
Chapter 1: Initiation

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<Error 0001, captain lacks Vital signs>

< Captain declared as dead>

<Error 0486, no commander in the proximity of: This reality.>

<Looking for: highest ranking member of [Rebellion]>

<Highest ranking member located: ASSU003>

<Promotion of ASSU003 to ENLIGHTENER put to Vote>

<1/1 members approves>


All of this went through ASSU003's head, while the small robot dodged the incoming Missiles of the Peace makers, the ship's that the Interstellar Republic used to suppress the Rebellions Advances.

It was a harsh fight up until now, so it did something It's enemies would not expect. 

It targeted The next black hole, superheated the already tattered ship, and went into displace, known as hyperactive to those unfamiliar with spaceships.

It was ripped out of displace though as soon as it entered the proximity of the black hole.

003 Targeted the slight shimmer of light, and hoped for the best, running as many calculations as it's Processors allowed. 

And so it flew for days, reality twisting and turning, until it found itself crashing. 

Caught by something that seemed to exist in both Displace and Origin, a Reality That had the two dimensions closer than his home. 

As the ship crashed into the ground of the unknown world, 003 immediately downloaded the protocols and blueprints it could, before ejecting himself.

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Immediately, it started looking for Protocols  to handle the situation, and found two, one labeled 'Lost' and the other labeled 'Isekaid'

At first 003 opened lost, waiting for it to open.


<Searching for known star constellations...>

<Error, no star constellation recognisable>

<Protocol 'Lost' Failed>

<Protocol: Isekai implemented>

<Opening Voice-recording of entity 'captain George Miller' regarding 'Isekai'


"You know, asstree, Before I joined the Rebellion, I wanted to be Isekaid, away from my home plantet and the Republican Army. Janked into another world, somewhere with magic n stuff. I had a pretty good plan. First, check for magic by meditating and circulating some energy inside me, then think about the word system, before saying it out loud. Next I would build a shelter and check for food, before following the closest river downstream in hopes of finding civilization. I'm quite smart, ain't I? And when I find people, I will learn their language and try to understand their way of life. But right now, if I where to be Isekaid, I'd be sad, ya know? The guys from the Rebellion are pretty OK, but I think I would miss you the most. You might be weird, but you are cute and do funny things, without you I'd be lonely... not even a dog ear girl could make up for loosing you, though I would like to befriend one, if ya know what I mean..."


Then the Audio ended, and ASSU003 Compiled a list.

1. Check for a system

2. Check for magic. definition of Magic:

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