Alpha & Omega

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 – Finis

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Miyon was trying to think up possible ways to get back into the Astropath but all of his ideas were nothing but fantasies. Impossibilities. Looking at his granddaughter, she was much more optimistic, curious as to how he would accomplish it. Walking into the cockpit, Omega let them sit down to their posts while was just standing behind Miyon’s chair, leaning on it. 


“What now?” asked the old man, looking back at him, over his shoulder. “The Astropath link shows no reaction.” said, flicking a few switches on the dashboard “Sending out the frequency signals accomplishes nothing, there is no response!” 


“Yes, I know. Your frequencies are not strong enough to either penetrate a sealed Astropath or to try and open it up. That can only be achieved at one of its endings!” nodded Omega, not arguing with him. “But it is different for me! I can see them, feel them.” explained, looking through the ‘windows’, watching the empty void. “I felt you passing by so I pulled you out. Now I am going to put you back in!” Sylen wanted to ask the questions that were forming in her mind one after the other but every time she opened her mouth she was unable to put them into words. 


“You… but…” reacted Miyon the same as his granddaughter. 


“Just watch.” smiled Omega, looking out, his fingers already moving, like someone who was playing on a piano. 


Their ship, the Dawn shuddered and started to move, flying forward, picking up speed ever so slowly. Its engines came to life by themselves and Sylen watched it operate its own systems without any outside input. The shaking started to get a bit stronger and both of them buckled themselves in, now only going along with the ride, unable to stop it. 


“There.” whispered Omega and they saw the empty space fluctuate as a blue, wormhole-like opening revealed itself. Watching as the strands of reality unfolded itself and their ship entered into the Astropath was mind boggling. The whole tube of interstellar highway was now halted in its movement. As soon as their ship flew into it, the hole that opened up quickly resealed itself and they saw the blue currents start to spin once again, carrying them forward the same way as before. “Done.” lowered his hands, taking a soft breath, smiling at the two.


“How?” asked Miyon, barely audible, turning towards his monitors, checking the readings but everything was normal. They were traveling once again, towards the supposed destination. 


“You can’t answer it, do you?” voiced her own thoughts to Sylen before Omega could answer.


“Sorry.” smiled apologetically at her “I really can’t!” 


“Haahh… fine!” pouted the young girl “I can’t force you to tell it anyway! I just don’t like this secrecy when you are doing weird and dangerous stunts!” 


“Worry not, I won’t hurt you. Neither of you!” replied with honest kindness radiating from his eyes. 


“I hope so!” sank into his chair Miyon, thinking about myriad things at once. “Go, take a rest, I’ll monitor our journey.” said to her granddaughter. 


“Mmhm! That sounds good!” yawned Sylen as she was up for more than 24 hours by now. Before Omega could say anything or stand up to follow her, Miyon just looked at him. His eyes were enough to tell him he had questions. After his granddaughter left the cockpit and the door shut tight, the first one immediately flew out from between his lips.


“You can read minds?” Miyon was not looking at Omega, holding onto the armrest of his chair, looking out, through the screens, watching the swirling walls of the Astropath.


“No, not the way you think.” shook his head as an answer.


“So you can.”


“Haah… I would not call it that! I can… feel it.” said, licking his lips, searching for the correct terms for it.


“Explain.” turned towards him finally.


“I can feel what you feel. If it is something strong that left a deep mark on you, I can picture it in my own mind. As I said, I can feel what you feel. What everything else feels!”


“Everything… else?” tilted his head Miyon, not really getting it.


“It’s… complicated.” shook his head Omega with a tired smile “Even I can’t really get it myself! But I saw what you felt, why you were so protective of Sylen! I saw how bandits hacked down your son-in-law, how they shot your daughter before you spaced them. It was such a strong feeling, still haunting you, that I saw it all!” said, his tone being kind and understanding, looking into Miyon’s teary eyes.


“That was… an awful day…” murmured, not wanting to talk about it. 


“I know. You don’t need to worry, I’m not here to cause trouble, neither for you, nor for her! If you want I can disappear as soon as we arrive at some more populated place.”


“I don’t trust you, Omega. That is not even a normal name!”


“Eh… I know.” nodded, agreeing with him completely. 


“That is why it would be best if you stay close. For now. I wouldn’t forgive myself if I were the one who brought in a dangerous person, right into our own territory!”


“Noted!” chuckled, not taking offense at his words. 

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“My other question is… are you a God?” asked with a pause between, forcing the question out of his mind.


“Huh?” flinched Omega, feeling his face twitching “No? Why would I be?” 


“Because you do some fucking crazy shit, you know!” shouted, all of the previous surprise and excitement spilling out, into the open. He tirelessly brought up all the unbelievable things he witnessed in these few hours only.


