Alpha & Omega

Chapter 7: Chapter 6 – Alfonse

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Omega was curiously looking at the wide corridors, at the many, different species walking past by him. Some of them carried undeniable characteristics of humans. They were only different in small details. Like the texturing of their skin, having a few extra limbs or eyes, or some other, visible differences, yet still, mostly human-looking. There were others who had only partial traits, like those who had the body of a snake at the bottom but with a completely human-like torso. Some were completely alien, “walking” around on multiple tentacles, dressed in big coats as their whole body was nothing but slimy tendrils. Yet somewhere, deep in their blood there was a strand of the human genome, from who knows when. The doctor next to him just smiled reassuringly, not afraid at all that he would do something to her. 


“It is even busier on the inside than on the outside.” spoke Omega after a few minutes of silent walking.


“Of course!” chuckled the doctor “The station has more than 20 million souls who call it their home! And those are just the people who live here, not to mention those who come here to trade, refuel, refill their stocks and I could go on and on!” 


“I see! It must be hard to keep everything running so smoothly!” looked up at her while they went through a big, sliding door, arriving into a hospital. The scenery was just as busy as on the other parts of the stations. Nurses walked up and down, going past them with small, floating, spherical robots following them. Omega watched as they dealt with the small problems, bruises, broken bones, a running nose, anything that was easily curable. The doctors only appeared when there was a real emergency.


“It is not easy!” nodded his escort, leading him further in “But every branch is like a small city in itself. We have our own mayor, police, laws, emergency services, you name it. This station is like a whole planet in itself!” chuckled but she was clearly proud to be working here. She led Omega into a separate, fully equipped room, where one could do the most serious surgeries if the need arose for it. “Please, sit up on the bed!” gestured as she walked to the computer, built into the wall next to it. “At first, I’ll do a full body scan of you, to make sure there are no injuries hiding inside of you! It would be catastrophic to miss something trivial and die from it! I wouldn’t forgive myself for it!” explained everything, trying to ease his worries, acting as if her patient was a child. “After that I am going to take a blood sample, don’t worry, it won’t hurt and it is going to be done in a jiffy!” smiled warmly, looking into his eyes. 


“Sure!” nodded back with his own, kind smile. 


Two, small spheres flew out from the wall, going in circles around his head at first before starting scanning him in, not bothering with his posture or with the bed, getting a perfect reading. His insides showed up on the monitors as the device made a complete, 3D, digital model of him.


“Hm, hm! Everything looks in order and healthy! Even…” crossed her arms, leaning a bit closer, watching the model, zooming in on different organs and bones. “Like new? The scanners say they are barely a few days… old? There has to be some problems with the calibrations!” muttered as that was not right. Couldn’t be!


“I am not a few days old.” Omega said, shaking his head with a soft smile “I can remember that much.”


“Hehe, I am also sure of that!” agreed the doctor, putting it to the side for now, coming before him, taking his hand and ready to take his blood sample. “Worry not, it is a quick procedure!” placed a pistol-like device to his wrist, pulling its trigger. Omega only felt a small pricking sensation before a small vial popped out from the medical tool’s top, filled with his blood. “Huh?” tilted her head, surprised. 


“Is something wrong?” asked Omega, calm, pulling his hand back, already knowing what was the problem.


“Your blood…” said, picking it up, raising it towards the light that was coming from the ceiling “It’s red.”


“Oh. It's supposed to be different, I assume.”


“Blue…” looked down at him then back at the weird readings, still on the wall-mounted monitors.


“Sorry!” shook his head Omega, pointing at her and she just froze in place. “Worry not, I won’t hurt you, you are a kind woman!” stood up from the bed, walking past by her. She was unable to make a sound, move a muscle, but her eyes were trembling, following his movements as far as she could. 


Omega, arriving at the computer, he just looked over it, before touching the empty wall next to it. It started to ripple at his touch, like water, before transforming and changing on a molecular level. Its metallic surface shrank, starting to protrude outwards and not just changing its shape but even its composition as the protons, neutrons and their accompanying electrons switched places, following the desires of Omega. It did not take long for a keyboard to ‘grow’ out of it, fully functional and connected to the main system. 


