And Back Again

Chapter 9: Branch 2: Fort Matthew

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Day 6 - Morning

Fort Matthew

Fort Matthew

*tach* *tach* *tach*

My steps on the broken concrete street echo off ruined buildings in the late-morning light. There isn't a cloud in the sky and the monsters seem to have slept in. Up ahead is a sixteen foot tall metal reinforced wood gate in a thirty-two foot tall stone wall.

Gotta admit, the system does quality work. Should be hard to believe it can materialize a wall that big. But thinking of all the mana it has access to? All that dimensional storage space?

Bet it doesn't even break a sweat.

"Last chance."

It's quiet for a bit. Then a sad voice answers.

<BledWhiteHeart: What do you want? I've offered as much as I can. Even more. But you just laugh at me.>

"Awe, don't be like that. Fine, I understand. You saved up your allowance and blew it all on upgrading this body. Your sure thing turned into a no thing. And now you're worried pops will find out. Right?"

<BledWhiteHeart: Why are you so mean to me?>

"Stop flirting. You'll make me blush. Okay, here's my one and only offer. Take it or leave it."

<BledWhiteHeart: Finally, what do you want?>


<BledWhiteHeart: …That's it?>

"Don't be too happy until you hear the details." Point to myself. "If I ask a question?" Point up. "You answer it honestly and completely. If you don't know the answer? You'll do your best to find it and tell me what it is. If other higher beings are watching? You tell me."

<BledWhiteHeart: You want me to be your spy?>

"Call it what you will. I would call you my librarian. My sneaky librarian."

<BledWhiteHeart: …Fine, you win. But I will not tell you anything that harms my pantheon.>


Step across an invisible boundary and a small screen appears in my mind.

[Community: Fort Matthew | Owner: Town Council | Population: 13,616 | Size: 4 km2]

Oh, the population went up a thousand. Probably another holdout gave up. And next to it is another of the system's many, many, crimes. The metric system.

The "world engine" on steam planet changed the scale displayed based on the user's nation. Not using freedom units? One more sign of this system's vile despicable tyranny. 

Need some tea to throw in a harbor.

And along the wall, every hundred meters, are forty-nine foot high "turrets." Really just stone towers with jury rigged pintle mounts on top.

A mix of light and medium, no heavy, machine guns are on top. One per tower. Some are broken and need particular parts. Half of the rest are out of ammo. The other half have less than an ammo can each.

Still were working when we, they, needed them most. On top of barricades holding off the second break.

The system let Louis plot out this territory himself. From the Slenders Bridge in the west. Following Esendam Tollway northeast. Then southeast on 86th. Southwest on Bay Parkway. And back northwest along the Coast Parkway. The screen then expanded his plot down to the shoreline of Grievous Bay and a little on all the other sides until it reached an even four square kilometers.

So the Fort Matthew and Wash Beach neighborhoods plus Ditcher Beach Park, are enclosed. Above and below the ground. Yeah, Louis was surprised to find out the wall went down too. Severing all the water, sewer, power, etc…

At least his land didn't have any subways to deal with. The closest, below ground, is on the other side of Esendam Tollway. And the only elevated track runs outside the wall above 86th from New Rotter Ave to past Bay Parkway.

Esendam, 86th, Bay and Coast streets create a natural moat, or killing zone, in front of the fortifications. And there are currently only two gates. The first, at 7th and 86th, is manned twenty-four seven. The second, at Cropsey and Bay, is locked down at night. There are plans to add two more but the town just doesn’t have the manpower yet.

I’m in front of the 7-86 gate and in line. Even a month after the world went to shit. There’s still a dribble of survivors looking for safety. Besides them are the scavengers looking to sell their latest haul. Adventurer parties back from overnights or here to run the dungeon. And traders from other settlements.

Including a slaver.

Only a month and there are already assholes selling other people. And people willing to be sold. Yes, the system has a [Contract] function that lets people sign their freedom away. Even materializing a slave collar after its confirmed. Fortunately, I guess, like everything else now it's a skill that has to be learned first. 

Jury rigged carts are being pulled by some. The slaver even has a four wheeled one that looks like it was a pickup once. Some of his merchandise pulling, some riding. What, there ain’t no draft animals round here. And no one has successfully tamed the monster versions that have shown up.

That I know of at least.

Settlements wise? Louis knew of nine others. Seven registered. Two not. Of the ten, Fort Matthew is the biggest and nicest. In size and facilities. There are others with higher populations.

A commotion up at the gate.

