Alpha King's Mate

Chapter 45: 45. Sean's Arrival

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The sky dusked and every noble in the castle began preparing themselves for the grand celebration in the evening. Decorating themselves with valuable jewelries and fabrics, they weren't bothered with selecting the best gift for the Duchess because of the no gift policy enforced. The Ball Room was decorated beautifully too.

Newer staffs, mesmerized by the ostentation, were chatting excitedly with one another and heading towards their quarters for changing into nicer clothes themselves when they saw something, rather someone, whose appearance contrasted with the sophistication of their surrounding, walking towards them.

The person walked right past them without acknowledging their presence.

"Isn't she Lady Bennet? The older one." One of them asked the another.

"Yes. The former Queen. It seems she isn't doing well after the annulment. Pity." The youngest one among them said, eyeing Persephone's muddy and torn clothes.

"Good riddance." An elderly lady appeared behind them and commented dryly.

"Why would you say that!"

"Because that girl was after my occupation despite being a queen." The lady scoffed.

The younger ones gathered around her as she continued. "You see, a Queen is supposed to care for her subjects. Not hog their livelihood. She used to set menu for each meal of the day. I have been doing that since before she was born. She even suggested to let go of me one day. Outrageous!"

"Maybe she did so out of her love for His Majesty." One suggested meekly.

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach is the only thing she learnt back home perhaps." The old lady nodded her head. "Except it wasn't enough for the King."

She remembered the conversation she had overheard.

"You should not have raised your voice on her in front of our ministers, Xavier. You know she's learning and taking classes." Duchess Lily pleaded.

"The classes that she should have taken a long ago." King Xavier rebuked. There was a frown of distaste on his face. "She is an Alpha-born. Even the spares are trained as there are chances of them replacing the heirs or being mated to one."

"She is efficient in duel, archery and running the household." Duchess laid out some points in support of Persephone, who had run straight to her chamber after the humiliation and refused to come out.

"Then should I recruit her in the military or get her married to a merchant to run his house?"

Duchess Lily gasped. "Do you hear yourself? That's your mate you're talking about!"

The King turned his back on them and remained silent. Duchess Lily shook her head in disapproval and stormed off while the Duke stayed.

"Holding a celebration to lighten the situation in Wicref while you and our troops were away at war was indeed in poor taste. People are not happy with at all her at the moment. However, she had done it with good intentions, Your Majesty." said Duke Lorenzo.

"Her intentions do not matter, Your Highness. While the Monarch is on the front line, their consort is supposed to protect the Kingdom from inside. Provide them assurance and comfort. What was in her mind when she decided to hold a celebration? Did she expect people to drink, dance and enjoy while their King and their loved ones are putting their lives at risk to prevent the infiltration of enemies? Because if she did, she is the biggest fool I have met in my life!"

Duke Lorenzo took a deep breath. "Excuse us." He commanded.

The elderly lady bowed and left. While she was closing the door behind her, she heard the Duke say, "Be honest with me, Xavier. Is she even your..."

That is all she had heard.

Coming back to the reality from her memory lane, she scoffed bitterly once again.

"It has been a while since I've seen an actual Queen. His Majesty's mother, Queen Xianna was as clueless as a cow. King Victor wasn't a revolutionary King either. Always busy with the Queen. I am glad we are already seeing such progress in King Xavier's reign. But I do not understand what is happening in his personal life."

The newer staffs were shocked to hear the old lady speaking about the former King and Queens with unconcealed condemnation. The way they were raised, they could not think of doing so in their wildest dreams. Not knowing what to say, they excused themselves.

Meanwhile, Persephone was walking ahead slowly. Her dress was lathered with mud and blood. She wanted to get out of it desperately and feel unsoiled once again. However, there was one thing she wanted to do more than anything else. Hurt Xavier.

Never had she felt as lowly as she had felt while running in the woods, scouting a wild chicken and trying to catch it. Hours went by when she found one red chicken.

Making eye contact seemed to have angered it as it went savage on her. It flew up to her knees started pecking her aggressively and continuously. She tried to shove it with her hands when it latched onto her and only let go taking a chunk of flesh from her palm.

Persephone gawked at her hand in shock. Blood was dripping down. She didn't remember the last time she had been injured even slightly.

She lost control and shifted into her wolf form. Luna, her wolf, let our a loud growl. She went in for the kill and bit the head off the chicken.

After offering it to Moon Goddess, she did not care if Xavier will know that she had caught the chicken in her wolf form as after what she was about to do next, he would not have time for anything other than feeling sorry for himself.

She smirked to herself before turning the knob and pushing the door wide open to a chamber.

"Hello. Little sister." She greeted.


"What are you doing here?" She heard Ariana ask.

Persephone's unusually calm gaze travelled from Ariana's head to toe. "Look at me and look at you, Ari. You must be ecstatic right now, comparing your situation to mine." She whispered.

"I don't have time for this, Persephone. Get out of my sight." Ariana warned.

"Not even the Queen yet and you have started commanding me?" Persephone smiled bitterly. "Why wouldn't you? The Kingdom deem you as their savior and the King is putty in your hands. You're an Alpha-born of one pack and the Alpha of another pack is an intimate friend of yours. You have everything." A tear dropped from her left eye.

She saw Ariana looking at her in disbelief.

"I have everything? Are you even listening to yourself?" asked Ariana with a shaky voice. "I don't have a home. I don't have my family. I won't have a life with my soulmate!"

"You won't? Really, Ari? How long before your pathetic self forgives him?" Persephone taunted.

Ariana narrowed her tearful eyes. "You have no idea how bad you two have scarred us, do you?"

"Regardless." Persephone averted her gaze. "When you will be in your mate's arms, don't you forget that they embraced me first. Every sweet word he whispers in your ear, you should know that he must have already said that to me."