“Worry not, I’ll turn it back, but… I feel like… I… I am more used to this.” smiled with nostalgia in his eyes, running his fingers over the keys before starting to type. He was fast, very much so, giving the impression he had a hundred fingers and not just ten. 


The frozen doctor could see that his ‘patient’ easily accessed not just the medical reports, sealed documents, but soon he was in the mainframe of the whole sector, gaining access to everything in the sphere they were in, named 93Z. For a moment there, she was horrified, what if he was a terrorist? Someone who was modified to infiltrate the station? He could detach the sphere from the main arms or worse, blow it up! Overheating the local reactors, resulting in a thermonuclear reaction! She did not know how he could access everything from here… yet the changing images on the screen were proof he did exactly just that. If he has malicious intent…! The explosion and the flying debris could cause catastrophic chain reaction and even if it won’t destroy the station it could open it up just enough for an invading fleet to take advantage of the situation! 


“Oh…” flinched Omega, as if he felt her thoughts “I won’t do that!” looked at her with a reassuring, kind gaze “I am not your enemy. I know you are afraid, but I wouldn’t hurt you nor anybody else here.” He could sense the fear in her, tasting her thoughts at that moment. In the end he just waved his hand as she slowly went limp, lifted up by an unknown force, laying her down on the bed. Her mind fell into a deep slumber, slowly easing her nerves. Omega went back to type away on his new keyboard, reading through a multitude of documents, just as fast as the supercomputer would process them, only limited by the speed of the station’s system itself. “Hm, they have no AI to help with the sorting of this much data? Neither to recall specific documents? They have to do it manually?” asked himself but even he… did not know why he found that weird. He just felt it was. But he couldn’t remember for the exact reason. “There are only rudimentary programs running and controlling drones… there are no traces of true AI… weird… I think?” let out a sigh, frustrated with his own brain now “Well, at least now I know more! Let’s finish this up!” 


When he was finally done, he swiped his hand over the keyboard and it trembled, ‘flowing’ back into the wall, transforming back to its original form. Now, on the screen, Omega had his own image reflected, in a newly created document, proving he was a citizen of the Neo-Hegemony, born on a traveling ship, 20 years ago. He even had, albeit deceased, parents, a complete history, records of his travels and possessions, not to mention, a full medical history of his previous checkups. 


“This should suffice.” nodded, satisfied with the result before taking up the blood sample the doctor drew from him, destroying it. “Now I need to correct you a little, I am sorry.” walked to the bed, gently touching the head of her and under his palm, the neurons of her brain flared up. It was as if they obeyed a command, coming to them on a level where nature’s laws presided. In a flash the doctor’s memories were altered, changed to suit Omega’s needs. “Let me help you up!” lifted her up with ease, placing her down before the computer, setting her up like a doll before sitting back on the bed. His eyes flashed a little, the violet hue in them glistening. The doctor just trembled, blinking her eyes for a brief second before smiling.


“We are done!” said kindly, pressing the confirm button at Omega’s personal document, which just got refreshed by her. “Your real name is Alfonse, you had no registered place neither here nor in any of our colonies. Most explorers call their ships home so it is not weird~” explained, taking his arm, patting it kindly “Don’t worry, your memories should come back in time, you just need to reactivate the neurons inside of your brain! It is usually done subconsciously by coming across similar feelings!”


“What if something is blocking them? Something that even I can’t access?” asked, looking into her eyes.


“Hm… maybe some kind of trauma…” thought for a moment. “If nothing changes in a year or two, don’t be afraid to come back to me! I’ll ask my peers to see what can be done, but that shouldn’t be the case. Hopefully!”


“Thank you, doctor!” stood up, bowing a little towards her.


“Please, it is my job!” laughed happily “I am going to take you to the administration office, there is always a line there! Let’s cut to the front and I’ll get you your ID card!” winked at him “It should also be filled up with a bit of credit from the insurance you had on your destroyed ship!”


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Miyon was free of any worry, for him, all that happened was just a bad dream. It was over, finally! Whatever that… thing was, human or not, it was off of his ship and far away from his granddaughter! The doctors should find out about the weirdness surrounding him, the security should also be able to deal with him… yes, everything should be going fine and it is no longer his problem! That was what he told himself, shutting out every other, nagging feelings from his mind, concentrating on selling their haul, filling up the limited space in their ship’s belly. 


