Alpha & Omega

Chapter 9: Chapter 8 – Suit of Ares (2)

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Sitting at a table, positioned in the furthest corner of the restaurant, Sylen was unable to tear her gaze away from the green bracelet on Omega’s wrist. 


“Please, we hope you are going to enjoy our special drinks, dear customers!” flew to their table the waitress, accompanied by a floating tray of ice-cold, fizzy, blue refreshments. It was a funny scene as she was barely any bigger than the tray itself, reaching the height of 60 or 70 centimeters only. Her pinkish skin was shining, her curly, blond hair flowing like water and her angelic, puffy features drew smiles on anyone’s face who laid eyes upon her.  A perfect trait to receive ample tips while working in the entertainment industry. This time it was no different for her as she was expecting ample tips from them too, putting the big glass of drinks down, accompanied by her purest smile. “A pair of Saphir’s Dew!” looked at Omega with sparkling, blue eyes, hoping to charm the guy for an even juicier tip. Something she was already used to. 


“Hey! I’m the one who pays!” scoffed Sylen, looking at the little, cherub-like ‘angel’ with slanted eyes. 


“Oh.” flinched the waitress, changing her expression of innocence into that of annoyance with a snap of a finger. Fixing her maid-like costume, she held out her small wrist towards Sylen. “14.95 credit please.” said with a flat, much deeper tone, without the fluff and flurs from previously, flapping her feathered, bird-like wings behind her.


“What?” flinched Sylen while Omega was already sipping on his own, enjoying the sweet taste. “It said 7.50!” pointed Sylen at the menu. 


“For pairs only.” rolled her blue eyes.


“We are a pair!” countered, not backing down at all, unwilling to pay that much. It was enough to buy a used set of garments for herself! Not some… fizzy, sparkly drinks! The discounted price was already way too pricey for her taste but Omega was insisting on trying it out as it looked nice on the holo-pictures.


“Honey, I have been doin’ this for 40 years! You are just a lil’ chick, learnin’ to fly… you ain’t foolin’ me…” leaned forward, stretching her small arm as far as she could. The restaurant’s work-bracelet beeped once, signaling that it was ready to accept the payment. “14.95. I have other shits to deal with, ‘kay?” hurried her, becoming increasingly impatient. 


“The-” tried again Sylen but the waitress just grinned.


“Then kiss!” cut in, turning towards Omega who was still just slurping his drink, watching the two curiously. 


“...” Sylen froze up for a little, but quickly regained her composure, already leaning forward, pursing her lips… quickly telling everyone who watched them, she had never ever kissed before. 


“Here.” flipped his ID card Omega, pressing it against the waitress’s wrist, paying for the drinks from his newfound wealth.


“Thanks~” giggled the waitress, floating away quickly.


“It was just a kiss…” murmured Sylen, her face flushed completely, looking at Omega’s lips for a brief moment, before turning her eyes away.


“Your first kiss.” replied Omega, twirling the ice cubes with his straw “Don’t throw it away for a few credits.”


“She was irritating me with that fake, childish act she was putting on!” scoffed, taking a big sip from hers too “And who says it would be my first kiss anyway?”


“...” Omega did not answer, just smiled, watching her until she calmed down a little. “I have money too, it was not a big deal.” said, finding her cute and amusing at the same time.


“From where?” asked, happy to drop the topic as fast as possible.


“I… made it happen.” scratched his cheek, feeling a bit guilty about it but Sylen just grinned.


“Sly~ So? What is it? Exactly?”


“Insurance mo-”


“Not your money! I’m asking about the bracelet! That Ares whatever!” asked with a whisper, trying to keep a low profile, leaning forward with a curiously wagging tail. 


“It…” looked at it, clamped around his wrist “The Suit of Ares is… was, a battlesuit, built for ship to ship combat.” 


“Ship to ship?” raised her eyebrow, slurping loudly from her glass “Isn’t that suicide? A proper warship would obliterate something like that!” 


“If it can get a lock-on, yes.” nodded Omega “These were mobile enough to avoid most weapon systems that were designed for the usual type of warfare in space. Not to mention, they were equipped with personal shieldings and could be armed with a multitude of weapon systems. They would change it up to match the parameters of the mission they were sent on. They were much faster and nimble, than any, traditional fighters. All-in-all, they were the scalpel in any operation they partook in!” 


“I still can’t imagine how they would take on a warship! They have superior shields not to mention their platings! Even when the shielding fails they can take a beating before they start to crumble!”


“They did not aim to blow them up.” shook his head Omega, as if speaking from experience “As I said, they were a unit, designed for precision!” explained with a smile “With the correct equipment, they could disrupt the shields of any ships, fly in close and disable crucial parts on it!” raised his fingers, counting on them “Disable communications, engines, shield generators, weapons, hangar bays. You name it! They never fought alone either! After a swarm of Ares was on their way, their own warships followed suit, destroying any disabled enemy vessel. You had to do something stealthily? Task them by sneaking past enemy lines! Or lay down an ambush! They were the best and main option of most engagements!” 


