And Back Again

Chapter 13: Chapter 10: Judicial Review

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Day 6 - Afternoon

Fort Matthew - Adventurers Guildhall

"Glad you're back, King. But could you shoot them a little less next time?" Overhear someone grumble.

An elderly man in gray coveralls fights a lonely struggle across a stone battlefield inside the guildhall's double doors. Armed only with a mop and bucket.

"Sorry!" I holler.

Hey, always be nice to the janitors. Did that job plenty when I was part timing. On and off the books. Ugh, no, damn overlaps, Louis did that job a lot. Still, the point remains.

These system purchased stores may be like magic, and they are, but a lot still needs to be done by hand. Like cleaning the place. And, as you can imagine, adventurers are a messy lot. Returning from god knows where with god knows what splattered all over them.

So the guild’s janitorial staff are, like, the elite. Quick, efficient, professional, but no one enjoys mopping up blood, piss, guts and actual shit. So respect the trade. Even if it's one you pray to god you're never stuck with.

*chu* *mwah* *chu*

With court no longer in session, I've moved further back into the tavern. Finding a spot with more, hehe, privacy. Alessandra has joined us and immediately staked her claim to me too. So I've got Ce and Lez snuggled into my sides, different women taking turns massaging my shoulders and…


“Oooh. That tingles.”

A wonderful volunteer under the table. Third, so far, getting a taste of my sugar loaded candy cane.


Oh, already?

My phone pops a long text from birdbrain. His spies already caught the lipstick assassin. And he's questioning her. Ouch. Well, if she survives, she'll probably be a vegetable anyway. Zecawk's very territorial about his, uh, territory. 


No shit. She's a real spy? Wow, ex-CBI. Well that lipstick poison seemed very pro. Oh? From the council? Ha! They think I'm a traitor. Kill me but direct suspicion elsewhere. She must have seen Johnny coming.


“What’s wrong, ma-master?” Lez, my short latino assassin, looks so cute when she says it. The way she gets bashful. Like she’s embarrassed.

“Featherhead is interrogating the waitress who poisoned me. The council sent her."

"Jerks!" "Burn 'em!" "Fuckers!" "Messin 'with ta judge?" Anger from the women around me.

Yeah, "judge" has joined "king" as another nickname.


Motherfuckers. Don't even try to question me? Didn't even look for the truth? I built this city. Then trusted them with guiding the survivors. Protecting the refugees.

Such a waste.

Fine. Guess court is back in session. Was going to go easy on them. Even after what birdbrain told me. But now? Get ready for some judicial prejudice, bitches.

Ugh, gotta work on my catchphrases.

Bring up the city screen again. While I can’t change granted authority remotely? I can still do a lot.




Focus on facilities.

[Purchased Facilities]

[Registered Facilities]

[Unregistered Facilities]

Always get a kick seeing “unregistered.” Think you’ve hidden your drug den well? The system may detect and list it anyway. Even include a map. Okay, what’s in purchased.

[Barracks I ]

[Clinic II ]

[Jail I ]

[Power Plant I ]

[Public Baths I ]

[Public Kitchen II ]

[Slave Market I ]

[Temple I Aione]

[Town Hall III ]

[Water Treatment I ]


I’ve been gone for seven days. That’s it. Just one week. And the town council, the only ones besides me with the privilege, have purchased a barracks, jail, slave market, temple and upgraded the town hall. Twice. What. The. Fuck.

Honestly, I thought about the barracks too. It provides housing and training. Can earn classes like the Soldier class there. A very useful one to have if you’re going to build an army. But its only been five weeks since the apocalypse began. We’ve still got much bigger fish to fry.

The jail is super questionable for me. You’re going to have a jail but no court? No police station? Damn suspicious. The town hall has rooms that can be used for courts and jails already. Why separate them? Either you want the prisoners more out of sight? Or you plan to lock up a lot of people.

Do you smell it? That smell. A kind of smelly smell. A smelly smell that smells… smelly.

Yep, fishy as fuck.

Buying a temple strikes me as an odd decision too. I looked into it once myself. There's hundreds of gods to choose from. And everything from a small chapel to huge cathedrals. Can even choose a pantheon instead of a specific deity.

