And Back Again

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Magefire

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Day 1 - Afternoon - August

New Amster City

My morose turrets are trying their best to shake hands with the neighbors.

"Hello, can you come closer?"


"He's probably okay."

Sadly, the only way they know how to? Is with 10mm bullets.

And these ain't pussy gunpowdery cartridges either. Nope, these are magefire rounds baby! The improved double runed ones. Yep, Mk V's.

Thought I would have to use gunpowder with how thin and light Earth's mana is but, what do ya know. Home is now drowning in mana too. Meaning there is plenty to charge new runes with. So, a primer? Nope. Propellant? Nada. Case? Nein. Projectile? Oh yeah, baby.

A magefire cartridge is all bullet. All "projectile." Giving you more bullet, per bullet. How much more? How about three to five times more.

A modified [Haste] circle I called [Propel], is carved into the bottom and charged. Then another modified circle is engraved around the top. Both written to trigger on impact. My biggest sellers on Acyri were fire, lightning, and ice.

Though the paladin and cleric types always bought some holy or heal rounds too for undead, like zombies. Yes, you can [Heal] a vampire to death.

Now you can only write one-ring circles on rifle (long) or pistol/revolver (short) rounds. Too small and not enough mass for two-ring. Fitting two on there was a design nightmare. So no [Fireball], [Blizzard] or [Storm] type spells. For those you need artillery shells. And even those run into major issues after three rings.

Two-rings, coincidentally, are usable on 1 inch shells and up. Looking at 6 inches plus for three-ring.

And that's before you get into the classic options like armor piercing, hollow point, explosive, frag, etc, etc… So many ways to boom.

Except for shotguns. Guess what's too small and light to write a circle on? Yep, both buckshot and birdshot. Slugs are good but it takes away the "shot" part of shotguns. I'm still working on it.

Now of course everything couldn't go my way. The mana giveth. The mana taketh away. Or, at least, tries too. Magic's fuel does love to fuck with things, like physics. And density, as in resistance, is no different.

There's a number with its own sort of magic. Twenty-two hundred. As in 2,200 fps. Feet per second. About twice the speed of sound. A bullet going faster than that will fuck you up a lot more than one going slower than that.

Something about the "elasticity" of our flesh.

Well guess what mana fucks with? Yep! It's why the japanese nazis had so much trouble trying to switch to firearms in medieval land. The denser the mana in a monster? The greater the resistance it has. The more elasticity.

Forget about ripping up their insides. Just penetrating their skin, shell, etc… is harder. The answer? Higher speeds and or heavier bullets of course.

Took a ton of experimenting and redesigning on steam world, but I finally came up with an effective balance for the Mk III's. Improved it with the Mk IV's. And figured out how to "double-rune" with the Mk V's.

Yes, yes, they are magic circles. Not runes. But it sounds cooler than "double-circle." So thbbbt! 

Now these slugs are heavy. Like three to five times heavier than "conventional" bullets. Of course there are limits. Once you reach grade A and S mana densities? You need special rounds with super dense penetrators.

Or break out the artillery. A 100 caliber, 1in/25mm, Mk V will bring the pain to an A grade creature. But it shoots up dramatically from there. S? 6in/150mm plus. SS? 12in/300mm plus. SSS? Would probably be cheaper to just move.

The planet.

Of course this is for Mk V's. My latest and greatest magefire ammo. Earlier series have significantly weaker performance.

With four 40s my sentry bots should be able to handle anything up to grade C. Maybe even B. While the local guns will have trouble even with E's and D's. Which is why most are already going sword and board. Using class skills and spells. Better synergy.

Even bows and crossbows, with the right classes, can outperform an assault rifle when up against orcs.

Ammo shortages and poor performance will doom most "modern" weaponry once the B's start appearing.

And though I've got a couple of gorillas and crabs. If the scarier shit shows up. Really don't want to use them until there is no other choice. They guzzle orgon, mana stone, and I do not control a local source yet.

Louis just started encountering grade D monsters before he died. These gob cockroaches were just F's. They can get up to E, even D. But it's rare.

"I see you."


"I don't hate you."


Thopters are scouting for the turrets. Revealing dog monsters. More gobs. Some orks. Kobolds. Big bugs. Bird things. Even harpies. Nothing that's an actual threat though. So far.

*crunch* *gnash* *crunch*

Goats are chewing up the cars, street lights, power lines, etc…

*vrrr* *kang* *ping*

Monkey bots are getting the machinery assembled and running. Churning out bullets, blades, guns and parts. Guns? You're damn right, guns. Firearms. Boom sticks. The works.

Hey, being an arms dealer made me holy shit rich in steam land. Like I didn't know that much money existed, rich.

There has been a slight change in plans, however. You see, I was expecting the gods to pull shit again. Even if I didn't meet any face to face in the last world. Suspected they would try to strand me on a manaless planet this time.

So, besides way over preparing? My oh shit scenarios mostly revolved around gunpowder and solar power.

Really did not expect to get home and find it in the middle of a "system apocalypse." But I can adapt. Improvise. Overcome.

