And Back Again

Chapter 10: Chapter 7: Catharsis

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Day 6 - Morning 

Fort Matthew

*crowd and market noises*

After walking through the gate I'm heading south on 7th street. Fort Matthew's Bartertown. It's commercial hub. Thousands crowd the area. Selling, buying, bartering, begging, lying and stealing.

It's hot, crowded and stinks. But it's a good stink. The smell of humanity. Of life. Of civilization. Strange how you can start to miss it. Geesh, I gotta stop reminiscing about the capital.

On the west side of 7th is where Louis placed the Adventurers Guild and system purchased stores. East is Ditcher Beach Park. A large part of it being a golf course. And on a little hill in the center of that course? Is a dungeon portal.

Good luck golfing through that hazard.

Now it's become a shanty town and market. Though the area around the portal is walled off and secured.

Hawkers, vendors and peddlers shout and bargain. Competing for attention and chits.

I, he, placed the system purchased "facilities" south and east of the park. South is the townhall and east is the public kitchen, baths and clinic.

Further east is the Wash Beach neighborhood. Much of it burned down in the chaotic first two weeks. The rest? Damaged to one degree or another.

As an experiment, Louis purchased some housing through the store. Which took a while because there are tons of options. He chose apartment style buildings. And they were easy to connect to the working again water and sewer lines.

The rest of the blocks are bad off but the refugees and locals are slowly rebuilding.

West is the Fort Matthew Preparatory Academy. Half of its dorms turned into housing for refugees.

Planned to go to my shop behind the academy first. I'm sure it's been looted but I should see what's left. Also need to clear out mom and sis's place. Save some momentos. But seeing the state of the gate?

Yeah, crap.

So I'm going to the adventurers guild first. See what the hell is going on. May need to take over sooner than I wanted too. Then I'll stop by my shop and their room in the dorms. 

It's funny, and sad, how there's no reaction to the gunfire. Back in steam land I'd have had a dozen constables come running in minutes. Here? Only a few shots and no one's running? No big deal then. Carry on.

Walk by the Apothecary. Where Pedro’s crush works. Fans and stalkers of the bunny girl loiter about. Peaking in windows. And here's the general store. Crowded as always. It's surprising how much more you value things like toilet paper when the Walmarts and Targets are in ruins.

Beggars and pickpockets test the waters with me. My gear looks high quality and in good shape. Therefore, must be rich. Though that also means I run dungeons and kill monsters. Since that's where the money is these days. So could be a brutal killer too.



The beggars I ignore. But the pickpockets? They get broken fingers. Hurts a lot but it's not crippling. The Public Clinic I bought provides free healthcare.


Yep, free healthcare. Another heinous crime to lay at the system’s feet.

Ah, here we are.

Finding space for the Adventurers Guildhall was a pain. Since its a pretty big building. Well, more like a compound. Being three stories tall may not seem like much but with three upgrades it includes training grounds, cheap housing, and a tavern.

Those three upgrades also turn it into a little fort. Its wood fence was first replaced with a wood stockade and then a stone wall. Yeah it's only sixteen, refuse to say what it is in meters, feet high but its still pretty impressive.

Walk through its gate to see the typical crowd loitering outside the main building’s entrance. Parasites trying to leech off the adventurer’s income and fame. Women, and some men, looking for a sugar daddy or mommy. 

Understandable, because adventurers are the new superstars. Like movie actors, pro athletes, and singing sensations all rolled into one. The biggest are pretty much household names already. Known across multiple settlements. 


Speaking of parasites, who do I spy with my little eye?

"Come on, I know you'll like it." She's squeezing her boobs and swinging hips. "We can go around back and then you can come around my back." Slaps her own ass. "I'll make you feel really good. I promise."

Shouldn't be surprised. I'm dead now. So she doesn't have to hide what she's become anymore.

Yep, it's my cheating ex. Cynth. Dressed like a parisian prostitute. And who doesn't like getting laid? Apparently that guy. Skank gets shot down. He shakes his head, pushes her aside and walks by. She pouts until noticing a new mark.

Yeah, me.

Got my hood and mask back on so she can't see my face. Whore actually runs up and grabs me as I'm heading for the steps with sparkles in her eyes.

"Wow! You look so big and strong." Cups my crotch. "Bet you could pound me to heaven." Her voice turns husky. "Do you wanna? Master sent me to give free samples today. So you ca-"

"Fuck off."

"Now that's no way to talk to a lady. Is it?" Cynthia's face looks a bit odd. Like there's something wrong but she's not sure what it is. "Luckily for you. I ain't no lady. Come on, I'll make it qui-"

Pull her rubbing hand off my crotch with my real hand. And speak slowly so even her drug and cum addled brain should understand.

"Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me."

The few neurons she has left finally manage to work.

