An Irregular World & The Girl from Another Place

Chapter 3: The Dangerous Escape [The Magician’s POV]

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[The Magician - Level 10]
[Sevirin's Dungeon - Floor 3]

I Didn't think there was anybody else in this dungeon, Much less a weirdly dressed Girl.

Not only that, but she has a dangerous weapon with her. A very thunderous one, capable of killing a feral beast in a manner of minutes, as demonstrated by the fact that she killed the minotaur with it. A Seemingly High-Ranked one at that.

Either way, that didn't matter. What mattered now was that i was alive. I let out a sigh of relief as i thank the gods for a miracle bestowed upon me.

"I'm... My leg is wounded. Do you... happen to have any medical supplies with you?" I spoke, Taking The Stranger's hand before she pulls me from the ground. She then wraps my arms around her shoulder as she begins to carry me. "I Don't have any. I'll get us both out of here, one way or another."

As we both went up the stairs, I suddenly hear something very, very bad from down below.

The sound of a thousand monster's screaming. It's the sound you would hear when a stampede is about to happen.

Every few minutes, this dungeon reveals itself to be the worst, and now it's planning to ravage everything it comes across, including the town near this place.

This is bad... This is a high-ranked dungeon disguising itself as a low-ranked one. If we don't tell everybody what happens here...

"Fuck, that's not good." What she said. "Okay. Tell me where to go. You're the expert here, so i'm hoping you atleast have an idea on where to go."

"N-No! I'm level 10!" The stranger looks at me in confusion. "Level 10? Whatever. Just... Tell me which way's the best way!"

I just hope we can get to warn everybody in time...

[The Magician - Level 10]
[Sevirin's Dungeon - Floor 2]

The first thing once we got out of Floor 3 was a group of monsters. A Skeleton, Goblins, and A Wild Undead. The stranger quickly points their weapon towards the left side of this group, and shot towards them, creating a very loud BANG that i did not particularly enjoy being near at. In fact, i think my ears are starting to ring from how loud the sound was.

The stranger notices this, and gives me a very simple advice. "Cover your ears, lady. You're gonna hear it alot."

I Quickly began to cover my ears as another shot rings out, The stranger running away from the right side of the group as they began to chase us both. But Three shots on the leg would slow them down significantly.

I Expected another shot to fire, but i heard a click coming from the gun, and the stranger cursing under her breath.

"Okay, we're out of here!" Suddenly, she would start carrying me like a princess, and starts high-tailing it out of there. "H-Hey!" I shout in protest, but i let her carry me like this.

This is... Embarassing, to say the least. Sure, she needs to get out of here before the stampede begins properly, but couldn't there be another way to carry me?

No Matter. Once we get out of danger, She puts me down, and catches her breath. All the while Ejecting something empty out of the weapon's cylinder, and putting something in with a strange little thing that carried what seems like 6 of the things the revolver ejected, but with something at the end of it. Kind of like an arrow. After that, she puts the empty holder onto her pocket, and spins the cylinder, before it goes back into the weapon with a little force.

"Okay. I won't carry you like that again, so I'm gonna need your help." And just like she promised, she's carrying me by my arm. "This thing carries 6 Shots. On my word, i need you to reach by my pocket, and get the speedloader." So that's what it's called. "Got it?"

I Simply nod in silence, and she starts to run while carrying me. We've not any time to waste.

[The Magician - Level 10]
[Sevirin's Dungeon - Floor 1]

We're finally here.

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"We're on the first floor now. We just need to find the exit."

"For real? Thank fuck. my legs are starting to hurt from running."

And yet the monster count keeps increasing the further we are from the exit, but we've already got a good system going on here.

Every monster we come across, The stranger would unload what she called bullets onto them. 6 shots, and I had to reload the revolver, as she called the weapon. Rinse and repeat. This was a strategy that has been working while we try to find the exit. We were pretty sure that we'd find it in a few minutes or two, but... This floor was far bigger than i expected.

It's getting to the point that Even the stranger is getting very exhausted. The both of us are on the verge of collapsing, but we keep on going  through sheer will and adrenaline alone, because if we fall here, who knows what'll happen to us? Certainly nothing good, judging by the fact that A stampede is coming.

After a few more hours of walking, we finally managed to find the exit. But the bad news is that a big group of monsters just appeared. Not only that, but there's a few high-rank monsters within their ranks as well. It's not just skeletons and goblins now. There's an ogre, and a minotaur.

"This is a joke..." The stranger whispered to herself, Letting me go as she reloads her revolver again. "Okay. I might need your help with this one. can you fight?"

Without a word, I grab my grimoire and scroll through the pages to find the spell that i need for this occasion.

"Right. Come on!" The stranger quickly takes aim at the largest one, and fires a shot at his head. I Transfer my mana into the Grimoire, conjure my spell quietly, and fire my a spell of my own towards the large group.

The stranger's shot hits cleanly through the minotaur's head, effectively killing him instantly. All the while a big ball of energy is conjured through my spell, and hurls itself towards the crowd, Creating an Area of Effect that kills most of the smaller enemies once it hit one of them.

I certainly didn't expect my spell to one-hit-kill most of them. That was beautiful.

Once we made our attack however, the smaller group began their charge towards us. I quickly began casting another spell while the stranger quickly shoots the bigger enemies in order to lessen the danger.

Another big ball of energy that thins the crowds even further, and more of the big ones fall. But they're beyond my effective range now, and they're about to swing their weapons.

I quickly conjure a wide shield to keep them away. And while it's up, The stranger takes the chance to reload, and i get my chance to write the words i need to create a stronger spell.

Once they break through, The both of us were prepped and ready to kill the remaining enemies. And in unison, The both of us attack our enemies. The stranger with her usual revolver fire piercing through even the toughest bones, and my blast spell effectively creating a proverbial hole into the goblin.

After that, it was done. we were finally free.

Just a few more steps, and we'll be finally breathing in the fresh air that i've missed so much.

But as if the gods above were mocking our existence, we were finally experiencing the amount of fatigue that was stored up in our body, and we couldn't move any more closer to the exit.

The first to collapse was the stranger, who fell down to the floor right as the both of us saw a glimpse of the night sky. But i tried to cling to my consciousness.

However, when i saw a group of adventurers heading this way, That was my cue to finally fall down to the floor and slowly close my eyes as my consciousness starts to fade.

Atleast... I Think they were adventurers.

Please god, let them be adventurers.

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