Amuse You

Chapter 2: Ch. 2

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      Professor Wells paces the room. His eyes light up seeing the new motivation in his students. This class has been very interesting indeed. The professor lectures on. “Remember, the body shifts often. It is difficult to remain in one state for a long time. So mark down the shapes swiftly, memorize the details and fill them in later”. His top student, Kei, seems to be in a very intense battle of concentration with this new and ‘energetic’ model. Professor Wells has rarely, if ever, seen such a look of amusement and motivation from Kei. He smiles to himself knowing that this may be the day Kei finds the inspiration he needs. 

     Kei, who Jens only knows as ‘Pretty Face’, does as the professor instructs. His concentration is intense and his eyes are more critical than they were before. Any hit of blush that was there when Jens first sat down has dispersed and been replaced by a firm, cool gaze.

     Time passes by. As Jens sits, enduring the physical sensations of having his sensitive bits exposed like this, he realizes something.. This wasn't the hysterical pay back he had expected. In Jens mind, he thought this would go down with Pretty Face getting embarrassed. After all, Jens only wanted to make Pretty Face feel as flustered as he felt in the supply room. It’s only natural to be embarrassed when someone boldly bares themself to you in such a straight forward manner. At least, that’s what Jens anticipated. What he didn’t expect was the professional air around Pretty Face once he started working. This lack of a reaction made Jens feel silly for ever accepting the professors proposal. However, since he did accept, he will see this through until the end. As shameless as Jens is, he is equally stubborn.  

    Jens huffs a somewhat defeated sigh. Nothing today went as planned. Now that he’s sat here stiff as a rock, his pride pushes him to do a job well done so he can take the extra cash and go home. Since meeting this Pretty Face, Jens has not felt like himself. He looks around the room. God I’m getting bored again, but if I get bored I’ll go soft. Somehow, the thought of losing an erection in front of thirty strangers was more embarrassing than the aroused state itself. He looks back to Pretty Face. Neck. Lips. Nimble, thin-fingered hands.  Hmm..plenty to keep my mind busy. Jens devours Pretty Face’s features. His guilt over using a stranger for boner-fuel only lasts momentarily. The fleeting thought of ‘Is this sexual harassment?’ passes before he dismisses it deciding that if it were sexual harassment, then the professor started it first. Yes, let’s blame the professor for the fact that Jens now has to imagine all the dirty scenarios his filthy mind can come up with. His imagination is currently surprising even himself.

     He imagines Pretty Face on his knees in front of him, working his way up Jens thighs to press his imaginary face to his very real erection. Jens eyebrow twitches. Damn, my imagination is vivid. Maybe I could be good at this art thing. Imaginary Pretty Face is straddling Jens moaning as he’s licked and groped. Those taunting eyes rolling back with over stimulation. 

     In reality, Kei is watching as Jens breathing speeds up, how his abs tighten as effect of his lewd imagination. Kei quickly adjusts the drawing. The new definition in Jens muscles only feeds Kei’s artistic eye. Jens is staring intently at him. This glazed-over stare is indicative of what Jens is thinking about. Kei assumes he can probably guess what’s going on in that thick skull as Jens’ two brain cells bang into each other. As filthy as this gaze feels,  it still causes his face to heat up.  He knows his fair skin will sell him out eventually. As his blush spreads, feeling his body heat up from his ears to his stomach, he keeps drawing. Jens’ grip on the back of the stool tightens causing his arms to clench. Corded muscles twisting and shifting. Kei adjusts the drawing again.

     Meanwhile, Jens’ imagination is still spiraling. Imaginary Pretty Face presses Jens into himself, facing away from Jens with his arm behind himself caressing the back of Jens neck- gasping. Jens snakes his arms around. He’d never been with a man before, but his dirty illusions assume it would feel mostly the same. Wet. Hot. Tight. It’s this thought that causes Jens to realize he might have taken this day dream too far. He has just considered what sleeping with Pretty Face would be like. At that moment, Jens knew he sealed his fate. There was no derailing this run away train of thought. In reality, he has a death grip on the stool behind him. He looks up, vision a little blurry from the delusions he was just feeding himself. Pretty Face’s eyes meet his. Something in that look said ‘I dare you’. Those eyes were daring him to go further. A bead of precum drips down his shaft. Pretty Face’s eyes go wide, an inaudible gasp leave his mouth. He adverts his eyes to look back and adjust his sketch. Looking at him closely, Jens can see the flush of pink spreading over his skin. That was enough for Jens. The prior distant and emotionless reactions had made him want to kick his feet and pout. Yes, because things weren’t going his way, but mostly because he craved Pretty Face’s focus. He felt better now that he saw an expanse of fair skin heat up because of him. He could feel satisfied in knowing he was able to get a reaction out of Pretty Face. That’s all he needed. 