"L-lou-louie?" Her face runs through a bunch of emotions. But settles on happiness for some reason. "Louie? Is that you? It is you, right?"

Sigh. Guess we are doing this now. Fuck it. 

Pull the mask off and stare at her. Do a deep scan with my eyes and see what I expected too. Young, dumb and full of cum. Don't know whether to feel angry, disappointed or disgusted.

Guess I'll settle for all of the above.

Stupid cunt screams for joy, hugs me and bounces up and down.

"Louie! You're alive! That's so wiz!" Wiz? "Wait till my sisters hear!" Sisters? "They were so sad when I told them about Tony dragging you away." Does she know what she's saying? "We should have a party!"

Better rain on this parade into delusional town.

"Fuck you, bitch."

Cynth looks shocked, confused and hurt. Like she has no idea what I could be upset about.

"Wha? How dare you talk to your girlfriend that way!"

"Girlfriend? Jesus Christ, are you fucking stupid?"

*shove* *plap*

Push the skank away and she lands flat on her ass. I lose my cool a little and begin shouting.

"Let's make things nice and sparkling clear!" Hold up a hand and count. "You're a whore!" One finger. "A skank!" Two. "A cunt!" Three. "A one dollar blow job!" Four. "A two dollar fuck!" Five. "ANY HOLE!" Fist. "Only a remarkably stupid bitch could be blackmailed into fucking an asshole over kissing a face." Wave my arms. "So of course Johnny broke you, tamed you and trained you. It was easy." Flick her forehead. "Since your brain checked out and left when it realized what a dumb twat you are!"

She rubs her stinging brow, protesting strongly. And idiotically.

"How can you say that?! I never cheated on-"

"Shorty showed me the video!!!"


"Limp dick Lou ring a bell? Do I need to repeat the other things you were screaming about your supposed boyfriend? While being gangbanged by other guys?!"

Realization dawns on her face. And then it's gone. Gets a downright disturbing "is that all" look.

"That wasn't cheating, silly. Master explained it to me." Hand on her chest. "As long as it's what master tells me to do, it's not cheating. See?"

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Holy shit, she's really gone. The woman I, he, loved so much? Isn't there anymore. The anger and disgust? Fade. All that's left? Is pity.

"Your master made a video. Highlights of the ones he was selling." A moment's confusion.  "He showed it to me the day before you led me into that trap."

She seems to finally become present, in the now, enough to notice my cybereyes.

"It documented your fall. Beginning with an empty threat of blackmail." Everyone outside is watching, and listening. "And crying just from kissing him. To crying when he stole your virginity. To crying during your first gangbang." Cynth's locked on my twisting eyes. "Showed as you cried less and less. And moaned more and more." Her face goes slack. "As they degraded you in every way physically? You degraded me in every way verbally. And do you know how it ended?"

Cynthia numbly shakes her head no.

"It ends with Johnny admitting that he went to your father first. Showing the pictures so he could break us up. He shows them to the camera too." There! Finally, what I'm saying is reaching those last few neurons. Horror starts to cover her face. "Your father didn't care. Thought we'd been fucking for years already. He felt I would make a great son-in-law."

"B-but he s-said…" I know it sounds dumb but you really can see when someone's world crumbles to dust. And I can see it happening now, on her face. "He… ma-master he…"

No mercy.

"Lied. Johnny lied to you. Why would the one blackmailing, raping and prostituting you tell the truth?" Burn, bitch, burn. "Of course he wouldn't. Even you can see that."

Hard to accurately describe what the shaking and trembling thing that climbs back to its feet is feeling right now. Cynth looks pale. Looks sick. Like she's going to vomit and pass out at the same time. Desperately clinging to sanity but starting to slip. Fake fingernails snap off as they claw at her hair. Pulling out the extensions

"L-lou-louie, I… I can expl-"

One more push.

"Your master said something else to me. As I sat there, my heart falling apart. Watching the love of my life turn into a thing even she wouldn’t recognize." A sneer crosses my face. "He bragged that he sent that video to your father too." She's back to absolute horror. "And hoped your parents were able to watch it before they died. What do you think they felt when they saw it?"


There she blows! The sluttiest slut that ever slutted falls back to the ground on her hands and knees. Throwing up a lot. Like a lot, a lot. And as if that's not enough, she's pissing too. An arching stream. Guess there's no panties under that skirt. 

What's left of Jesper from steam planet nods his head in satisfaction. His Sally may have been a whore too. But she whored herself equally to everyone. Didn't play favorites.

Yeah, not sure that's something you should be happy about.

Louis, on the other hand, is numb. He believed they were exclusive and faithful. Cynth's betrayal expelled her from his heart violently and completely. Just killed his heart in the process too.

Would have warned you, dude. Revenge is a dish that's best served cold. But all too often what you get? Is just an empty plate.

More folks have come out to watch the show. See a few phones recording.


