Alpha King's Mate

Chapter 34: 34. Xanthus

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(Trigger warning : Some scenes have resemblance with what we're facing in our real life due to COVID-19. Please do not read if you think you'll find it disturbing)

Ariana woke up at 3 a.m. with the help of her shrilling alarm ringtone. She saw pitch darkness outside as she peeked through a small slit between curtains. There was bone-chilling cold inside and she had gone to bed pretty late last night. But nothing was going to demotivate her from stepping out of bed and sitting on the desk to prepare for healer exams.

She wanted to call Nate and ask if he had reached home safely. But she refrained herself thinking he must be busy enough not to be disturbed by her useless calls.

She had to do something productive during such a time and disturbing him wasn't something productive. Neither was going back to her world, without proper skills and qualification. Hence, she had refused Nate's request to follow him to Pack Ziram and send him off. But of course, with a promise that she shall return to him as soon as she passes the exams.

Everything happened in such a rush. In the blink of an eye, her batch had sat through all the tests and the Windsor Administration had provided them with their results. Thankfully, Ariana not paying attention in classes as per her previous plan, hadn't backfired as she passed all the tests with average marks. Sean, however, surpassed not only her but every other werewolf of their batch. Had the plague not been in full action, he would have been awarded as the gold medalist by the King himself.

Sean and Ariana had been in the same room when they had gotten their results via e-mail. When they had seen Sean's result, both of them couldn't help but hug each other. Sean, being in ecstasy and Ariana, feeling proud of him.

Sean felt tingles all over his body. His heart beat was erratic but strangely, never had he felt such comfort and peace with anybody else. He snuggled further into her. They remained in each other's embrace as the snow continued falling outside.


Lightning struck the ocean, followed by its sound. A ship was struggling during the thunderstorm as huge waves crashed into it. Ariana watched the terrifying scene from above, through the window of whatever aircraft, definitely not a human-made aero plane, she and her classmates were in.

How do they enter the supernatural world anyway? Ariana had little to no idea of that as she had been in a deep slumber while entering the human world after a lovely dinner with the lady who had given birth to her and and the guy she had grown up with. Ariana scoffed at just their thoughts.

Everyone gasped as the aircraft entered a lump of grey clouds and darkness spread inside. Ariana felt Sean grasp her hand. Just then, the aircraft started shaking violently as another lighting struck beside them. Everybody closed their eyes as per instruction of the pilot.

The pilot fetched a gold-rimmed spectacles with tinted glass and wore it. He took a deep sigh pushed a handle forward before whispering. "Home sweet home."


As soon as the aircraft landed on Pack Ziram, all of them were given white coveralls and gloves to be worn immediately. Those who were appointed for Ziram were escorted to health posts and hospitals whilst those appointed for other packs boarded another one of those aircraft and departed from there.

Ariana and Sean were placed in a local health post near the border that Ziram shared with Ravernia. Right now, they were standing along with three other graduates in front of Dr. Ronald Howard's office. After a wait of five minutes, Dr. Howard emerged from his office.

"My name is Ronald Howard and you can call me Dr. Howard. There's no time to exchange other pleasantries. I am your superior no matter whose offspring you are or whichever rank you hold-" He said eyeing Sean and Ariana.

"Since it is first day for all of you, go to Camp B and whoever approaches you, check for symptoms. If they are mild, counsel them properly, give them medicine and send them home. If they are severe, send them to Wing A of the building. Off you go now. Quick!"

All five started walking opposite to Dr. Howard's office.

"Um... Do you guys have any idea where Camp B is?" One boy asked.

None of them had any idea.

Ariana approached a lady mopping the floor. "Could you please guide us where Camp B is located?"

"We're at 5th floor of Wing B, my lady. Across this corridor is Wing A. If my lady walks down the building of Wing A, then the back door at ground floor leads to Camp B."

"Thank you." They walked across the corridor to reach Wing A.

They weren't ready for what they saw and heard while walking down the building of Wing A.

People desperately begging healers to save their loved ones, heart-wrenching wails from the loved ones of the deceased. Healers running and working with all their might while wiping their own tears. Guards holding down werewolves from creating havoc in madness due to loss of their beloved mates.

When they saw a huge container filled with piles of dead bodies covered with black sheets being pushed by three guards, Ariana stopped them. "Aren't their family members asking for their bodies? Surely they would like to bid them a proper goodbye and bury them some place private?"

One guard scoffed. "These bodies are to be thrown into mass graves and burnt completely before burying. We cannot risk others catching disease from these impure bodies as the disease is contagious. Surely you know this Madam Healer, don't you?"

Ariana lowered her head and nodded yes. The guards started pushing the container.

"It was a stupid question." said Saoirse.

"I know." answered Ariana. "But asking it was an impulse. It's just sad how those people won't be given proper burial but will be thrown into a dump and burnt like a piece of meat."

"It's sad. I know. But you don't have time to be sad. You should be preventing others from ending up like this."


Ariana composed herself. "Let's go." She said as she quickened her pace and led their group to Camp B.

Their little group worked all day without even taking lunch and snack breaks because of their newfound determination. As the humans were immune to this disease, Sean's efficiency was a lot more than other four as he didn't have to slow down to follow necessary precautions for his own safety. He, however, kept a watch on Ariana to make sure she was taking those precautions for herself. They worked till midnight. Even then, Dr. Howard had to come down himself to stop them from overworking themselves.

