Amuse You

Chapter 1: Figure Sketch

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     In a cool classroom, Jens sits on an uncomfortable rickety stool. As the classroom fills in, he realizes just how strange this job may end up being.  He’s in only a robe and is soon surrounded by easels with students hidden behind them. Today, Jens is going to pose nude for a figure study class. He’s never been one to be ashamed of what he had, but the analytical gazes from the students sets his hair on edge. Professor Wells, a renown realism painter whose fame peaked in the 90s and is now teaching at one of the best Art and Design Universities in the region, walks to stand beside him. Clapping his weathered but nimble hands he calls out to the room.

“Class, this is Jens, our male model for the day” Jens smiles warmly and gives a small polite wave.

“This class will be about the natural shape of the human body.  So, I want you to focus on the curves of his features. His arms. How the calves rest. How his stomachs crinkles when he slouches. Even for a man in as good of shape as jens here, our skin is elastic, it’s meant to protect us, it bends and twists and folds with our body.” The professor bends his body to and fro, he narrated and enacted his words. For the well-aged and handsome face he has, his actions seem almost childish. Jens watches the theatric motions. Artists man, they’re all nut jobs. “I want you to focus on how the light hits his face, what parts of his body the sun, or studio light in our case, bounces off of.” 

Jens is sitting there bored, and severely more aware of his stomach.. crinkles.

I signed up to model because it offered a good amount of quick cash, I didn’t expect it to be this boring.


     As professor Wells prattles on about light and proportions, Jens scans the room. It was hard to see any individual face. The easels stood as a barrier between him and the peering eyes. Like a group of meerkats, he could only see one or two faces pop out from behind them at any given moment. Jens notices one face in particular. A sharp featured face (that was still soft in all the right places) appeared and disappeared as he adjusted his work space. Finally done fidgeting, this guy came into clear view. He’s sitting listening intently to the professor. His body is at rest but he still seems a little twitchy. His fingers move to and away from his mouth only grazing his lips like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to bite his nails or not. His actions seem absent minded, but his eyes prove that hes hanging onto every word. The professors voice became a low drone in the background as Jens focused all his attention on this pretty man. 

     Jens stares at his face. The lighting in the room was focused towards the center where Jens sat, but the ambient light made the mans skin glow. how the light bounces off him huh? jens watches him longer. His long hair is tied loosely back but hardly it’s contained. Straight and silky, it slips over his shoulder and brushes along his neck. Jens notices the section of bleached-blonde detail running through the choppy layers that frame his face. He wanted to laugh at the strange placement but it suited this guy so well that Jens found it hard to criticize anything about him kinda pretty for a guy isn’t he? With eyelashes visible even from this distance, thin eyebrows, high cheekbones and a sharp jawline, this guy looked like he could have been the one sitting in the models seat. Jens is familiar with the concept of beautiful people. He is one after all, so he’s quite used to having peers who are equally as good looking as he is. The nights Jens goes to the bar or out to drink and dance, he’s constantly surrounded by beautiful people. He’s not easily left alone either. Even among the community of the ‘above-average-looking’ Jens often stood out on top. That being said, no man has ever struck Jens’ eyes with this feeling of thirst. He couldn’t look away if he wanted to. And as a man who valued beautiful faces, he found no reason to want to either. 

     The professor claps and Jens snaps out of his thoughts “now, Jens” he looks to Professor Wells  and smiles, not sure if he missed anything important during his day dreaming. “If you could remove your garment and find a comfortable position.” Jens stands up and removes his robe. The room is cold like a doctors office. The smell of turpentine and oil paint hung in the air. He stands proudly, not attempting to cover himself at all. When the pretty student disappears behind his easel again, Jens finds himself suddenly embarrassed to be facing the sharp eyes he was admiring not so long ago. The professor motions to the stool  “Feel free to pose as you’d like. It’s more natural that way.” Jens pointedly sits facing away from Pretty Face. (Pretty Face is the nickname Jens has assigned to the only note worthy person in the room.) He doesn’t feel much embarrassment now that hes facing the other direction. He is in a relaxed position with his legs resting comfortably open on the stool, hands loosely clasped over his waist. He figures some modesty would do him well. 

