I desperately needed to touch myself but couldn't. I kneeled on the floor next to her and begged, "Please fuck me! I need sex, I need to come! I'll do anything mistress!"

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She looked mildly surprised and also slightly amused as her eyes traced up and down over me, taking in my rock-hard nipples and dripping wet labia. Then she raised an eyebrow and asked, "Anything, you say?"

"Yes mistress!" I nodded eagerly. "Anything at all! Just please fuck me, fill me, make me come! Please, I need it so much!"

Cat smirked, and for a moment I thought she was going to refuse. But to my immense relief she agreed, "All right cutie. Not in here though, let's go up to the bedroom."

I practically ran up the stairs then waited impatiently for her to catch up. When she finally came into the bedroom I hurried onto one of the beds and onto all fours, then wiggled my behind at her as I gave her the most pleading, eager look I could manage.

"Good girl," she smiled as she moved into position behind me.

Her first thrust was like heaven, and it just got better from there as she pumped in and out of me in fast hard strokes. I moaned, and yelled, I screamed in pleasure. My boobs were bouncing and jiggling as I pushed back on her every time she thrust forward, and it didn't take long before I felt my orgasm building.

Then I felt my sister twitch and shudder as she painted my insides white. That was more than enough to push me over the edge too, except I still couldn't come. She hadn't given me permission.

So I kept moaning and gasping as she continued pounding me, and it wasn't till I found the words to beg that she finally gave the order, "Ok Val, now you can come."

It wasn't quite as mind-breaking as the orgasm last night, but it was pretty damn close. I let out a long, loud scream of pure ecstasy as my whole body went rigid and my eyes rolled back. My mind went blank as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through me, until it was finally over and I slumped down onto the bed. I didn't pass out, but it was a while before I was ready to move or talk again.

Cathryn sat down next to me as I lay there slowly recovering and gently ran a hand through my hair. She gave me a kind smile and in a quiet voice said, "You're a very good girl Valeria. I'm proud of you, you've done really well. I hope you've had as much fun as I have, but I think this game has gone on long enough. So I'm going to end things early, ok cutie?"

"Nnnngh," I mumbled.

She smiled and caressed my cheek as I continued slowly recovering. When I was finally able to sit up a few minutes later she stated softly, "All the orders I've given you since our wager began are now rescinded."

"Aww," I pouted. "It was just getting good."

Cat stifled a giggle, "Well maybe we can do it again sometime. You take it easy for now, and when you're feeling up to it come downstairs and join me in the workshop."

"Yes mistress," I grumbled. The tired grin on my face was enough to let my sister know I wasn't actually upset or anything.

She shook her head and smiled as she got to her feet, "Good girl. Naughty, but good."

I just smiled as I watched my sister head out of the bedroom. I probably could have got up and followed her immediately, but since she said I could take time to finish recovering I did just that. Not that I wanted to be too lazy or take advantage of her kindness, but I relaxed another half hour or so before I finally got up and made my way down to the workshop. And even though I could have, I didn't bother putting any clothes on.

"Hey Val," Cat greeted me. "Bring the stool over and have a seat. I want to ask you some questions ok?"

"Sure?" I shrugged.

She got out some parchment and prepared to take notes while I sat down and got comfortable. Then she started asking me questions about my experiences over the last day and a half. Mostly she was asking what it felt like when the obedience potion kicked in, and how the different commands she gave me manifested.

"Didn't you say you've experienced that potion yourself?" I asked. "Don't you already know this stuff?"

Cathryn shrugged, "I spent a few days under my roommate's control back at the academy, but she never really pushed me that hard. And I maybe didn't try to resist all that much either."

That made me grin, but I went ahead and answered her questions while she jotted down various notes and ideas she had. It turned out the parts she was most interested in were from last night when she wouldn't let me orgasm, and this morning when she had me get super horny.

The first one seemed pretty straightforward to me, but the second one was apparently really interesting for her. I realized she had no idea how that would work or if it would work, and she was fascinated to hear how it manifested.

After I finished describing what it was like, I asked "Was there a point to all this? I mean, can you use this information in some way? Or was this just for your own naughty curiosity? Or maybe you're going to use this knowledge to come up with more horny ideas to use on me in the future?"

"Why can't it be all of the above?" Cat asked with a grin. Then she got a little more serious and explained, "Honestly Val, some of this stuff they don't teach. Or maybe they teach it in year four or five? Even though I know how to brew all these potions, there's some nuances and information I don't have. So I have to figure it out for myself, and I really appreciate you helping me."

She added, "As for whether or not I can use it, we'll see? It's possible as I learn more about these things, I could tweak the way the potion's made. Maybe I could make it more efficient or more precise? Maybe not, but either way the first step is learning more about it."

"Ok Cat," I smiled. "I'm glad I was able to help. And if you need my help again with this stuff, just ask. It was honestly a lot of fun."

She grinned back, "I'll keep it in mind. And don't forget, you owe me. You promised me 'anything I wanted' in return for some sex, remember?"

That left me blushing but grinning, "I remember. And I can't wait till you decide to cash that in."

"Naughty girl," she laughed as she rolled her eyes. "Anyways, let's get on with some actual alchemy work."

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