"Working like a donkey shall not be proven beneficial neither for you nor the patients. Do you have any idea how many mistakes can be made by a tired mind? Go to your tents. Rest well and come back tomorrow on time. Others will take turn now."

They were about to turn around and walk way when a heart curdling scream was heard from nearby.

"What's that?" Sean asked, suddenly alarmed.

Dr. Howard contemplated his before answering. "This a new found information. However, you all are healers. So, I believe there's no harm in telling you all."

He leaned closer. "Vampires are affected by this disease too."

Everyone had an expression of shock on their face.

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"Yes." The doctor continued. "This one vampire was apparently ostracized from his village. In search of blood, he roamed everywhere but couldn't find human. So, he decided to enter our territory and suck blood from a little girl. What a fool! Our guard caught him immediately. When they noticed symptoms of the disease on this bloodsucker, they brought him to me."

"From the permission of Alpha Nathaniel, we ran some tests and yes indeed, this bloodsucker had Xanthus."

"The what?" asked Ariana

"Xanthus." Doctor repeated. "Since this disease originated from our pack, we're allowed to name it. Alpha Nathaniel referred to it as Xanthus so it's name shall be Xanthus. We've started calling it Xanthus already."

Ariana and Sean shared a look. She rolled her eyes as she smiled. "Oh Nathaniel..."

"So, as I was saying, we've got Alpha's permission to run tests on him. We are testing possible medicines of Xanthus on him only. This way we don't have to turn one of our own into a lab rat. But in vain!"

"Oh Moon Goddess, save us. Please. Save us. Show us a way..." Doctor chanted as he walked away.

"Moon Goddess? More like Cupid." Sean scoffed.

Three of the werewolves looked at him with such offense as if he were a vampire. They walked away shaking their heads and muttering, "Humans..."

Ariana laughed. "What can I say? You're not wrong tho."

"No, like seriously? Is the legendary "Moon Goddess" even real?" asked Sean.

"She is." Ariana shrugged her shoulders. "Lancaster blood-line is the proof of her existence. They are her direct descendants. And mates are the proof of her power over us werewolves." She said as she started walking towards her tent.

Sean didn't follow. He pondered for a while before looking upwards. "Okay I'm sorry I offended you just a while ago. Now that I know you're real, I just want to pray for one thing only. I know Lancasters are your own blood. But you saw what you're great great I don't know how many great, grandson did to Ariana. You know he's not worthy of her."

"I just want to ask one thing from you. Please don't use your voodoo magic thing to control Ariana's hormones or whatever you do to make werewolves attracted to their mates. It won't be fair to me and especially her."


Meanwhile, Ariana had gone to bed already. But she couldn't fall asleep. The horrors of Wing A was still haunting her. She was scared to imagine what was happening in her Ravernia right now. She prayed for the well-being of her pack members and the people of Ziram all night.

Her mouth had gone dry. She woke up and turned on the light to drink water but her water bottle was empty. She decided to walk up to Wing C to fetch water and some snacks.

She was walking towards Wing C nonchalantly when a man as white as snow ran up to her. She was startled. Her eyes widened when his scent filled her nose. The man was a vampire.

The man was about to grab her when she threw the bottle made of steel which was in her hand on his head. It hit his eye. He groaned as he clutched his eye and fell to the ground.

Ariana turned around to call for the guards she had seen on her way when the vampire stood up and took out a shard of glass tucked in his pants. He ran towards Ariana, grabbed her arm and cut her palm open forcefully. "Please. I just need blood. I won't harm you." He pleaded.

Ariana grabbed his arm and shoved him to the ground. "Don't you dare touch me, you filth."

Some shouts could be heard from afar. "He ran this way..." "Find him before Alpha skins us alive."

The Vampire heard it too. He crawled towards Ariana abruptly. She stepped back immediately and was about to attack him when she saw him licking the small amount of blood that had dropped from her wounded hand to a rock.

Guards approached them in no time. "Thank you." The vampire whispered weakly as the guards dragged him away.

Ariana wrapped her arms around herself and walked towards her tent. This time she was able to fall asleep and woke up pretty late the other day. She served herself a rich breakfast from the buffet and was munching on it silently, not knowing what happened at the central laboratory of Ziram overnight.

After the vampire had been captured, he was brought back to the laboratory where Dr. Howard was supposed to run tests on him daily.

"He escaped but we brought him back." One guard stated proudly.

Dr. Howard scoffed. "There's no use of him now. He has Xanthus. The medicines didn't work. He's going to die any minute."

Hours went by. The vampire didn't die. He should have. Xanthus left its victim limited time and the time was up. Why was the vampire starting to look healthy instead? He looked as if he was recovering. Dr. Howard ran tests on him immediately.

It was a miracle. The vampire's immune system, which had been damaged by Xanthus, was now fighting it fiercely.

Dr. Howard slapped the vampire. "You brute. Tell me what happened. I had stopped giving you our trail medicine a week ago as it made no difference. You should have died by now. Tell me, what did you consume recently?"


"Whose? That guard's?"

"I won't tell." The vampire smirked.

"Guards!" The doctor shouted. The guards from earlier arrived.

"Whose blood did this sucker drink?"

"I guess it's Lady Bennet." One of them answered.

"Yes. She was there when we caught him and her hand was wounded." The other confirmed.

Dr. Howard's eyes widened. He was breathing rapidly. There was a creepy smile on his face. "Ariana Bennet's blood cures Xanthus.." He whispered as if he could not believe it himself.

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