Zecawk says it's very rare for a non-local god to get a temple in Phase 3. So he’s sure there’s a champion on the council or behind the scenes. Yes, another one. As far as Aione herself? She’s part of the pantheon of greed. Though they prefer to call themselves the pantheon of wealth.

Of course, another fucking goddess.

Guess I got the whole freedom of, and freedom from, religion thing ingrained at a young age. And it's not like you can't register one. Yep, birdbrain says more than a few gods have been created that way.

Just need enough faith and a shrine to direct it through.

Which shocked Pedro and made him really, really, happy. So happy I was afraid he'd try to kiss me for a bit there. Now he's off talking to other folks about getting the baptist church in Wash Beach rebuilt and registered.

Upgrading the town hall? A waste of money. Period. The town hall used to be level one. It's all a town this small needs. Upping it to level three fancies up the building and adds more office space. Chambers to have events in. Like state dinners. Also fortifying it a lot more. Similar to the adventurers guild with its own stone wall.

But what really pisses me off? The fucking slave market. I can sort of understand the town hall upgrade. We're all only human. Who wouldn't want to have a fancy stone floor instead of a wood one? More comfy chairs? Three-ply toilet paper?

People like luxury.

Maybe even the temple. To get one this early? Bet that goddess paid a ton.

I can accept slavery. Don't like it but the system permits it. Even supports contracts for it. But that's a fucking world away from buying a building for it. Where housing and training, for both slaver and slave, is available. 

That building will be the first to go.

Yes, I know that makes me a hypocrite. And I'm fine with being one to slow or stop slavery's spread in this world. 


A chair is pulled up on the other side of the table.


These bar tables aren't big. Four, tops, can sit around their round, uh, tops. Two are taken up by my new lovers. Who scooted closer to me. The fourth was taken away. Leaving more space for the, ahem, volunteers. 

Well someone just dragged the fourth chair back over and is sitting across from me. Thirties, short tight black afro, mocha skin, brown eyes, D-cups, and a thick ass.

Jelinda Clarke. Though she prefers to go by "Jet." A sorceress like Ce but an aeromancer instead of pyromancer. And leader of the Heartbreakers. A six woman team of Copper's, F's, with a good rep.

Remember, Louis basically built the adventurers guild here. Had it running before the system store opened. Sending parties through the dungeon every day and doing monster sweeps around Fort Matthew.

Oh, and Jet's an Iron, E, ranker now. Good for her.

The mother of two even has a commune in Wash Beach. Where single moms banded together for protection. Has an apartment building I bought while experimenting. One with a more defensible design.

Actually? That fighter, cleric, and ranger working on me earlier are all from her crew. Wait, was this a setup?

"What do we have to do?" The sitting woman asks, staring at me levelly.

"For what?" Reply as I enjoy a drink from Lez and a nibble from Ce. Ooh! Ms volunteer's tongue is getting deep into the nooks and crannies. 


A magearm drops on the table. It looks kind of like a MAC-10. Just bulkier. Even has an extendable stock. It's actually a BAP-20 "Buzzer" Mk I automatic machine pistol with a forty round clip that slides up into the pistol grip.

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Fires 20 cal Short magefires that can reliably kill a Copper. And put the hurt on an Iron. Though with its rate of fire? Even a Bronze could get into trouble.

And I didn't realize they were already selling.

Lez turns suspiciously bashful.

"Alessandra?" Deep stern what did you do voice.

Fidgety girl is fidgety. "Well everyone loved how fuckin powerful they were." Wiggly fingers! "Even more when they got to fucking shoot with them." Yep, f-bomb carpet bombing. "And with how much ammo there was? Fuck, so much ammo…"

"How much is left?" I squint at her and Jet starts giggling. Which is not a good sign, to my mind.

More excuses. "Well the guildmaster said it was okay…" My squint gets even squintier and the assassin caves. "All of it." She mumbles.

Not sure I heard that clearly. "All of it?" And Lez nods.

Two hundred guns and twenty thousand rounds are, were, in that spatial ring! Thank god it was all 20 and 30 cal. Plus all but a thousand are just ball. My God, how much money did I just lose? I hadn't even set prices yet!

