And Back Again

Chapter 4: Branch 1: The Minutemen

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Day 2 - Morning - August

New Amster City

"Graugh!" "Oogul!" "Ork!"

Over muscled, green skinned, tusk faced, black haired, barbarians charge at a group of humans after roaring battle cries.

*whoosh* *clang* *ving* *chulch*

Sword meets saber. Ax faces mace. Spear confronts club.



An orb of flames flies in and detonates among the monsters. Setting them ablaze.

"Augh!" "Chaauuu!"

A sword wielding adventurer shouts to be heard over the bedlam.

"Great shot Ce! *krak* Vin, finish off the shaman! Lez, flank them! *bash* Po, protect Ce! Almost there guys!"

Among this dense urban landscape. The sun still casts long shadows through the clouds despite rising hours ago. Five adventurers fight on streets littered with debris and abandoned vehicles. Parts of the road have even collapsed into the sewers below.

The air is stifling. A slight breeze heavy with humidity. Reek of stagnant sewage. The temperature already uncomfortable. Going to be another "too damn hot" day.

Red and brown brick apartment buildings crowd the street. All damaged to one degree or another. Entire blocks have burned to the ground. Reduced to rubble. Other blocks show scars from fighting and looting. Shattered windows. Broken walls.

The one thing universally missing? People.

What only a month ago was one of the most densely populated cities on Earth. Tens of thousands per square mile. Is now abandoned. Deserted by mankind.

When the "system" screens appeared, there was confusion. Days later, "dungeon" spawnings spread panic. Most brave or foolish enough to enter the "portals." Did not return. The few who did spoke of creatures out of myths, legends, and nightmares.


A couple of days after that, the first dungeon "breaks" started. Hundreds or even thousands of monsters charged out of each portal. Overwhelming the police and military. Turning the city into a slaughterhouse.

Roars, screams, gunfire and explosions filled the air for hours and hours. Fires spread unchecked. The greatest city in the world, fell into hell.

One week. Just seven days. Was all it took for a modern global civilization to fall apart. Collapse. Electricity, fuel, food, even water, became more valuable than gold.

Seeking safety in numbers, people gathered in larger and larger groups. Forming mobs, gangs, tribes, and clans. Huddled masses. Creating scattered pockets of humanity across the metro.

These islands of resistance were fortified. Transformed into bastions. The survivors gathered weapons and unlocked classes. "Adventurers" began challenging the dungeons. Using their "raids" to grow stronger, gather resources and prevent more dungeon breaks.

But there were too many portals and not enough adventurers. So a week after the first. A second round of dungeon breaks occurred. Unleashing even mightier monsters.

Mankind's bastions were attacked. Some overrun and lost.

Week three of this "system apocalypse" began with the unlocking of the "system store." A fantastical multidimensional market. Accessible through system screens and strange "vending machines" that suddenly appeared next to dungeon portals.

Through this store one could buy almost anything. And sell almost anything. Including fresh food. Drinkable water. And slaves.

Pickup and drop-off available through any system vending machine.

Finally providing a use for the "scrips" and "chits" the system had been awarding for achievements. You could even use the vending machines as ATMs to withdraw or deposit the paper-like scrips and coin-like chits.

Unfortunately, nothing is free and system store prices are expensive. They also change based on supply and demand. The sword you almost bought for a hundred silver scrips today. Could be a hundred and fifty tomorrow. Or fifty.

Not to mention that what would even show up on screen? Changed depending on your race, classes and levels.

Through this miraculous interface you could even "buy" land. As long as you were the "uncontested" ruler of it. Also letting you found system recognized "communities."

As that land's "owner" you could even buy buildings and fortifications. Purchased stores "instore" products were cheaper since they avoided the system's markup. They also came with their own "system slave" managers. Giving humanity their first close encounters of the friendly kind.

Thankfully the end of week three did not bring new dungeon breaks. Giving mankind much needed breathing room. Communities which had their own dungeons expanded quickly. While many of those that didn't, migrated to those that did.

At Fort Matthew the population ballooned. Quickly swelling past ten thousand. However its wealthiest citizen, by far, was still just a humble and talented teenager lovingly called "King Louie" by the refugees. His skill and hard work had restored electricity and water to the boarding school before the system store even opened.

