And Back Again

Chapter 14: Chapter 11: Storming the Bastille

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Day 6 - Afternoon

Fort Matthew - 7th Street

Wearing black [Principes Armor] and a helmet. I lead a hundred adventurers down the steps and across the guild’s courtyard. Dozens break off and slip out the back gate. Heading for their sidequests.

From magic types in mostly cloth. To damage dealers in lighter armor. And damage takers in heavy armor. All wear a hodgepodge of gear scrounged and looted after weeks of fighting monsters and running dungeons.

The compound's gate is already open and there are sixty deputies and militia waiting for me across the now deserted 7th street. With trees and Ditcher Beach Park's golf course behind them.

Holding a variety of firearms and melee weapons. They have a mish mash of armor too. But under it? Mostly police blues. The one leading them wears silvery armor and carries what looks like a plasma pistol in a hip holster.

Wow, where did they get the money for them? From that Aione goddess? First sniper rifles and now sidearms. Damn, mister moneybags, energy weapons are stupid expensive. 

Their leader is Bradley Carr, ex-FIA. Fort Matthew's sheriff and someone Louis trusted implicitly. Fifties, caucasian, a little overweight, tough but fair. At least that is what the boy thought. 

Christ, this kid was a terrible judge of character.

He's wearing pieces of nice plate over a police parade uniform. Even has a black cop hat on. At first he seems shocked to see me. But then sadly nods to himself.

I stop in the middle of the street and Bradley's minions try to surround me.

"So you really are alive." Looking fatherly and role-modely. "I heard about your mother and sister. And I am truly sorry. They were good people." Glances behind me. "But murder and whatever this is won't bring them back." 

Bite back the rage. The pain. While Zecawk was his mentor. His friend. This piece of shit was like the father he never had. And while Cynth's betrayal broke his heart? The clip in Johnny's video of this asshole fucking her and both insulting me, him?

Hurt Louis’s soul.

The graying pedo continues. "Mr Grant will be investigated. And if he's involved there will be justice. Son, I promise, we will work this out." Motions with his hand. "Just put the gun down and come with me. No one else needs to get hurt." Still has that sickening smile on his face.

My impassive face is clearly not what this paternal surrogate expected to see. Well too bad. I've already taken down the three biggies so Louis could move on. These leftovers? Nothing. Just like lint, or a bottle cap. Damn what a great movie.

There is something that ticks me off though.

"How much did they pay you?"

Bradley tilts his head in confusion. "What?"

My adventurers spread out. Breaking the attempted encirclement by forcing the deputies and militia back at gunpoint.

"Louis, son, think about this." Bradley and his cronies are caught off guard by how aggressive my mercs are being. "You can't take on the whole city." Mister sheriff can tell he's not in control. And the douche doesn't like it. "This will destroy everything you've worked so hard for!" Searches for something else to use. "What would your mother say?!"

Raise my left hand and everyone stops.

"Mom would say that if a man you trust is fucking your girlfriend?" Head cop's face goes pale. And several militia turn to him in shock. "He cannot be trusted." Bradley's hand inches closer to the plasma pistol. "She would say that if a man you respect is arresting people and taking them not to jail. But to the slave market?" That fatherly face sneers. "He cannot be respected."

"I like you, son. I really do." Rests his hand on the energy weapon. "But the real world isn't like your truth and justice fantasies. Now, put the gun down, or I will shoot you."

Truth and justice? Idiot. Real world? Motherfucker, you're just another bug for me to step on.

So I should get steppin.

"Bradley Carr. Your crimes are abduction of citizens, abuse of authority, contempt of court, corruption of duty, and obstruction of justice." The former father figure looks offended. "How do you plead?"

The authority projected in my voice and list of charges confuse many of the militia. A number of them raise their hands from their weapons and start backing up. Most of them were not involved in the slave trade anyway.

The sheriff sighs. "Have it your way then." Lifts a phone to his ear. "Fire."


Unleash a five round burst from my Cobra as I roll right. Two bolts of plasma, from their snipers, pass through where I'd been standing a moment before. Exploding on the gate and street behind me.

The bastard's smile grows as my first and second shots hit an invisible barrier. Stuck in midair as their lightning circles discharge. Crawling electricity reveals the eggshell-like shape of his shield.


Then a noise from his belt as the device hanging on it overloads. Letting the third round shatter the screen and burrow through his abdomen. The fourth punctures his upper right torso. Number five passes by his face. Missing. Electric sparks and arcs erupt across his body as it convulses and is thrown back. 

