All I Want Is A Normal High School Life

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 ~ In peace towards the High School

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'If I may, I'd like to ask people a question.

Is it wrong to be born talented?

People are born equal in this world, and then they start making the difference themselves, my coach told me that in the past.

But I didn't agree with him, I always rejected his ideas, and I always ended up with bruises.

It's not wrong for a person to be born talented, but he should use his talent to help people who are not talented.

This is what my father told me one day. But Dad, I don't think your answer is the one I was looking for.

It's not my fault that the other person was born weak and without talent, so why should I try to fix that mistake?

Your talent is something that will help you get friends.

And this is what my mom told me when I was a kid. I understood what she said and believed it was true.

But this life was not as rosy as my mother had told me, because I had shattered the dreams of all my friends.

Hmm, probably I shouldn't use the word friend to describe them.

I just want people to think of me as a nobody or a minor character. This is what I've been looking for for a while, but they start giving me advice as soon as they see my talent.

Listening to these tips has become so annoying to me, it's like something stuck in my head.

Is it wrong that I want to live away from all this? Far from this talent... and far from the ideas of this society...'

Spring is the master of all seasons, but it's a bad season for people like Hotaru who are allergic to flowers.

It was a sunny day with a clear blue sky, and the white clouds were swimming in the sky very slowly. The laughter of young girls and boys could be heard as they walked down the road.

They were all wearing the same patterned black and white outfit, and carrying bags of the same shape and brown color.

While everyone was walking in groups and with their friends, Hotaru was walking alone with his bag on his back and wearing the same clothes.

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His nose was red because he was allergic to spring, and he hoped his nose would not embarrass him on his first day at this school.

Hotaru is an average-looking young man, with curly black hair and eyes that appear black but when you get close to it you see its true color which is grey.

His complexion was white, and he was of average height, in short, not ugly, not very pretty. That is, he will not draw attention to him. His appearance looks like any normal person, or like any side character.

While people his age were walking and smiling, he was walking in deep thoughts as usual.

Hotaru raised his head to see a huge building, towards which the boys and girls were walking. Then he stopped walking and plunged into his thoughts again as he gazed at the giant clock at the top of that building.

'It took me leaving my house and working all summer for this ordinary life. And it feels really good, I feel good because I did what I wanted to do. If I had taken my family's advice and joined the military, would I have this happiness? I'm sure the answer will be no.'

Hotaru is a normal minded person, he sees things the way he thinks are right for him.

A good thing is a good thing because Hotaru sees it good, and a bad thing is a bad thing because Hotaru sees it bad.

This is his simple way of thinking, but it brings him a lot of problems.

As Hotaru was standing and lost in his thoughts, a girl walking beside him, she was walking alone too. Her hair was light brown and gathered on her head with a black hairpin, and her eyes were as blue as the sky Hotaru was looking at this morning when he left his apartment.


Every person this girl passes by, his cheeks turn red as evidence of his admiration for her. But Hotaru looked again at the giant clock after seeing this girl for a few seconds, it seemed as if he intentionally avoided prolonging looking her facial features.

'love? I am a person who falls in love easily. But only in love with the faces. I have tried many times to fall in love with a girl based on her personality, but it was simply impossible. I only fall in love with pretty girls, if I look at her long enough, I'll probably want to talk to her. Then I will begin to imagine that I will study with her in the same class. And even if I tried to do this and everything I wanted happened, what would be my answer to her when she told me; What do you like about me?

Would my answer simply be that I admire her pretty face? How would she feel when she knows I'm in a relationship with her just because she's beautiful. This is the bottom line, I don't plan to build a romantic relationship during this period, because I believe that there is something more beautiful than the outward appearance, although I don't know what it is yet.

While he was lost in his thoughts as usual, someone shouted at Hotaru loudly. And when he turned his head towards the source of the sound, he found that everyone had entered the school, and the janitor was angry because Hotaru had been standing in front of the door for a while.

The janitor gives Hotaru a long lecture because he was late on the first-year students' celebration, and Hotaru apologizes for it.

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