Alpha & Omega

Chapter 29: Chapter 28 – Trouble (1)

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Omega remained silent as they walked through the many shops, selling different kinds of ‘pets’. 

“Well… we did come to sell… drugs.” Sylen murmured, trying to say something, finding Omega’s silence way too uneasy. 

“Yes.” Keshnar replied. “And we are here. Try to say nothing and let me talk! Just keep your eyes peeled and be ready for any trouble!” He said as he led them through a double sided, sliding door. 

Walking in, Omega caught a glimpse of the text on a plaque, above the door frame, which spelled out; ‘Totora’s Emporium’. The inside of it was more than a hundred square meters, filled with huge, tens of meters tall containers at the back. The floor was made out of metal, same with the walls, both of them discolored by the various stains left on them to dry. As they walked forward, they were surrounded by different mannequins on both sides, all of them dressed up in ancient armors, clothes and accessories. 

“...” Omega couldn’t help but look at them a bit more closely and raise his eyebrows as he recognized them all. They were human, everyday clothes, army uniforms and environmental suits. 

“How beautiful…!” Sylen said, also watching the hundreds of mannequins, all dressed up differently. They were being cared for by a dozen slaves, all of them wearing an orange overall, carefully tending to the clothes on display.

“Totora is an avid collector.” Keshnar said, also looking around as they slowly passed by the rows of uniforms. “Especially if it comes to human-made things.”

“You changed nothing, Keshnar!” A laugh arrived as another slime was coming to greet them. He was rolling forward from the multiple, huge containers, leaving his men there to continue unloading. He was barely different from the Professor, at least in shape. Luckily, he was green in color and his voice was also a pitch higher. That way they couldn’t mix up the two. Unlike Keshnar, he was wearing nothing as most of his kind preferred to be natural, everywhere they went. “You still wear clothes and drag around the most human-like people!” He laughed, looking at the trio behind him. 

“Did you put forward these mannequins so I may buy some off of you?” Keshnar chuckled, seeing through Totora’s intention.

“Maybe!” He answered. “I got your message. Come, let’s talk!” He rolled away, leading them to the back, stopping before an orange shipping container. With his stretchy tentacles Totora opened it up and they could see the many, 2 meter tall capsules inside of it. They looked like oversized lava lamps. They were filled with a blue liquid as silver, constantly morphing chunks of Formium were floating inside them, bobbing up and down. 

“Oh?” Sylen exclaimed, as it was her first time to see something like this.

“Formium has to be kept at a certain temperature.” Keshnar explained it to her while checking them out. “It prevents them from taking up a final shape. It is much harder to reform them after that!”

“You always had to educate your slaves, huh?” Totora chuckled. “So! You saw the goods! Now I think it is my time to do the same!”

“It is on our ship.” Keshnar replied, before taking out a small datapad, giving it to him, accompanied by a small vial. “Here is a small dose, so you can examine it.”

“Hm, hm!” Totora jiggled, taking it away and while he was reading the detailed description from the datapad, two of his tentacles snapped loudly.

It didn’t take long for two Ikanir guards of his to come up to them. They were wearing plated armors, only leaving their wings, heads and arms free. One of them held a black rifle-like weapon in his hands, while the other dragged forward a human-wulfhaarn hybrid. She had long, black hair and a golden pair of eyes. She was similar to Sylen in height and in her figure. The main difference between them was that her body was covered by much more fur at most places. Her naked arms and legs were all covered by the same black colored fur, down to the end of her fingertips. 

“Let’s test it!” Totora said, taking the vial and placing it into an injector-gun, jiggling towards the restrained girl. She was already afraid, shuddering and her black tail was trembling between her thighs. She wanted to back off but the Ikanir guards held her down in place.

What they didn’t notice, thanks to Keshnar already expecting it, was that he held onto Omega’s wrist with one tentacle, transmitting his thoughts to him without anyone else noticing it. 

