
Chapter 31: Mira vs Lyanna, Part 1

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Mira vs Lyanna

The monster's head came off its body and fell to the ground, rolling for several meters before stopping against a rock.  The fight was over. The synchronisation they showed in the last attack was remarkable. If each of them had faced the Ornas alone, they would have all been dead without a doubt but their teamwork made the difference.

"First Racus took on the task of distracting Ornas to allow Pleya to set the stage. Milmo stayed behind in case things got complicated. When the playing field was ready, Milmo took over the main offensive role with his striking power while Racus acted as a support. The injury was probably not planned, but everything else was," I said to a satisfied-looking Rinne who was filling out his notebook.

"Milmo is powerful, but his movements are wide and clumsy considering his build.  Racus has mobility but little stamina and power. Pleya is not good at anything offensive but is perfect for support. Each of them finds what they lack in the others. Therefore, teamwork is necessary." he answered with a smile.

"At first, it was difficult to get them to work together. Mistrust, pride and vanity prevented them from seeing the value of each others. But by pushing them to work together, they created a chemistry." added Rinne who sat on the edge of the glass platform.

"Maybe, they didn't feel like listening to orders from a kid younger than them..."

"Hahaha yeah that's possible... But they quickly understood their weaknesses and how to overcome them. Possessing a myndo seems like something exceptional and unique in some way. But in reality, we are all limited by the nature of our powers."

"That's right. We are constrained by what the Five Spirit Beasts gave us as power."


Rinne put his notebook in his pocket and quietly observed the other battles that were coming to an end. There were many wounded here and there, the area had turned into a kind of battlefield, a real carnage but no deaths. The cries of joy and satisfaction were quickly mixed with the groans of pain. Some were congratulating themselves on their performance and others were arguing about the mistakes they had made. You had to be completely crazy to do such a workout, but none of them looked "normal".

"So what do you think?" asked Rinne turning to me. His words pulled me out of the torrent of thoughts that were building up in my head.

"It's impressive, really impressive," I answered sincerely. "But I have a question Rinne."


"What are you really going to do with them?" I said looking at him.

His golden eyes looked into mine and I felt a slight pressure on my shoulders. He had a smile but his eyes were quite cold. Rinne could switch from a warm and funny boy to a cold and calculating man in an instant. It was as if two completely different people were living in the same body. At times, it was disturbing...

"I have some plans but nothing definite yet. As I told you, they follow me of their own will, therefore they are responsible for their choices." he answered in an evasive way before jumping from the platform. He fell, hands in pockets, over twenty meters high before landing gently on the ground. It could hardly be more arrogant....

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I followed him as he made his way to the first bloodhounds, including Milmo and Racus. He bent over each of them and tended to them. Their eyes widened each time as their wounds closed. The various trainings continued for about an hour or two with a few duels here and there. The midday sun was high in the sky and the desert heat was hard to bear. The children present on the spot took shelter under tents while the adults had gathered. They listened religiously to the debriefing of Rinne who gave them in turn indications on their performances. When he finished his work, he walked towards me with a casual look as the group started to separate. It would take them some time to get back to town, but they all looked both satisfied and thoughtful.

"So? Ready?" Rinne said, stretching slightly.

"I was getting impatient..." I replied as I adjusted my gear.

I was taking my sword out of its sheath when suddenly a portal opened between Rinne and me.


With a leap backward, I narrowly dodged Lya's scythe, which crashed where I was standing.

"What the hell, Lya?" I shouted, my voice tinged with surprise and displeasure.

("I'm bored...") she replied nonchalantly as she popped out of the gate.

I wasn't supposed to do that, but her demeanor got on my nerves. I took three meters of distance and raised my sword.

"In that case, let me distract you for a bit..."

("Kukuku you think you can do it ?")

"Alright, you're fucking dead..."



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