     The professor stands beside him motioning wildly. “Watch the direction of your light!! Always follow the shadows! Light is never unpredictable and a poorly captured shadow will give away your level of skill” Jens looks out the window across the room. He has realized that turning away from Pretty Face also meant turning away from the only entertainment he had. This is fucking boring. The professor keeps babbling on “This is the sitting for the first quarter. Then Jens will change position for quarter two. We will discuss our results and our final position will be a sketch lasting 30mins” the students are sketching lightly. The noise of pencil on paper fills the room. Jens falls into a trance, allowing his brain to consider if someone were to nickname him like he named Pretty Face, would he be called ‘handsome face’ or ‘sexy face’?

     “Time students! time!” the professor walks up. “Ill take a walk through. Jens why don’t you stretch your legs” Jens smiles kindly, a smile he’s perfected in his time of woo-ing the elders so he could get away with being a delinquent in his high school days. It’s a smile that comes with his pretty-privilege. A smile that says ‘don’t worry! Im a good doobie!’ But actually probably means ‘I’m up to no good’. Jens gently slips on the robe again.  “sure, I’ll grab a coffee, would you like one professor?” Professor Wells pats his shoulder “yes please.” As jens walks away the professors tuts “nice boy!” Clapping his hands as he walks around the room “now lets see what you’ve all done”

     As jens passes the students he mostly doesn’t look at their work, he couldn’t care less about art. He especially couldn’t care less about art that was poorly drawn images of himself. thats not my nose. What is that? My dick was not visible from that angle. At least I get a paid break. For what I have to do, this isn’t a bad job for the money. 

     As he passes Pretty Face he looks over at the drawing. The sketch is a well done charcoal piece, leagues above the other students work. shit, he’s good.  Jens squints Is that really what the back of my head looks like? He ruffles the back of his hair. Pretty Face huffs a laugh, it was more of a scoff. Jens looks down at him. Was there a problem? What’s this dude who doodles for a living scoffing about? Jens fights to keep his face straight and not snarl at this guy. “what?” Pretty Face looks up at him smoothly. His narrow eyes gliding up to meet Jens only after analyzing every other inch of him. His stare makes Jens both self conscious and confrontational. “Nothing. I can just tell exactly what you’re thinking, and yes, it does actually look like that” jens frowns at him “yeah well maybe you just drew it wrong” This sounded juvenile, even to Jens’ own ears. Pretty Face smirks. The curve of his mouth and the glimpse of white teeth almost distracted Jens from the dismissive tone Pretty Face next spoke with “I assure you, I didn’t” Jens sucks his teeth. He decides to walk away, not only because he didnt have a come back, but also because he had to get away from Pretty Face before he started to find fun in the snarky back and forth. So he walks to make coffee. His typical over abundant confidence now curling in on itself. He fidgets with the back of his hair Well he’s annoying. pretentious. Are all art students unbearably arrogant? Sometimes finding someone physically appealing is not the same as them being attractive. In Pretty Face’s case, opening his mouth was what made Jens deem him not attractive. He looks back over his shoulder as Pretty Face is talking with the professor. He studies him. He is beautiful though. Waste of a good face. Jens considers how easy it’d be to find stunning women if someone who looks like Pretty Face accompanied him to his next outing. 

     After making a pot of coffee at the other end of the studio, Jens returns to the center of the class. Professor Wells, the coffee in his hand now controlling the amount he can wave his arms or clap obnoxiously, announces “okay! Jens will take a new position facing the other half of the class.” “This time I want you all to focus on the small changes in his body even while resting in the same position. He is living and therefore, he is constantly changing. None of us can be as still as a statue. So even in the same position, our bodies will shift and change”

     Jens is facing Pretty Face and now more aware of his own nudity. Jens is again in a relaxed seated position, this time more upright and with his hands unobstructing his crotch, resting on his thighs. hmm facing this way, I notice everyone’s eyes more he looks at Pretty Face who looks up at him then down at the sketch. No obvious emotion in his gaze. No, I only notice his eyes more. Pretty Face looks up and back down a few more times. Jens is watching him intently. His grip on his thigh tightens Why do I kinda like him looking at me? The way his eyes slide over me, it’s like I can feel it

