Ankle-Deep Into the Dungeon!

Chapter 5: 5. Divine Blessing

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*Chirp chirp*


“Good morning, Master..mnn..”

I give Lia a kiss as she greets me.


“Morning, Lia.”


“Sorry Lia, somehow I feel a bit pent up more than usual. Must be the weird trait I obtained last night.”



 [Blessing of Lust]

Divine blessing granted by Goddess of Lust, Lilith. Give various buffs and ability effects in regards to bedroom art.



I start groping her breast and sigh on her neck.

“I… understand.” Assented Lia as she spread her legs.




I try to unload all my pent-up desire into Lia as quickly as possible so that we can start having breakfast.

“Hah…hah this is the last one, Lia”

“aHn..Yes, Master. I will accept Master’s everything. Come…”

Lia pulled me in, her arms giving a tight embrace, with her legs wrapped around my waist seemingly not wanting to let it go. At the same time, I greedily devour her lips.

“…ter… mnnh”

*Splurt splurt splurt*


I only let her lips go after I finished unloading everything inside her.

“Ah…Master’s warmth.. I certainly received it today.”

Ah gently smiling Lia with a tinge of red is beautiful today too.



Finishing breakfast, Lia is returning the bowls and other tableware to the inn scullery. I’m checking my status board.



[Status Board]

Name : Oji

Traits (0):

… [Blessing of Lust]



“In the end, what was the effect of the trait? Sigh, I wonder if I have spent rare [TP] on something useless.”

Though there was the effect of making me a bit hornier in the morning.


“Nah, it’s too soon to decide. Beside it’s one of the pricier one in terms of money.”

I can also purchase traits with money, but the cost is really expensive. The cheapest ones are 100 000 Zeni, so I spent [TP] instead since the rate is flat 1 [TP] for a single trait. And what I picked was [Blessing of Lust], which is one on the priciest tier at 800 000 Zeni.

“Since it cost a lot, it should be some powerful cheat level trait right?”




I let go of the smartphone, which soon vanished into nothing, and lean on the window.


*fwoosh* *rustle rustle*

A refreshing breeze of air blow over the window.

The susurrus of rustling leaves become the sweet dessert that rinse away any leftover bits of yestermoment worry.


A nice morning it is.

“Wew, the morning air sure feel nice.”


“I’m back, Master.”

*fwoooosh* *rustle rustle rustle*


“Yawn~..” I stretch my hand upward.

“Um, is Master sleepy? If so, I think it’s fine to rest for today.”

“Nah, not really. Let’s go to the dungeon.”

“Master, actually we can’t go into the dungeon today.”

“Eh, why?”

“It seems [Talba Great Cavern] will be undergoing restructuring today.”

“Ah that.”


One special characteristics of [Talba Great Cavern], restructuring. It basically changes its layout once each month.

“It’s dangerous to enter dungeon during this time, since who knows where we can be transported with the moving earth. Is that it?”

“On the other hand, Master. After the restructuring finished, there is a chance to earn a lot of money tomorrow.”


“Apparently, a lot of magic stones and crystals are produced by the dungeon after restructuring. The guild also issues special quest of mapping the dungeon during this time.”


“Now, that leaves the question of what to do today. Oh well, let’s go to the guild first.”

“Yes, Master.”



“Diligent aren’t you, uncle?”
said receptionist lady as we approached her.

She was the one handling our guild registration. A fox beastkin with bountiful breast. Also several tails.


“Oh, receptionist-chan, you are cute today too.”

“Fufu, uncle please save the sweet talk for genuine cute girl. You won’t get anything with that fake flattery.”

“It’s not fake though? Receptionist-chan is really cute.”

I try to show my most serious face.


“…” I stare at receptionist-chan.

Maybe didn’t expect it, receptionist-chan is stunned for a bit.


“Ahem! Now enough of that, what do you want Uncle?”

“Ah, we’re thinking of making some money.”

“How diligent, usually adventurers tend to rest during this day you know. Here in Talba, the day the great cavern undergoing restructuring, it’s a sort of tradition for adventurers to have fun in town instead. Holiday so to speak.”


