Alpha & Omega

Chapter 56: Chapter 55 – Meeting (2)

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"As you know, if you continue what you have started," Roxo said, looking into Omega's eyes the whole time, "Some of the more vocal parts of the Galaxy will find the perfect reason to invade you. Including the other Claws back home! One for sure... He really wants your shipyard." He smiled, showing his sharp teeth. "The Alliance may be on the fence and play any side that pays enough," He opened his hands, pointing with his head towards Junita, who wanted to protest, but in the end, she gulped it back. Especially after seeing her grandfather looking at her.

"I get that this is the part where you try to scare me." Omega nodded, not really bothered by his tone, looking relaxed the whole time.

"Scare you? Not really. I'm just stating the facts. Some smaller alliances and kingdoms would not really be bothered by what goes on your end of the Galaxy. Since Kaltazar's big exodus and creation of the Neo-Hegemony, many of them ceased to bother with your kind. Especially because you were holed up like some hermits!"

"Yet, as I heard, our kind is usually looked down upon everywhere and obstructed in many facets of life," Omega said, raising one eyebrow.

"Sure." Roxo nodded. "You are numerous. Way outnumbering any of the pure species, even mine. You breed like animals! Of course, they don't want to give you any say, fearing they would be outnumbered in a few decades!"

"Hmf…" Omega scoffed, finding it funny coming from a walking-talking oversized wolf…but he gulped back his honest thoughts.

"Facts are facts!" Roxo laughed. "We already forgot much of what happened back then, but it is always a good reason to reign in the people. Everyone loves a good scare that can keep the masses in line! The scary humans coming back, woooo~" He joked, not knowing he was talking with one. "Anyway, the real reason is more simple."

"Technology," Keshnar interjected, prompting Roxo to nod.

"All leading empires, including mine, are built upon human tech." He looked at the Professor, who also left the Alliance because he was more interested in the tech of the Neo-Hegemony than remaining home. "Even if we deny or are angry about it, it is the facts. My ship may be designed by us, but its weapons, its drive, everything is coming from the humans. Same with the Alliance!"

"True." Junita agreed. "Every alliance member based their tech on human inventions. We just improve them and modify them to our physiology. To fit our needs."

"That is why when Kaltazar founded your Neo-Hegemony, it was the target of crusades." Roxo continued, turning towards Omega. "The news that he found old human tech in an impeccable state prompted many to try and get it from him. Enslaving you? Just a bonus. We wanted what was in those systems. If it had been discovered by the jellies here, they would be attacked just the same."

"But they survived," Omega answered. "And you never could break their Gate."

"Yes." Roxo agreed. "And people slowly gave up on it. Forgot it. Now, you lot coming out, conquering, and showing your newly gained strength? This will spark another intergalactic war! Many will remember what you have in there! And many will come and try to take it from you."

"Thanks for the warning." Omega smiled. "I assume you are trying to take it with a friendly approach? Coming to offer us some protection in exchange for our tech? Maybe turn ourselves into part of your Claw or something?"

"I like it when someone acts sensibly~ And smart~" Roxo laughed, licking his lips. "It is much easier to explain things!"

"And why should we agree?"

"Hm?" Roxo stopped laughing immediately, looking at Keshnar and then Junita, who just jiggled, signaling that she had no idea and was just an observer. She did what she was asked for; everything else was no longer her business.

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"We don't need protection," Omega said plainly, while Keshnar was edging a bit backward, getting ready for a possible outburst from one of the Alphas of the Wuulfharns.

"Just because you managed to get your hands on a poorly defended system, do not start believing that you are invulnerable," Roxo said, his voice becoming sterner. "Were you inbreeding so much that you started to believe your own tales of grandeur? Of a Galaxy that you should have inherited from your ancestors?" He asked mockingly.

"I don't know about that." Omega shrugged. "But I know we can defend ourselves and don't need your protection."

"I highly doubt that!" He replied quickly, leaning a bit forward, but the pressure of his presence was climbing upwards.

"I agreed to this meeting for a different reason." Omega waved his hand, simply dispelling it, and Roxo felt an invisible hand pushing him slightly back, surprising him. "I need an alliance not because I… We need protection... But because we are all in danger." He finished, looking at Roxo first, then at Junita, who suddenly got curious.

“Enlighten me… halfbreed.” Roxo scoffed, crossing his arms but willing to listen because of the sudden weirdness he experienced.

"What if I tell you that there is an existence in this Galaxy capable of wiping you out. Without you realizing that you are already dead?"

"Is this a funny threat?" Roxo huffed, not really amused by it. The only one who started to listen was Junita. Intrigued by his words and she didn't even know why. Looking at her grandfather, she could see he was also hearing this for the first time.

"What is he talking about?" She asked with their kind's telepathic connection.

"I don't know. But if I were you, I would listen to him."

"I am talking about," Omega continued, picking out a small projector, placing it before him, and the image of a vast, white ship appeared. "The fall of the Hegemony."

"What?" Junita jiggled, interrupting. "You know what happened to the humans?!" She already forgot about Roxo and her deal with him. This was way better. A secret that nobody had an answer for. She always searched for it, always on the lookout for any little details, even if they turned up to be nothing but fake tales.

"You are way too easily agitated!" Roxo looked at Junita, rolling his eyes. "It happened thousands of years ago. As if an image of an alien ship would prove anything! I can come up with similar images anytime from anywhere!"

"True." Omega nodded, then tapped on the projection, and the image zoomed out, showing them the colossal ship floating next to a blue planet. They immediately recognized it. Earth. Most of the stations and relics left behind by the Hegemony had a picture and description of it.

"What…" Junita grew many tentacles, watching the image, trying to discern if it was fake. If it was manipulated or not.

"I don't need you to believe me right off the bat," Omega said, watching the picture directly extracted from his mind. "There is an existence out there that wiped out humanity… and he is slowly getting active again. Soon, maybe it will be our turn!" He phrased it in a way they would at least be interested in it. Or doubtful, if nothing else. "Here." He took out two datapads, giving them to the two. "This has every evidence we have. Alongside proof of what happened not that long ago between the Vogh and the Gynkwhon. How a system was eradicated completely. Study it as much as you like." He said, simply walking out of the room. "Let's talk after you did your own research…. And Roxo?" He looked over his shoulder as Keshnar hurriedly followed him, not wanting to stay with them. "We are looking to work together. Not to work under another."

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