New plan is to go light industrial for now. Just enough to get the ball rolling. Make some sales. Then switch to heavy once I have a more secure location. Maybe that Fort Matthews Louis turned back into a real fort. Protecting thousands of students and refugees. 

Next I'll go find the kids. But after five years? They could be any fucking where. Even overseas. Maybe build a giant airship…


Still, gotta face facts. They could be dead. Louis believes the death toll, just so far, is in the billions. And my first body? Gotta be dead and buried. Maybe if I became a vegetable I was hospitalized for a while. But by now? Five years later? Definitely dead.

What can I even say at this point?

"Hi Jules. Cheated on you thousands of times and have dozens of kids and grandkids. But I really missed you. Netflix and chill?"


"Remember when we would roleplay? The one where I was the naive student and you were the naughty milf? Well I'm barely legal now!"

Just call me Rico, Suaaave.


Would double facepalm but still only have one hand. And what do I say to the boys?

"Hi kiddos, I'm younger than any of you now but I'm actually your dad. Really. So get the laundry started, lawn mowed and bring me a beer. Stat!"

Plus it's not like Jules would even be available. Absolutely positively some guy has swept her off her feet by now. And I am not taking my competition isekaing with us! Was bad enough when I was Mr Mom for a few years. All those douchebags sniffing around.

Mr In-my-way might just have to have a little "accident" first. The fatal kind.


What the fuck am I thinking?! We were never wealthy. We both usually had jobs. God only knows how tough she had it raising the boys without me. How much losing me hurt. And I'm going to put her through it again?

No. No, goddammit.


That's it. I'll find them and just make sure they're happy, healthy, and safe. And if they're not? Well, then I'll just kill EVERYTHING until they are. Murder spree something point something. Yep, a totally normal, rational, reasonable way to handle this. Good job, me.

*thumbs up*

"Master?" Eh? "I am detecting homicidal and genocidal thought patterns." A soothing voice coats my mindscape. "Engaging safety protocols." Pregnant pause. "Can I come into the out now?"


"Okay Nina." Small *pop* and a very female form straddles me. "Nice line by the way-mmph."

*mwah* *chu* *chu*

Right now I'm being kissed by a robot EDI from Mass Effect look-alike. Similar voice too. More coppery than silvery but soft where she should be, lips, and firm where she should be, nips. Plus so warm to the touch. Her crotch rubs against my privates. Tits graze my nipples. Tongue explores mine. And you can see actual glowing hearts within those lusty eyes.

Yeah, she's a sexbot.

Hey now, I didn't plan to build her. Really I didn't. Doctor girlfriend, Caroline, is who wanted me too. Still can't store anything "biologically alive" in my pocket space. So she figured me being alone or, worse, surrounded by yes bots, was not good for my mental health.

Had already resurrected NINA (Neural Interface Network Assistance) from cyber world. But Carol was sure I needed something more. Something physically interactive. And more than just an onahole.

So a couple of less than legally acquired artifacts of the Great Sage, he really was a genius, later and… NINA became Nina. Newest member of my harem plus personal therapist. Who finally releases my lips and leans back. Letting her grind my dick even harder.

"Hi handsome. Wanna fuck?"

Damn, her milkshake really does bring all the boys to the yard.

“Sorry love, it's still under construction.”

Louis’s sausage was the first piece the gobs cut off. And then eaten in front of me, him. Just… ew. At least the micro minions already have the upgrade half done.

<BledWhiteHeart: Stop ignoring me!>

“Master?” Looks around me. “Why are you on the floor?”

She’s right. I’m still lying on the floor with piles of materials collected by the goats surrounding me. Where they are being consumed by the nanos. The missing arm and leg are slowly being replaced with hardware that looks half cyberpunk and half steampunk.

My itty bitties even dressed me up in a nice black silk three piece suit. Maybe I should add a tophat and cane? Not sure if I'll have a limp or not.

The scavenger bots and mini me’s have picked this part of the basement clean. So now it's just a big empty space. Bare cinder block walls. Cracked concrete floor. Bare beam ceiling.

In other rooms the boilers and furnaces are being replaced with forges, presses, welders, millers, lathes, etc… But in here? Feels lacking. And while that makes it a great dump site for materials recycling?


It could at least have a chair.

"Okay, Nina, what did you have in mind?"

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<BledWhiteHeart: I am a goddess of the pantheon of pain! How dare you humiliate me!>

My sexbot bounces on my privates while excitedly clapping her hands.

"Thank you master." Twist and motions to the entrance. Giving me a great profile of those gravity defying tits. "I saved the best pieces for our shag pad."

A little train of goat and monkey bots march in. Carrying furniture. Dragging carpets. Yeah, most of it is damaged but still in serviceable shape. Including a king sized bed and a…

"Is that a lazy-boy?"

Nina giggles and nods.

The thickly cushioned and upholstered recliner looks old. But it's not in bad shape. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I sat in one.

