
Chapter 14: First mission, Part 7

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In terms of intellectual capacity, we were always considered equal. And with the use of spiritual energy, the physical boundary between our two genders no longer existed. However, if there was one thing that differentiated us. It was the basis of our personalities. Lyanna was the kind of person who would think and then made the decision she wanted to make. My thought pattern was different. I always looked for the most optimal decision. To be honest, the plan for Aldrick's death was entirely my idea, down to the last detail. Lyanna, on the other hand, was not in favor of me putting myself in danger. She was against the plan, even though she followed me and supported me throughout the adjustments. Our differences allowed us to complement each other. So I knew she had already made her decision.

("So? what do you want to do?") 

I sighed at my sister's determination.

"How many are alive inside?" 

("Two heretics.")

"Putting ourselves in danger for just two heretics..." 

("That's what I want to do.") 

Lyanna reaffirmed her conviction. But her stiff shoulders betrayed the confidence she was trying to show. I noticed but preferred not to mention it

"How many guards are inside?"


Just two, we should be able to deal with them if they're first-class adepts. The surprise effect can be useful too. But...

"I think..."

("We could have been in their shoes") Lyanna replied, cutting me off.

It was a simple answer, but one that had a real effect. 


I grabbed my dagger firmly and walked past my sister, taking the lead. I walked at a brisk pace as I approached the warehouse. Lyanna followed closely behind, watching her surroundings. She was ready to react at the first sign of danger. Neither of us activated his myndo, to remain undetected. I lightly pushed open the large warehouse door. The door creaked with a high-pitched noise, startling us. We looked at each other as our cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"At the first sign of danger, we run. " 


We entered the premises and a strong smell hit us. The stench in the warehouse was so bad that it was difficult to breathe. Instinctively, we put our hands to our noses.

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"What's that awful smell?"  I muttered, trying to find my way into the darkness. 

The warehouse was a large building made of wood. The interior was lit by lanterns placed on boxes stored here and there. There were also materials and fertilizer in the corners, but nothing more. Nothing warranted such a smell. Lyanna took my hand and pointed to the wall at the back before heading toward it. By controlling the wild rat, she had been able to analyze the interior of the warehouse long before. The wall looked quite normal but both of us could feel a faint spiritual energy emanating from it. Our senses had become so heightened that Orion was surprised during our training. By circulating the spiritual energy through our bodies, each of our usual sensations was boosted, whether it was our hearing, smelling, seeing, or touching. It took us two weeks to get used to it. 

Naturally, we felt that the wall in front of us was not real. However, we could touch it like any other wall. I detected a specific spiritual energy trail that ran along the wall to a small hole a few meters from my position. I placed myself underneath it. The concentration of spiritual energy was greater there.

"How do we open it?" I asked, pointing to the hole.

("From what I've seen. We have to inject spiritual energy into it") Lyanna replied and was about to do so. But I stopped her before surrounding my finger with energy. I hesitated for a moment and stuck my index finger into the hole.


There was a faint sound and the solid wall in front of us became more blurred and less material. I took a step back, keeping my guard up.  Within half a second, I felt a threatening spiritual energy coming towards us. 


I yelled at Lyanna before charging my legs with energy and leaping to the side. 


A beam of energy passed right where we were, digging into the ground behind us. A second wall rose in front of the exit in an instant cutting off any possibility of escape. As the first wall dissipated, a leg broke through, and then an arm before a head appeared and a whole body. A frail man stood before us. He wore a simple green shirt with holes in several places and shabby brown trousers over battered shoes. Beyond even his clothes, his physical appearance was sloppy. He must have been in his early twenties but his greasy, pimply skin made him look a few years older. He had dirty brown hair and a few hairs on his cheeks instead of a beard. Lyanna and I were about three meters away from him but could smell the alcohol on him.

 "What the hell are you brats doing here? Hic... Ahh don't bother answering, I'll just kill you," the man said in a hoarse voice as he looked at the children in turn. 

He activated his myndo and his body was surrounded by a yellowish glow. Lyanna and I both felt a shiver run down our spines.


I grabbed both knees and couldn't help but vomit the contents of my stomach. Lyanna took two or three steps backward.

"I'm scaring you, aren't I? Hahaha" laughed the ugly man, both hands holding his ribs, chest out.

He kept laughing but he had no idea that we were not paying any attention to him. What frightened us was not the man standing in front of us but what lay behind him. It was a vision of horror, something I was not prepared for. In front of us was a small space about a quarter the size of the warehouse. There were tables with saws, cleavers, bloody knives, and barrels in the back. An extreme stench was emanating from them. The filthy floor was strewn with bits of meat, and rats were running around and feeding on them. And above their heads, a few centimeters from the ground hung the source of their feast. Dozens of bodies were suspended in the air and hanging from hooks connected to the ceiling. Their skin and eyes were torn away, and their limbs mutilated. Their blood was collected in tanks beside them. The wind blew through a window above us, making the bodies shake with a cynical creak. In the middle of this disgusting scene was a table with several empty and opened bottles of alcohol. A sort of trapdoor lay just behind it.

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