Ankle-Deep Into the Dungeon!

Chapter 2: 2. First night in another world.

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The inn daughter left, leaving alone an older male and a young female. The female is wearing a licentious maid-like outfit in the room.

Seemingly agitated the man quickly closed the door tight. A magic circle then formed on the door handle before vanishing. An embedded gemstone near the handle seems to have formed some pattern inside it.


“So is the noise-cancelling active already?”

“Yes, Master. As long as the magic stone is showing a pattern, the noise-cancelling enchantment is active.”

“I see… by the way. You are my property right?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Since it’s my property, I can do anything with it, right..”

“…As Master said.”


The man dragged her onto the bed and pushed her down.

“M-master… hmnn”

His mouth greedily seeking her lips.

“Ah.. Master, though this body may not be exactly attractive nor it has any experience. I-if it pleases you, please use this body as you please.”

“What are you saying? This bountiful body is not attractive?”

“Um… I may have unnecessary extra meat at some place..”

“You mean this ‘fat’ ?”


Startled when a pair of hands suddenly grabbed her breasts, she lets out a cry like small animal. At the face of such aggression, she feels like turning back into little girl.

“I see. But I quite like this bountiful ‘fatty’ pillow of yours.”

The man then buried his face into the pair of large ‘fatty’ meat pillows in front of him and continues massaging and kneading them with both of his hands.

“Hahn… mnnhah..”


Still holding onto the soft pillow attached to the girl, he slid down his pants with one hand.


He then moves to rub her pure white thighs and placed a hard blunt tipped object in-between valley of her pelvic region.

“Tthis feel so soft..”

Rubbing his prized organic tower on the girl’s valley the man started to breathe faster.




Hearing the soft breath of the maid girl the man became ever more excited.

“Sorry I can’t hold it. [Wet].”

Placing his palm on the erect tower, moisture gathered wetting the tower.

The man then starts burying the already moist solid meat tower into the chasm in front of it.


Seeing the girl grimacing in pain, the man pause his assault.

“So-sorry does it hurt? I will try to go slowly”

“Thank you for your kindness… Master… But, please go ahead… after all It’s my duty..”


The man gradually moves deeper and deeper inside the girl until he reached the end of the tunnel.


Having joined their body together, the man seeks the girl lips to seal their union, greedily devouring it.



“I’m moving.”

“Y-yes.. Master.”


Not long after, the sound of meat slapping against each other and fragrance of sweaty air filled the room.


“HAh ha ha.. I’m coming.”

“ah ahn ah yes, Master. ah Please go ahead. ah Let me receive you, my Master!”

*Splurt Splurt*

For the first time in her life, the girl feels something warm and hot filling her inside. She feels slight tinge of happiness at the thought that maybe her body is not ‘defective’ after all, for a mature man seems to be fully appreciating her bountiful body.


Voluminous amount of white liquid seeps out of the deep chasm, staining the white fabric below.

“I’m moving again.”


The girl smile gently as she accepts the man to touch every inch of her body.


The man and the girl continue pleasuring each other as the sun moves away from its near peak into the edge of horizon gradually dyeing the sky crimson.



Adventure Log:

[Oji level up: Mage 1 -> 2]

Oji earned 10 [AP].







After several sessions of doing the ‘deed’, I rest on top of the bed. My cute sexy maid resting in my arm.

Hehehe… I feel like a winner of something.. finally after being apprentice wizard for so long and just as I turned into a wizard (30 yo+ virgin) I got to experience the real thing.


“By the way, I haven’t had the chance to ask, but what’s your name again?”

“I don’t have a name yet, Master. All slaves are supposed to receive one from their master after purchase. Please call me with however Master pleases.”

“I’m pretty bad with coming up with name though.. Don’t you have one in mind instead?”

“I’m sorry, Master. I have none.”

“But how about before you became a slave. You were a noble right? You surely have your own name right?”

“Does Master want to know?”