Ariana was about to walk out of the room when Persephone grabbed her arm tightly. "Whenever he touches your body, remember that I was his first and he was mine."

Ariana winced and squeezed her eyes shut.

Persephone flung her arm free from the tight hold and walked out. As she was at the door, she turned her head slightly and looked back.

Seeing Ariana sink to her knees, she smiled in victory and left.


King Xavier walked towards the mirror while fastening cuffs of his white shirt neatly with a bedazzling cufflink made up of little diamonds and red stones. He had a feeling that his certain someone special would be wearing red. So he had to match.

He pulled the cuffs and the collar of his shirt straight before lifting his gaze and looking at himself in the mirror. He had a smile. His eyes used to show hopelessness before. Now, one could see restless in it. A yearn to be quenched only by its desired view. The view which used to seem lost forever and unattainable before, was within his reach today.

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His love. His Ariana.

A mere chance of being able to touch her, that too only through a layer of fabric between their skins was enough to make his day.

Come to think of it, she had never not been on his mind since he had seen her for the first time. Throughout their separation, his days started and ended with her thought.

Their separation.

Every night he drank his pain away, he promised that in their next life, he will be hers and hers only. He would be her lover and not a King with enemies and responsibilities.

A knock at the door brought him back from this thoughts.

"You may come in." He said.

A guard entered and bowed, avoiding eye-contact.

"They are waiting for His Majesty."

Xavier glanced at the pendulum wall clock and noted the time. It was 12 o'clock. He headed out for the Ball Room. Upon reaching there, he paused and stood straight. The double door opened from both sides as his arrival was announced. While descending down the stairs, he searched around the room but he only saw other people bowing to him.

Disheartened, he sauntered to Duchess Lily and Duke Lorenzo.

"Wishing you many more years of happiness, good health and prosperity, Your Highness." He smiled as Duchess Lily hugged him.

"Thank you." She smiled back.

As she retreated, she asked, "Did something happen between you and Ariana? Why isn't she here?"

"I have no idea, Duchess." replied Xavier.

"Mr. Windsor is here to meet Your Highness." Duke Lorenzo informed as Sylvester Windsor walked towards them.

"Your Majesty." Mr. Windsor bowed.

"Uncle." Xavier greeted warmly. "How have you been?"

"Great. Since the cure for Xanthus was found." replied Mr. Windsor with pleasure. He once took a look around before asking, "I've been meaning to ask. I met Nate. But where's Ms. Bennet, Lorenzo?"

Xavier's head shot up at that question.

"Maybe she will arrive after some time, I reckon." Duke Lorenzo answered. He turned towards Xavier and reminded him, "Lady Ariana studied in Windsor's University."

Xavier nodded at the explanation.

"Yes. Nate, Ms. Bennet and Sean, my son are good friends." Mr. Windsor added.

Duchess Lily furrowed her brows upon hearing. "Really?" She turned towards her mate, who turned elsewhere and didn't meet her gaze.

Meanwhile, Xavier had already stopped listening as he saw his Ariana descending the stairs. Dressed in red. Just like his heart had said to him. "This is what it means to be soulmate." He thought.

He looked at nothing but her before he reached in front of her. He became content after being able to behold her. However, his heart filled with worry when he caught sight of her red eyes.

"What's wrong, my love?" He asked softly as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear gently. When his hand dropped back to its place after doing so, she looked straight at him and seethed.

"Your touch disgusts me."

Saying that, she walked away.


Persephone sighed in frustration. She had wished for a big explosion in which Ariana blasts Xavier's heart into tiny pieces. But what she just witnessed did not compare to her imagination whatsoever.

She did nothing but watch Ariana walk, hoping she would go off and create a fiasco once again in front of everyone.

She saw Ariana pause and stare towards the lower door without a break. "Only unimportant people enter through the lower door. So who is she looking at there with such interest?" She thought.

Curious, she too turned towards the lower door and saw Nate shaking hands with some man. Never had she seen Nate being this happy when meeting someone. Suddenly, Ariana came in the frame.

"Maybe he was their friend back in human world." Thinking that, Persephone was about to look away due to disinterest when she saw her little sister taking the human's hands in her own.

Persephone's face lightened up in amazement. "Who is he?" She thought.

Her eyes widened so wide that it hurt when she saw the human pull out his hands from Ariana's and lift them to hold her neck lovingly.

Her neck.

Even with humans, it isn't common to touch each other like this. But in their world, this gesture meant even more as it was considered as intimate as kissing with lips.

And that human had done it to a werewolf in front of her own mate.

Before Persephone could relish Xavier's agony, her wolf sensed a dominant aura fill the room and she heard a deadly growl powerful enough to make even the Alphas submit. She understood whose growl it was.


Everyone watched as Kon, the mighty Alpha Wolf and the apex predator, who had never made an appearance outside the battle fields, emerge in front of them with his majestic and rich ebony black fur.

His colossal body sprinted towards the lower door, his manoeuvre exhibiting his intention to kill. He was about to jump on the man behind Lady Ariana when a white wolf surfaced from her body and blocked him aggressively.

The white wolf then scurried away and stopped to snarl, warning him.

When their bodies had collided, Kon had realized who she was. Saoirse.

So when she snarled at him defending another male, his anger turned into angst. He whined to convey his heartbreak to her.

Kon hurried towards Saoirse while she backed away little by little. He wagged his tail once swiftly making her stop and wait for him. As he reached in front of her, he lowered his head and leaned forward to touch her forehead. Kon closed his eyes in bliss.

"Sean, are you alright?" Mr. Windsor ran towards his son in panic.

Suddenly, Saoirse broke the contact and rushed out of the Ball Room.

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