Ankle-Deep Into the Dungeon!

Chapter 1: 1. Another world

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A notice on game-like panel appeared in front of me.

[You have died]

Huh have I?

[Will you choose to be reincarnated in another world?]

Uh... sure. Not like I have much choice is there?

[You have 180 seconds to set up your characters]

Huh a timed character creation?! Am I going to an RPG world or something??

[Please input your name.]

If it's timed, I don't want to waste time thinking about it. Just anything is fine.

[A random name has been picked. You may change it later.]

If you can rename later why put it in there dammit?!

[Please setup your character appearance and profile.]

If it's an RPG world, it doesn't matter is it. Everything is decided by stats right?? Just whatever. Default or anything, let me move to stat distribution or something like that already.

[Default character appearance and profile is used.]

So there is a default option.

[Please pick a starting job]

Oh this one is probably important I should choose carefully.



  1. Militia
  2. Hunter
  3. Mage
  4. Civilian



Huh, what are these jobs? Can I have an explanation of these?



  1. Militia

            >An entry level melee warrior. Knows some basic weapons handling.

  1. Hunter

            >An entry level adventurer. Specialize in survival skill and exploration.

  1. Mage

            >An entry level scholar of the arcane. Specialize in basic magic.

  1. Civilian

            >If you want a little bit of extra challenge and want to start from absolute 0. Doesn't really have any special skills.



Hmm, since it's an rpg world, it's given you would fight monster right? Then, I should pick [Militia]. But being modern man, I'm not sure I would have the stomach to fight someone at close range.


Being [Mage] seems like you can use magic. Maybe something like fireball to fight at a distance?


Ok, I guess [Mage] it is.


[Please pick starting traits.]




[Arm Wrestler]


[Poison Tolerance]






Woah it's a massive list. Just how many is this. Feel like there's over a hundred at least. It's good thing I didn't spend too much time on previous choices I think, maybe.

But this is massive list, I wonder if there's search function. Would be nice if there's something like bonus experience or stat growth or something.


[Filtering traits...]


[Experience Bonus]

[Statistic Growth Bonus]






Woah. This is neat function. Let's see...






Okay. Next.


[Generating traits and abilities from job...]


[Magical Art 10] [Water Magic 5] [Casting 5] [Magic Capacity 15] [Literacy 10] [Memorization 15]



Is this basic [Mage] skillset?


[Generating traits and abilities from past life...]


[Alchemy 20] [Material Transmutation 30] [Calculation 50] [Magic Device 30] [Literacy 30] [Well-learned] [High Libido]



Huh, past life? So my past life experience was used? I guess these indeed sounds like things I did learnt, if you replace magic with science at least. Like Chemistry turning into Alchemy.

Guess college was not a waste after all.

[High Libido]? Young man, not all questions need answer.


[Generating required traits and abilities...]


[Baltran Language 30]



Oh. Is this the language of the world I'm going to reincarnate into?


[Please confirm your status board]



[Status Board]

Name : Oji
Race   : Human
Sex     : Male
Age     : 33
God    : Eyth of Void
Job     : Mage
Level  : 1

Strength        : 7       (7)       Best
Constitution : 6       (6)       Best
Dexterity       : 8       (8)       Best
Perception    : 8       (8)       Great
Learning       : 21     (14)    Superb
Will                : 22     (15)    Superb
Magic            : 27     (18)    Supreme
Charm           : 4       (4)       Hopeless

Life                : 100  (100)
Mana             : 100  (100)
Speed            : 70     (70)

HP  : 22/22
MP : 30/30
SP   : 105/105

Armor  : Light

Abilities (30):
[Magical Art 10] [Water Magic 5] [Casting 5] [Magic Capacity 15] [Literacy 40] [Memorization 15]  [Alchemy 20] [Material Transmutation 30] [Calculation 50] [Magic Device 30] [Baltran Language 30]

Traits (0):
[Experience Bonus] [Statistic Growth Bonus] [Ability Growth Bonus] [Well-learned] [High Libido]



As I thought I want to change the name.

[Do you want to start over from the beginning?]

Uh.. just the name?

[Do you want to start over from the beginning?]

Uh... glancing at the timer there's only less than 10 seconds less.

I guess this is fine.. it seems I can change it later anyway.

[Starting reincarnation procedure. If customer has questions, please check the status board.]


Suddenly I feel like I lost my footing and fell down.