While two monkeys pick up my crippled body and unceremoniously dump me onto the chair. Nina gets up and begins directing everyone else. Laying out carpets. Arranging furniture. Moving material piles. Fixing windows and entrances. Etc, etc…

Giving our new love nest a certain, homey touch. Though I'm not sure which style she's aiming for. Modern chic? Or megalomaniacal supervillain.

"You know, master." Kiss. "This would have been easier if you brought furniture."

Not this again. All the girls had given me crap over it.

"And I said no." Try to cross my arms but still only got one. Earning another giggle from my love machine. "If the choice is to bring a throne? Or an extra hundred pounds of steel?" Adjust myself in the recliner. "I'll choose the steel. Every damn time." Nina shakes her head and walks back to the developing fireplace. "Though, this is darn comfy-"

<BledWhiteHeart: LISTEN TO ME!>

Jesus! Fuck. Lady, caps locks, christ.

Nina sighs and nearly one-eighty's her head to look over a shoulder at me. Yeah she's freaky flexible.

"Maybe you should speak with her, master."

<BledWhiteHeart: Yes! You should speak with-wait. She can hear me?>

Roll my eyes.

"Of course she can. We're linked."

<BledWhiteHeart: How is this done?>

Adjust myself in the chair again. Unfortunately the controls are on my armless side.

"It uses nunya."

<BledWhiteHeart: Nunya?>

Both Nina and I nod. In fact, think I see a couple other bots nod too.

"Yep, nunya fucking business."

<BledWhiteHeart: Why do you offend your goddess?>

Nina can't help herself and barks.


I would laugh too but this chick is getting on my nerves. Look upwards.

"Listen, bitch. Louis chose you and then died. You know it. I know it." Thumb my chest. "Thanks for the upgrade to silver but you don't own this body anymore. I do."

<BledWhiteHeart: Even if you do not worship us. We are still a divine being. Able to wipe you from existence.>

"Then do it."

<BledWhiteHeart: …What?>

One handed facepalm again.

"Oh. My. God! Since you insist on being stupid, let me break it down for you." One finger. "One. Power isn't free. Not the getting nor giving. Not the saving nor using. So it's gonna cost ya." Two fingers. "Two. Due to various reasons. I am un-fucking-believably expensive to fuck with." Three fingers. "Three. So damn costly that gods have died trying to pay for it." Four fingers. "Four. Every FUCKING time I deal with a goddess? I'm the one who gets fucked!!!" Blood pressure spikes. "SO YOU CAN GO FU-"






Shit. Got too wound up there. Didn't even notice Nina coming over til she stuck her tongue in my ear. A jolt goes through my spine as she finds a sensitive spot.

Each body has different spots. Different zones. Some a little different. Some a lot. Finding them all is a voyage of discovery every time. This will be my fifth trip. And I’m really looking forward to it.

<BledWhiteHeart: How do you know this? Who are you?>


"Ooooh. *shiver* It tingles." Stare at Nina. "Do it again."

<BledWhiteHeart: Please…>


<BledWhiteHeart: Please tell me who you are. And where you purchased your weaponry.> Nina and I share a glance. <These tools are primitive, but very effective.>

"How about you tell me something?"

<BledWhiteHeart: Very well.>

"How many gods are watching me? Watching my weaponry."

<BledWhiteHeart: We are not permitted to->


<BledWhiteHeart: Wait! …Fine. We are the only higher or lower being watching you.>


<BledWhiteHeart: No. We speak the truth. Several were monitoring Louis because he was listed as having high potential.> A pause. <After his companion's betrayal was exposed. His will to compete collapsed. Most abandoned him there. More when he accepted my faith. The rest when he died.>

"So why did no one else make an offer?"

<BledWhiteHeart: As you stated. Nothing is free. Many prefer to wait until Phase 5. When cheaper casual contacts open.>

Lewdroid is getting curious, so she asks.

"Then why did you approach him?"

An awkward silence.

<BledWhiteHeart: Pain is not as wealthy as other pantheons. Such as war, greed and lust.> Another pause. <If he could be inspired to give even more than he receives? Louis would be a potent champion.>


"You got royally screwed, didn't you."

<BledWhiteHeart: No. He might still become a mighty warrior in our realm.>

Sexbot raises a metallic eyebrow.


<BledWhiteHeart: …Yes. Our agreement was to aid his revenge. His justice against those who plotted against him.>

I get a big old grin.

"You don't have his soul. Do you."

<BledWhiteHeart: That is… correct. There is a contract. But unfulfilled. So Louis is trapped in limbo.>

"And to get it unstuck."

<BledWhiteHeart: His enemies must despair.>

"That you have a hand in causing."

<BledWhiteHeart: Yes.>

Nina chimes in again.

"Why not choose another champion?"

<BledWhiteHeart: The pool is limited. As are our funds. By the time another agent might be acquired and act?>

"The contract will have expired and Louis would be out of reach."

<BledWhiteHeart: Correct.>

"So what do you want from me?"

<BledWhiteHeart: We wish to hire you.>


"Yeah, that’s what I thought you were going to say."


Fucking goddesses.

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