Alpha King's Mate

Chapter 37: 37. Drama At Dinner

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The throne room was empty except, for the King seated on his throne. Xavier felt his heart burning as he recalled what Nathaniel had said just a moment ago. He played the sentence over and over again in his head, trying to find a different meaning to it other than his Ariana actually being with someone else. Maybe it is just a nickname for one of their friends and maybe Nathaniel said it just to spite him. After all, he could expect the man who named a disastrous plague after him to resort to such childish antics.

He now knew the real power of mate bond. Despite all the efforts, he could never bring himself to even want Persephone the way a man wants a woman. Loving her one day seemed far-fetched. So how could Ariana be capable of loving someone other than Xavier himself for Nathaniel to call some other man her lover?

Xavier could understand Nathaniel's hostility but his audacity was getting on his nerves since it involved his mate. Yes. That was it. That phone call was just one of Nathaniel's ploy. He told himself. He stood up in confidence and headed out of the throne room.

Meanwhile, everyone had settled in the chamber assigned to them under the supervision of the Duchess. Luna Barbara had been ready to walk Ariana to her chamber when Luna Iria grabbed her arm gently and guided her towards her room. Ariana obliged without any hesitation as she was tired and in no mood to face the Bennet family. Alpha Edward just watched the Astor family taking his daughter away from him and his wife.

Ariana took a nap as she had been feeling dizzy since the morning. She woke up and checked her hands and feet. They were still cold. But overall, she was feeling better after the nap.

She roamed her eyes over the room to find a vase of roses on the bedside table. She swore it wasn't there before she had slept. Nobody from Astor family had done something like this before. However, she didn't want to guess who else might have done it as these sweet gestures from all those shallow people didn't mean much to her now.

She felt suffocated inside the room and decided to go talk to Nate or Ivory. She learned from the guards that Nate's room was upstairs. As she climbed the stairs, she felt shortness of breath. Her legs gave way and she took support of handrails to prevent herself from falling down the stairs.

"Ariana!" Someone cried from distance.

She felt a pair of hands support her from behind. She turned around to see Luna Barbara, Anwar and Naomi.

"Ari!" Anwar repeated, trying to catch her attention.

Luna Barbara was panicking herself and wailing in worry. Naomi was stunned and didn't know what to do.

"Mother! Naomi! Catch her. I'll go call a healer." Anwar commanded.

"What? No!" Ariana shouted. She freed herself from Anwar's hold. "I don't need a healer."

"What are you saying? You're about to faint, Ari! You need a healer." Anwar shouted back.

"I am a healer myself!" Ariana's deepened voice boomed. "I know what's happening to me. These are just mild symptoms of donating blood in large amount, Alpha Anwar. This is how my body normally reacts while climbing the stairs. There's no need for the concern of Alpha of Ravernia for a pack member of Ziram. "

Anwar was taken aback. He wasn't used to his sweet and understanding sister talking to him in such cold manner. And her claiming that she was no longer a part of their pack upset his wolf, Ronan.

"Don't say like that. No matter what, we're your family." Luna Barbara cried.

Ariana rolled her eyes. "No we're not, Luna. You all gave me up for adoption and Aunt Bella and Uncle Kevin adopted me, remember? I'm no longer part of this world let alone your family."

Anwar and Luna Barbara hung their head in shame. Even Naomi didn't dare meet her eyes. Ariana looked at them in disgust but her eyes widened when she saw Naomi holding her stomach absent-mindedly. "You're pregnant?" She asked in a low-whisper.

Naomi hesitated for a while before answering with a small smile. "Yes."

Ariana's eyes filled with tears on hearing that. It seemed like yesterday that her brother joined her while she played with her tea-set. Now, her troublesome stupid brother was going to be a father. And she was going to be an aunt. She tried hard to suppress her emotions but a smile appeared on her face anyway. She glanced at Anwar and Naomi before congratulating them.

Her smile vanished when she came into senses. She was going to return to human world for forever. She wouldn't be able to see the face of her niece or nephew or give them lots of love and presents. They would only know Persephone as their aunt.

She excused her and walked towards Nate's chamber. Her eyes softened when she saw him standing on the balcony outside his chamber. She ran towards him and clutched onto him. She buried her head in his chest and sobbed quietly.

Nate pulled her into embrace. "Hey. What happened?" He asked softly.

Ariana shook her head in response.

"Fine. Let's talk inside." Nate guided her inside her chamber and shut the door.

Persephone watched the closed door dumbfounded. She had came over to talk to Nate and ask for a second chance. But when she saw him standing relaxed on the balcony, she didn't have the heart to disturb him. She was standing still and admiring him from a distance when she saw her own little sister come and take him away.

Remaining part of the day went by quickly. It was time for dinner. As per the tradition, Alphas, Lunas and Alpha-born were to be seated at the head table accompanied by the King and the Duke and Duchess themselves.