"No, don't care if you got family here! Told ya, there's a fee now." Leers. "Cash, grass, or ass."

Scoot over to look up and see a militiaman giving a raggedy girl shit. He's an older guy with ill-fitting leather armor, a spear, what looks like it may have been cop blues and an M16 rifle. She's got a heavy cloak over rags which could be suspicious. 

Until you think about the absence of law and order for weeks. The safest look for girls these days? Is to not look like a girl. Ergo, cloaks. But there's only so much you can do.

CGA is standard operating procedure since every other currency on the planet is worthless now. And not everyone has chits. Transferring chits is easy if you have some in your data screen. Just have to be within a few feet of each other.

Bribery and corruption have never been easier!

And while cga is accepted almost anywhere? When I left the rule was everyone gets in for free, after an inspection. But people are lazy so bad habits are easy ro start. Not so easy to stop though.

Use my cybereyes to check out raggedy ann and bad cop.


But this could be an opportunity too. Hmm…

Step out of line and walk up like I'm going to enter. Wearing black [Principes Armor] with the hood up and a skull face mask on. Two revolvers in thigh holsters, two ninjato on my back and a backpack. I know it looks edgelord but it's the apocalypse. Everyone looks as badass as they can.

There are two militiamen in front of the open gate handling the line. Two more are inside the gate for backup. And two are on the wall covering the crowd. Besides them there are two adventures hanging out inside too. Just in case things turn really ugly.

Just Copper ranks though according to [Identify]. Worse, the militia are only Tins. Daytime at the main gate? Really should have more and better protection.

Just as I pass the guard and girl, a hand is on my chest. Stopping me. It's ex-cop's.

"And where do you think you're goin? Billy badass." Eyes me with disdain.

He's got his left on me and his right holds the spear. At least the M16 is ready slung across his chest.

His buddy is laughing. Also wearing old cop duds. Is there some new rule about uniforms? The handsy pig starts chatting again.

“Nice mask.” Pushes me back. Or at least tries to. “How bout we see what's under it.”

His left grabs the bottom of my mask and lifts. The action also pushes the hoodie off. Exposing my entire head. Holding my mask high he looks down from it with a smug smile to see my face and…


I'm staring the pig in the eye, he's a smidge shorter than me, but the oinker ain't moving. Even his shit eating grin is frozen. His buddy's trying to talk though.

"Oh. Oh f. Oh fff-uuuuck. Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck."

They both start turning a downright unhealthy shade of shitting themselves. Mask stealer is sweating. A lot.

"I… I… I…" Is all he can manage though his arm slowly falls and that arrogant expression vanishes. His buddy cop movie partner though? Has found new words.

"Th-they sa-say yo-you d… d… dead."

Flex my artificial fingers and slowly pull a hand cannon out of my right holster. It's a monstrous Ironbear double-action revolver whose cylinder holds five 50 cal cartridges. Each two and a half inches long and weighing almost three quarters of a pound.


Cock the hammer as I gradually lift and pivot. Wanting piggy to see everything. Bring my iron up in a gangster grip and rest the muzzle of the seven and a half inch barrel against his forehead. The militiaman who put his hand on me continues to sputter.

"K… Ki… K…"

Some in the line remember me too. Whispers of "King Louie" and "Bronze rank" travel through the crowd. Bronze is among the strongest in the city right now. Against a Tin who's been caught demanding bribes? Ex-cop knows I can kill him and walk away without so much as a fine.

Raggedy girl tries to disappear further into her cloak.

The four behind the gate come running until they realize who I am. One looks like he's going to bail but I stop them all with a glance. Turn back to the militiaman and start pushing him back with the muzzle. 

He only backpedals a step or two before head meets gate. Muzzle still pressing on his brow. Those peepers aren't staring at me anymore. Now they are locked on my finger. My trigger finger. As if ex-cop could stare death away.

I eye the girl to explain.

"You'll have to forgive me. My own people trying to kill me?" Push a little harder with the muzzle. "Has put this king in a very, very, bad mood."

Interrogate the militiaman loudly enough for the line to hear.

"Is there a fee to enter Fort Matthew?"

Piggy tries to shake his head but it's pressed uncomfortably hard against steel reinforced lumber right now. So he uses his outside voice.

You are reading story And Back Again at


Do a fake surprise that would make even Jack Nicholson proud.

"Gasp, is this true?" Vicious grin. "Then what are you here. To. Do?"


Shake my head side to side.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Show some teeth. "Now, tell me, who runs Bartertown?"

Piggy gets lost.