Around us the road explodes into violence. Adventurers, deputies and militiamen all open fire. Over a hundred weapons blast away at close range. Both sides also use their class skills. Turning the firefight into a chaotic kaleidoscope of colors as mana burns, hot lead streaks through the air and spent brass scatters on the ground.

Bodies jerk as rounds impact armor and flesh. Faces contort with fear, anger or pain transforming them. Blood erupts from exit wounds.

Several deputies have the same energy shield but their protection is quickly overwhelmed.

The battle just lasts for seconds. But that’s all it takes for dozens to die.

“Nooo!” “Doc!” “Alice!” “Aiyee!” “Groan…” “Medic!” “Joey!” “Don’t shoot!” “Mommy!” “Aaah…” “Fuck it hurts…”

War does not determine who is right. Only who is left. Quickly the noise of spells and shells is replaced with the pleading and begging of the dying. The grieving and mourning of the dead.

“[Heal]” “[Restore]” “[Patch]” “[Mend]” “[Recover]”

Healers leap into action. Running amidst the carnage. Blood and bodies decorate the asphalt. The smell of sulfur and metal lingers in the air. Quickly being usurped by the reek of blood, piss and shit as bowels let go.


Texts stating two snipers are dead and the third surrendered.

Dammit, don't have time for this. And my [Recovery Magic] isn't really suited to mass combat. Unless I turn this into a MASH which, again, don't have time for.

"[Greater Mass Regeneration]"

Fortunately, I prepared for my trip here like a doomsday prepper. Including scrolls using the "world engine's" magic language from steam planet, just in case. Which happens to be a rough but usable copy of the arcane vocabulary this system uses.

Shit, some scrolls are nothing. You don't wanna know how much canned food I brought. Canned so you can use it twice. First eating the food and then, second, using the metal.

The thick unrolled paper disintegrates as I activate the seven-ring spell. A glowing green wave washes over the slaughter.

The biggest, in my opinion, advantage of a system? Healing magic. For the system to be a "system" it has to be linked to everyone. So it knows the spell being cast and what needs to be fixed. Meaning that even a generic [Heal] can catch things non-system spells may miss.

Shock and awe as fatal wounds that Coppers and Irons couldn't hope to heal, mend before their eyes. Many stare at me in fear, and hope. I address those cradling the dead.

"The dead are dead. And I grieve with you. But there is still work to be done." Sometimes ya gotta be a cold bastard. "Prepare to move out."

Yep, totally have a couple [Resurrection] scrolls. And no way in hell will I use them unless it's a last resort. Learned in steam land that bringing dead folks back? Puts a big fucking target on your back.

Walk up to the struggling Bradley. Who has propped his back up against a tree. Looking at the scene before him in disbelief.

"What are those… where… did you get them? Who are you?"

"Death changes a man." Aim the assault rifle. "Bradley Carr, you are guilty of attempted homicide of a judge and deputized officers of the court. The sentence is death." Give him my glariest glare. "Do you have any last words?"


Coughing, he looks up at me. The hole in his stomach and chest are closing fast. Though his nice uniform and armor are stained. "Someone like me really liked being looked up to by someone like you." Chuckles weakly. "Don't let the old world ruin the new one."



The 40 cal Longbolt punches clear through his skull. Leaving a gorey tunnel behind as lightning fries the remaining brain matter.

  • [Champion of Aione defeated]

Yep, [Identify] showed he was a Steel, C. So I figured the sheriff was the mystery champion. One mayor and five councilors to go.

Sigh. What's so wrong with just being a decent person? Though I may not be entitled to ask that question-

"Your honor?"


Turn to see the leader of the Crushers. Pyotr Yurievich. Covered in plate and football pads. Carrying a BAG-30 Badger Mk I light automatic machine gun. Behind him, everyone is waiting for me. Shit. Guess I got lost in thought there.

"Yes Pete?"

"The 7-86 gate's been secured, sir. We are ready to move."

Nod. "Thank you." I store the plasma pistol and shield thingie in my spatial storage. Then start walking south on 7th street.

Ditcher Beach Park is so big that 7th Street makes a U around it. Down the west side of the park it's 7th. Across the south side it's called Matthews Place. And up the east side it's 14th Street.

There's over a thousand yards from the 7-86 gate to the end of 7th Street. Then over six hundred yards across for Matthews Place. And under a thousand yards back up 14th Street until it hits the wall.

The park side of these roads are lined with trees. And from here? Town Hall? A ten minute walk, tops.

*tach* *tach* *tach*

Almost a hundred adventurers fall in behind me. As we march south I see the greens, dorms and halls of the FMPA to the southwest.

""King! King! King!""

More and more people come out as our militant parade continues. Everyone asking what's going on. Some start chanting my name. Others follow to see what happens. Tens turn into hundreds by the time we reach Matthews Place.

