An Arrow To Your Knees

Chapter 4: 4: Indiana Jones – 1

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“Yes Dad, I have everything.” I rolled my eyes at him as he looked over me. 


“Son, I already know you do.” 


Growing a bit annoyed at his answer, “Then why remind me constantly?” 


“To annoy you, you little shit.” He chuckled. 


“Huh?!” My face contorted into anger. 


“Yeah, with mine and your mom’s good looks. You would have already been swimming in girls wanting your attention, but all I see is my maidenless son getting nervous when around women.” He grumbled. 


With the veins popping on my head, I quickly went in for a punch, only for him to easily dodge it. 


“Too slow~” He teased. 


“Fuck you dad.” I grumbled. Turning around to head down into the inner sect. 


“With girls not me son! Take care!” He said as I left without much of a word. I could hear his chuckle with how I flipped him off. Knowing full well what it meant. 


Soon reaching down into the gathering crowd, I could see a flying ship made of wood in front of the multitude of disciples. I could hear everyone arguing who would go onto the expedition and even heard some fights break out only to be stopped in a moment with the elders keeping a watchful eye. Jumping over the crowd and in front of one of the immortal elders. I showed them my badge and with their nod, I jumped up into the boat-like ship. 


I was a bit surprised to see very few disciples, only to chuckle as I remembered that only inner sect disciples that reached at least the final level of the True Martial Realm. Looking around, I couldn’t help but sigh with regret, as Daiyu wouldn’t be able to come on the expedition. Much more when it was mostly men and old teenagers who made up most of the group. 


Even more so when I moaned about their appearances. The ones on the boats looked like they would be protagonists for their own stories with the amount of hair color and confidence they carried. Then cringe at the sight that the majority of them were either sword or martial cultivators, judging by the swords and armored fists or arms they wore. 


As I stared into the night sky, I could see a crowd of demonic animals rushing towards the floating boats. My eyes narrowed as I could see with great detail from many miles away. Each one of these fiends were nothing but ravenous and salivating for their next meal. The best description I could match them was as if they were Griffons. Except they had two heads and each were huge. Matching the size of the large boat holding me and my fellow disciples as we went towards the supposed dungeon of the dead cultivator. 


“Brother Wan Xiaotong, are you sure you can handle the herd of the Dragon Blooded Hawks?” Asked one of my sect’s disciples. A random inner disciple who was known for his close-combat skills. His nervous voice also echoed the nervousness of the nearby disciples. 


“Don’t worry Junior. These things are all but simple target practice,” Swinging my hand forward as my bow suddenly appeared in my hands. Walking forwards to the front of the ship, the giant wooden boat flying high in the sky as I faced forwards. Ignoring the only elder who sat down off to the side and slept soundly. 


I could tell that this particular elder was already aware of the incoming herd but chose not to do anything since I stepped up to do my duty as the senior student. With my other hand reaching into the box containing my arrows, I plucked it out and placed it on the string. 


Pulling back the bowstring, I could feel the metal tense and my qi rising. Concentrating my breathing and circulating my energy into the point of the arrow. A small circle of blue light forming in front of the arrow, I aimed towards the largest concentration of the Spirit Animals. 


Cloud Piercing Art - Shooting Stars.” My thoughts recited the bow art as I finished converting my QI into the arrow and halo. 


Letting go of the string, I could feel the sound barrier shatter as the air flew back with the amount of kinetic energy the recoil had. A loud boom, and a few disciples being startled. I couldn’t help but feel satisfied as I was able to kill the large gathering in one single arrow. The explosion, killing just about half of the Hawks. Grabbing this time three arrows, I shifted my stance and placed all three onto the string. 


Cloud Piercing Art - Hunting Rainfall.” This time, a large ring of blue light appeared in front of my bow. This time, I used a greater quantity of my bottomless QI, and three rings appeared on top of one another. Each bigger than the last. 


