Alpha King's Mate

Chapter 36: 36. Destined To Meet Again

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Nathaniel roamed his eyes freely all over the throne room as he entered along with his father, former Alpha Tywin and Luna Iria, followed by Dr. Howard. Everything looked the same from the last time he had been here. The same grandeur and the same audience. Only the relations had changed.

No longer was Alpha Anwar, who was looking at him with hope in eyes, his best friend. The girl, who was supposed to be his soulmate, disgusted him to such extent in a single glance that he didn't even spare her a second one. People who had scoffed and berated him for going against the King was now looking upon him in honor.

The Astor family took their place beside the Bennet family. Alpha Nathaniel didn't bother to greet them and neither did anyone from his side. Luna Barbara decided to initiate a civil conversation.

"It is wonderful seeing you after such a long time, Nate." She smiled warmly.

"You made your Pack proud, son." Alpha Edward added.

But Nathaniel wasn't going to fall for any of their act. He could feel bubbles of anger forming in his chest thinking about their betrayal towards their own daughter. But then again, in their mind and heart, they only had one daughter. The daughter that Luna Barbara had already started talking about.

"... and Persephone has been busy doing philanthropic acts." At the end of her mother's sentence, Persephone studied Nate's face for any reaction.

"We know all about your eldest daughter's acts, Barbara." Luna Iria intervened with a sickly sweet smile.

Persephone bit her lip to prevent tears falling from her eyes. She looked up and took a long breath before speaking. "Enough about me. How was the human world, Nate? Hope you didn't have trouble adjusting there?"

The whole time Nate was staring straight ahead as if nobody was trying to engage him in a conversation. Luna Iria glanced at her son before turning towards Bennet family. "He didn't have any trouble whatsoever, girl. Sweet Ari was always there for him."

A silence followed.

"I didn't know you two were good friends." Persephone's voice was shaky.

To her humility, Nate continued ignoring her words and presence.

Again, Luna Iria spoke on his behalf. "They are closer than just good friends. Ariana has always helped my Nate both in study and life. I am glad that a kind soul like her is with my son."

Once again, Persephone's eyes filled with tears. She could feel her heart sinking.

"She has always been more of a giver." said Anwar with a bittersweet smile.

"I know." Nate spoke for the first time. The fondness in his voice perplexed the Bennet family.

Dr. Howard leaned towards his Nate. "When will they reach here?"

"Ivory informed me that as soon as Ariana had felt better, they hit the road. They shall reach here in no time." He answered.

Doctor nodded in approval.

Trumpeters started playing as a herald announced the King's arrival. "Descendant of our Goddess, Guardian of all Packs, King of Wicref, His Majesty Xavier Kon Lancaster."

Everyone stood up from their seat and bowed their head while the King glided towards his throne.

"Bastard." Nate whispered to his wolf.

"Duke and Duchess of Suffolk, His Highness Lorenzo Idris Suffolk and Her Highness Lily Anne Suffolk."

The Duke and Duchess walked across the aisle and stood in either side of the throne as the King took his seat.

"Welcome my lords and ladies." King Xavier started speaking as he settled comfortably into his throne. "We gather here after a long time and a difficult time. Our heart is relieved to see all my lords and ladies in good health. Let us take a moment to show our gratitude towards the Goddess as a blessing was bestowed upon us by her mercy."

"We assemble here to thank the people our Goddess chose as a medium to terminate our sufferings. Alpha Nathaniel of Pack Ziram stepped up and showed courage in a time of despair. His leadership and accountability is exemplary for all the leaders of generations to come. However, a society is nothing without its intellectuals. All the healers and doctors worked endlessly in service of the ill. Among them, Doctor and Healer Ronald Howard contributed the most with his effective medicines."

"Let us all appreciate the efforts of Alpha Nathaniel and Doctor Howard by clapping as they come forward to share few words with us."

Alpha Nathaniel stood up and walked towards the throne with his chin up. Dr. Howard followed him, looking left to right with excitement as everyone clapped.

"Thank you so much for all the respect my lords and ladies and My King." Dr. Howard started rambling for a while on the stage as he smiled and cried simultaneously. All this attention was too much for him to handle properly. Some were fascinated with his genuine reaction whereas most of the elitist had stopped listening long time ago. However, what the doctor said at the end drew back their attention to him.

"-I'm not discrediting Alpha Nathaniel or my works. But all of this would not have been possible if not for her. She's the blessing from Moon Goddess that His Majesty mentioned before. She's our savior."

Nate rolled his eyes as he had listened these exact sentences from Dr. Howard hundred times for the past few months.