“Really?” blinked her eyes, mesmerized, already immersed in his tale about the suits, imagining action packed battles where a squadron of them assaulted a huge warship. 


“Yes… and they had another great advantage. They could be used in tight spaces where a fighter or a warship would fail. Battle amongst asteroid fields, capturing a station if they wanted it intact or with as least of battle damage as possible. Not to mention if it was a planetary invasion! They were perfectly capable of entering a planet’s atmosphere and wage war on its surface.”


“Woah…!” exhaled, already finishing her drink “How do you know all this?”

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“I…” shuddered, starting to blink his eyes, looking down at  the bracelet before back at her “I just… do? It is like I always knew this. As if I learnt about it once.” explained as best as he could.


“Hmmm, well, you are weird enough! So I do believe you! I never before met with someone who could survive in the void, without a suit. And being burnt by a flamer. And open an Astropath by hand.” replied with a more and more of a twitching mouth. “So this? This is way more easily believable! No wonder the ancestors managed to conquer the Galaxy!”


“Conquering…” whispered softly, but he just shook his head, finishing his drink, returning his mind to its calm, collected state. “The control device is person-bound. Unidentified wearers wouldn’t be able to activate it, so I overwrote it.” shook his hand, not explaining when or how he did that “If we find it, I could control the suit through this. If it is still in operational state of course!” 


“I don’t think the previous pilot would come and search for it, your kind has been missing for a long time!” sighed Sylen, watching his face, scanning him over and over again.


“What?” asked Omega, wiping his mouth, thinking something was on it.


“It is hard to believe I am sitting here, having a drink with a human…” whispered softly “Like a dream!”


“Ugh… please… I am just that, a human. Okay?” flinched, feeling weirded out by her look. It contained… something… unsettling. Not because of Sylen, but because of him himself. He did not like being looked upon like something… different… something he was not.


“Exactly!” grinned Sylen, taking it as if he was embarrassed “A human! An ancestor! You could be our savior!”


“I am not that!” answered immediately, darting his eyes left and right nervously. 


“Okay, okay, I won’t tease you~” giggled Sylen, turning her eyes back onto the bracelet. “We never heard about something like this. I am not part of the military of course, but we frequently have conflicts with others. If we had something like those Ares thingies, it would already be public knowledge! Can they be replicated?” 


“From this alone? No, that would be impossible.” shook his head “This only acts as the key to the paired suit. With this the pilot can link up with it and control it by his or her thoughts. That is why they were much more nimble! They reacted to the user’s intentions, which is way faster than anything else!”


“Oh! And if we have the suit… What then? Could we reverse engineer it?” thought out loudly Sylen, crossing her arms, scratching her chin.


“I don’t know. Depends on your scientists.” shrugged Omega “But as I said, I can track it down with this!”


“How?” lit up her eyes, already seeing a heap of credits. If they could recover it, sell it to the government… they would be rich! Filthy rich!


“Here.” tapped on it, and another holographic image emerged, showing a star chart.


“Idiot!” yelped Sylen, trying to keep her voice low, unsuccessfully. She was pressing on it with two hands, panicking, trying to block the bracelet’s projection off. “Not here!” gasped, looking around, but luckily nobody was paying any attention to them.


“Oh… sorry!” smiled apologetically “It shows the last active place of the suit. The sector’s name is the Damoclesian Rift.”


“The what?” grimaced Sylen as she never heard about it.


“I don’t know.” shook his head “That is what the last recorded information is in the bracelet. That is what we… they called it.”


“That won’t help much, we don’t know a lot of old names, places, events!” sighed dejectedly “Very… very much of your history is gone! We only find little shards of the life of your people, even when we come across intact data caches!”


“I noticed that when I read over the station’s data logs.” nodded Omega “Especially the part about your own history, it was full of holes.” leaned back in agreement with her. 


“Yeah!” shook her head “That’s us! Orphans in a hostile Galaxy! It was what Kaltazar called us back then. So finding that suit is going to be extremely difficult!” 


“Mmm… well…” smiled a little, making Sylen’s ear to flutter and sharpen as her tail also stood erect, expecting him to continue. “Since checking it, I have been comparing the star chart in the bracelet with those I ‘downloaded’ from the… khm, doctor’s office.” 


“Where did you store that?” tilted her head, looking at him as she never noticed he was playing around with a personal computer. 


“Here.” tapped the side of his head “I memorized it all. I already found 5 similar looking charts, I just need a little time to study them in detail and determine the suit’s exact location.”


“What are you, a walking computer?” tilted her head, looking at him with incredulity. 


“I just have a good memory!” chuckled, leaning back.


“Too good!” murmured, watching his violet eyes. “But that is great!” shuddered, gulping loudly as she started to salivate. “Let’s go back and tell Pa about it!” 


“Hehe, sure!” nodded Omega, standing up as he followed the hurrying friend of his. It was clear, Sylen barely could wait to break the exciting news to Miyon.

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