     He clenches his jaw Why am I this aware of him? he scowls at Pretty Face a bit. Am I seriously attracted to him right now? He does have a good face, long eyelashes, subtle smile, sharp features. He looks Pretty Face over The way his neck moves is nice, his skin is clear and bright. I mean, pretty is pretty. I can’t be biased against that. Jens is zoning out analyzing this strange new person in front of him The way the light catches in his hair is nice. ha! shit. maybe I am getting this whole art thing after all. Pretty Face glances up then back down wonder if his hair is soft? His neck looks soft too. Jens’ eyes slide down Pretty Face’s neck to the barely visible collar bones peeking out from under his sweater. Yeah, he’d be soft all over. Pretty Face has stopped drawing and is staring at him with an illegible face. It’s a look that’s somewhere between ‘dude what’s your problem?’ And ‘Hey man, you’re creeping me out’. Jens doesn’t notice, all he can see is the way Pretty Face’s thin eyebrows furrow and the crease that pops up between them.  The way his eyebrows pinch is cute. Pretty Face’s expression goes from pretty to disgusted. What’s he so pissy about?  Jens snaps out of it when hes distracted by an uncomfortable pressure in his stomach. That’s also the exact moment he realizes he’s half erect. His face flushes and he looks down at his hands. Right now, he’s hoping that the peering eyes, whose job it was to stare at him, were actually secretly bad at their jobs. Pretty face only rolls his eyes and keeps drawing. Another breathy scoff may have left his nose, but the quirk in his mouth gave away his amusement at Jens’ suffering.

     Professor Wells is still walking around “You get to choose what you capture as an artist, thats the beauty of having a constantly changing model. Our bodies do many things, all of which are natural and many of which can’t be controlled. This is the beauty of having the power as an artist to select the pieces we are drawn to. You can piece together what ever picture you like. But you can’t rely on only what your eyes can see. One minute it’s there and the next it may be gone. So focus on every detail. Commit those fleeting moments to memory. And with that, you can use many pieces to create a whole image with its own story”

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“Jens, if you’d like a break, please let me know”

     Based on the tangent about natural bodily changes and the sudden offer for another break, Jens knew the result of his day dreaming didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the class. No point hiding it now. It’s true he didn’t mean for that to happen. In a situation as strange as sitting naked in a room of fully dressed people, this seemed like it could be one of the acceptably weird things to have happened. “Uh I’m okay, I zoned out, sorry” Jens puts on his charming face again. The entire class has their heads popped out from behind their easels at that moment. It seems like the smile did its job as the light scratching noises quickly continue.  

The professor laughs “nothing is unnatural about the functions of the body”

Jens looks back down and winces internally Humiliting. 

    The professor claps “well let me review” Jens puts on his robe and walks swiftly to the small supply room he has decided to make his break room. He leans over the counter fuck! What is wrong with me. He puts his hands in his hair leaning on his elbows. Hes not embarassed it happened and he was fairly sure classes like this have seen much stranger things, and hes not ashamed of what hes got down there. But the biggest question ringing in his mind like a broken fog horn was: why? why did that guy have to be the reason. That’s what bothers Jens most. Not the public boner, not his sad retreat to the art supply room, not even the professor publicly announcing his public boner. Just why did that haughty guy have to be what his body responded to?

     The door clicks as Jens has his internal break down. He doesn’t notice someone grabbing charcoal bedside him. He groans, face still hidden. Pretty Face is standing there staring at him, his expression vague. “relax.” It could have been comforting, it could have been taunting. Which ever it was, his tone didn't show any indication. Jens jumps in shock now aware of his presence “God!” He exhales slowly catching his startled breath  “say something if you’re going to creep around.” Emotionlessly, the art student stares at Jens face. A moment of amusement is visible in his eyes before he speaks “I didn’t expect a grown man to be having a mental break down in the supply room. I came in here for, ya know, supplies..they don’t usually require that I announce when I enter the room” his imperious tone slips through smooth pink lips. That distracting mouth almost fooled Jens once again.