“Stop… it won’t kill her but if you make a scene out of it will…!” He said, receiving a very cold reply from him.

“I can protect her. And… I am going to kill… Him.” Omega said, his fingers ready to reach for his pistol, only holding back, because of Keshnar’s thin, tendril-like tentacle, wrapped around his wrist.

“Absolutely not! He is the only one I know and trust enough to get the Formium from!”


In the end, Keshnar felt that Omega lowered back his arm, watching the now dazed girl. Her body went limp after the injection. The drug that they brought was used in the Neo-Hegemony for easing pain from serious injuries. The dosage she just got, made her drift off into a pleasure-filled coma. 

“Great!” Totora exclaimed, seeing her immediate reaction. “I can make a profit out of it! Okay! Let’s get this whipped up!” He laughed, waving at his guards, sending them away. He quickly produced a contract template, filling it out and presenting it to Keshnar. “Check it!” 

“Mhm.” Keshnar jiggled, taking it, still not releasing Omega’s wrist as he read it through. Miyon and Sylen were looking at the leaving guards and the now unconscious girl. They were just as disgusted as Omega, but they tried to show as little of it as possible. “Looks good! Bring the Formium to my ship then we can make the exchange!” He simply placed his signature at the bottom of it, giving it back to him.

“Ever so cautious huh?” Totora nodded, looking at it, reading it through. “Can’t blame you, I am the same. I am going to send my men to retrieve it in a few hours! They are also going to deliver the Formium! If you have more…”

“I have. But not right now! I can get more if you can get more Formium. Let’s not rush it, okay?” Keshnar said, already turning around, leading the trio away. He was still afraid that Omega was going to do something, at any given moment.

“Huh?” Totora looked after him, surprised. “Already going? Don’t you want to look around?!” He shouted after him. “I got a ton of interesting things! Hey! Keshnar! HEY!” 

But the Professor didn’t even flinch, he just left him there, stunned as Keshnar usually jumped on the chance to investigate old, historical findings and relics… 

“What the hell happened to you?” Totora murmured, shrugging. He was so sure that the display of the sea of human clothes was going to be a hook for Keshnar. He would bite into it without a second thought. “Fuck… it took days to set this up! Damn!” He grumbled, looking around his Emporium, filled with carefully placed mannequins.



Keshnar didn’t let Omega’s wrist go, not until they were back on the Dawn. As soon as he did, Omega just walked away, heading to his cabin, saying nothing.

“Leave him be.” Keshnar said. “Come, help me get the drugs ready for transfer! By the time Totora comes, I want this to go smoothly!”

As they were working in the Dawn’s main cargo hold, Sylen couldn’t take her mind off of what she saw. She completely understood Omega’s bad mood as she was experiencing the same. It was a first for her, to face reality. Noticing her absent minded expression Keshnar just sighed.

“Go, check up on Omega. We can do this with Miyon.” 

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“Yeah.” Miyon agreed, patting the head of her granddaughter.

“O-okay… sorry.” She bowed, leaving, not even arguing with them. 

“You can’t always be the hero.” Keshnar murmured but there was no answer coming from Miyon.

When Sylen arrived at Omega’s cabin, he did not open the doors, even after multiple knocks. In the end she just walked in to find a completely empty room for her surprise.

“Dawn? Where is he?” Sylen asked, confused.

“I don’t know.” She answered to her.

“You are lying!” She snapped at her, furrowing her brows.

“No, I can’t lie.” The ship answered honestly. “I don’t know where he went. He just asked me not to inform you of his absence.”

“...” Sylen just gulped, already having an idea, but then she leaned against the room’s wall, rubbing her arms. “Can you scan the station to get his position?”

“Not without being discovered.” Dawn answered hurriedly.

“Tsk… then… do not. Oh boy!” She moaned, rubbing her forehead. 

“He said he is going to be back soon.” 

“Yeaaaaaah….” Sylen moaned, hiding her face in her hands but behind it, she had a faint smile. “Dawn?”