An Indian woman comes walking up behind the sitting Jet. Wearing a heavy jingling backpack. Probably full of my ammo. A 20 cal Coyote carbine slung over her right shoulder. 30 cal Enforcer pistol on her left hip.

Kasa Pearson. Jet's thief. That just leaves the monk unaccounted for.

By the by, the Enforcer semi-automatic is Lez's new love affair. She'd like bigger than 30's but the 40's and 50's are revolvers or have the bullets stored in front of the trigger. Instead of in the pistol grip. Which she hates.

She's got four on her. Four visible, that is. Po believes his sister has four more hidden about her body. But declines to guess exactly where. A wise policy in my opinion.

The indian joins Jet's giggling. "You don't worry, chief. The bird ran it like an auction." A sparkle in her eyes. "And after that crazy bastard emptied a whole clip of, um, shortfires through that SMG?" A pause while, I think, she orgasms. "Everyone was emptying their wallets."

Jet takes over. "Already checked the store." Picks up the weighty gun. "These aren't on it. Anywhere." Points at my so gonna get spanked later assassin. "Lez says you make them. A shitload of them. Something to do with your new class."

"Sorry…" Alessandra looks like she is feeling super guilty right now. Hanging her head. 

Should be mad but I'm not. Even an army would get slaughtered testing my new base. And I expected to sell or loan what I brought. That's why I brought them. Just didn't expect it to be within a few hours.


Lift her chin and give her a kiss. "It's okay."

"Really?" Damn what a cute smile. My brown eyed girl even has dimples.

Nod and we make out a little more before Jet growls. "Damnit." Grabs Kasa's shirt and pulls her down for some tongue time of her own. The thief gives every bit as good as she gets.

Heard they were an item but Louis never bothered to confirm. Figured it was none of his business. 

Jet finally comes up for air to see me and the french beauty Ce checking each other's tonsils. "You think there's space on that dick?"

A flushed Kasa ponders. "Maybe. But is it worth a ticket to ride?" *kick* "Hey! Chen! Verdict?"

I feel the kick through the volunteer under the table. Chen? Ah, the monk. So that's where she went.

"Ahmashing!♡" A muffled voice from down under. "Thashtes sho guuud!" The blowjob suddenly turning into a hummer pushes me over the edge. That Jet's martial artist eagerly gulps down. Loudly enough for everyone near to hear. Finally, from underneath, a clearer announcement. "A+!♡"

That's it?

Kasa continues like I'm not even there. Whistling. "The cock connoisseur's never given an A+ before. Maybe we'll finally have someone who can keep up?"

Jet nods while they stare deep into each other's eyes. "Even with everything going to hell. The girls still want a brother." They smile lewdly at each other.

Cheng Qiu shakely crawls out from under the table. Wobbling, a lot. The Heartbreakers' thief helps the monk to her feet.

Should clarify. Many adventurers are, um, promiscuous. The whole die at any time thing and fighting monsters head on gives most a very "yolo" attitude. Unless you've got your heart already set on someone. And Jet has a reputation as a maneater. And manhater. Very femdom.

"Um… Mister the king?" A young blonde fighter walks out from the girls on my right. "Can you still… you know?" Aw, that's so sweet.

"Sure Carly, I'll always save some for you." The eager beaver surprises me by slipping off her boots. Dropping her pants. Then clearing Lez and straddling me in one smooth leap. Showing impressive flexibility.

Blue eyes meet mine. "I… I really don't like… Putting it in my mouth." Her hands find my dick. "Can… Can I? Put it in here instead?"

You go, bold girl, get your freak on!

Give my best save the day smile. "Okay."


"Aaah…♡" Her body relaxes and let's me slide even deeper inside. Leaning against me, Carly whispers. "Saved mom and I." *shlop* "During second break." *fwop* "Promised would be yours. Whenever. Wherever. Forever." A nibble. "Please, don't mind me…♡" Eyes close as hips roll and grind.

Louis was, is, very popular among the refugees. Especially women. He directly saved hundreds, even thousands, fighting the breaks and during quests. With his Electrineer skills he would seem to come out of nowhere. A bolt out of the blue. Kill every monster in the area. And then disappear just as quickly.

Then he very publicly raised the wall. Placed the soup kitchen, baths, and clinic. Which saved thousands more from starvation, illness and injuries. Still saving, in fact.

