Alphrike Phobos – The Daily life of the Goddess of Horror and her Wife

Chapter 3: ch3 – Preparing

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POV: Alphrike Phobos


"*yaaaaawn* good mornin' babe" (Alphrike)


I said as i slowly opened my eyes. What greeted me was I sight I love everytime I see it. Two little galaxies in the form of eyes greeted me with so much warmth that my heart almost melted away. How can someone have such beautiful eyes?


"Good morning Al. The maids already packed our stuff so let's go eat breakfast. I asked them to make little pancakes with sirup. your favorite" (Oizys)


"Alright, just let me shower real quick ok. I'll be down in a minute." (Alphrike)


As I said that she looked at me like she wanted to join but if she does that I probably can't hold back anymore so I gave her a stern stare that told her to hold off for now. She looked a little sad but got happy again when I gave her a juicy kiss with a little nibble on the lip for good measure. After that I went into the showers. I have to say, our showers are so fucking amazing. Everytime I come out I feel like I was in heaven. Well I technically am in heaven but you know what I mean.


After a short shower (30 minutes hehe~) I dried myself and looked myself over in the mirror.


'mmmhm good enough for today. I have to look good when I'm descending after all'


I started my way downstairs through the maze of corridoors that would drive mortals and even some gods mad with all the creepy stuff happening like paintings smiling at me or wispering inside the walls but for me it feels like home. The funny thing about our mansion is that it isn't even that huge. Well it is huge but it gets bigger and mor confusing for people who feel fear. That means once people enter and they somehow get scared, they will most likely never come back out again. We gave our servants little bracelets against the curse, but our guests just have to hope that i don't want to scare them. Not that we ever have guests. All the gods and goddesses are just little shitheads so i don't even want them inside our house hmph!


I greeted the creepy smiling face on the door which was probably some bad spirit that wandered inside my house. Well everything bad is welcome so I'm not complaining. Anyway, as I opened the door that led to the enchanting smell of pancakes and sirup that i loved so much I already heard my little kitten ordering our maids to bring more sirup for me. Well what can i say. I fucking love sirup.


As I opened the door I saw our dining table where my girlfirend already sat. She unpatiently waved me over and demanded that I sit down. So i did and as soon as my behind touched the chair she already stuffed my mouth with pancakes. Ugh i would like to scold her but the pancakes are divine and talking with a full mouth is rude so I'll do it later... maybe.


After our slightly longer than planned breakfast (Well it was more me getting fed than us eating together but it was still fun) we got up and went for a walk because we wanted to say goodbye to some gods and goddesses that aren’t aroogant assholes which means only a couple.


After some ours of wandering through the god-realm and saying our goodbyes tot he goddess of mischief, the god of sadness and some other small gods we went back to our mansio to prepare for our departure.


„I would love to say that I’ll miss this realm but that would honestly be a lie *sigh*“ (Oizys)


„True. This realm is just way too boring. Espescially when you’re so powerful that no one dares to question you…“ (Alphrike)


„Hahaha you crybaby!“ (Oizys)


„Oh shut up! Who begins to cry when I dominate you in bed!“ (Alphrike)


„Ugh *blushes* t-th-that’s because it’s embarrassiiiing~!“ (Oizys)


„hheeee~ ist hat so~? Well anyway we are here now“ (Alphrike)

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As we arrived at our mansion our package was already packed in two little backpacks enchanted with an nearly infinite space inside. We took the backpacks and went throuh the house one last time to say goodbye to every servant (out of respect… not that I really care about them) and gave them some last instructions before we went to our bedroom to finally begin our descent which I intended to make extra flashy to put up a show fort he mortals hehehe~.


„Alright babe I have the perfect plan for our entrance. I want to feel the fear oft he whole continent when we descent what do you sayyy~?“ (Alphrike)


„Ohhh~ interesting. Ok I’m hyped! Let’s scare them as much as possible so that weg et as much `costumers´ as possible in our beloved cursed lands hihi~“ (Oizys)


'She's cute when she tries to act like a villainess'


"Pffft~" (Alphrike)


"Why are you laughing!? *pout*" (Oizys)


"Nothing! Nothing you cutie haha!" (Alphrike)


As I bantered a little bit with her I suddenly remember something important that I almost forgot. I Have to warn the other gods and goddesses not to interfere with our life on the mortal plane so that we can have our peace scaring them to death!


"Babe I'm gonna quickly go to the palace and warn the emperor of gods not ot interfere with our lives ok? I'll be right back." (Alphrike)


So I went to the ugly palace again and gave the emperor a `friendly´warning not to disturb us in the future. I seem to have gotten a little mad at him when he already gained his arrogance back so I eventually went a little overboard which explains the shivering emperor that is currently sitting in a puddle of his own piss surrounded by servants that are innerly dying of laughter.


After the friendly warning I went back to our mansion and greeted my girlfriend. I told her that we will wait a little before we descend so that we descend at night (which gives a better dramatic effect hehe~). So we cuddled for four whole hours where I often had to control the urge to just eat this little cutie whole~.


After some hours of cuddling we were finally ready to go.


"Babe, hold my hand" (Alphrike)


With a shot "mhm" she held my hands with her cute little fingers and I began the descend. Normally we would be surrounded ba a white shining light but in our case it was something way better.


A dark and eerie for surrounded us and half of the god-realm which made some of the gods uneasy (but who cares). As we slowly began to dissappear I was happy that we will finally have a happy love-life with some good entertainment.


"Let the horror begin~~" (Alphrike)


"kekekekeeee~" (Oizys)




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