No wonder Lia said that it’s fine to rest today.


“Of course, some do still prefer doing quests instead. Particularly, there have been request from the town council to clean up the sewer from snails and slimes. The reward is pretty good too.”

“The reward is good?”

“For rank G at least. 10 000 Zeni.”

“Oh nice, it seems we are lucky no one’s taking it yet.”

“Well, the requester just happen to submit the quest at the wrong time. Most adventurers are taking a rest today after all.”

“Ok we’re taking it.”



“Is this the place?”

“Yes, Master.”

Right now we are in front of a small house near the wall separating affluent district and the rest of the town.


“Excuse me, we are from adventurer guild.”

Soon an old man open the door.

“Oh finally. Let’s go, those damn nobles have been so noisy.”


On the way to sewer entrance, the man told us that he’s the sewer warden responsible for maintaining the sewer system of Talba. Apparently, there has been a sudden overpopulation of slimes in the sewer, and some came out to the affluent district, leading to complain from the nobles living there.


“Your job is to eliminate 30 slimes and 5 snails. As proof of subjugation, bring the slime cores and the snail carcasses here.”

Slimes, is as name implied typical common weak monster, staple of fantasy. In this world slimes have core which is their weak point. Or so Lia explained.

“Now time to find them.”


With the help of [Map] app and [Presence Detection 10], we quickly found and subjugated the targeted number of slimes and snails.“Now to bring back the snail carcasses. The old man didn’t really provide us with bag or anything did he?”

“He didn’t, Master.”

“Oh well, guess time to test this thing. [Inventory]”

[Inventory] is an app in the smartphone I just installed today. The app itself is free, but the space cost 1 000 Zeni per cubic meters. I purchased 8 cubic meters of space for 8 000 Zeni.

“Incredible, Master. Is that [Item Box]… no is it magic device?”

“[Item Box]?”


[Item Box] is an ability that allows you to store things. Apparently few people have it. There are also magic devices with similar effect.

“Well something like that. Is it something I should keep a secret?”

After all the ability to store things seems to be OP in some web novels I read in previous life. I don’t want my life to be targeted.

“I don’t think that’s necessary, Master. Though uncommon, it’s not so rare that people will actively seek you out for it.”

“Is that so, then that’s good.”


We then return to the sewer entrance where the sewer warden old man is waiting.

“Huh, you are back already? You want to rest?”

“Nah, old man. Here’s the hunt spoils.”

I took out slime cores and snail carcasses out of my [Inventory].

”[Item Box] huh. I thought it would take half a day at least. But it’s not even an hour yet. You are pretty good.”

The old man seems to be more surprised at me finishing the quest quickly than the [Inventory]. It seems as Lia said, I don’t really have to conceal it.


“Here’s the quest complete proof.”

The old man gave us a rolled up parchment. I think we are supposed to give it to the guild receptionist. We then return to the guild.



Adventure Log:

[Lia level up: Samurai 6 -> 7]

Lia earned 10 [AP].



“Oh, you are done already, Uncle?”

“Yes, is this it?” I give the receptionist the parchment.

Receptionist-chan unrolled the parchment and swiftly check the content.

“Certainly, the quest is completed. Please lend me your ID cards.”

Like yesterday, holding our adventurer ID cards over crystal ball. The crystal ball shines. And we receive our reward of 10 000 Zeni.


“Hmm, the day is still quite long. Maybe we have time for another quest.”

“How about this one, Uncle?”

Receptionist-chan took out a quest parchment.

“Gathering herbs?”

“There has been request for more healing potion materials from alchemist guild. It’s easy quest where you simply gather the listed herbs from not far outside the city.

Also since you just finished a quest I thought something a bit slow-paced might be better, so you can rest while doing it.”


“Hmm, but I don’t know how to recognize and harvest herbs.”

“Then you will be lent this, please return it later.”

“[Beginner Herbology]?”

“There’s a section on common herbs there. All of the requested materials should be there.”

“Oh, ok then.”