Come on. Seriously? How can you not remember Tina Turner?! Should shoot you just-

"Master Blaster!"

Apparently buddy cop's a fan though. Turn and give him a frown. Thank you for remembering the line. But not the answer I'm looking for.

"Who runs Bartertown?" I ask again.

Uh oh. Apparently that leap of logic was a bridge too far.

"Ah. Um. Uh."

Can see buddy's brain going turbo. But he's got nothing. Good lord, don't tell me he's trying to remember the name of Tina Turner's character.

"King! King runs Bart-er Fort Matthews!"

Oh, one of the Copper ranks behind me comes up with the save. Nice. I give him the Robert Redford nod of approval.

*smile then nod*

Unfortunately for piggy, it's not enough to save him.

"Two men enter. One man leaves." Buddy looks ready to butt in. So I squint at him to shut him up. Before turning back to the peanut gallery. "Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Dying time’s here."

*whoosh* *chak*

The sleek Steelwolf 40 cal revolver that was at my left thigh is now in my real hand. The muzzle of its six inch barrel touching the temple of raggedy ann. 

Just as I was about to make ex-cop an ex-ex-cop. She tried to slip past me. Moving a hell of a lot faster than her screen's listed Lead rank should allow.

My cybereyes picked up some weirdness but due to her screen I was gonna let it slide. Now though? Need answers.

Her face is weird. She looks terrified. She should look terrified. But her eyes are cool. Searching? No, hunting. 

"Back the fuck up. Right damn now."

The girl shudders.

"Wh-what do you mean m-mister?"

She sounds innocent. What I can see looks innocent. But those baby blues ain't right.


"Back. Now." Cock the hammer on my 40 too. She gets the point and slowly backs up several steps. The line scatters. Putting distance between them and her. And the direction my bullets will be going. "Strip."


She looks shocked. In fact, several others do too. But way too many alarms are going off in my head to stop now.

"C-can I j-just leave?"

Not a chance. Can't risk it.

"Strip, butt naked, now. Or I'm gonna shoot ya."

She makes some sniffling noises and gets a lot of sympathetic looks. Buddy even gets his courage up.

"Mister the King, please, she's just a-"


*whoosh* *zKOW* *foom*



A piercing disorienting screech attacks our ears. The girl blurs even faster this time. Discarding her robe. Revealing arms like mantis blades. Most of her body is covered by hard chitin instead of soft skin.

My first shot from the 40 cal misses completely. It's fire tipped bullet exploding against a wall across the street. Son of a bitch, she actually dodged it.

Bug girl's zoomed in and her blades are on the way to slice and dice me when my 50 fires. Started bringing the Ironbear around as soon as buddy distracted her. Three quarters pound of copper and lead exits the barrel at fifteen hundred feet per second.

The huge hollow point projectile punches into her, its, chest. Triggering the lightning circle carved around its rim. Sparks crawl across the carapace as the force behind it launches raggedy girl backward.

She screams and rolls when she hits the ground. Ending up a good dozen feet away. 

There's no exit wound.

<BledWhiteHeart: John! Be care->


Open up with both. Unloading four more rounds into her.

[Champion of Mxlzxuks Defeated]


Gold chits and a couple items scatter around the dead half bug girl thing. But no one dares try loot stealing. I'm still pointing my guns her way.

"Hey, buddy cop, bring me the loot."

"Yes sir! Mister the King sir!"

Think to my librarian. 

'What the ever loving fuck was that?!'

<BledWhiteHeart: A champion of Mxlzxuks…>

'Gee, thanks Einstein, did you miss the memo?'

<BledWhiteHeart: You don't understand. Mxlzxuks can't be here.>

'Ha! What, are they dead or something?'

<BledWhiteHeart: …>

'No way.'

<BledWhiteHeart: There was a pantheon of insect gods. But they broke too many rules during integrations and were banned from new worlds. So they rebelled.> Dramatic pause. <Several worlds were lost before an alliance of pantheons stopped them.>

'So a world ending threat on top of the already world ending threat. Great. Just peachy.'

<BledWhiteHeart: You do not understand. They were not just exterminated. Their divine souls were imprisoned in the bowels of->

'Yeah, yeah, I get it. You get a gold star for today.'

Buddy cop comes over with his hands full.

"Here you go, mister the King."

I make it all disappear into my storage ring.


Turn to piggy.

"It's your lucky day!" Holster my revolvers. "Got other shit to deal with now." Pick up the spear and shove it into his hands. "Now do your fucking job!"

Ignore his frantic pale nodding.

"Or we're all gonna die."

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