Alive again, but this time, I will be happy!

Chapter 2: 1

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Before Granny fully leaves, she goes to her house and comes back to give me rice, chicken cooked with soy sauce, and a small basket full of eggs. There are at least six eggs in there. The houses here are all far away from each other, so it would take at least a hundred steps before you can visit your neighbour so what Granny did is impressive. I thank her for help but I'm not hungry yet and I have an actual child I need to take care of before I take care of myself. So first of all, I take January's clothes off and change them into something… old and ancient and possibly haunted clothes. The cloth used as a diaper is full of holes and the carton of milk they spared isn't even a spare, it's only a few scoops away from being nothing. Even the baby bottle is old and dirty looking.

Nana, is this how you want to live?

But it seems to make January feel better so I let it slide. I change my clothes, which isn't that far from January's in terms of quality. I feed January her bottle while I eat dinner. My eyes wander and find the house is… decent. It's made out of brick and a bungalow. It's small but it's livable. One bed with no matress, a dining table with three chairs, a window and a door. During these times, I think this kind of house is fine. My mother's grandparents had this kind of house and everyone who was in the countryside still lived in that house.

After I finish eating, the plate I used needs to be washed but the sink isn't inside the house, nor the bathroom. It's in the backyard. I open the door which is in the exact opposite of the one in front. Other than the kitchen, the sink and the bathroom, it also has a small farm and the well. The former is destroyed to filth that I guess was because of those bastards who stole from the original Nana. But before I can think further, January starts crying again and I immediately run towards her. I comfort her as I think to myself.

I'm alive again. This time in a book, and in an era that isn't favourable for me, as a woman. I am everything I'm not in my previous life. A wife. A mother. An in-law. An orphan. Which is funny because I have a complete set of parents before, they were good to me.

But that's all in the past. This is my life now. Thank god for hurried adaptability. I breathe in, trying to relax my nerves but it's kind of hard considering there are a lot of problems. Money, how am I supposed to take care of a child, what would I do if I meet Rudiger? And with the in-laws, I need a job… and a lot more. I have no answers to that, nott right now, not yet. The only solution I can think of is to let time and fate run its course. In short, I will do nothing. I will just tackle what it means to be Nana and as a mother. The rest can follow. Or in layman's terms, I will just wait for it to blow up to my face.

But I will not change my decision! Tonight, I choose to sleep.

I put a lot of clothes I'm not using underneath January like a cushion, so it could at least make her feel comfortable. The weather is hot so I can see why the window is open. I pour powdered milk, and water in the baby bottle, shake it and put it where I can see and easily grab it to feed January. Thankfully, this child isn't fuzzy. There were only a few times she really cried. She's cute, too, so I know it wouldn't be hard to take care of her.

I lay down next to January and pat her thigh before falling asleep myself.

After a while, my eyes suddenly open on their own and I grab a knife that's hiding underneath my pillow. I grabbed it when I checked the kitchen before. I angrily point it in the presence I feel in front of me.

The presence exclaims worriedly. "Whoa, wait, hey!"

"Who are you?!" I exclaim angrily.

"Seriously, put that down! No need for a knife!"

"Who are you?!"

The person I was pointing it towards, answers. "I'm Life!"

"Life?! I don't know any Life!"

"I'm the reason why you're here right now!"

That makes me pause. "What do you mean?"

"My name is Life. I'm an entity powerful enough to manipulate the fate and lives of the mortals. I saw you did a heroic deed before dying and so I did everything I could to make sure you live again! As a reward!" Life excitedly says. "And you're here! Right now! About to kill me, but oh, I'm so happy you're fine and adjusting well! How is it?"

"You…" I blink. "You're the reason why I'm here…"


"More reasons to kill you! I never wanted to live again!" I stand up and about to attack Life.

Life squeals. "AHHH! I'M SORRY!" and then runs.


"But I saw it!" Life stops and hides in the dresser. "I saw you yearning for a peaceful life in the countryside and this is the only place that was available!"


"Technically, it's still the sixties."

"AHH!" I scream in anger.

You are reading story Alive again, but this time, I will be happy! at


I stop. "A gift?"

"Yes!" Life sniffs. "It's a store where everything from your world is available but the prices are cheaper and affordable! I can't exactly give it to you for free because you know, that's too much but I would give you a hundred pesos as a freebie!"

…that sounds tempting. "Give me two."

"Two hundred?"

"Two gifts." I narrow my eyes. "You did this to me. Are you not going to do it?"

"No, I will." Life gulps. "Okay. Two gifts."

Then, I demand for Life to teach me how the store works.

The store works like internet shopping. There's a search bar, when you type what you want, it will give you suggestions and descriptions of the items. But it is cheap and affordable. For example, a kilo of potatoes is only two pesos. In the modern world, that would be the whole hundred that Life will give me. The way to pay is like depositing in an ATM. There's a small hole on the bottom right of the store. You slide your money in and you can now buy anything.

"You will activate the store by snapping your left hand." Life finishes. "Okay, that's  gift one. What's your second gift?"

"Unlimited space." I answer. I always read isekai novels where the main characters have this kind of function. Understandable though, these are convenient, honestly. Who would want to have a big ass luggage?

Life nods. "Alright. Try snapping your right hand."

I do. And suddenly, there's a swirling thing in front of me. I look at Life.

"Try it, put anything in."

I put January's baby bottle inside.

"It would still be the same as you put it in there, no matter how long it stayed in space." Life explains. "That's fine now, right? You aren't mad at me, right? It lessened a bit?"

I mean, I'm still a little mad but with these cheats, this life would be breezy! "Yes." I answer.

"Oh, yay! Okay, remember, the left hand is the store and the right hand is the space. Good?"

"I understand."

"Okay, I'll leave now! This might be the first and the last time you'll see the personified life in the flesh, is there anything you want to say to me?"

I stare at Life.

"Lovely! Goodbye!"

And out of nowhere, Life just vanishes.

I stare at the place where Life is supposed to be and clutch my chest. Holy crap, I just met an entity! Oh, God! My heart! It's going to beat out of my chest! I know my adaptability is high but even this is too much, right?

January starts moving. My first instinct is to tap her but remember that babies do this all the time so I wait until she settles down. I lay down next to her.

"Kid," I say. "We're going to be fine."

I fall asleep again but this time, with a smile on my face.

You can find story with these keywords: Alive again, but this time, I will be happy!, Read Alive again, but this time, I will be happy!, Alive again, but this time, I will be happy! novel, Alive again, but this time, I will be happy! book, Alive again, but this time, I will be happy! story, Alive again, but this time, I will be happy! full, Alive again, but this time, I will be happy! Latest Chapter

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