Well, yeah, do you think they all just disappeared? Now they did all run out of juice until Louie turned the electric back on. And the cell networks are still gone. But the wifi isn't. So we jury rigged a few wifi towers.

Anyone with a cell phone that has wifi can make calls and send texts to any other phone in and around Fort Matthew. Have a "mininet" running with some websites too. A few different people even have scheduled podcasts.

There are plans to set up a citywide network and reconnect the cell networks. But they haven't gotten very far yet.

Of course the system store has various communication devices for sale. But they're all so stupid expensive that even Steve Jobs would throw a fit.

And yes, dungeon selfies are a thing.

Shit, sorry, tangent again. Back to the telecast already in progress.

I'm standing there. Staring down at the retching slut. Waiting for it to end so I can deliver one last blow.

Here… we… go.

"What you did to me, to you and to us, is unforgivable. I was going to kill you but, when I look at you now? Nothing. I have no feelings about you one way or the other. You're like… lint, or a bottle cap. Just a thing to remove."

Somehow she's shaking even harder now. I'm still making sure my voice reaches the peanut gallery.

"However, my mother and sister died because of you. So I will kill you but, not yet. You should suffer first, right? You should feel what I felt. What your father felt. What your mother felt. When watching that video."

She's curled up into a fetal position in the puddle of piss and puke.

"The pain. The despair. The misery. Yes… that's good. That's… just." Nod to myself. "I sentence you, Cynthia Houghton, to misery. Sentence to begin immediately. And when I determine you have suffered enough? I will release you with an incredibly painful death."

Reach down and grab a mass of hair on top of her head with my left hand. Slowly pull her up by it until her feet are under her again. Then let go of her hair.

Jesus she reeks. Her bordello outfit is soaked with nasty. Her face? The right balance of shame and pain. Unable to meet my eyes but still aware. Good, was worried she'd faint.

Still speaking to her and the crowd. 

"Now, fly away little songbird. Fly back to your cage. And tell your keeper that judgment day's a comin."


Cynth's not moving. Just stands there trembling. Knees shaking. Time for some encouragement. 

My right pulls out the monstrous Ironbear revolver. Her peepers lock on the brutal thing as I cock the hammer.


"I said fly, bitch. Or you'll be flapping with one less wing."

And she's off! Sorta. It's more a stumbling shuffling shivering hobble than a flight. Aren't bitches supposed to be able to run in high heels? Well at least the ho is moving. Watch until Cynth disappears around the gate. I uncock and holster the Ironbear. Then turn and walk through the crowd which parts like the Red Sea before Moses.

I stop before pushing open the double doors of the guild’s main building. Without even turning I speak loudly and clearly.

“Whoever interferes with my judgment? Obstructs this justice? So much as touches the prisoner?” Pause for dramatic effect. “Will be held in contempt of court and die sooner than she does.”

*clack* *creak* *clack*

Stop after the doors close behind me.

Oh fuck that was intense! Son of a bitch. Didn’t mean to go that overboard with it. Whew, breathe John, breathe. Almost there. Now just gotta find Zecawk and start pulling feathers until the truth comes out.

The guildhall looks abandoned. Not even the receptionists are here. Guess the crowd outside got bigger than I thought. Walk past the counters and quest board. By the tavern and up the first flight of stairs. Really wish the system put elevators in its buildings.

Two flights later, I reach the third floor. The second floor is meeting rooms for private quest discussions. Floor three is offices. Most are empty because the guildmaster hasn’t hired enough people yet. Yep, only the manager comes with the building. They have to hire and train everyone else from among the locals.

Pause in front of the fancy wood door at the end of the carpeted hallway and don’t bother knocking. Just turn the knob. It's never been locked once since I started coming here and it isn't this time either.


Swinging it open reveals the luxurious office. Upgrades do more than improve the buildings. They spruce up the interiors too. What started as a modest office with a desk and a couple chairs? Is now a sprawling chamber that has a separate seating area. Couches. Long table for staff meetings. And even a reading nook.

Standing behind the desk. Staring through a large window and likely watching the chaos I caused. Is Zecawk, guildmaster, of the Fort Matthew Adventurers Guildhall. His blue and green plumage is ruffled. A sign that he's agitated. Just like the wattle under his beak being stiff.

Yes, he's a bird person. He never told me his last name, if he has one, or race. Says it doesn't matter. Pretty sure his body isn't built to speak English. But it's what I hear when he speaks. Though the words sound kind of, uh, "chirpy."

He's basically a system slave. Tasked with organizing and training the people who register here. He's also? A traitor.

Birdguy here is why Louie knows a lot more than he should. Even warned the kid that he might get recalled over it. But he's been the kid's friend and mentor these last couple weeks. The first real friend Louis has had in a long, long, time. And if there's anyone I can count on? It will be this guy.

"Just who the fuck do you think you are!"

Or not.

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