Alpha & Omega

Alpha & Omega

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Alpha & Omega

Review: 8.2/10 from 15 ratings

At the peak of their power, Humanity was close to conquering the Galaxy. All the other species were either absorbed into the fold, becoming citizens of the Hegemony of Men or were pushed towards the edges of yet to be explored territories. But everything has its end... and the end for Humanity came way too suddenly. Nobody knows, not even today, what caused the collapse, more than 5.000 years ago... but one thing is sure. No humans were ever sighted ever again since then. The Galaxy changed once again, giving birth to new empires, climbing up on the ruins, left behind their hated foes, the ones who conquered them.

Today, those who call themselves the descendants of humanity, those who carry their genes, a result of their previous interbreeding of species, are ostracised, hunted and persecuted by the rest of the galaxy. Sylen belongs to such a branch of "humans", carrying genes from his ancestors and from another species. A mix. A hybrid. A mutant. Traveling with her grandfather, salvaging, searching for old tech, from a bygone era, trying to get by. They were just traveling back home, after a successful find, when another, life changing event happed right before them; The rediscovering of a living, breathing human, out in the emptiness of space!

Maybe the answers as to what happened back then is just around the corner... or maybe it should have been left unanswered all along...

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