"The truth is nothing was able to cure Xanthus but her blood. Despite already contributing by being a healer, she sacrificed her blood and health for the survival of our kind. She is the real cure of Xanthus."

Everyone was astonished after the revelation. They started whispering among each other, wondering who was such a miraculous lady. King Xavier furrowed his brows as he was curious about her too. "The one who saved our kind from possible extinction must be rewarded heavily." He thought.

"Doctor. May I ask the name of our savior? Is she here?" asked Duke Lorenzo with urgency.

"Brother, we've arrived in the palace. In fact, we're outside the throne room. Shall we come inside now or is it not the right time?" Ivory mind-linked Nathaniel.

"Enter when I call for her." He replied.

Alpha Nathaniel stepped forward. "She just arrived, Your Highness. Should she come forward?"

"Yes, of course." Duchess Lily gave permission.

"Now." Nate mind-linked Ivory.

"Here she comes." Nate announced with a mischievous smile.

The whole room turned silent as people fixed their eyes on the entrance. Alpha and Luna of each pack were already discussing on what gratuity to give her in return of her service. They had become desperate to catch a glimpse of such a blessed girl.

In came Ariana.

Long gone was the Ariana who mourned for her lost relationships. This Ariana showed no fragility or timidity on her face despite her delicate body. She was dressed in a long black gown whose design was a perfect balance between archaic and modern. She had worn no diamond but the new spark in her eyes was enough to bedazzle the watchers.

Everyone stood up as the King stood up.

Ariana walked straight towards Nathaniel without looking at anyone but him. She smiled and took the hand which Nate offered and stood beside him.

"Lady Ariana is our Savior." Dr. Howard announced with a huge smile on his face.

Ariana cringed internally. "Why must he?" She thought.

Duke Lorenzo and Duchess Lily were frozen on the spot. They shifted their gaze towards Xavier slowly to find his head lowered and eyes closed. His jaw was clenched and he was taking deep breaths rapidly.

Finally with some courage, he lifted his head to look at Ariana directly. It was amazing how the cold hearted King softened immediately just by one look at her face. He looked her from head to toe to check her well-being. It would kill him if she was hurt in any form during all these years without his protection. When his gaze travelled back to her face, his mind registered her beauty this time. Only he knew how much his eyes had suffered in absence of her sight.

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His breath hitched in his throat when Ariana suddenly stared right back at him. He felt as if she was staring deep into his soul and not just his physical form. Two soulmates were about to communicate through their eyes when Ariana broke the connection abruptly and turned her head elsewhere.

Her indifference shattered his heart. He gulped to suppress a sob threatening to come out. What was he expecting? He asked himself.

"Our mate." Kon, his wolf, answered.

Those two words were enough for Xavier to regain his sanity. "Yes. My mate." He whispered as he glared at the intertwined hands of his Ariana and Nathaniel.

Meanwhile Luna Barbara had started sobbing already. She tugged Alpha Edward's arm. "My child... Our child, Edward! She was never a curse. She is the cure. The prophecy of her being different meant this. Not what you had always thought."

Alpha Edward grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. He glanced back at his daughter whom he hadn't seen for years. The daughter who, he now realized, was treated unfairly by him.

Anwar was looking for the moment when Ariana sees him so that he could approach her. However, that moment never came. Regardless, he was about to stand up when Naomi stopped him. "Not in front of everyone, Anwar." She reminded.

As the King didn't initiate, Duke Lorenzo and Duchess Lily spoke in praise of Ariana. The whole Kingdom was now aware of their savior through mind-link. Crowds throughout the packs hailed Ariana, including the one outside the palace. Ariana felt powerful listening to her name being chanted.

"Now this is what we deserve." Saoirse gleamed proudly.

As the formal ceremony ended, Ariana stepped down the stage and people started lining up to have a chat with her and thank her. The nobles of Wicref had forgotten their well-rehearsed manners and formed a huge crowd in front of her, disregarding the fact that their King was still there, standing idle.

When all of them finally dispersed, the Alphas and Lunas started making their way. Alpha Atlas of Pack Cove came first followed second by Alpha Marshall and Luna Victoria of Pack Yuloni.

"You have proven that your worth is more than your surname, Lady Ariana and you have also proven me wrong." Alpha Marshal smiled.

Ariana smiled back at him, remembering their little discussion on surname the last time she had met him. "The wise one admits his mistake and I see you." She replied playfully.

"Thank you, Lady Ariana." Luna Victoria hugged her.

"It was my duty, Luna." Ariana hugged her back.

"Long time, huh?" Alpha Christopher of Pack Celik walked in nonchalantly with his one hand inside his pocket and a sad smile on his face.

