An Irregular World & The Girl from Another Place

Chapter 2: The Awakening [The Girl’s POV]

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[The Girl - Level ???]
[12:00AM, Monday, January 1]
[Unknown Place - Floor ?]

When i closed my eyes, The last thing i remembered was that i was lying down, bleeding from various gunshot wounds that riddled my body. When i opened my eyes again, I found myself staring at the moonlit sky, With the moon on the grand view. or was it all a fake? Either way, it didn't matter. I was laying down on a bed of flowers, without any of the gunshot wounds visible on my body.

I'm here now. Just like he told me i would be.

I slowly stand up, groaning in pain as the pain from the gunshots still lingering, and took a gander at my appearance at the fountain behind me.

And look at that. Just like he told me, I became a girl.

With Blonde, Neck-Length Hair, Crimson Eyes, and A Cute face. Well... As cute as a girl with a resting bitch look can be. I didn't ask him to dress me up in a school girl's uniform, though. guess he likes those kind of girls, huh? Perverted Bastard.

Well, that didn't matter now. What mattered was finding a way out of this place. And to find the gun that he owed me.

The Bastard likes a little conflict in his story. so i have to get out of this dungeon, starting from the lowest floor. In addition, if i wanted to get that gun, I have to get it from here as well. At the very least, I have a speed loader that loads bullets by itself in case i do find the gun and need to reload.

I'm heading into unknown danger, and here i am wearing nothing but my clothes. Great. At the very least, i know how to punch and kick, but what am i gonna do when there's some monster from another dimension that has every single limb in existence, but doubled?

Whatever. I'm getting out of here, one way or another.

[The Girl - Level ???]
[12:02AM, Monday, January 1]
[Unknown Place - Floor ?]

I walk and walk, but there's no end to it.

I expected more from this place. Maybe a bit of monsters here and there, but so far i've come across three dead people on my search for the exit. I got some stuff from their bodies like some coins, but nothing else. Their weapons were too broken for me to use. I couldn't bury their body because... well, there's nothing but hard concrete for miles.

But the fact that i've only seen three bodies tells me that i need to get out of here fast, because something here killed 3 people with weapons and armor like those.

As i kept on wondering what could have possibly killed me, A skeleton suddenly jumps out of the corner and almost clubs my head with a big stick. I managed to block the hit with both of my hands, but wow that hurt hard.

I quickly kicked him away, and backed up quite a bit as i shake off the pain from my own hands. Of course it doesn't work, but it helps. The skeleton is already charging right at me again, but i don't know where he'll hit. Judging by how he's raising the club as high as he could, he could be trying to hit my head. I think he's trying to kill me very quickly, but i won't let him, of course.

I quickly jumped to the left, and just as i predicted, He was swinging vertically. I quickly take the chance to get off a swinging kick right on his knees, then use the momentum of him falling to smash his head right onto cold hard ground. It doesn't crush his skull entirely, but i can see cracks forming in that bone of his. So i kept on kicking him in the head again and again. what i didn't realize was that he already had his bony hands on my legs, and he uses the opportunity to slip me down while i'm distracted, and quickly mount me so that i couldn't escape.

What the hell? He's surprisingly strong for only being bones. I can't get off him, and he's trying to make sure that my brain is splattered onto the concrete. If i keep on blocking, my hands won't be able to be used, and i won't be able to do anything while he smashes my head in. I keep on blocking, letting him hurt my arms while i figure out something. and figure out something i did.

Once he swings the club again, I grab onto it, Pull him closer to me, and give him a good old headbutt. and while he's recovering from the blow, I'll push him off, give his arm a twist and then take the club away from him.

There. I managed to get a weapon for myself. I'll surely have the advan--- Is that the revolver?!

Where did that come from?! Why is he grabbing onto the barrel?! Is he planning to use it as a blunt weapon?!

Oh no, i can't have this! You won't damage my favorite gun like that!

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The skeleton will damage the gun if it manages to hit the wall, or me. If i want both the gun and my victory, i'm going to have to dodge a whole lot, and only attack when it's necessary.

Problem is, The skeleton's changed his tactic. It looks like he's pissed off, so all he's doing is swinging the thing around like it's just any old weapon for him to use. This damn thing just won't let up! But this just means once he's hit, it'll take a few more seconds to recover.

I dodge his attacks, but he managed to get a few hits in on my body. I quickly swing back once i had the advantage, Smashing his head in, and shattering his skull into pieces.

And with the final blow, I managed to turn him into nothing more than a pile of scattered bones.

God, that was exhausting. and that was just one monster. I sit down to catch my breath, all the while taking the revolver that the skeleton dropped, and taking a good look at the damage.

Thankfully, There was no damage at all, which is a miracle. I was hoping that only the handle would be damaged at best, so seeing it still pristine soothes me to my very soul.

The revolver itself holds Six .44 Magnum Rounds, and looks engraved. It's something a collector would have, because the outdated guns aren't exactly the best weapons when it comes to the modern defenses that I had back in my world.

But whatever! It's a gun! It can shoot powerful bullets, and i have the ammunition for it! I feel pretty confident already.

Once i catch my breath, I'll look around a bit more to see if i can't find the stairs.

[The Girl - Level ???]
[12:26AM. Monday, January 1]
[Unknown Place - Floor ?]

They're starting to ramp up the fights now.

Now that i finally have the revolver, More and more monsters keep appearing from out of nowhere. But i quickly dispatch them with a body shot or two. I thought i could shoot this thing like one of those old cowboys from the classic movies, but no.

This revolver has A Ton of recoil, and it's pretty loud. I Can see why people don't like to use the older guns now. But it's still pretty good. I just have to get used to the recoil, and once i do, I'm gonna train to shoot like cowboys.

That aside, I finally found the stairs. Thank the lords. I thought i'd be walking around for days, but i finally found a way out... or atleast, i thought i found my way out.

Once i ascended the stairs, i was met with even more hard concrete halls to walk around and get lost in. and that's when i let out a very loud sigh, only to be interrupted with how shaky this floor is.

The shaking seems to be getting smaller and smaller, which means whatever's causing it, it's a living being and it's pretty big. Normally, i would try to avoid this, but... This thing's pretty loud. i'm pretty sure even a big monster like that can hear a gunshot coming, even if it was on the other side of this room.

Nonetheless, i kept on advancing through the place, Not minding the cause of the shaking as i put down a few stragglers on my way to finding the exit.

When i finally find the stairs [which was way easier to do this time. i got lucky this time], I find out what the source of the shaking was.

It was this huge, fuck off bull-man demon that had a big fuck off axe, and he was about to swing it right into a gal. I quickly take aim, and fire.

Lucky Shot.

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