
Chapter 1: Chapter One : Lady Medusa

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       Being an agile female sometimes has its disadvantages. It means someone especially men always underestimates your abilities and takes things for granted. No matter how many years have changed men has always been the superior sex compared to female. Maybe that's one of many reasons women in this society study harder and work even harder than most men to find a chance to survive in this most competitive world where everything is ruled by men.

      Now for the advantages, women have been the most powerful human being if you look at them very carefully. They don't usually give up so easily without fighting to change their view of this world. Most men tended to look down upon women thinking that we are useless just because we have small bodies and physical and that's their mistake to think like that. They also expected us, the women to do anything they said but she is not one of these women because she become an impossible human.

       She becomes the most ruthless and cold-blooded female assassin that ever existed just to prove they are wrong about a female being fragile.  Well, that's just one of the reasons why she becomes an assassin. Smooth and seductive is her style when catching her dear prey. It's impossible to kill a man with bare hands but very few are skillful to do it very well.

       Even a highly trained Judo expert will hesitate to risk killing by hand unless he has no alternative. However, simple local tools are often the most efficient means of assassination. Can you believe that using just one small freaking pencil could kill you instantly?

        She was knowns as " Lady  Medusa " just because most of her prey is men who are rapists and males who allowed violence, sexism, and misogyny to society. She has one simple brief. That was she doesn't like to waste time and she is a very creative person especially when it involved her prey. she doesn't like simple things. Lady Medusa like to strike fear into ancient hearts because she was both deceptively beautiful and hideously ugly. Many of her dear prey don't' really look at her eyes because she represented a churning pit of bottomless hunger. One glimpse of her can turn your faith into dust and ash.

       Simple means bored and not just her thing. That's why she always learns something new when it's about her dear prey. She does take pride and enjoys killing prey because it gives her the pleasure of seeing their last expression of powerless and weakly on the brink of death. She liked the feeling of it.

     Just thinking of their hopeless face brings a euphoric feeling to her. She is a mortal danger to all men. She is beautiful without knowing and possesses charms that she's even aware of. She is like a trap set by nature- a sweet perfumed rose in whose petals Cupid lurks in ambush! Anyone who has seen her smile has known perfection. She instills grace in every common thing and divinity in every careless gesture.

       She adjusted her black leather glove, ensuring that they sat fit perfectly in each indent between her fingers. She turned towards her prey.  The man is somewhat too tall for his build and severe-looking blonde man. He lay there quietly on the floor with his tied hands and bandage on his mouth while she thought of a surprise just for him only. She circled the barren room looking for inspiration but she ended up with nothing. 

   "Well, I could just kill him with old fashion style. Just severed his sight out, cut his throat down, and burn his corpse to ashes, she thought.

     The blonde man started to wake up and open his eyes only to find out he is in a dirty barren house. His hand has been tied tightly and he can't move his move properly. His eyes were wide when he realized that he has been kidnapped by somebody. The man turned his head around and instantly met his kidnapper's face. A crimson grin smiled back at him. His wide eyes trembled in fear as she walked toward him wearing her infamous dimpled smile on both cheeks. Don't let the innocent smile fool you. She wore a smile like a loaded gun. Her smile is proof of well she handles her demons.

    "Surprise! happy to see me again? Lady Medusa happily shouted at him. She smiled softly but this time it was different. Her face smiled but her eyes didn't. Seeing her cheerful expression left him speechless and confused.  Just looking at her grinning face sent a chill up her spine. He started to shake involuntarily in fear as she come and then kneeled on the knee looking him straight in the eyes with cold fury.

   "I said didn't you happy to see me again, you little coward'. She whispered under his ear as she aggressively takes off the bandages out from his mouth. His mouth started to bleed because the force was so strong.

   "How do you find me? he mumbled quietly. His voice was hoarse and raspy probably because he has been drugged and fainted for a day before he woke up. 