As I fall down, the surrounding somehow turns brighter and brighter and blinding.




. Day 1


"U-uh... where is this...?"

I slowly try to open my eyes while blinking, adjusting my eyes to the new brightness.

"Blue sky... and tree."

It seems I'm under the shade of a tree.

I get up and look around, there's road not far away. It seems I'm under the shade of a tree on a low hill overlooking a stone road.

"Oh yeah, I remember. Need to check [Status Board]"

Suddenly on my hand appeared a thick rectangular object.

I notice there're some buttons on its side. Pressing it, it seems to power up and the screen display something.

"Huh, isn't this just a smartphone?? Moreover it looks like the one I had in the previous world."

Checking around the smartphone. It was very similar to my past life smartphone, even down to the apps inside.

"Woah... I can access the internet from this too. Googol Search ‘reincarnation’.."


I took a snap of myself.

It’s a middle aged man with flabby belly.

“Hmm, it’s my previous world’s hairy roundish middle aged man looks. The face and the round body and all. Maybe I should have invest a little time on appearance section before... I could have try at least to have an average younger man look.”


Continuing to browse around the smartphone I notice there are some unknown apps I never remember having.

"[Status Board], [Ability and Trait Store], [Different World Encyclopedia] hmm..."


Starting up [Different World Encyclopedia], there appears a text box. It seems to be some sort of search engine.



[Different World Encyclopedia]

|                         |

[Search] [Feelin' lucky]


Recent entries:

  1. Status Board
  2. Reincarnation




[See alphabetically arranged entries]



Then I type in [Status Board]



[Status Board]

A magic device bound to a reincarnatee. It often takes the shape of object closest to reincarnatee's past life. Depending on its manifest form, may have various additional functions.



"Huh... So I spent most time of my past life near my phone huh... But object closest to past life. I thought it would be my PC.. maybe there's additional conditions."

Next I search up [Reincarnation].




A process by which a dead soul re-incarnated to live a second life.



"I feel like it's missing a lot of details."

Next up I close the [DWE] app, and start up [Status Board] App.



[Status Board]

Name : Oji
Race   : Human
Sex     : Male
Age     : 33
God    : Eyth of Void
Job     : Mage
Level  : 1

Strength        : 7       (7)       Best
Constitution : 6       (6)       Best
Dexterity       : 8       (8)       Best
Perception    : 8       (8)       Great
Learning       : 21     (14)    Superb
Will                : 22     (15)    Superb
Magic            : 27     (18)    Supreme
Charm           : 4       (4)       Hopeless

Life                : 100  (100)
Mana             : 100  (100)
Speed            : 70     (70)

HP  : 22/22
MP : 30/30
SP   : 105/105

Armor  : Light

Abilities (30):
[Magical Art 10] [Water Magic 5] [Casting 5] [Magic Capacity 15] [Literacy 40] [Memorization 15]  [Alchemy 20] [Material Transmutation 30] [Calculation 50] [Magic Device 30] [Baltran Language 30]

Traits (0):
[Experience Bonus] [Statistic Growth Bonus] [Ability Growth Bonus] [Well-learned] [High Libido]



"I wonder what all these means."

I tap [Best] next to [Strength], a notification box appeared.



[Best Strength Potential]

[Potential] of [Strength] statistic. It determines ease of growth of [Strength] statistic. For reference, the following are possible qualitative values:












I tap on [0-Hopeless]




Hopeless [Potential]. Signifying statistic that's very hard or possibly already impossible to raise.



"Hmm?! Wait!"


I returned to the main [Status Board]'s window.

"Uwah.. [Hopeless] potential for Charm. I don't feel good about this."

I then tap on [Charm].




A statistic used mainly in human relation. Determining statistic in negotiation, trade, and various other communication-related actions.



"So if it's low basically I have communication disorder or something? Isn't this bad?"

Next I tap on [Mage]




Experience: 0/ 1563

An entry level scholar of the arcane. Specialize in basic magic.

50% bonus to [Magic], [Learning], and [Will] attribute statistics.

Bonus to [Magic], [Learning], and [Will]'s potential for each level up.

Exclusive Ability: [Magical Art]



I see I see. So there are job bonus too. Hmm, but there's no bonus potential for [Charm]? I wonder if I can change job or something.

I tap [job] but the same panel appeared. Then when I hold [Job] for a short while.



Do you want to change job?