As I let go, I was ready for the kinetic kickback and only moved backwards a step. Yet, the wind blowing was enough for the others who were beneath my cultivation level to stumble backwards a few steps. The three arrows that left my bow entered through the three wings and out came hundreds of homing arrows. Each containing enough force to puncture through a mountain. I hummed with satisfaction as I saw the rest of the fleeing animals dying off one by one. Their deaths are done in all but a matter of seconds. A straight hole from the top of the heads to their jaws. 


“Are they dead?” One of the Juniors asked. 


“Yup, and if you want. When we pass by, you may all loot their bodies for their core and other materials. But you would have to catch up to the ships, as we are not stopping until we get there.” Facing them and then towards the elder who laid next to me. “Am I correct, Elder Yan?” 


“Indeed little one.” She said, 


“Do be careful when collecting their carcasses, we are still in the wild territory and there are many Demonic Spirit Animals here.” 


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They all nodded, allowing me to smile and sit back down. Bringing out a book to read as I multitasked in reading the book in my hands and cultivating. 


“Ah fuck, they’re here.” 




“Crud, I think it’s best if I just leave. Not worth getting in their way.” 


“Shit, they’re going to take the good things.” 


The surrounding rogue and minor sect cultivators muttered as they saw not only our ship descending, but also another form of transportation lowering itself. I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow as I saw the faces of another popular sect coming in front of us. 


“Oh, it's the Mount Sword Sect.” Muttered one of the disciples to my right. 


“Crud, it’s going to be another dick measuring contest again.” I moaned. 


“Now now little Wan. I’m sure they aren’t going to act out like-” 


“Well well well,” Said a voice, cutting off what Elder Yan was about to say. 


“Nevermind, I stand corrected.” She said with a sigh before turning to see who spoke. 


“- if it isn’t The Barbaric Beauty herself, Yan Maomo.” Said the older woman who came forward striding with confidence. 


“Hello as well, Ishikawa.” Grumbled Elder Yan. 


“Hmph, I’m surprised to see you being here on a babysitting mission.” She said, behind her was a group of similar clothed disciples wearing white and gold robes and every single one of them having a sword in their back. 


“And I see the same thing with you as well. Tell me, are you going to be bothering me the entire time for another spar?” Sighed Elder Yan. 


“Sadly, not this time.” Tsked Ishikawa. 


“I see, so you know about it as well.” 


“Obviously. Still a matter of time before the portal opens. Only allowing those below the Formation Realm to enter.” Muttered the swordswoman quietly but the two groups had heard it. Much to the dismay of the other rogue cultivators or those from different sects. 


As they continued to talk, I summoned a wooden chair and sat down facing the supposed entrance of the portal, waiting for my time. Others began to do the same as they found their own seats or sat on the dirt ground. Many eyed me due to how different I looked with my clothes from my fellow disciples. Then only to sneer as they saw me with my bow. 


Obviously looking down on my choice of weapon due to the fact that practically everyone preferred to use close combat weapons. 


A few hours later I could see the sun beginning to rise. Unsummoning my chair, I began stretching my legs and body as I got ready. 


“Get ready dear juniors, it’s about to open.” I told them. 


I didn’t care who heard me as I began to circulate my Qi into my body. Concentrating it into my leg muscles and a few points of my feet. Right as the sun peaked out of the mountains, the light it shined was enough to hit the area of the supposed portal and slowly did it appear. A shimmer in the light like if something was dropped into a puddle, creating waves. 


In an instant, a passage was formed between space and time showing another realm. That was when everyone but a few from the Mount Sword and Harmonious Cloud Sects rushed in to be the first ones to claim their prizes.


Staying behind was a rational choice because if I was an immortal creating a realm to leave behind my work so that it may find an heir for my life’s work. I’d surely leave a trap right in the beginning as a test because I sure as hell wouldn’t want someone who was impatient to find my things first. A few minutes later, I entered first and was proven right as I saw a couple of bodies that were torn apart from blade wounds. Looking back, I could see the place beyond the portal having knives and blades stuck into the wall. 


“Yep, I should be thankful for watching Indiana Jones. If there’s one thing I learned about ancient ruins was that the ones before are fucking assholes.” 

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