Almark – Northern Sword, Southern Wand

Chapter 93: v5c8

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After accepting dinner, Almark and others took their places at the table.

Although the number of students is slowly coming back, there are still many empty seats.

When the vacations are over and everyone returns, all the tables in this cafeteria will be tightly filled.

Almark can see that Nelson next to him and Morgen across from him are getting nervous.

 Leila has not yet arrived.

Morgen was about to ask.

"Almark, I think it's time we switched seats,"

 He repeated the action several times, standing up and immediately saying to himself, no,and sitting back down.

«Morgen, calm down. You're embarrassing yourself," Nelson said to Morgen.

Nelson corrected Morgen, but even Nelson was shaking his head repeatedly.

'I wonder if she changed her mind. Let's start eating before it gets cold."

 Almark suggested, to which Nelson replied

"No, you out of your mind. Let's wait a little longer.'

 He shook his head vehemently.

 Some of the students had finished their dinner and were leaving, and Nelson was about to give up when Leila finally showed up.

"Hey, Leila. Come here,"

Almark waved his hand, and Morgen and Nelson, who had been chatting amongst themselves, suddenly became quiet.

 Leila receives her dinner and walks slowly toward the three of them.

"...... haven't you eaten yet? Isn't your food cold already?"

 Leila frowns as she sees the three of them eating.

"You've been waiting for  you , right , guys ?"

 Almark says, and Leila sits down next to Morgen, saying that she didn't mind.

 Mogen makes eye contact with Nelson and smiles.

"Let's eat quickly."

Leila says, and takes a mouthful of food immediately.

' wow."

 Nelson replies as if he's been pressured and begins to eat.

 Morgen and Almark followed suit.

Layla did not seem to be interested in talking with the three of them.

 She quietly takes her meal into her mouth.

Nelson and Mogen glance at Leila and want to say something to her, but they can't find the nerve to do so and keep looking at each other.

Almark had already decided to leave that part of the conversation alone.

'We have a martial arts tournament right after classes start, right?'

 Almark asks Nelson as he brings his meal to his mouth."

" Oh, yeah."

"Is the tournament going to be for the whole class?""

 Nelson twists his head, wondering why this is such a hot topic.

"I don't know for sure. It's the first time this year for our class , ."

"There are five of us."

Leila answered without looking at the three of them.

"Five per  group ".

"Only five?"

 Leila shook her head.

"You heard what teacher Bowen said before. You didn't listen to him at all".

"The group will contain will  by taken by four boys and one girl. It's a round-robin tournament between the classes, the first, second, and third groups . Each  group has to take part in two matches, so there will be a total of ten ."

 Leila's words made Almark twist his head.

"Then there are sixteen in our class, so only six of us will not be talking part in it . I bet the girls will be represented by you and Wendy."

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 Layla shook her head slightly, looking annoyed, and did not reply.

"I'll be there for the tournament . I've been practicing my sword all summer."

 Nelson said, and Leila looked up and looked at Nelson with a furrowed brow.

'...... all summer? That's great, you have tons of free tine ."

 Nelson stammers.

 Leila glanced at Nelson coldly, and Almark stopped her.

"Leila, you're out of line."

 Hearing this, Morgen shakes his head in panic.

"Hey, Almark,"

"Nelson has been training hard for the martial arts torment . You can't talk to him like that."

'I'm ...... telling that he is not busy'

 Leila sounded dismayed.

"  And it's said by person who still can't use a single magic spell. Or person  who practice martial arts all the time. I'm glad you have so much time on your hands. Is the kind of magician you want to be in the future really within your capability?"

 As she said this, Leila did not even look at the faces of the three of them. Wrinkling her brow, she stabs a batch of vegetables with a fork and brings them to her mouth.

'...... my goal is much higher. It's somewhere I don't know if I'll reach it even if I continue to work hard as I am now. So I don't have time to waste."

What kind of goal is a goal that you work so hard for and still can't reach? It must be a very big goal,"

 Nelson said. There was a sting in his words, as if he was offended.

"I don't have to say it."

 Layla cut him off.

"I don't even think you'll understand exactly what I'm talking about "

You know, I don't either, he wanted to say that

 Nelson was about to say that , when Morgen stopped him.

"We're having a good time, let's eat together."

"I am already done . Thanks for the food."

 Leila stood up with the dishes.

"I'll eat alone from now on . See you later."

 With that, she quickly walked away.

 After Leila left, Morgen sighed heavily.

"I knew it was too much for me. I was scared."

"I knew it, she wasn't very nice to me at all. I'm pissed off!"

 Nelson was furious.

"I wouldn't eat dinner with her again, even if she asked me to."

"I can't believe she's so magically gifted, but she's still so insecure."

Almark muttered to himself.

"Huh ?"

 Morgen asked.

"You mean Leila? She seems confident to me."

"...... is the other way around. That's why she's hitting on me and Nelson."

"I don't know about it ."

 Nelson chirps as he scarfs down the rest of his dinner .

'It's Wendy, after all. Wendy is the cutest girl in our class."

"Wendy is the prettiest girl in our class, and then Norrcsh ,"

and Morgen interrupted, "Well, what about Liltie, ?"

 Almark chuckles and ate up the rest of t his meal  .


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