[Yes] [No]



Let’s try [Yes]



Unlocked Jobs:



1-Mage (Current Job)



Known Locked Jobs:






It seems like I have a bunch of jobs unlocked to which I can change into. There are also some locked jobs. I guess there are some requirements to unlock them.




Professional magic user…

100% bonus to [Magic], [Learning], and [Will] statistic.

Bonus to [Magic], [Learning], and [Will]'s potential for each level up.


  1. [Mage] Level 15
  2. Three of the following must be satisfied:

            Total Magic abilities sum to at least 30

            MP > 100

            Magic Literacy at least 30






Let’s try changing job.




Experience: 0/ 1000

A job everyone usually starts with from birth.

Very small bonus to all statistics’ potential for each level up.



Changing back my job to [Mage] I move on the next important thing.

You are reading story Ankle-Deep Into the Dungeon! at

Next up, most important is magic. It only says I have [Water Magic 1] in my ability list. But how do I use magic?


I tap on [Water Magic 5]



[Water Magic 5]

Basic ability to use water-elemental [Magic].



I tap on [Magic]. It seems to start up a new app.



Action and Magic Store




Learned Actions and Magic:

  1. Wet
  2. Water Splash
  3. Water Ball
  4. Mana Charge




Action and Magic you may be interested in:

  1. Water Gun
  2. Water Canon
  3. Stealth






"Let's see how do I use it."

I tap on [Water Ball].

Somehow I suddenly got the urge to raise my hand up front and start to chant in some unknown language.

[Water Ball] then shot out of my palm hitting the tree I'm under and wetting it.

"I see, so I can activate magic like this.. wait it seems cumbersome activating it this way in the heat of battle. Maybe.."


I try to imitate the previous movement and start thinking about the previous [Water Ball]. Trying to remember its sensation, moisture starts to gather on my palm, and a clump of water coalesce and float in front of it.


"[Water Ball]"

The clump of water shot out of my palm, hitting the tree.

"I feel like there's less power than before."


This time I start thinking a bit harder about the shape of the [Water Ball], I imagine gathering moisture from the air and the surrounding environment in front of my palm. I also think about the physical property such as viscosity of the water ball.

"[Water Ball]"

[Water Ball] shot out of my palm.

The tree seems to shake a little bit, and a small mark appeared on the trunk like some hard ball just hit it with high momentum.


Like that I also try other water-based magic on the tree.


"I guess that's enough looking at this. I should check more latter. I should look for nearby settlement now."

I walk toward the stone road. Assuming the seemingly fantasy-setting of texts in the status board, with there being stone road, maybe there's a fairly large settlement nearby.

"Now should I go left or right. Ah.."

The first thing that comes up when deciding direction for modern person is smartphone's [Map] app. So I started it up, and it shows the local map.

"I see, I guess I should go left then."

After checking the [Map], there's a city called [Talba] to the west of here.






*Clank clank*

After a little bit of walking, I noticed there seems to be a fight up ahead.

Getting closer, and moving to a bush that seems suitable to hide, I look at the battle.


Seems like a group of bandits attacking a carriage or something.

"[Status Board]. Seeing a carriage getting attacked is a staple of isekai reincarnation, right? I guess I'm taking commemorative picture."

I direct my smartphone at the scene of battle. *Snap*

"Nice pi--"

When I accidentally tap on someone in the picture, something like [Status Board] is displayed.



Job      : Bandit

Level  : 10

Race   : Human

Sex      : Male



"Wow... so I can use it like this too. Though not much info appears."



After a while the carriage escort group seems to have won.

The door of the carriage then opened up and a pompous fat old man came out.

"Huahahaha! You bandits dare to attack this Lord Bonino Gudez's carriage. Face the consequence! Be monsters' food!"

The pompous fat old man then turned toward one of his heavily armored escorts.

"Good work, Kaldelio. As expected of my personal knight. Huahahaha!"

"Lord Bonino, please return back into the carriage. We don't know if there're some stragglers."

"Huahaha! You worry too much, Kaldelio."


However the knight's warning is correct. There's one more bandit aiming his bow at the fat old man.

"Ah, be careful!"

I shout out and shot out [Water Ball] at the ambushing bandit.

"Wah! What's this?!"

The [Water Ball] is a bit weak because I don’t have much time to focus the magic, though it seems enough to get the bandit startled and his aim became off mark. The arrow hit the carriage instead of the fat old man.