    It's not that hard to find you, Mr. Opheus Night. That's true. It takes her two days to design the perfect plan for this Orpheus man. At first, she was having trouble finding him and was impressed at this man's ability to hide out there from her but he did one grave mistake. He blows out his identity just because of drunkenness. It was stupid and hilarious at the same time.

     "Lady Medusa, please me explain. He then pleaded for his innocence. She was silenced just for seconds before smirking at him and then making a motion for him to continue to talk.

     "Look, it's not my fault that you have been fired from The Empire when they find someone--- 

      She instantly shut him off by slapping him with her open left hand full across the face. She sat up kicked his head away and hit him again with her left leg on the ribs where the sternum ends. It probably paralyzed his diaphragm. The kick was so strong that sent him away and pitched forward onto the wall. He tried to ignore the pain and tried to wake up but before he have the chance to do that,  She then pulled him up. Still holding his hair in one hand, she broke his ugly nose by launching a light punch into his frog face. She dropped him as he tried to attack him but he has no strength left to fight back.

      She should've anticipated his betrayal since The Organization started to adore her over him over the last couple of months. She knew she will become the most highly recommended heiress to the throne and will become the next council elite member that will someday lead The Empire's action in the future. She knew that someone will jealous because of her achievements and will attempt to kill her but she never thought that someone is a person who was like a mentor, close friend, and brother to her. It's true words when people said that the saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your true enemy.

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      "How dare you sold me out? Do you think just because I show you kindness and kind treatment I will bend to your every whim? How undeniably stupid of you to even think you have me at your back and call." She stalked towards her prey, a cruel smile casting a predatory gleam upon her features. 

      "Didn't you forget who I am? Did you guys think that I had been tamed to give you people my all? How foolish of you to be forgetful of what lurks underneath my skin. My veins burn within hellfires and chaos. I promise I will hunt The Empire every single member that dares to betray me. 

   Mr. Opheus Night's heart was pounding hard in his chest. He tried to shrink away from her as soon as possible but he couldn't and the chill he felt couldn't stop coming. He was shaking in fear and felt terrible pain as if someone just sit his skin layer by layer as he see her walking with a gun in her hand and her violent dark eyes that set him in panic mode.  He with all the strength that he has left tried to get up and escape this place as quickly as possible but his plan didn't succeed as Lady Medusa throws a small knife at his left leg causing him to fall to the floor.

    "Got you, she singly as his left leg started to bleed out as soon she take the knife off his leg.

       "Please let me go, I will do anything that you asked me to do. Please I beg you, let me go.

      "What if I asked you to die, will you do it then?

       "You son of bitc---- 

      "Jeez, no good to swear. Don't you know that now because in end your life depends on my mood and that you made me mad, I don't think that you deserve a second chance? She kneels at her knee down facing her prey and pulled his head tilted to her so that she could see his shining eyes and delicious throat. It's the perfect portion slashing for an edible meal.

     First,  Lady Medusa takes the giant needles from her pocket jacket and then shoves them down on both of her prey's brown eyes. The blonde man then shouted in pain as Lady Medusa shoves the needle even deeper than before and she forced him to open his blind bloody eyes before taking the eyes out with giant needles stuck in them. He doesn't have time to scream as Lady Medusa quickly dragged the small knife across his throat.  Mr. Opheus Night's dark red blood spilled down the front of his black T-shirt and his tall muscled body fell to the floor. He just slumped in the corner, bathed in blood. She looked away. He was no longer the person she knew, he was now just another corpse to her. Another dear prey adds to her limited collection. 

      She throws a fuel cell down on the corpse and every inch of this barren room makes sure that she's not leaving any clue. She lit the flame and check that each of these rooms was also ablaze as well. As the flame started to rose, she stepped back. It was beautiful scenery. After watching it for a moment, she turned and left the place.

     She slid down on her motorcycle, a red Ducati Superleggera V4, and pulled her small black Mp3 Player from her jacket. She pressed play, adjusted the volume, and then put the earbuds in. After zipping her leather jacket and sliding down her helmet, she started the engine and roared away.




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