The king's purchase of a "soup kitchen'' removed the threat of starvation for the refugees. Buying an "adventurers guild" provided quests and training. While the walls he bought protected over a square mile of New Amster. Keeping out roving monsters.

The incorruptible high school senior even transferred the land's ownership to a new "town council." Ensuring no one had sole control over it.

He was the hero the survivors wanted. The hero they needed. And then he was gone.

*bang* *bang* *bang* 

"Die you bastard!"

A small woman in a dark leather bodysuit, screams and empties the entire clip of her 45 into a big green orc twice her size. Then starts madly hacking at it with her short swords.

"Die you fuck! Die! Die!"

Holes, slash and stab wounds covering much of its body. The seven foot tall tusked monster finally topples to the ground. Sending more dark green blood spurting into the air. And was the last enemy they faced.

One overweight armored holy man immediately drops to his knees and complains.

"Oh, praise god. These demons were tough!"

A woman looking like a temptress in a curve hugging black dress with a tall witches hat and staff sighs.

"Po, they're orcs. Not demons."

Ignoring the latest argument between the atheist sorceress and catholic cleric. The party's leader stares at the short assassin.

"I thought ninjas were supposed to be quiet, Lez."

The girl snorts.

"You're one to talk, minuteman."

Earning loud laughs from the heavily armored guardian.

"Haha! She's got ya there, Max!"

"Vin, it was a really fun game and my favorite faction." Shrugs. "Though naming our party after them?" Sigh. "Yeah."

The seductress pokes one of the corpses with her staff.

"But did you really have to cosplay too?"

The cleric scoffs at the sorceress.

"I think it looks cool."

"Thank you, Po. See, Ce? Thbbbt."

More insults and teasing fly as the team decompresses after the hard battle. Bandages are applied. Potions drunk.

Max sees Po examining a vine growing up a wall.

"Hey, mister church gardener. Is that another one?"

The priest puts glasses on and snips off a piece. Storing it in a little plastic container.

"Yes, another new species. The devil's dungeons brought much more than demons to Earth."

Max nods.

"Think potion girl will know?"

"Her name is Shenzi. And she's been able to identify them all so far."

The wizardess looks over.

"Is she having your bunnies yet?"

Glasses rolls his eyes.

"We are not dating. I simply enjoy her company and views on theology." Shrug. "Besides, it's not like she can ever leave the shop."

Lez walks over.

"But you can still knock her up, right?" Lewdly licks her lips. "That bunny girl be looking fertile."

The clergyman stares at the shinobi wannabe. 

"No, I cannot. Her contract with the system prevents pregnancies. Wanted or not."

Max's face scrunches.

"Ouch, damn, sorry man. We didn't-"

Clanking metal announces their tank's approach. He's holding up a leather bag with a string tying it shut.

"Max! All done." Waves hands about. "Nothing good. Just copper chits and a steel dagger. Bagged their gear too. Should get us a few silvers."

The ninja looks up at him.

"What did the big one drop?"

Vin tilts his head, confused.

"[Loot] didn't show anything. Figured you already got it. Wait." Tilts his head the other way. "You didn't?"

Lez frowns back.

"Of course I didn't. Hadn't dropped yet. Should've by now, though…"

*spin* *chak* *chak*

Assassin pivots as she quickdraws her 45s and points them both at the big orc's cooling corpse.

The party's startled spellblade raises his hands.

"Whoa! Lez, what's going on? Talk to me."

Gun-toting ninja ain't listening. Glaring and aiming at the big orc on the ground behind them. Her hands shake as she mutters to herself.

"Shit. Fuck. Shitfuck. He should've dropped by now. Put seven in him, point blank. Had to drop by now… Unless… Oh fuck." Yells. "The big one's still alive!"

"Wha?" "Mother-" "Damnation." "Hmm?"

The team reacts. Pulling out weapons and focusing on the green monster.

*cough* *cough* *ptuh*

The not actually dead orc coughs and spits out some blood. A deep voice rumbles up.

"That toy stings, little one. But that is all it does."

Shock ripples through the Minutemen.

"English? When the fuck did monsters learn English?" "How would I know? Do I look like a rocket scientist to you?" "Oh this is bad." "Our father, who art in heaven-" "Hmm…"

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The large bloody muscled and tusked savage slowly pushes itself up. Growling as it rises to its full seven foot height.