Noticing the attack, the knight called Kaldelio rush toward the bandit and lops off his head.


After a short silence. I get out of the bush.

"Ah... excuse me.."

"You are?" asked the knight staring at me warily.

"Simply a passing traveler, Lord Knight."

"Huahaha! Thank you, commoner. You have done well protecting this I. Huahaha! You deserve a reward."

"Ah...haha... Lord Noble. I'm not worthy of your praise."

Maybe because I look suspicious or my low [Charm] stat, I got further questioned by the knight.


It's probably a bad idea telling them that I got transported here from another world. So I came up with a background that I suddenly found myself in the nearby forest.

"Humu.. it's probably chaotic mana transport phenomenon."

said the knight.

"Chaotic mana transport phenomenon?"

"Yes, it's what I heard during my adventuring days. I heard a chaotic flow of mana sometimes can give raise to this phenomenon of transporting someone to random location."

"What a poor guy you are. Huahaha! Getting thrown into somewhere you don't know. As a reward for saving this one life of I, you can go with me to Talba. Come inside the carriage. Huahaha!"

"P-please wait, Lord Bonino. I think it's dangerous to bring along an unknown personage."

"Huahahaha! Kaldelio, what a worrywart you are. If you are that worried, you come into the carriage too."

"But Lord--"

"No buts. We are already delayed enough. Let's make haste to Talba. Huahahaha!"


Like that, I'm allowed to go along with the noble entourage.


"Huahaha! But still, what a fine display of bravery. Are you perhaps an adventurer, Oji?"


"Yes, you know entering dungeon, carrying back monster drops and loots. Something like that. I have been living civil servant life for my whole life, so I'm somewhat jealous of you rough but brave bunch. Huahaha!"

"Is there no adventurers at the place you came from, Mr. Oji?" Asked the knight.

"Ah.. uh it's not like that. The truth is.."

I added amnesia to my background profile.


"I see. What a poor chap. Not only get thrown to place he doesn't know, but even losing memories." Bonino making gesture of wiping tears.

"I know. I have decided on your reward for saving this life of Mine. Huahaha!"

"Lord Bonino, I thought being escorted to nearby city is already my reward."

"What are you saying? That's not much of a reward. Huahaha!"

"I-I see."

I can only weakly laugh at the boisterous old man.

"Being in place you are not aware of, on top of that losing memories. I see that you also don't seem to have much belonging with you."

Bonino again making wiping tear gesture.

"As a reward for saving this one life of I. This Bonino will help you get started with new life. Life for life. A fitting exchange don't you think. Huahahaha!"

"Ha..." I just stare blankly confused.


Along the way, I learnt that Bonino is posted as the new Chief Judge of Talba City.

Not too long after, a walled city appear on the distance. And not long after, the carriage arrive in front of the city gate.

Kaldelio seems to be talking to a guard at the gate.

Shortly the carriage enter the city.


"Kaldelio. Did you find good place?"

"Yes, My Lord. Apparently there's a well-established slave merchant called Mufala in the northeastern district."

"Huh slave mechant?"

"The location is close to noble district. So I presume it's one frequented by nobles."

"Fumu. Good work, Kaldelio. Huahaha!"

"Um... excuse me Lord Bonino. Are we going to see a slave merchant?"

*Nod* "Fumu, we are directly going to buy slaves. Huahaha!"

"I see."

"You need to think what kind of slave you want, Oji. Huahaha!"

"Eh? Me?"

"Of course. What are you confused about?"

"I mean I'm not buying one.."

"What are you saying? Of course you are."

"Huh?? I mean, My Lord. I don't have money.."

"Huahaha! It's my reward for you. Life for life remember. Huahaha!"

"I-I see. Thank you very much, My Lord."

Said Bonino like it's something obvious.

"Of course. For you starting a new life, in a new place you know nothing about. A human resource is the best assistant I can think of. Huahaha!"

"That's true.."

"Also it's in my original plan to buy new slaves to celebrate my moving into the city. So might as well. Muhuahaha!"

This freak.


Soon, the carriage arrived in front of a mansion sized building.

"Welcome Lord Bonino. This humble servant of yours, Vargas Durga, is the proprietor of this [Slave Mansion]. We are grateful for a visit by your honor in spite of your honor tight schedule."

It seems Bonino is a big customer.

Entering inside, we're led into a hallway.

In the long hallway, there are many rooms with large glass window, such that it's easy to see the inside from large angle.