     “That’s time students!” The professor calls “Jens you are a very disciplined model!!” They were in their own world those full thirty minuets. No one else in the class seemed to notice how tense the air had gotten. No one besides Kei was able to see just how seriously Jens took his job that day. “Ah the strength of youth!” Professor Wells slaps Jens on the back. Jens laughs uncomfortably bowing his head in feigned modesty. The class is packing up. “As always, please respect our model’s privacy. Be professional and courteous. With out models we couldn’t be artists!” Jens quickly changes into his clothes. “Kei, I’d like to go over your work please see me after class” Kei nods “yes professor” He looks around the room just as Jens slips out the door quietly. “Actually professor, I just need to drop something off to a friend first. Your office is open until 3 right?” “Yes yes, swing by when you have time”  Kei exists the classroom, his work station still uncleared. 

     Jens crept into the bathroom stall, painfully aware of each step he took the whole walk there. He closes the door and presses his forehead the the back of his hand. A slow cathartic exhale leaves him. He rethought his actions today and decided that he would erase it all from his memory. The only thing preventing that was the inability to forget such a pretty face. Well, one other thing too. It wont go down. I can’t calm down.  Jens is staring at his still standing erection through his boxers. Did I take that request too seriously? I almost came just thinking up every dirty scenario I could…including him as the main character of all people too… Jens presses his forehead to the wall.  Fine, I can do this I’ll just finish here and get my money at the office and go on my merry way. I’ll never have to see him again anyways.  A strange hollowness fills his chest at that thought. Jens grips himself and begins working himself over. His movements are rushed and sloppy. The urgency he felt left no room for his typical ceremony of teasing himself.  His breathing is heavy. His stomach tightening like it did in the studio. I can’t get there, why can’t I get the contact I need- fuck! This is useless.

     There’s a soft Knock at the door. Jens jumps and rips his hands out of his pants. His actions today were so unlike him that he didn’t know how to start to begin composing himself. “-uh- just a minuet, man.” He looks at his sticky hand and frantically wipes it off. He flushes the evidence. Still over sensitive, he carefully tucks himself into the waistband of his boxers so the situation in his pants would be more inconspicuous once he worked up the nerve to leave the stall.  He opens the door and is startled by kei standing directly outside the stall. Jens eyes go wide. “What’d I say about creeping arou-“ Kei puts his hand on jens’ chest and pushes him back slowly into the stall. All the fantasies in Jen’s’ head, and other head, made him malleable. He sank back into the stall with little to no effort. Was he willing? Yes. Was he about to accept this as reality? Not with out a fight. “what are you-“ Kei cuts him off  his eyelashes fluttering as he sizes Jens up “I knocked this time.” Jens looks down as Kei locks the stall behind them. “W-what” Jens is speechless.

I can’t think straight. What is he doing? My mind is running wild because I’m still worked up. This isn’t what I think it is. 

Jens runs through wild scenarios in his head. including but not limited to: Pretty Face threatening to sue him for sexual harassment.

His mind even had the thought that Pretty Face might try and kick his ass for being gross. 

     Kei pulls at Jens’ pants “This is exactly what you think it is.” Jens blushes at having his mind read. This is exactly what he thinks it is! If his dick had hands they’d high five. Wait, no, no. he still won’t believe this. Pretty Face’s breathy voice is very convincing, but this must be a sick joke. “wait- why” Kei pauses and looks him in the eyes. Annoyance is blatant in his stare and even more blatant in his tone “You think I couldn’t tell what you were thinking about? Eye fucking me the entire class?” Ah, oh no, Pretty Face is mad. This is scenario number two and Jens’ jaw already aches at the thought of needing to fist-to-cuff in a cramped stall. Jens attempts to apologize before the first fist is thrown. His stomach is sick. His face is probably pale. “I’m sorry-” Kei presses against Jens “Don’t be. I like how you look at me, like I’m some kind of erotic painting” Kei drags his hand from Jens chest and grips his hand. He presses Jens’ palm to his pants “I liked looking at you too.” Jens mind is about to explode. This was exactly what he thought it was! Seeing Pretty Faces’ eyes darting from Jens’ face to his waistband made his stomach flip.  He had the go-ahead. I can’t control myself. Jens grabs the back of Pretty Face’s neck, pulling him in quickly. Their lips meet in a bruising force. Pretty Face doesn’t resist at all. Together, kissing deep and wet, this feels like a dream. Kei moans into it. That noise, and the waistband of his boxer digging into the over excited friend in his pants, flips a switch in Jens.  “Turn around, hurry” Jens roughly grabs Pretty Face’s shoulder and spins him. Kei is pressed against the stall door. His cheek gets smushed, gasping for air already.  He tugs down his pants, just enough to see the gap of his thighs. That’s all Jens had to see. His hand worked on freeing himself. He grips Pretty Face’s hip with one hand and slides himself against the pale cheeks in front of him. Jens leans in, sucking on the thin neck. Silky hair brushing against his face. It is soft, and it smells good. The growl that escaped him was not intentional, panting into Pretty Face’s ear Jens managaed to choke out a warning. “I’ve been edging myself for like an hour, bare with me here” Kei moans from the raspy voice in his ear.  Jens, still cognoscente enough to remember they’re in a public restroom, covers his mouth and ruts against him. Thankful for being muffled, Kei whines into the palm thats half suffocating him.