The kid was literally fucking superman to many, many, people.

The only reason he wasn't buried in pussy twenty-four seven was because he thought he had a faithful girlfriend and was busy keeping everyone alive.

So discovering that he's now on the market? And accepting all offers? There's not a dry pair of panties to be found for miles around.

Carly here is one of the newer guild members and a "free agent." Basically PUG's quests and dungeons. Half the guild’s like her. Prefering to temp and wait for a slot in an established team than start a new one. She's one of the candidates the Minutemen are interviewing.

And since everyone's figured out they work for me now? Damn if she's not acting like this is part of the application process. Maximum effort!

Is Jet drooling? The nubian sorceress has her eyes glued to the haunches grinding on my shaft. And she's not the only one. Quite a few thighs are rubbing against each other. 

Might have to arrest these lovely ladies for public indecency. And sentence them to my hard time.

Yeah, really gotta work on my catchphrases.

"Hellooo, Earth to Jet, you there?" 

Wakes the sorceress out of her daze. And earns me a hungry cougar stare. "Oh, ah, yes." Her and Kas share a determined nod. "King? We want in."

"In?" Raise an eyebrow. "To what?"

"Whatever this is." Glances at Lez. "Don't care who you really are." Alessandra… "You disappear for a week and the whole town goes to shit!" From horny to angry in no time flat. "They opened that slave market within forty-eight hours. Two damn days. Already people are going missing." Her fists clench.

Several women nod and Kas chimes in. "We're seeing slavers lurking around the commune. Have to travel in groups for safety. Kicking the council out won't be enough." She squeezes Jet's shoulder. "We need a king."


*shiver* *splurt* *quiver*

Give Carly a tender kiss as the tanker flops against me after her orgasm. "Feeling better?"

"Mmhm♡ Thank you." She lays twitching on my chest. "Your majesty♡" About glowing.

Finger sweaty hair off her face. "Feel like overthrowing the government?"

"Okay…♡" The fighter nods. With a distracted look of rapture. She's feeling no pain and using no brain.

Silly girl. I meet the Heartbreaker leader's gaze. "You've got thirty minutes. I'm going then, whether you're ready or not."

"Bout damn time!" Zecawk clucks from the bar. Where he, and a good fifty others, has been watching the show.

*chak* *kachang* *vip* *kiclak*

The guildmaster is standing next to the guild's entrance. His wattle sticking out proudly. Across the hall a hundred adventurers are loading weapons and checking gear. Wearing a rainbow of colors and mish mash of armor. Quite a few look like members of Mad Max's football team.

They're weilding a wide assortment of weapons and firearms. Though over half of them are now also armed with magearms.

Many perform final checks on their phones and the quest board. Both being frantically updated by the receptionists typing new quests. As long as you're a guild member? You can accept quests through the website and the system will recognize it.

Maxwell's next to me. "The sheriff, ten deputies and fifty militia are waiting in the street." Shows me the map on a tablet. "Three snipers have been spotted but there may be more." Other marks appear on the map. "Another two dozen militia have been spotted at the 7-86 gate." Checks another screen. "All the quests you've submitted have been accepted. Unreliables left out of the loop."

Sigh. All the money brought in with sales? Has gone right back out in quests.

Birdbrain chirps. "Their snipers have energy weapons. Don't know the type but they'll be a danger. Unless you take them out quickly?" Wattle wiggle. "You'll all be sitting ducks." The marksmen on my side nod.

I turn and address the crowd. "Anyone who stands down? Disarm and cuff! Anyone who doesn't? Kill and move on!" Sweep their eyes. "I am taking back Fort Matthew." Make a fist. "And have issued arrest warrants for several criminals. Accepting my quests deputizes you, temporarily." Lift my assault rifle. "It's judgment day!"

"""Judge! Judge! Judge! Judge!"""

Turn to Max. "You ready?"

The Minutemen's spellblade low readies his tactically slung his BAR-40 Cobra Mk IV bullpup configuration automatic rifle and nods.

"You look ready." I add.

Zecawk grabs the door handles. "Good luck, John."

Ready low my own Cobra.

"Let's give them the good news."

The double doors swing open.

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