Where I just… stop.

You are reading story And Back Again at

"What. The. Fuck?" I demand and bring up a screen I didn't bother checking before.

  • [Purchased Stores]
  • [Registered Stores]
  • [Unregistered Stores]

Concentrate on purchased.

  • [Adventurers Guild III ]
  • [Auction House I ]
  • [Apothecary I ]
  • [Bakery I ]
  • [Bank I ]
  • [Barber I ]
  • [Blacksmith I ]
  • [Brothel I ]
  • [Butcher I ]
  • [Cafe I ]
  • [Carpenter I ]
  • [Chandler I ]
  • [Cobbler I ]
  • [General Store I ]
  • [Inn II ]
  • [Jeweler I ]
  • [Library I ]
  • [Magic Store I ]
  • [Pet Store I ]
  • [Private Baths II ]
  • [Restaurant I ]
  • [Salon I ]
  • [Tailor I ]
  • [Tannery I ]
  • [Tavern I ]
  • [Theater I ]
  • [Weaver I ]

Pause trying to take in all the… stupidity. Seventeen stores. The town council bought seventeen stores. A lot of them lined up down Matthews Place. With sidewalks the road's only thirty yards across. Along the north side is a thick line of trees. Protecting Ditcher Beach Park golfers from traffic noise. And on the south side is, um, Disneyland?

Its like godzilla got sick and puked pastels all over. You know, those fake "downtowns" in the disney parks. That or someone's trying to resurrect the fanciest bits of 5th and Madison avenues.

But we're only five weeks into the apocalypse. There's months to go. Three more phases to survive. And the fucking land grab hasn't even started yet!

Told the council to save money for more land. More walls. Said that we needed to build up the basics. A goddamn salon is not a basic! 

As the march resumes I see many unusually well dressed refugees I don't recognize hiding in the boutiques. Staring at us through their glass fronts.

Jet notices my confusion. "After the mayor was sure you were gone. He bought many upscale shops and registered more." Sneers. "Even built condos and let the club know Fort Matthews is safe for them."

Per Louis’s memories, the "club" are the high society types. Great. More douchebags to deal with.

Town hall was visible right away. Half way down the street. Really wish it wasn't though. The "block" for a "medium" sized town hall is about 110 yards by 330. At level one there was about a 90 x 90 yard two story building up front. I was even able to make it look a lot like New Amster City Hall.

Ninety by ninety yards may not seem like much. But that's 70,000 square feet per floor. A ton of freaking room and office space. The rest of the grounds were a nice little park. Even had a pond. With a wooden fence around the whole thing.

Now? It looks like Cinderella Castle. I shit you not. A twelve foot stone wall. Clock tower entrance. More towers along the outer wall. All made out of a white marble. Town hall itself has even more towers and is three stories tall. Worse, where the pond used to be? I can see a second building! Another towered monstrosity. That one is two stories tall. Whole thing looks gaudy as fuck.

And there's the greed church right next to it.


By now there's over a thousand following me. Their steps a dull roar. Thunder on the horizon as we march up to the wide open entrance. Wait, wide open?

Yep. There's no one there. No militia. No adventurers. Nothing.

Wary of an ambush, we move in by pairs and teams. Covering each other the same way we go through ruins and dungeons. The gate is cleared and then the front towers. They're all empty. With an eye on the many windows, we finally enter the town hall itself through its five double doors.

Inside? A ghost down, just like outside. Everything is neat and tidy. Just empty.

Where is everybody?

"Welcome to the Fort Matthew Town Hall."

*chak* *clak*

The high feminine voice interrupts our search and earns a dozen barrels pointing her way.

A very tall women steps out from a side door and sits behind the large counter at the back of the rotunda. Nearly eight feet tall she is also very slender. With the pointed ears, metallic hair and angular features that remind me of medieval land’s elves.

But, no, this bitch told Louis over and over again that she is absolutely not an elf. Even had him convinced. And told the boy that she couldn’t say her race’s name? Because human minds were too primitive to understand it.


Well, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and is a stuck up bitch like a duck? Then she’s a fucking elf!

Shelara Aelua Syllar Thekian. Silver hair, pearly skin, emerald eyes and hardly any T&A to speak of. Wrapped in a long green dress that glitters and with every elegant refined move she makes? I want to punch her smug face in.

Knowing how big a waste of time it is to threaten a system slave. I first send the teams to clear the rest of the building. Before we investigate the new one in back.

Walk over and stare up into those shitty green eyes. “Hey Sassy.” One of her more usable nicknames. “How’s it hangin?”