We then go outside the city. Receptionist-chan said that the target herbs could be found everywhere though often a bit hidden in shrubs.


“Now how do we search for them.”

“Is it something like this, Master?”

“Uh, let me check. Let’s see…  oh I think it’s this, faren grass.”

I confirm that it’s the correct plant by looking at the pictures I took with smartphone of the [Beginner Herbology] encyclopedic pages. It’s easier this way since I can just take pictures of the targeted herb plants instead of confirming it by flipping the book over and over.

I then put the grass herb given by Lia into my [Inventory].



It’s been a while since we started gathering herbs. On the way we also encounter several weak monsters, and hunt them down.

“That’s the fifth [Rabbit]. Let’s rest, Lia.”

“Yes, Master.”

We find a nice spot under a tree and sit down on it.



I’m resting my head on Lia’s lap.


*Fwoosh* *Rustle rustle*

“The breezing wind feels so nice.”

“Exactly as Master say.”

“Make me feel a bit sleepy.”

“How about a short nap then, Master?”

“I’m wondering if this position is uncomfortable to you though, Lia. If so I will get up.”

Lia slightly shake her head.

“It’s alright, Master. I think I quite like it this way.” She gives a light smile.

“Is that so? Tell me if you start feeling numb or uncomfortable.”

“I understand, Master.”


*Fwoosh* *Rustle Rustle*

I turn my face down on Lia’s lap.

“Hmm~ a refreshing breezing wind, and a soft lap pillow. Is this heaven I wonder.”

I said as I rub on the soft lap pillow.




My stomach rumbles.

I got up as I rub my protruded belly.

“Ah, we should have bought lunch before going.”

“Should we go back, Master?”

“Do we have enough collected herbs though?”

“There is no quota for this quest, so in theory you can submit however many herbs you can find. Even nothing.”

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“Really? I don’t remember that detail.”

“It was written on the parchment, Master.”

“You sure attentive to detail, Lia. I didn’t even remember that.”

“It’s my pleasure to be of your service, Master.”


“Still though…” I took out a gold coin and gave it to Lia.

“I think it’s better for you to hold some money.”

“Eh, but I don’t really need--”

“It’s fine. I mean, for example you could have used that to buy lunch for us if I had given you money beforehand. Also maybe you can use that to buy clothes or something to look prettier. Well more fundamentally though, I think a lot of things will be more convenient if you hold on to some allowance.”

“Understood, Master. Then I will gladly receive.”

“Yeah, please do.”



“Anyway, it’s a bit early but let’s go back to have lunch for now.”


Like that we returned to the city to have a lunch and rest then back to the quest and finished the day at evening. After submitting the quest request, we finished the day.



Adventure Log:

[[Oji level up: Mage 6 -> 7]

Oji earned 10 [AP]

[Oji skill up: Water Magic 5 -> 6]

[Oji skill up: Casting 5 -> 6]

[Lia skill up: Long Sword 3 -> 4]

[Lia skill up: Short Sword 3 -> 4]

[Lia skill up: Evasion 6 -> 7]

[Lia skill up: Healing 2 -> 3]

[Lia skill up: Light Armor 3 -> 4]

[Lia skill up: Heat Up 3 -> 4].

The party gained 15 [Rabbit Corpse]’s and sold for 1 200 Zeni.

[Gathering Herbs] quest completed. Reward: 700 Zeni.







*Chirp chirp chirp*

Feeling sunlight shining over my eyelid, I slowly open my eyes.

As my blurry vision turns clearer and clearer I see a petite girl figure looking over sitting on top of me.


As if replying to my question, the girl simply smile mischievously and then jump off of the bed.

I raise myself to sit on the bed.


“Who are you?”

It’s a figure of a petite loli girl with twintail wrapped in light clothing, or is it more like underwear.

But unlike normal girl, she has a pair of wings, little devil wings.

The girl move away from the bed.



My vision, still somewhat blurry, starts looking around.

“Where is this..?”

This looks like a wooden house.

I return my sight at the girl.

She’s standing outside the room on something like a veranda.


Again the girl smile mischievously.