Ariana had decided not to attend the dinner and have her meal in her room only. However, Luna Iria insisted on her attending the dinner along with Nate on behalf of her and her husband, Alpha Tywin as they had planned to visit a relative residing in Wicref. These past months, she had grown attached to Luna Iria and couldn't deny her requests. So, she obliged.

Ivory helped her get dressed fancy as she'd been told that going with Nate meant she would be representing Pack Ziram. She used to represent Pack Ravernia too. But her appearance wasn't given much effort like this time. Regardless, she enjoyed getting ready with Ivory and listening to her juicy chats whilst sipping wine.

At the dining table, they were the last one to arrive among the guests. They sat across the Bennet family. Everyone stood up from their seats as the Duke and Duchess arrived, followed by the King. Xavier sat at the head of the table while the Duke and Duchess sat on left and right side of the King respectively.

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The first thing Xavier did after taking his seat was take a quick glance at Ariana while she was looking at anything but him. He cleared his throat and tore his gaze away from her. "We expect my lords and ladies did not have any trouble settling in?"

"Why is he asking as if he is a bellboy of a motel?" Nate whispered making Ariana giggle. She hid it quickly with a cough.

Persephone glared at the couple while playing with the knife in her hand.

"Just thank King Magnus for making the rule that no one is allowed to activate their hearing abilities in private gatherings like this." She whispered back.

As much as Xavier heart fluttered on hearing her little giggle and seeing a genuine smile on her face, it hurt a bit to know that it was because of someone else. He had never been the one to be able to tell a joke or make someone laugh. So, he should have been able to adjust himself to see somebody else make his Ariana laugh even if they were together anyway. Sometimes, he envied how carefree other people had the freedom to be.

He came out of his thoughts when the Duchess called for him. He took a deep breath and gave the permission for the dinner to commence.

Slowly, the conversation started among the guests. It revolved around Xanthus and Ariana only. Every time the word Xanthus was mentioned, Xavier cringed internally and stopped eating. He took a sip of his wine and lowered his head to control his annoyance. When the word was mentioned for the twentieth time, he lifted his head to cast a glare at Nathaniel. To his dismay, Nathaniel was looking back at him. Their eyes remained on each other for a while when a smirk slowly appeared on Nathaniel's face. This did it.

"Enough!" Xavier interrupted Alpha Atlas who had been going on and on about how he suspected that Xanthus was planted on their land by Vampires.

"My apologies, Alpha Atlas. We are gathered here to rejoice, aren't we? So, why must our conversation revolve around that disease?"

For once, Ariana agreed with Xavier. People talking about the disease and about her non-stop for such a long time was making her uncomfortable.

"I hope that Your Majesty doesn't mind that I took the liberty of naming it Xanthus?" Nate asked innocently.

"He's gonna die one day by the hands of Xavier." said Saoirse to Ariana.

"Not at all." replied Xavier with a clenched hand under the table. "Not at all." He repeated.

There was a big smile on Nate's face. He leaned towards Ariana and whispered. "Your mate is so tolerant. All hail His Majesty, Bastard Xavier."

"And your mate is the biggest philanthropist of the year, I heard. I heard she's nominated for the Oscar too."

"Such successful mates we've got." Nate commented. Ariana nodded her head in agreement.

"My lords and ladies, we shall resume all the ceremonies and projects that had been postponed. I assume even the toppers haven't been given their gold medals this year. Considering the contributions given by the medical department, this year's healer training topper shall be awarded immediately so that it encourages others to join this noble profession. Your Highness?" Xavier turned towards Duke Lorenzo. "What is the name of this year's topper?" He asked.

"Oh my god!" Nate whispered.

Duke Lorenzo smiled nervously. "I shall send the names to Your Majesty later. Let us focus on the dinner, no?"

"We are just asking the name of the topper of healer training, not others. Surely you remember one name, Your Highness." Xavier retorted.

"What is happening?" Nate whispered to Ariana excitedly.

"I do, Your Majesty." Duke Lorenzo gulped. He glanced at Ariana and Nate before turning back to the King. "His name is Sean Windsor."

Xavier pondered at the name. "Is it Dr. Windor's son?" He asked.

"Yes." Duke Lorenzo confirmed. He shared a look with Nate and Ariana.

"So it's settled then. A ceremony shall be held this month awarding the gold medalist, Sean Windsor." King Xavier announced.

"Your main chick and side chick will come face to face now." Nate quickly whispered to Ariana before standing up and clapping loudly. "Yes! Great decision as always, Your Majesty."

People at the table gave him weird looks.

"Sean is my friend and I'm happy for him." Nate explained.

People nodded their heads, satisfied by the reason.

Xavier scoffed and shook his head in disapproval seeing Nate's hysteria.. When his eyes landed on Ariana, he was baffled to see her pale face.

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