
Chapter 30: Training session, Part 4

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POV (Mira)

Racus moved through the air like a leaf on the wind.  The energy emanating from his body was weak, far too weak to keep him several meters above the ground. Moreover, his myndo should not allow such a feat. My gaze turned instead to Milmo standing several feet away. He had his arm raised toward Racus, who was slowly moving toward him. His thick hand was surrounded by a whitish glow. "A gravitational myndo hum ...".On the other side, the Ornas remained motionless ; the red energy balls continued to swirl around its back.

Racus' fight was rather impressive but nothing more. His enemy or opponent did not show any convincing damage and I must admit that I am somewhat disappointed.

"His myndo seems to be quite energy consuming ," I said to Rinne, who was still taking notes. He was looking at several fights at once and nodding his head at times. I tried to look at his notebook but his writing was just indecipherable, a torture for the eyes. Jeez how can you be so smart and write so badly!

"Good point. In terms of speed, Racus is much faster than us..."

"However, he lacks power and endurance. On open ground and against a tough opponent, his chances of victory are slim. He might be better at assassination or theft missions, but even there his cards would be limited. For a third class, he's pretty weak," I added.

"That's right. Except for his speed, he is not very dangerous" he answered casually. I didn't feel any disdain in his voice, let alone contempt. It was just a cold analysis of the situation.

"But what you can't have on your own, others can give it to you", he added, pointing at Pleya, crouching with both hands on the ground.  Her presence had completely slipped my mind. Her face was beaded with sweat and her eyes showed signs of great fatigue. Her spiritual energy was waning as it dropped from her hands to the ground.

"The real battle begins," Rinne proclaimed in a calm voice, still taking notes.


A huge noise was heard.

"What the?" I said , losing my balance slightly.

 The ground cracked and split for several yards around the area surrounding the three bloodhounds and the Ornas. The earth began to shake violently. And in a few minutes, the fine sand of the desert dissipated before us.  Huge stone ramparts sprang up from the ground surrounding the three bloodhounds and their opponent. Columns of stone began to emerge  and the desert was slowly transformed into a kind of stone forest.

I activated my myndo and created a glass platform to lift Rinne and me above the ground. We looked inside the stone prison and the fight had already begun. Pleya lay unconscious several feet away from her partners as they fought the monster. I could not feel any energy in her anymore. She was completely drained.

"Impressive isn't it?" said Rinne with a smile at the corner of his lips.


 The confrontation between Ornas, Milmo and Racus was raging and had moved to a whole new dimension.


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The sounds of explosions grew louder as Milmo's giant axe came down again and again. Several columns of stone collapsed as his blows became more and more violent. The Ornas barely escaped, retaliating with his energy balls, but Milmo skillfully evaded by using his myndo on himself. His technique was simple; to escape he made himself lighter and to attack he increased the gravity on his body making his blows much more powerful. It was basic but devilishly effective. I liked it.

On the other side, Racus had regained some strength and was now in a real kindergarten for him. Although his leg was wounded, he had gone on a mad dash, disappearing behind the stone columns, leaning on them, taking advantage of any blind spot before striking. Unlike earlier, his blows were no longer aimed at the rough scales of the Ornas, but rather at directing the monster toward Milmo. It was a finely tuned team effort and the monster was cornered. His instincts could no longer follow the movements of the two and the damage was beginning to show.

Suddenly, Racus appeared to the right of the Ornas, forcing him to move to his left, narrowly avoiding the sword blade that was about to cut its head. The monster found itself with its back to a stone column that split in two under the attack of Milmo, hiding behind it. The bloodhound's axe cut through the rock and sliced through the Ornas' arm.


The monster let out a shrill cry of pain before falling to the ground and wriggling like a wounded child. Undaunted, Milmo raised his axe high, ready to finish it off, but suddenly the balls of energy around the Ornas changed shape. They turned into thick red threads and began to lacerate the ground. Racus quickly stepped back as Milmo rose into the air. The red wires swirled around, growing in size and thickness, ravaging the stone columns around them. Debris rained down on the ground, creating a thud. In this scene of chaos, Racus moved, avoiding the rocks and keeping a distance from the Ornas. Milmo, whose body was enveloped in energy, hovered above the ground. This was it, the climax of the fight.

Milmo's energy exploded as his huge body hurtled toward the ground at great speed. I couldn't tell how much he had increased his gravity, but I could already sense the enormous damage this attack would do. Sensing the danger, the Ornas turned to Milmo. The thick threads of energy converged in an instant, forming a thick net over the monster. Milmo's huge axe, split the sky and came crashing down on the barrier.

A huge shockwave emerged on contact, devastating everything in its path. The ramparts gave way and a cloud of dust rose to the sky.

"Shit, he missed it," I say, standing on the glass platform.

The ground had cracked under the monster's feet, driving it into the earth, but the thick red threads of energy had managed to protect it.

"It's not over," Rinne replied with a devilish smile on his face.

"what ?"

Suddenly Milmo's energy dissipated from his body and transferred to the monster's.

"A feint ..."

Racus appeared out of nowhere at the back of Ornas. The latter, weighed down, could not react and slowly turned his head towards him. 


Racus's blade sliced through the monster's head with one blow.


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