“Get ready to run, okay?”




Back at Totora’s Emporium, its namesake was surprised to see one of Keshnar’s slaves coming back.

“I am here to oversee the transferings of the goods.” Omega said as he walked inside, his eyes already scanning the warehouse. He was not just doing that with his eyes, but with his sharp senses, marking all the guards and slaves that he could get a feel for. 

“Typical Keshnar!” Totora jiggled with a laugh, taking it as his partner’s ploy. He was sure that he was sent here to start bargaining for the clothes to be included in the deal. “Worry not! The Alliance’s contracts are ironclad! Everyone who crosses the written clauses gets a horrible fate! But we can modify them, of course. We still didn’t made the exchange, ehehe~” 

“So, the Formium is real. There are no shady plays going under the table.”

“Damn! You are an inquisitive pet!” Totora grumbled, hearing him. “No wonder he sent you here! No, there are no ‘plays’ being made!” He scolded him, clearly getting annoyed.

“Huh.” Omega tilted his head, as two Ikanir warriors were already watching him, weapons ready. “You are not lying. I wasn’t sure if I could pick up on inhuman species feelings too or not. I am still not 100% convinced… But…” He murmured to himself. Then he just shrugged and he pulled out the laser pistol and shot Totora at a point blank range.

Omega didn’t stop at one blast, he did it until the pistol whined to be cooled down, releasing thick smoke from its overheated barrel. The red flashes tore Totora’s jelly-like body into shreds, splattering it everywhere around them. His warriors only reacted after the second or third shot, taking aim and shooting back at Omega. Yet no matter how many blobs of green plasma they aimed at him, all of it simply bent around his body, landing on the mannequins and the walls. When his pistol came back online he aimed and pulled the trigger again, picking the Ikanirs down with a headshot. His hands moved like a machine’s, always aiming perfectly.

When the third guard fell backwards, with a scorched forehead, they tried to call for help, yet all communications were cut off. No matter what they tried, they simply could not get through any channels. When they tried to hit Omega, their weapons were always missing their target yet he was sniping them down with a simple laser pistol as he walked forward. The slaves, present in the Emporium were frightened, looking on with a mix of dread and amazement. The last Ikanir warrior dropped his weapon in the end, flying up into the air and trying to dropkick him. Omega just sidestepped his attempt at the last minute, turning up behind him and shooting him in the back of the head, before holstering his pistol. 

“I am here to take you all away!” He said, letting his voice travel to all of the slaves present in the warehouse. “Hide in the container!” He added, swiping his hand in the air, opening its doors up, while he was heading to the backrooms. 

As most of the slaves were human-hybrids, without any chance to shed their status as slaves, they did not even questioned him. They just rushed for the open container like cattle. Most of them were born into slavery, never knowing what freedom even meant. Following their seemingly new master’s order was an instinct that was bred into them. When Omega reappeared, he was bringing the still unconscious, drugged girl in his arms, giving it to one of the older males, standing in the container, shielding the youngest of his kind. 

“Keep her safe! I am going to snuck you all out.” He said with a smile, looking over the twenty, trembling girls and boys. The oldest looked only to be at Sylen’s age or maybe a few years older.

“Why… are you doing this…?” The young man asked, holding the unconscious girl in his arms, gulping loudly as he asked with a faint voice.

“Because I have to.” Omega replied, looking into his eyes. “I can’t let my people down…” He whispered to them, turning some of their eyes twice their size. 

“The chips!” The man said again, panicked. “We have chips in our neck! It is to prevent us from escaping or getting lost! It can track us!”

“I am going to block their signal for the time being.” Omega said, nodding at him. “When we reach the Neo-Hegemony, they can take it out.”

“The Neo-Hegemony!” The slaves started to mumble, hearing about it many times. A place where they can be free and be amongst their own kind. “For now, stay put and stay silent!” He said, closing the door of the giant container, plunging them into darkness. 

Yet at that moment… None of them were afraid.

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