Jens sighs “fine. Okay. Whatever.” Never in his entire life has he been so tactless as he has been today. Usually charming and cool headed, bubbling with energy, Jens felt nothing like himself in the gaze of this guy. Pretty Face stares at Jens’ red ears and his lips contort into another more sinister smirk “good work out there by the way.  you gave me- a lot to work with.” Jens scowls and then realizes the implication. Suddenly, he's flustered all over again. He mutters a confused “right.” Pretty Face turns and leaves with out another glance. Jens face burns. God to say something so casually! Jens was amazed. He was used to women commenting on his appearance. Even men have sent him side long glances and flirty offers. Jens was also used to being praised for his anatomy, he’s never once felt insecure about his body. Especially when it came to.. that part of him. As his friend Kyle said back in freshman year of college ‘Big dicks get chicks’. Kyle hadn’t been wrong so far. So Jens was accustomed to comments being made about different parts of him. But he had never experienced anything as unmistakably provocative as that from another man. Maybe it wasn’t Pretty Face’s words that felt so suggestive. It could have been the look in his eyes when they met Jens’. It could have even been the fact that they were alone in a room that caused them to stand close enough that Jens could smell his cologne. He sighs frustrated as the warmth in his lower half increases again. He knows he needs to be back in his seat, but Pretty Face  has proved to be not only physically attractive but also unpleasantly seductive.

     professor Wells pulls Jens aside “based on the results of this last sketch, it seems the students were very inspired. I want to ask, if you’re comfortable, would you be willing to stay erect for this last session?” Jens balks. Today didn’t actually happen. He’s currently still in bed praying to wake up from this nightmare! Because he knows damn well, this old man with a doctorate and decades of experience didn’t just ask him to purposely maintain a boner in front of 30 strangers. “I- uh” Jens struggles to fine a well mannered way to turn him down. ‘fuck off, pervert’ wasn’t exactly professional to say, but it was the first response that came to mind. The professor waves his hand dismissively “nothing weird, if you can maintain it for a while that’s good, you don’t need to do anything uncomfortable just think as you were before. Of course 30 minuets is quite awhile to be in that state, so just allow your body to react naturally, but I do think the students preformed better with something out of the ordinary”

“Out of the ordinary?” The professor chuckles “It’s not often the models are physically aroused” This was the cherry on top. The only self-soothing solace Jens had found during his break-room break down, was the idea that what happened was a common occurrence. In the supply room, he had even managed to convince himself that exhibitionists probably frequent things like this to get their rocks off. But no, none of that was the case. It was weird what happened. He knew it, the students knew it, pretty face knew it; but hearing it confirmed out loud liberated Jens in a way. “of course it’s not unheard of but its still less common” Professor Wells holds up his hands hoping he spoke reassuring words. 

Jens looks at the professor the cogs in his head turning. “my top student made brilliant observations. I’d like to give him a chance to explore those observations more”

Top student? He must mean Pretty Face right? A wave of his familiar confidence washed over him. He decided that if he had already been embarassed, he might as well take everyone down with him, especially Pretty Face. 

Jens nods smiling, hoping the wickedness in his voice isn’t audible. “I’ll see what I can do, but no promises” the professor waves his hand “no pressure at all, I want you to be comfortable here too, but for your efforts I am willing to give you a bonus” Jens is pleased with this new development. He gets to make Pretty Face squirm and he’s getting paid extra to do it. 

“Okay okay, I’ll do it!” He plays it up to sound like professor Wells has twisted his arm on the matter, but he had already made up his mind. Still, he thought it would seem strange if he agreed to it with out any hesitancy.

Jens walks into the supply room as Professor Wells starts the last quarter of class. Jens had been here for three hours already and between still feeling a little out of control of his body and the waves of regret now being overrun with determination, he prepares himself mentally to execute plan ‘Beat Pretty Face At His Own Game”

The professor announces “I’ve asked our model to try something different. He’s agreed. so make sure you’re focused on capturing new details”

Jens walks to the middle of the room in his robe. He makes sure to direct himself towards Pretty Face. He unties the robe at a painfully slow pace, staring directly into those dark calculative eyes. Slowly, as if letting gravity do the work for him, the robe falls to the ground. The class is a little shocked, a few are blushing. Jens sits down and leans back with his hands behind him on the stool. Legs spread, full junk on display for Pretty Face. He stares deep into those sharp eyes. Enough for you to work with? Pretty Face stares him in the eyes, then the junk, then moves to his paper. Jens smirks at the redness that he sees spread from Pretty Face’s ears, all the way to that slender neck. Any thing to help the top student further his studies

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