     Jens doesn’t know what to do with another mans body. He knows what parts feel good when they get touched, but he had no concept of how he should touch them. He reaches around and strokes Kei. He tries to do what he does for himself but Pretty Face has a different size and shape he wasn’t used to. “Close your legs” Kei does so and also presses his butt more firmly against Jens. The curve in his back asked for more. Jens’ wild idea might just work. Well maybe it’s not a wild idea, maybe this is something men who sleep with men already know about. Jens knew none of that. All he knew was he wanted some where to stick it. He spits on his hand and rubs himself quickly before sliding between Pretty Face’s thighs. He licks at keis neck and shoulder rutting into the space he’s found. His dick smooshing and pressing Keis balls as he moves. His grip on the front of Kei has gotten more erratic. Precum is quickly dripping down kei’s thighs. One hand still muffling Pretty Face’s garbled moans and the other duel purpose stabilizing and jerking off Kei.  Jens grips Kei and himself, thrusting into his own fist each time his head passes far enough through the make-shift gap. Kei is moaning softly under Jens’ hand. He stares at Pretty Face’s profile. His upturned eyebrows, the desperation in his eyes when he could finally open them long enough to glace at Jens. An instability builds up in Jens. His mouth hangs open as his vision blurs white. Those eyes watching him the entire time. Jens comes into his hand and exhales heavily.

     Reality sinks back in. Post nut clarity doing the foul job of making him question his entire life.  He looks over at Pretty Face pressed up against the stall, bright red, gasping and severely worked up. He quickly takes his hand off Kei’s mouth. He can’t think of anything else to say besides “Sorry” Kei spins around pulling Jens’ hand back to him “Don’t stop, I'm close” Kei pleas. Those watery eyes, his shaky voice. His messy hair slipping out of the useless hair clip that once held it in place.  Jens has to be closer. He wants Pretty Face pressed against him. Damned be post nut clarity when you have ‘Round-two Adrenaline”.  Jens lifts Kei up to his hips. Kei’s body openly accepted the man handling. Jens presses himself against Pretty face and roughly jerks him off. Kei is gasping into his hand. The other hand is relentlessly gripping Jens’ shoulders, neck, hair. His heels digging into Jens back. “Good- good!” Keis voice betrays him and cracks with a gasp. Jens rubs the head quickly and Kei shudders, stuffing his face into Jens shoulder. They both breathe heavily. Jens with his forehead pressed to Pretty Face’s chest. His sticky hand trapped between the two of them. They don’t share a word. Too nervous to break the hazy lull. Jens lets Kei down and wipes his hand as Kei situates his clothing again.

     They both stop and look at eachother. A laugh breaks out of them at the same time. Jens puts his hand over his eyes “fuck what did we just do?” Kei shrugs “Exactly what you hoped for.” Kei picks up his bag again. “Thanks for making class interesting today. Oh, but word of advice, next time you model, have a little humility.” His words were cold but the curve of his lips betrayed them.  Jens sighs “yeah you’re welcome. Next time don’t stalk the model into the bathroom.” Kei rolls his eyes and opens the stall door. He bends to wash his hands. Jens is staring at him in the mirror “what’s your name?” Kei looks in the reflection and smiles sweetly “Kei.” Jens’ stomach flips seeing a warm look on Kei’s face for the first time. “Kei..” Jens nods. It’s no ‘Pretty face’ but it suits him. “Kei, got it” Kei smirks pointing at Jens through the reflection. “Jens? Okay, Jens. got it.” Kei pushes off the sink and swings the door open.  Jens is staring at the door as it softly closes. His face red and heart pounding What the fuck did I get myself into?

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