“Uh, I mean. Don’t you want to use your previous name? Since it’s nobility name so I guess it would sounds better instead of one I could come up with. Or do you hate your previous name?”

“Not particularly… If it’s Master’s order then…”

“No, it’s not an order you know. It’s just telling each other’s names, isn’t that how normally you start to earn each other’s trust?”

“Trust… I see..”

“Though maybe the custom is different--“ “It’s Rubelia, Master.”


“My name is Rubelia. Please take care of me from now on.”

She said while smiling and looking into my eyes.

“Rubelia. It’s a nice name. Well, then my name is Oji for now. Please take care of me from now on too.”

“For now?”



“Do you believe in reincarnation?”




Then I started telling her about how I came to this world. How I fake my story of losing memory, until the point of buying her.

“I see… so that’s why it’s your name ‘for now’.”

“Do you believe it, Rubelia?”

“If it’s Master’s order then this Rubelia will have no choice but to believe.”

“It’s not an order though. It’s okay if you don’t believe it. It sounds like out of this world after all.

Though if you don’t believe it that means I’m safe, I guess. Since this is my big secret after all.

Oh, but please don’t tell anyone else about my past life story without my permission. This one is an order.”

“Understood, my Master Oji.”

“Well so I tell you all this, so that it would be more convenient for me.”


“Well basically. I know nothing about living in this world. You know, like how to earn money and things like that. So it would be helpful if you could teach me those.”

 “I see. I understand, Master.”


“Ah, I guess it’s time for dinner now. Let’s go to the dining hall.”



In the bustling and lively dining hall I ordered meal for two to the auntie behind counter.

“Auntie, dinner for two people”


“For two it’s 60 Zeni was it. Ah”

What a miss, I forgot to ask Rubelia the value of money in this world.

“Master it’s six of these wooden coins.”

Thank you, Rubelia.

“Here auntie. Can I bring them to my room?”

I’m not confident enough in my understanding of this world’s custom to partake in such public dining. Especially with so many people around.


“Rubelia, thanks.”

“It’s not worth mentioning, Master.”


After a while, we received our food on tray and bring them to our room.

“Master, let me“


It seems Rubelia wants to carry our food tray. It doesn’t seem so heavy, so why not indulge in the feeling of being served by a busty maid for a bit I thought.


Back in our room I sit down on a chair, and Rubelia serving me the food by setting up the dishes on the table.

Then unexpectedly, she placed the food tray with her dinner portion on another chair, with she herself sitting down on the floor.

“Uh.. Rubelia. What are you doing?”

“Um… I’m waiting for Master to take the first bite?”

She tilted her head.

“No, I mean, what are you doing down there?”

“I’m readying myself to have dinner..?”

She still seems confused.

“I mean, how about sitting down on the chair and eat on the table instead? It’s still pretty wide you know, the table is.”

“Master, it’s a common sense that a servant may not eat from the same table or at least on the same level as the master.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it may not be the case in the place Master came from, but it’s certainly so in this kingdom. For example in noble houses, servants often have their own dining hall, while at other times they have their own separate dining tables.

And as a slave I have been trained under such assumption. As our position is even lower than servants.”

“I don’t really think Rubelia as a servant though..”

“Then even more so as I’m Master’s slave.”

“I mean Rubelia. Remember the story I told you before right.”


“You may not believe most of it, or even all of it. But at least I think you believe that I’m pretty much alone in this world.

So I wish we could treat each other as family.”


Rubelia’s eyes widened she seemingly surprised.

“Yes, so you know. It’s not an order or anything like that. Treat it like a request,

Can we eat together on the table?”

“I see... I understand Master.”

She then started placing her dishes on the table, and sit down on the chair next to mine.

Once she seems ready to eat I give thanks for the food served.


I took the first bite of the food and we started eating together.


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It’s what I find out later when we start eating in public dining hall. Rubelia thought the ‘family play’ is only in private. She tried to eat under the table, so I had to stop her and convinced her to start eating on the same table as me even in public.