“Ah… I… I’m not a god, I’m just a human!” raised his hands, panicked, not getting how he came to a weird conclusion like that.


“Then all humans were like you? If so, how the hell did you disappear?! Was it because everyone was like you?” asked, trying to make sense of all of the weird shit he saw. 


“The… others…” trailed off, squinting, feeling his head throbbing like war drums, holding it once again. “I… can’t recall…”





The Galactic Core. To this day, it was an uncharted territory, a place that even in the times of the Hegemony remained unclaimed. Not that it had any value to try and explore it anyway. It was not home for humans nor any other species. The density of stars, their radiation, their violent births and deaths was and is way too hostile to establish colonies. Even worse, all the Astropaths leading here were unstable. The supermassive black hole, in the middle of all creations, is so powerful that it affects every and all roads leading to and from the galactic core. 8 out of 10 ships, traveling here, exploring, seeking fortune were lost forever. After the Hegemony’s fall, the newcomer species also ignored the galactic core, subconsciously deeming it a no-go zone if even the Humans deemed it dangerous before them. 


At this moment there was one ship, traveling at the edge of Sagittarius A*, close to its huge, glowing accretion disk. It was a giant vessel yet only a speck of dust, no, even less than that, compared to the biggest black hole in the Galaxy. The ship itself was completely white, without any marks and if someone looked at it, it was as if the whole body of it was carved out from one, giant block. It was sleek, slim, in the shape of a wedge. There were multiple windows on its side while the engines, 8 of them, hidden behind and under its back were glowing in a blue color, maintaining its course around the black hole. Its size would be only realized when it would enter a star system and show up on their sensors as a 60 km long giant. 


Inside of this colossal creation one could wander around for days, going through long, sterile corridors, without decoration, without purpose and without a soul. There were empty rooms after empty rooms, giving home to one thing; silence. If anything else, it was a ghost ship… but not really. Someone was standing in one of these long, white corridors, looking out the giant window on its side, watching the blinding glow of matter, swirling around Sagittarius A*. At a glance he looked like a human, tall, slender, having jet-black, long hair, let loosely flow behind him. His skin was ashen in color, dark and hardly reflecting any light, holding his hand behind his back, looking at the most dangerous creation of nature on the other side of the glass. His crimson colored eyes were calm, without fluctuations masking all of his feelings and thoughts from the outside world. 


“Finis.” echoed a voice through the entire ship itself that was human yet synthetic, male and female at the same time, sounding young yet old. 


“Yes, Creator.” answered the only soul on that corridor, but he didn't turn away from the window. His voice didn’t even come from his mouth but from his head, answering with his thoughts.


“You failed.” The words were simple, calm, without a trace of blame… but for Finis they were like thunder in his head.


“Impossible!” trembled, his red eyes blinking rapidly, like malfunctioning shutters. He was finally showing emotions on his face, mostly doubt and confusion. “I finished him off!”


“I can still feel his presence. He still lives.”


“B-but! That… can’t be!” stuttered, now speaking with his mouth, shaking, feeling anger and deep, agonizing shame rising from the bottom of his heart, engulfing his mind.


“You were not thorough enough.” commented the voice, remaining emotionless all along. “He was malfunctioning, slowly returning to his original self. We can’t let that happen.”


“I followed your orders, Creator! I destroyed him!”


“I sensed him manipulating an Astropath. He is still alive.” 


The words of the mixed voice made Finis tremble, leaning against the window with one hand, breathing through his mouth, feeling something that he only felt once before… and it was a horrible feeling. 


“I failed… a second time?” asked but not the voice, but himself. 


“You destroyed him, but you did not eradicate him. Now he has rebuilt himself and I can’t pinpoint his location thanks to the fact. I calculated the odds and it is 96.32% that he is going to regain his former self.”


“I’ll find him!” said, swirling around, already hurrying forward on the empty corridor.


“You are yet to recover from the fight. Go back to your chambers and strengthen up. I’ll send others to find him, weaken him before you eradicate him. If you fail again, I’ll act personally and I’ll delete him from existence… alongside you, Finis.”


“Acknowledged… Creator.”


The voice spoke no more and Finis forcefully regained his indifferent demeanor, at least until he got back into his chamber. It was nothing but whiteness everywhere. After the door closed behind him, nobody could tell where the edges of the walls were and it looked like a blinding, white abyss and he was floating in it. Soon Finis’s wrathful, angry shout resonated in that lonely chamber, shaking the fabric of reality itself as a small black hole opened up below him, swallowing all the light, following his will, leaving behind nothing but his screams and red eyes, glowing in the darkness.

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