But this time, looking at her full sensuous figure wrapped in simple but well decorated underwear, the smile looks less of a little prankster and more of a tempting seductress.

*Gulp* “Are you inviting me?”

As I get up of the bed and start approaching her, the girl slip out of view from the veranda.



Arriving in the veranda, I noticed that the house is not on ground level. It’s actually on top of a tree.

Beside this house there are also several more tree houses linked together with wooden bridges.

Looking around I found the girl standing on a wooden bridge leading away from the veranda.



As I start moving towards her, the girl starts running away.


The wooden bridge shakes a bit as I move, since it’s only suspended with ropes in-between the opposite ends.

As I struggle to move over the suspended bridge, the girl stops every time we are over certain distance.

She is stopping and grinning at me, as if teasing that I can do anything to her if I could catch her.

With such provocation there is no way I can stop, so I force myself to get used to running over the wooden bridge to chase after her.


If there’s someone else right now, I’m sure I will be indicted with crime.

A naked middle aged man chasing after a young little girl. There is no way society can accept that.

Fortunately it seems this village of tree houses is fully empty. There is no one else beside the two of us.

The thought of being alone with a tempting little girl inside an empty village boost my expectation.


Passing over several wooden houses, somehow I managed to corner her.

The house she’s in front of, only has a single bridge leading to it, and I’m on top of said bridge.

She can’t get down either because we are really high over the ground.

She ran into the wooden house and I chase after her inside.

“Hehe… you have nowhere to run now.”


I launch a sudden surprise attack, jumping on her.

We land on top of the bed, with her being pinned down.

“Hehe you are caught”

Being pinned down, the girl simply giving a seductive smile.

“So you don’t mind it right. It’s totally consensual okay. You were the one tempting me after all.”

I put my erect dick over the fabric that’s covering her nether region, rubbing the tip over the indented part of it.


The girl suddenly pulls in my head and joining our lips together.

With the kiss as signal, I slid aside the fabric covering her crotch and impatiently thrust my dick inside her pussy.

As if greedily devouring her soft lips, I keep tightly joining our mouth together barely letting her to take a breath.

As we kiss her gasping breath ignite something inside, driving me to move rougher and rougher, intensely slamming our crotches against each other, ramming my dick deep inside her pussy as if trying to pry open into her womb.

The sound of grunt and gasping breath mixing together with sloppy wet fleshes rubbing against each other bathed in slurpy bodily fluid produce a chaotic symphony.


As the heat and tension inside accumulates, I also can feel her imminent orgasm.

*Splurt splurt splurt*

I feel squirt coming out of her crotch as her body spasms.

At the same time I pour my milky cum into her womb.


Feeling like in a dream, I continue ravaging her fearing this sweet dream will end as soon as I stop.

I ravage every inch of her body, at times licking the somehow sweet sweat seeping out of her silky smooth and milky white skin.

While most of the times violating her vagina with my hard dick and toying with erect pink nipple buds on her modest but finely sculpted breast.

I cum inside her again and again, copulating like a mating wild animal, we might not even notice if someone enters the room.

Trashing around the room, every inch of the one-room house has turned into our love nest. With drips of sweat, cum and love juice strewn about.

I even boldly fuck her out in the veranda, as if announcing to the world my monopoly of the rights to mate and inseminate her.


“Ugh.. this is the last one. Get pregnant with my baby!!”

Utilizing our height difference and her feather-like weight, I force her to hang tight onto me as I thrust my dick upward deep into her vagina, prying open her cervix with the tip.

Leaning her back over the railing of the veranda, the girl gasp and spasms at yet another orgasm as I pour a huge load of my white seed directly into her womb inseminating it.


The girl seemingly ran out of energy loosen her hold of me, since she’s leaning her back over the railing she’s going to fall at this rate.

As I lean forward trying to catch the girl, I got careless and fall together with the girl.

I hold the girl tight as we are falling together. I try to turn our body so that I can hit the ground first to protect the girl.



 [Blessing of Lust]’s effects activated.

>[Sex Pheromone]: Increase attraction to potential mates.