“Damned sharks!” grumbled, standing before a big screen that was stretching for around 100 meters in length and 10 meters in height, plastered on the big wall before him. 


They were in the “Flash Market”, where most of the docked ships’ captains frequented, wanting to offload their cargo as fast as possible. Alongside Miyon hundreds of others were standing before it, one arm raised and their wrist mounted computers connected to the giant wall of a screen, trading with local enterprises, shops and individuals. It was not just him who grumbled as everyone here wanted to get the most for what they brought back from the outside world. 


“They are trying to cut the prices down way too much! What, while we were away, somebody flooded the market with old data caches? These could hide priceless treasures!” scoffed Miyon once again, refusing the incoming offers and bids, while also offloading the rest of the scrap metal they collected in bulk.


“Pa…” spoke up Sylen, wrought with guilt “Shouldn’t we… you know, ask about Omega?”


“Who?” tilted his head, resting his arm on his big belly.


“Pa!” stomped Sylen, angrily looking at him.


“I don’t know anybody with that weird name! Ah! Finally, a sensible offer!” raised back his arm, looking up the constantly changing, displaying information on the wall, the fluctuations of prices, inventory and participants data. He was calling up the background of the soon to be buyers of theirs. “Background looks fine, the price is a-okay, good! Sold!” accepted the offer with a happy grin. 


“Oh, something good happened?” arrived a kind voice, cutting through the cacophony of voices, belonging to other people around them. Sylen quickly snapped her head towards the origin of it while Miyon just froze in place, hoping to never hear his voice, ever again.


“Omega!” sighed with relief, seeing him walk over by himself, wearing a small smile. He changed before coming back, wearing a brown trouser, work boots and a white shirt with a slightly faded leather jacket worn over it.


“Alphonse if someone asks.” flipped his ID card between his fingers, showing it to her.


“Oh? That is your real name?” took it away Sylen, wagging her tail happily, hitting some of the people around them, resulting in grumbles and annoyed mumblings. 


“Ahaha… no, no I don’t… think so…?” laughed but then became a bit unsure, before shaking his head. It was him who chose it, by a whim. By… a subconscious thought. “Anyway, everything is settled! I am ready when you are!”


“Then go! Have a great time!” said Miyon, not turning around, but his tail was awfully stiff, just like his big ears.


“I thought about it and I think it would be best if I travel along with you for a little bit. I don’t know this place and I… I’m not even sure where to start!” looked at both of them, a bit lost, which was the truth.


“You-” trembled Miyon, finally turning but then he saw Sylen stand before Omega, stomping and looking at him, now truly angry. He only saw her like this a few times but every time he did, Sylen reminded him of his daughter… her mom. She was almost identical to her in these moments… the little chili pepper.


“Pa! Enough! You heartless old fogey!” growled with tears in her eyes “He did nothing bad to us, even helped us!”


“From the mess he dragged us into!” retorted but Sylen was having none of it.


“He was in trouble! We helped him! We can’t leave him just like that! We can’t throw a puppy back into the rain after taking him in!”


“Puppy?” asked both Omega and Miyon at the same time.


“If you won’t help him, fine! I will!” declared loudly, ignoring the looks as this was a marketplace not the drama theater. She just walked next to Omega, grabbing his arm. “Let’s go! I know where we could find a shuttle to leave for Saphir!” started to drag him away. 


“To the capital world of the Hegemony?” asked Omega, recalling the name of the oceanic planet from the massive library he just “downloaded” into his brain.


“Yes! It is beautiful, you will see!” nodded happily, truly leaving her grandfather there, stunned in place. Omega felt it too, she was not bluffing, she truly was determined to leave her grandfather at that moment. As to what would happen later, that remained a question. Especially after Miyon regained himself.


“Wait!” ran after them, catching up to his granddaughter, rushing into the lift at the last moment, almost separating from her for good this time. “You win!” gasped for air, out of breath and shape “Damn it… let us go back to the ship first…! Haahhh…”

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