During the meal I try to have conversation with Rubelia. Because of the almost faux pas in the dining hall, I started with asking about monetary system in this kingdom.

“Currency in this kingdom and its surrounding area are generally of three kinds: coins, tablets, and other magic fuels.

Four kinds of material are also used for coins and tablets: wood, bronze, silver, and finally gold.

But fundamentally the value of those is calculated based on unit of measure called Zeni. For example, the wood coin Master used to pay for these foods each has value of 10 Zeni.”


Bronze coin has value of 100 Zeni, silver coin 1000 Zeni, and gold coin 10 000 Zeni.

Tablet currency is similar to coin one except its value is five times its coin counterpart, for example a wood tablet is worth 5 wood coins or 50 Zeni. Similarly; bronze, silver, and gold tablet each has value of 500 Zeni, 5000 Zeni, and 50 000 Zeni respectively.


“Now to currency category beside coin and tablet, there’s other magic fuel category. In this category there are various objects considered as magic fuel. Two of the most common ones for smaller transactions are magic dust and magic stone.

For example if Master need to do transaction with value below 1 wood coin or 10 Zeni. Master can use a small bag of magic dust or small magic stone, since their value typically only evaluated on their weight, size, and purity.”


“Wait, so these are called magic fuel. Are these fuels for something?”

“That’s good observation, Master. Indeed they are as their name implies, are fuel for magic devices. Do Master needs explanation about magic devices?”

“Give me a one sentence explanation then continue with currency lecture.”

“I don’t think it’s possible with one sentence but, magic device is basically various tools that use magic to operate. Is this enough?”

“Hmm, I’m curious with the details, but please continue with the currency for now, Rubelia.”



So objects considered as magic fuel also can be used as currency. Particularly among nobles who conduct trades of immense value, they often use large magic crystals.

Of course for this kind of trades, there are some procedures, such as weighing and assessing purity of the crystals, so it is much more involved than simply exchanging standard coin or tablet currency.


I think that covers most the bases. Is there any question, Master?”

“Hmm, I’m curious with one thing. Is there something special with the coins and tablets currency? Can they also be used as magic fuel?”

“Interesting observation, Master. Indeed they are, but their value is mainly one guaranteed by the kingdom, since their value as magic fuel is actually quite a bit lacking compared to other magic fuels. Do you have more question, Master?”

“Hmm, nothing for now.”

“I see, then let’s end the currency lecture here.”


As an exercise I try to count how much money were given to us by Bonino. There are quite a bit of gold tablet, as well as several other denominations. 18 gold tablets that’s 900 000 Zeni, 5 gold coins that’s 50 000 Zeni, and the rest is a mixture denominations of another 50 000 Zeni. In total there’s about 1 000 000 Zeni in the bags.






We finished the dinner, and Rubelia has gone to the dining hall to return the empty dishes. In the meantime let’s check what’s more in the smartphone.


A notification popped up.

[You have a new potential party member, Rubelia. Will you add her into the party?]


[Please organize party members in Party Manager]

“Hmm, [Party Manager]?”



[Party Manager]

Party Members:

  1. Oji


  1. Rubelia



I then checked the encyclopedia.




Party members share the experience from defeating enemies.



It seems useful, so let’s put Rubelia into the party.

Next let’s check [Ability and Trait Store].



[Ability and Trait Store]

[AP] = 40      [TP] = 0


  1. Magical Art 1
  2. Water Magic 1





  1. Experience Bonus
  2. Statistic Growth Bonus
  3. Ability Growth Bonus




Abilities you might be interested in:

  1. Fire Magic 1
  2. Wind Magic 1
  3. Earth Magic 1






I tapped [Wind Magic 1].



[Wind Magic 1]

Basic ability to use wind-elemental [Magic].

Cost: 15 000 Zeni or 15 [AP].