“It is a shame that the barbarian did not inherit Louis’s charm with his body.” She snipes back.

“Where is everybody?”

“You are not Louis McConnell.” Stares down her very long nose at me. “So I do not answer to you.”

Smile back at her. “Oh, really? Let's see about that.”

  • [Raise Community Stone?]


In the center of the rotunda a hole several feet across irises open. And up from it rises the heart of every system registered village, town or city. A large stone tablet a couple feet across and several high on a pedestal. There's so much mana that the air distorts around it like heat waves.

Miss elf looks like she just swallowed a bug. A big stinky bug.

You see, if I was not Louis McConnell or who he sold the town too? I could not have done what I just done did. So, suck my dick you elfy bitch!

With a big ole smile on my face I step up and place my hand on the rock.

  • [Welcome community owner, John Barton]

Let's see, what gets changed first? Where’s the list of people with special privileges again? Hmm… Ah, here it is.

  • [Mayor Austin Gilmore ]
  • [Sheriff Bradley Carr (deceased) ]
  • [Councilor Amber MacCann ]
  • [Councilor Blake Mccarthy ]
  • [Councilor Taylor Jenkins ]
  • [Councilor Luke Matthews ]
  • [Councilor Gershom Wiezman ]

Delete, delete, delete…

Now what about their positions? There it is.

Delete, delete, delete…

Time to assign my position. What are some options here… Chancellor? Nah. President? Boring. Emperor? Been there, done that. Chieftain? Well that’s different but no. King?

Actually was thinking about Chief Justice or Chief Judge. But its better to keep things simple.

  • [King John Barton]

Look back at her. “Do you answer to me now?”

There goes another bug down her throat! “King John Barton. Welcome to your Town Hall.” If looks could kill. “How may I help you?”

“Where is everyone?”

“Concerned for their safety, I gave everyone the day off.” Frowns at me. “They will return tomorrow.”

“Where are the mayor and councilors?”

A distasteful look. “The former officials retreated to the mayoral residence.” Sees my confusion. “The new building in the rear of this facility.”

“Thank you.”

“Be warned.” She holds up a long fingered hand. “They have gathered nearly two hundred slaves. Now armed. And compelled them to fight you to the death.”

Those sons of bitches. Welp, guess I’ll take care of that now too.

  • [Laws]

Now where are you… Slavery, slavery, slav- gotcha!

  • [Slavery Legal]

A little change here.

  • [Slavery Illegal]
  • [Emancipate?]

And good to go.

Turn to ask Sassy more but gunfire erupts in the distance. Max's voice comes from my phone.

“Hey, there’s a lot of shooting in the back building. But it all seems to be inside. Did anyone go in early?”

A number of texts and voices saying no as I pick up my phone.

"This is Judge. Stay out, I repeat, stay out of the back building." Nod to elfy. "Those idiots decided to surround themselves with slaves and order them to fight us to the death. Well I just freed them." More gunfire and now screams. "They're discussing their differences."

Well, it would be rude to interrupt. So I'll give them some time to work things out.

A rumble through the floor as hundreds suddenly invade town hall from the street. Civilians. A thopter shows thousands are now gathered outside. Everyone homes in on me.

"King Louie!" "Who is King John?" "King!" "Hero of Fort Matthews!" "Freedom!" "We will fight!" "Long live the real King!" 

Oops, forgot, any major changes to the leadership or laws triggers notifications to everyone in the community.

Better clarify things.

Climb up and stand on the pedestal. Now surrounded by a sea of people. Take a seat on the tablet and feed mana into my voice to give it more power. Raising my hand quiets the anxious masses.

"I have retaken Fort Matthew!" Cheering. "As my first decree! The corrupt town council is disbanded!" More cheers. "My second decree is emancipation! Slavery is now illegal!" Even louder applause. "My third decree adopts the title of King!" Uproarious cheers and applause. "And the name John Barton!" Eh… confusion.

A woman from my right shouts. "Will you protect us?!" There's a boy in her arms. Staring at me like I'm his only hope.

"Yes!" I answer with a tender smile. "And you will protect me!"

"M-me?!" She squeaks. "B-but I'm no hero!"

I stand. "Of course you are!" Point at the boy. "You're a hero to him." The kid hugs her. "We are all heroes!" Spread my arms. "Each and every one of you!" Complete silence. "You are all my heroes."

Materialize Cheri in my hands.

"I would like to play something for you. Is that okay?" She and others nod. "It's called The Hero."

♪Cm, C5, A, C5♪

♫Waking up to the sound~. Sirens screaming aloud~. So disoriented how’d this happen. These buildings are crumbling down~…

The chords echo outward.

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