Inside the rooms, are humans. I guess it's supposed to be a display?

"Now, please Lord Bonino, please choose from our well-selected offerings."

"Muahaha, there are some good stuffs here."

'Stuffs' huh, guess there are no human rights here. Also I said human, but as expected of fantasy, there are also individuals of other races being displayed.

Young girls with animal ears and tails, pointy-eared humans who are probably called elves.

"Oji, you are free to pick too. Though if I really like your pick, I might take them for myself. Huahaha!"

This perverted freak. Still, why are all of them flat chested? I mean I'm not really one picky man as long as they're nice to look at, but I wish there are a bit more diversity.


"Excuse me.. but do you have one with large asset?"

Curious, I approach the proprietor.

"Large asset?"

Huh, am I not clear enough?

"You know, large chest."

"Mr.." "Oji." "Mr. Oji is looking for a fat woman?"

"No, not fat. Only one with larger breast?"

“Huahaha, please help him. He’s my benefactor. I’m going to look around a bit more by myself.”

"Then, please follow me."

I'm led by the proprietor toward a stair to a basement floor.


"In the basement floor we deal with less attractive products. They are usually cheaper, except for some exceptionally strong battle slave."

"Battle slave?"

"Slave with strong combat capability. Does Mr. Oji need one?"

Following the proprietor I look around the similar display hallway in the basement.


I stopped in front of one particular display.

Behind the display glass, long and neat glossy hair, bountiful asset, hourglass body, and a first-rate face.

"Ah, is Mr. Oji interested? This one is a former noble lady, though one of a poor noble house. Her family sold her off a year ago to pay back family debt.

Her strong point is her high upbringing. She also absorbed all of domestic lessons we taught her. It's a shame that she's quite a bit overweight, otherwise her price would be in the premium range."

This is overweight? Inferring from previous mention of 'fat', I wonder if in this world booba is seen as useless fat.

"Another major minus point, her unknown job [Samurai], possibly makes it hard to raise her into a strong warrior. So she also can't properly fulfill the role of a battle slave.

If I have to be honest, aside of her first-rate face, I can't recommend her for anything else. She probably can be used as high class house servant though, if that's what you are looking for.

Is Mr. Oji looking for one? I recommend hiring at nearby servant hiring company."


"I'm taking her."


"I like her. I'm taking her with me."

"I see. Understood."

We returned back to the ground floor.


"How's it, Oji? Did you find something good?"

Along with Bonino we're led to an office like room.

"Then let us confirm the purchase."

"Humu" Nod Bonino.

"Then first we will confirm Lord Bonino's purchase."

The proprietor rings a bell and three young girls entered the room. A human, a tall elf, and a short cat-eared girl with cat tail. I see, Bonino is quite a supporter of diversity. Though except for the breast department, since all three of them are flat chested.

"Humu humu.. what fine specimens. I can't wait to taste them back home. Muahuahahaha!"

"Then we will confirm Mr. Oji's purchase next."

The proprietor rings a bell again, and a fairly tall girl entered the room. A very long knee-length glossy hair, white silky smooth skin, bountiful both in the front upper mountains and lower back hills, perfect hourglass figure, and first-rate beauty face. She came in wearing a sexy maid outfit, exposing high surface area on chest along with short skirt, one that only really appears in anime and manga in the previous world.

She's right in my strike zone.


"Humu. Oji sure has unusual taste."

"Is it really unusual?"

"Of course. Fat woman fetish is very rare no matter how you look at it."

"She's not really fat though..." I quietly muttered.

"Well if Oji likes it then I'm not one to complaint."

"To be honest, I also feel really helped with Mr. Oji's purchase. She's hard to sell product see. At 200 000 Zeni, it's hard to find buyer for something as niche as her.

As token of gratitude I will add in additional free outfits for the whole purchase."

"Humu. I guess it's win-win deal after all. Huahaha!"

Extra sets of outfits? What a nice customer service.

"Oh, and they are not used yet right?"

"Yes, My Lord. They are fresh product, yet unsullied."


Then the proprietor produces parchments from drawer under the table.

"This is master contract parchment. Please prick your finger so you may drop a little blood on this magic circle."

On separate table, the slaves seem following the same act, pricking their finger and dropping a blood droplet on some parchment.

The proprietor then place 4 different master contract parchments on top of respective 4 parchments of the slaves. He then starts chanting in some unknown language.