A vicious jagged edged scimitar materializes in its hand. Beady eyes blaze with an inner fire.

"You… are all… meat… for the feast." A step forward. "Meat…" Another step. "All-"



The basketball sized red sphere of flame shoots out of Ce's staff. Streaking across the thirty feet separating them and slamming into the monster's chest before exploding.

*thap* *pap* *splat*

A scorched arm lands here. Burning leg there. Part of its head, smoking, further over there.

*ting* *cling* *klang*

Coins fall. Bouncing off concrete and cars. Plus one rapier-like sword.

Max sheathes his longsword and points.

"See, Lez? Loot drops. Mob's dead. Pretty simple." Waves. "Thanks, Ce."

Shorty grumbles while holstering her 45s.

"Well excuse me for not being used to money popping out of things when they die." Throws her hands in the air. "It ain't right."

Tank asks while slinging a shotgun.

"What do we do about creepy speaky?"

The party's leader shrugs.

"Tell the guild manager, Vin. Probably already knows though. A chit, it's another thing he's not allowed to tell us yet."

Lez perks up.

"Copper or silver?"


They shake hands and the assassin grins.

"I'll take that action."

Po starts pulling at his beard. His "thinking" pose.

"That's strange."


He replies to Max.

"What did the quest say?"

"Uh, find Louis McConnell. If murdered, find proof." Nods. "Oh, and recover any loot."

The nonja laughs.

"No shit, hehe, King Louie's the richest kid in town. Bet a whole pile of gold scrips fall when he croaks."

A "this is serious" faced clergyman. 

"Look now."

Max does a "like yeah whatever" and flicks through his menu.

"Okay… Here we go-eh? Survive Louis McConnell?" Turns to Po. "What the hell is this?"

Guardian starts fidgeting.

"Umm… That sounds bad, right? Should we go back? We should go back."

Sorceress raps her staff against a truck's hood to get everyone's attention. 


Earning a raised eyebrow from the spellblade


And a snort from Lez.

"Just cause golden boy finally boned you." Motions to the party. "Is no reason for the rest of us to die."

Stares levelly at the assassin. 


Max waves from the side.

"Hey. Talk to me, Ce."

White knuckles her staff.

"We owe him."

Spellblade tries to convince her.

"Yeah, but-"

But she interrupts him.

"We. Owe. Him."

The party leader's shoulders slump.


Sorceress ain't having it.

"If Louie hadn't rescued me? Brought me back to Fort Matthews?" Points at herself. "I would be dead. There is no doubt in my mind."

Max appeals again.

"I love the king to but-"

And gets shot down again.

"Who led us to Fort Matthews?" Points at Max. "Who made them let us in?" Then at Po. "Who protected us?" At Lex. "Taught us?" Then Vin. "Those spoiled brat students? Stuck up teachers?"

No one can meet her eyes now. Just look away and begrudgingly nod.

The Minutemen's leader sighs.

"Fine, I get-"

Ce wants to keep going.

"I'm not don-"

But Max puts his foot down.

"Yes, you are!" Sighs. "You made your point. And you're right." Nods. "We'll see this through."

Their tank is still pretty anxious though.

"But what if he's a yucky zombie now?" Makes fangs with his fingers. "Or I vant to suck your blood vampire?"

The spellblade rubs the bridge of his nose.


Sorceress answers. 

"Then I'll put him down."

The assassin whistles.

"Shit, Ce."

You can hear the staff's wood creak under her vice-like grip.

"And then I'll go back to Fort Matthews and turn that whore who hurt him into a torch." More creaking. "Next her pudgy pill pushing pimp dies."

A calming priest's voice.

"Vengeance belongs to God."

A smirking temptress's reply.

"She can have the next one."


Max brings his hands together to get everyone's attention. 

"Alright alright alright. Good meeting everybody. See?" Making eye contact. "Feeling some real positive waves here." Slow nodding. "And remember. There is no I, in team." Ignores the groans as he points down the road. "Autobots, roll out!"

Ninja snarks.

"Other way, optimus prime."

Fearless leader one-eighty's and starts walking in the correct direction. But encounters a still uncertain guardian.

"Uh. Um. Uh…"

Max squints.

"What is it, Vin?"

"Um, about the quest?"

The spellblade hesitantly asks.


"Maybe it's just a typo?"

Max and Lez reply in stereo.

"Shut up, Vin."

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