So you can use money to learn abilities, I wonder if I can also learn magic using money. Checking one of the items in [Action and Magic Store]… it seems you can. Hmm.. but what is this [AP]?




Ability Points, 10 obtained each level up. Used to learn and train abilities.



“I guess [TP] would be something similar.”




Trait points, 1 obtained each 5 levels. Used to earn traits.



“But [AP] and [TP] seem limited. Maybe I should try earning a lot of money instead.”


“This Rubelia, will do her best to assist Master.”

“Uwah! R-Rubelia… you startled me. Since when?”

“Since Master muttering something about learning magic using money.”

“Since quite the start then.”


“Um… is it really possible to learn magic by only using money, Master?”

“It’s not how you normally learn magic here?”

“Yes. Normally in noble houses, you call a magic teacher to teach you how to learn magic. So while you can indeed learn magic using money, you usually also need to have some connections.”

“Noble houses? How do commoners learn one?”

“No commoner learn magic, Master.”

So a societal divides huh.


“Um, can Master use magic?”

“I can. Actually you saw it before you know.”


“This [Wet]”

I grab Rubelia’s breast and cast [Wet].


Rubelia blushes.

“Sorry sorry, you’re just too cute.”


I let her go but somehow her face became redder instead.


“Anyway this”

I pointed at the place I grabbed her.

“This is… [Wet] isn’t it?”

“Yeah. You know this magic?”

“It’s a common beginner practice magic, Master. So I have seen it a few times before.”

“I guess it’s common magic after all. Aside of it, I can use [Water Splash] and [Water Ball].”

“So Master is a [Mage]?”

She must mean the one in [Job] column on [Status Board].


“I see, if Master is a [Mage] then there is a range of work open to Master. Um… shall I teach Master what I know about earning money in this kingdom?”

“Then please go ahead.”


Then Rubelia started teaching me on various works I could do. There are many regular professions similar to previous world’s medieval age Europe, such as a scribe. There are also some routine part time works for [Mage] or other magic users, such as lighting street lamp.

“But a regular work can’t earn you a lot of money is it? At least I would like to earn 5 000 000 Zeni so I can retire. How long it would be with regular work?”

“Um depending on the kind of work, after subtracting living cost, it would take at least several years or more likely decades.”

“That’s so long.”

“If Master is so inclined, how about exploring dungeon?”


But as expected of an RPG-like fantasy world, there’s also bulk of profession involving staple fantasy themed adventures. Joining adventurer guild, slaying monsters, hunt monsters for drops, finding treasures in dungeon, and raise adventurer rank. And yes, it was mentioned few times before, but this world has dungeons.

This city, [Talba], just so happens to be a dungeon city, a city with its economy revolving around dungeon. [Talba Great Cavern] is a great dungeon with various monsters, biomes, and, treasures spawn.

By the way when we talk about treasures, there’re indeed treasure chests, and most importantly they can respawn. Apparently [dungeons] are a sort of small worlds that contains its own biosphere. They can form spontaneously when certain conditions occur.

However a strange thing is monsters in dungeon don’t really leave corpse when they die. Instead, most of the times they leave behind something like magic fuel, such as magic stones, magic crystals, and the like. Of course being the JRPG fantasy world it is, sometimes those monsters also leave behind some other drop items. Even a magic enchanted sword can also appear.

However it’s not all good and fun, apparently there’re risks associated in dungeoneering. Suddenly running into monster room or monster nest, running onto traps, booby trapped treasures, unexpected monster behaviors.

Each dungeon also has its own characteristics. For example [Talba Great Cavern] changes its structure once about every month, which is why there is often monthly special request at the adventurer guild to map some of its layers. It seems that the next time is going to be somewhere around next several days.

After finishing future planning, we return to the bed.



Adventure Log:

[Oji level up: Mage 2 -> 3]

Oji earned 10 [AP].



An image of floor plan of the inn (ground floor)

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