"Yes. Long time, Alpha Christopher." Ariana returned his sad smile.

"Christopher? Don't you remember your nickname for me? Don't you remember ACE? You, me and Emma." Christopher nudged his head sheepishly.

"No." She replied flat-out without hesitating.

Nathaniel snorted from behind. "What ACE is this Christopher talking about anyway? Ace of Club is our thing." He thought.

All of them made way for the Bennet family of Pack Ravernia. Luna Barbara took long strides towards Ariana and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I'm so proud of you, my child."

Alpha Anwar and the rest approached them slowly. "We all are proud of you, Ari." He added.

Ariana pulled out from Luna Barbara's hug awkwardly. "Thank you, Luna and thank you Alpha." She whispered.

Luna Barbara was startled. "Nonsense! What is with these titles? He is your brother and I am your mother. I have been dying to hear you call me 'mother' with your sweet voice, my baby."

"Don't suffocate her with your demands, Barbara. She has just arrived. And just so everyone knows, she hasn't been feeling well since this morning. In fact, she hasn't been feeling well since the day she started sacrificing her blood for the sake of others." Luna Iria held Ariana by her arms lovingly.

As soon as Xavier heard that, he came out of his heart-ache and self-pity. Although his guilt was making it difficult for him to stand in front of his Ariana, he couldn't let anything come in his way when it came to caring for her health.

He walked towards the group immediately. "Lady Ariana. Please take some rest in the guest chamber." He pleaded with his eyes.

Everyone was now looking at their interaction, bracing themselves.

Ariana didn't respond. She just stared at his face or a while and then shifted her eyes towards Persephone. This was the first time she had looked at her face. With a barely noticeable tiny scoff, she turned back to Xavier.

This gesture hadn't gone unnoticed by him. He cleared his throat uneasily and waited for her to speak.

"There's no need for you to trouble yourself for the sake of a mere stranger like me, Your Majesty." replied Ariana in a painfully polite tone.

"You're not a stranger to me." Xavier corrected quickly.

Ariana smiled as she placed her hands behind her back. "Your Majesty is right as always. How could I forget the time we met in this very room some years ago during His Majesty's coronation ceremony? Silly me!"

Nathaniel was watching the scenes unfold before him and enjoying every bit of the moment.

"I must correct myself quickly. " Ariana continued. "Or else I will be accused of lying." She innocently flickered her eyes towards Duchess Lily. "Your Majesty is absolutely right. I'm no stranger to him."

Nate decided to add fuel to the fire. "Regardless, My King doesn't need to worry about her. I am there for her after all. We were about to head out for my pack anyway. I shall make sure that she takes plenty of rest in my palace."

"Alpha Nathaniel, her family is there to take care of her. You do not need to worry either." Alpha Edward finally spoke.

"Alpha Edward, my family is Pack Ziram now." A hint of anger could be detected in Ariana's otherwise calm voice.

Whether it was years ago or today, her rebellion stunned everyone. Alpha Edward's face had turned red with embarrassment.

Persephone stepped forward. "Look, Ari. It was my fault. Don't punish them. Let's go back to Ravernia. Our home. We will talk about this peacefully and have family dinn- "

"And what Persephone?" Ariana interrupted. "Have family dinner? Do you hear her Luna Barbara? Huh Alpha Anwar? She wants to have dinner." She laughed.

Duchess Lily stepped between them hastily. "There is actually no need for anyone to return. My birthday celebration is next week. We all could surely use some leisure time after fighting Xanthus for these past few months. Don't we? So, please stay. What do you have to say, Luna Iria?"

It was evident that Ariana was with the Astor family. The only way Duchess found effective to make her stay was be to pursue Luna Iria.

However, Luna Iria had her own plans and she wanted to execute it in front of everyone. So this proposal wasn't a bad opportunity for her. "Of course, Duchess Lily. We shall stay for your sake."

Ariana looked at her in shock. "Didn't she want Nate to stay away from Persephone?" She thought.

"Perfect." Duchess Lily smiled. "If the Luna of Pack Ziram can make time, I am certain others can as well. So, I shall not take no for an answer. I request all to make their way to the guest chambers." She smiled playfully and walked away.

Ariana was seething in anger from inside. She shot daggers at Nate. Their discussion had included them being in the Royal Palace for a day only. Just a day to show everyone a bit of what they had become. What was with this one week nonsense now?

Nate felt vibration in his pocket and fished out his phone. He looked at the caller name and sighed in relief. He walked towards Ariana and handed her his phone. "Here. Talk to your lover boy. Only he can calm you down."

While Ariana took the phone from his hand and walked away for privacy, Nate stayed and smirked seeing Xavier's pale face.

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