A short flash of light coming out from the parchment stacks filled the room before quickly dispersing. The parchment stacks then started to burn up leaving nothing but ashes.

"With this the master-slave contract is established."


"It seems to be the first time Oji buying a slave, so give him rundown explanation of owning one."

The proprietor then started explaning about slave ownership.

"Master-slave contract is not a simple contract, but a magical one. The contract makes it so that any orders of the master are absolute to the slave. The contract also binds slave's life to that of the master. So should the master lose their life, the slave will too.

Of course if you want to modify the term of the contract we provide such service as well."

"Modifying contract?"

"Yes, such as for an old master. He may want their slaves to be freed after their death instead of letting them follow himself to his death. It's actually common practice among nobility in this Alber Kingdom."


He then continue with explaining pros and cons of owning slave. Like how even for the cheaper one, they cost a fortune to buy, so not everyone can afford to own one. On the other hand, slaves are basically the owner's properties, so the master may do anything with the slaves no matter how horrendous it is.

Common ways to use slaves are for battle slave and sexual slave. For nobles, battle slave often employed as body guard who double as sex slave companion during the night.

For adventurer who often dives into dungeons, battle slaves are used as trustful party members. Apparently while not too common, there are cases of backstabbing between party members, especially when valuable loot or drop is concerned.

So it's not unheard of for adventurers to bring a slave with them. For the more well-off adventurer party, like one with noble patron, it's not uncommon to have party full of slaves with single adventurer as master.

However, while there may be no real limitation to the slave magical contract. Depending on the locale, there are legalities and social expectation on treatment of slaves.

In the kingdom of Alber, in which Talba is part of, there are no legal limitations on the treatment of slaves. However, there is social expectation to at least treat slaves with basic decency, like feeding them enough, and not intentionally sending slaves to their death unless the master's life is at stake.

For the nobility of this kingdom, there's even a tradition, that each year a noble house will free one or more slaves. All slaves except for criminal slaves may be bought and freed. For criminal slaves they also need to serve the minimum custody period though.

There are also some kingdoms where the master has legal obligation to feed, cloth, and house the slave well. In those kingdoms, violation of legal contract allow the kingdoms to forcibly takeover the slave or even free them.

Even so, apparently currently there's no kingdom where slavery is illegal. There are a lot of problems abolishing such well-entrenched integral institution to the society after all.


Finishing the deal we left the slave merchant mansion shop along with the purchased slaves.

In front of the carriage.

"Um, My Lord."

"What is it Oji?"

"I think I already received enough of favor my Lord. I think it's time we separate."

"Huahaha! So you can't help to wait tasting your new slave, Oji. It's fine I'm about to drop you at a fine inn after all. So don't worry you will have all the time you can have soon. Muahuahahaha!"

Is trying new slave right after purchasing them the norm in this world?

Well thinking of slaves as a thing, trying new thing right after you purchase them, I guess that was the sort of mindset even in the previous world.


We then returned to the carriage, and together with a borrowed carriage from the slave merchant to carry the slaves we begin to move away from the slave store building.

Soon the carriage arrived in front of an inn.

"I already have my own house in this city so too bad that we can't spend the night together, Oji. Huahaha! By the way, this is a capital for you to start new life. I add in quite a bit extra since you were being modest and picked a cheap slave."

Bonino handed me a bag with kachink kachink sounds coming out when it shakes. Is it coin money?


After giving me the bag and calling in an inn staff he then left me and my newly acquired busty slave behind in the inn lobby.

It's a lobby that seems to also double as sort of dining hall restaurant or something. There are some people chatting and eating here.

"Uncle, let me lead you to your room."

The inn staff is a short haired busty young girl. Humu, those hills are one to die on, in the previous world at least.

We were then lead to the room furthest end of the inn hallway.

"The lodging fee for this room is 200 Zeni per day, but if you pay in advance for a month, it will be 4 500 Zeni.

You can have meal in the dining hall, usually it's 30 Zeni per portion, but you can order something different if you are willing to pay extra.

Ah also that noble just paid in advance for a month lodging for you. "

It’s a fairly spacious bedroom, with king sized bed at one side opposite of the door. Apparently it’s also equipped with noise-cancelling enchantment, so that when the door is closed shut, the enchantment will activate and noise coming from inside won’t go outside, and vice versa.


After the short explanation the inn daughter left the room.





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