Alpha & Omega

Chapter 61: Chapter 60 – Prelude

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Back at Mors Caminus, when Jankho received the report from Mirian and saw with his own eyes how Omega worked, he couldn't find the words for the first time. Learning about him from Mirian's report, he doubted a lot of points. It was simply too unbelievable, but seeing the multiple AIs being born in front of his eyes, he couldn't ignore the facts. Now, with the station back to its full glory, multiple dormant systems came to life. Functions that they had no idea about. For the upcoming weeks, Jankho had numerous 'meetings' with the four AIs, coming up with a streamlined plan, and he watched with awe as the station managed to construct warships at a fraction of its previous speed.

"I didn't know what we had on our hands…." Jankho said, sitting in Parthern's office with Omega. Now only the two of them were there as the Major General was tasked with overseeing the construction and ensuring the existence of AI was not yet spread out from the top branch of the Navy.

"They were an integral part of the Hegemony." Omega explained, "You operated this station at around 30% efficiency. Now you are getting back to a 100%! With enough resources, you will be able to start building up a proper fleet."

"As the Galaxy still relies on the Hegemony's technology… without the artificial intelligence, the other races are also greatly handicapped. We now have an edge that will propel us further than they would imagine!"

"The Hegemony became a true power when they worked together with their AI creations. It was a symbiotic harmony that doubled and tripled their progress. Without them, I would not have been born either."

"And they would be still here." The Admiral added, prompting Omega to nod.


"Do you think that the Creator thing is an AI?" He asked, looking into his eyes, trying to read his thoughts.

"Partially. Even though I don't fully know the truth, my feelings tell me that what I remember while living on that ship is that it is something of a conjoined consciousness. As for how many thoughts merged into one, were they organic or machines? I can't tell you. I don't know. I only know that it does not want any other beings to interfere with its research."

"I can't fathom what something at that level would search for…." Jankho sighed honestly.

"There are people… beings who are never satisfied with what they have. The one who started the project that resulted in my creation was the same."

"What about you?" He asked a question that Mirian also had in her head but held back from asking. Especially after learning about Omega's past.

"I was content with my life. I had everything I wanted. It was only a fun project for me. Exploring the unknown!" He said honestly, but his voice was filled with concealed pain that Jankho easily perceived. "If I had known what it would lead to, I would have stopped. Now… I just want to make sure it pays for everything…."

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While Mors Caminus was starting to manufacture new warships, the North Pole making the new Suits of Ares, Roxo was gathering up his own army. He had to do it covertly, at first directing them to different sectors. He had to ensure the other Claws won't notice his forces' movements. If they did, they might think he was trying to move against one of them, and it would result in unnecessary trouble. Maybe even some battles that would weaken his forces. That was not something he had time to deal with right now.

Sitting on the bridge of the Shadow, he was reading the reports of his captains. He sent out orders for them to break into small groups and start leaving for a specific system, way out of view, and slowly regroup. So far, he managed to gather 200 warships, with a dozen battleships in place. It would be a force that may even manage to break through their famous Gate of Kaltazar. It would take a few months to form the fleet this way, but he was not worried.

There is a saying amongst his people that only the patient hunter can take down their target without notice. He was sure if the Neo-Hegemony faced his overwhelming fleet, they would give up pretty quickly. For now, he was debating about where to attack. Go for their newly occupied system? Or focus on their Gate right off the bat?

"Now that they came out from hiding, they have to split up their forces… now they can't focus their strength at only one point…." Roxo whispered, scratching his chin. He was starting to feel excited, and his eyes began to focus on the famous Gate of Kaltazar. "Breaking it may be the best option… that way, they would give in immediately." He chuckled, tapping on his armrest, deciding to go straight for their throat. "Imana." He called up his servant, who so far turned out to be a pleasant surprise, especially when it came to gathering information.

"Yes, My Lord!" her voice arrived immediately from his communicator.

"Start spreading a covert rumor. Make it seem like an insider leak that I am going to assault the Neo-Hegemony's newly captured systems. Make it seem like I am trying to show up as a savior and liberator. And make sure the Neo-Hegemony gets a whiff of it!"

"Is our target the Gate, My Lord?" she asked while taking a deep breath.

"Sharp." Roxo chuckled. "Make it happen. Choose some ships that we can sacrifice and send them on a 'scouting' mission. If they get caught or destroyed, it is not a problem. Set it up, so they do believe the rumors. Meanwhile, our real forces will break through their so-called invincible wall! Hmph! They just never had to deal with someone who holds the real power in his hands!"

"I will do it at once, My Lord!"

"Good. Take your time; we are no longer in a hurry… I always get what I want…."

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