>[Love Sweat]: Optimize lubricating properties of mate’s sweat, making it taste sweet during mating, as well as allowing accumulation of sexual excitement upon consumption.

>[Synched Biorythm]: Synch mating partner’s biorhythm.

>[Wild Beast Vigour]: Add an amount of partner’s [SP] to own [SP] at the start of mating.

>[Charming Talent]: In bedroom, add 500% of the highest original attribute statistic except [Charm] into [Charm] statistic.









“Master, are you alright?”

“ugh…huh, Lia?”

“Um, are you alright, Master?”

“Ugh, what happened? Is the girl safe?”

“Girl…? It seems you are still dreaming, Master.”


I try to regain my sense of bearing. It seems I fell from the bed. I see, so that little devil girl was a dream huh.


“Is it time for breakfast already?”

I asked as I rub my belly, feeling a bit hungry.

“It’s still midnight, Master.”
As she answers, Lia offering a dish of dried meat and a glass of water.

“Hmm, I see.”
I bite a piece of dried meat while taking out my smartphone and check the time, it’s indeed midnight.



There’s a notification.

“[Blessing of Lust]… activated?”


“Hmm, do you know what’s [Blessing of Lust] trait is, Lia?”

“Um, if I’m not mistaken, it’s a divine blessing given by the Lady Goddess Lilith of Searing Lust.”


“What do a divine blessing do?”

“I don’t really know much since few people have been blessed by the Lords and Ladies, but from what I know is it differs from person to person.”

“Differs from person to person?”

“Indeed, Master. At least according to the universal temple teaching, the effect of the divine blessing depends on the granting Goddess’ whims.”

“Goddess’ whims huh.”


Though I obtained the trait with [TP]. Does it mean I forced a goddess to grant her blessing? I hope I don’t incur a divine wrath.

Also does that mean, that little devil girl was a goddess huh.

“By the way Lia, how does Goddess Lilith look like?”

“According to temple records, her divine personage is embodied in an eternally youthful adolescent vessel. Her hair is long enough to reach the ground but well-groomed and put in a twin pigtails; it’s like a twin fountain flowing down and washing the earth. A pair of dark shaded divine wings grew out of her back.”

“I-I see…”

That little devil was a goddess after all!


“A-actually, Lia…”

I then tell Lia about the dream I had, and the notification I received about the divine blessing activating.


“I see… that’s very likely Lady Goddess Lilith herself blessing you, Master.”

“I-is that so? You don’t mean I’m incurring divine wrath or something like that right”

“Divine wrath? I think on the contrary, it’s a sign of divine blessing.”

“I see. That’s great then.”

After reassuring myself we return back to the bed.




“It’s really sweet..”

I try licking sweat on Lia’s beautiful skin.


“Don’t mind it, Lia. Anyway this is the last one.”

“Ha..yes…me too, Master..”

Holding each other tightly I pour my desire into her womb as usual.

At the same time I can feel Lia’s twitching and her squirting on my lower  body part.

That must have been [Synched Biorythm] huh.



Adventure Log:

Oji converted religion: Eyth of Void -> Lilith of Searing Lust

[Oji spec up: Strength 8 (Best) -> 9 (Good)]

[Oji spec up: Constitution 7 (Good) -> 8 (Good)]

[Oji spec up: Dexterity 9 (Best) -> 10 (Good)]

[Oji spec up: Perception 9 (Great) -> 10 (Best)]

[Oji spec up: Learning 16 (Great) -> 17 (Best)]

[Oji spec up: Will 18 (Best) -> 20 (Good)]

[Oji spec up: Magic 24 (Best) -> 26 (Good)]

[Lia spec up: Strength 20 (Good) -> 22 (Decent)]

[Lia spec up: Constitution 11 (Decent) -> 12 (Bad)]

[Lia spec up: Dexterity 20 (Bad) -> 21(Bad)]

[Lia spec up: Perception 16 (Decent) -> 17 (Decent)]

[Lia spec up: Will 11 (Best) -> 13 (Good)].




[Status Board]








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