Ankle-Deep Into the Dungeon!

Chapter 4: 4. First Quest

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In the morning.


*Chupa chupa*


*chupa chupa chups*


*chupa chupa chupa*


*chupa chupa chupa chupa*

*Splurt splurt*

“hngmn…” *gulp*


“Hah.. Lia.”

*chupa chups* “G-good morning, Master.”

“What are you doing right in the morning?”

“Ah um.. this is.. I thought men are happy if we do something like this… I’m sorry, was I mistaken, Master?”

“No, well I won’t say you are wrong but.”


“Now I can’t calm down”

“I’m sorry…?” She said while cutely tilting her head.


“Get on top.”

“Yes.. Master. Hahn…”

“Start moving”

“Y-yes, Master. Ah..n”

Sloppy wet sound reverberates throughout the room.

“You naughty maid. Waking up your master improperly.”

I grab one of Lia’s breasts and start squeezing it.

“Ahn.. I’m sorry Master ah-”


I grab her body and pulled her down to lie on top. With her breast in range, I start sucking on her nipple.

“Mnnm- *suck* You said sorry mnn.. but *suck suck* I bet you’re waiting for this mnn *suck suck suck*”

“Ah… forgive me, Master.. ah ahn ah.. I used to read erotic novel.. Hahn.. ah ah… I got curious..ahn~”

*suck suck* “What a dirty maid..mnn *suck* you need punishment mnn..” *suck suck*

“Yes~ ah ahn ah ah.. please punish this dirty maid,hah.. Master~”

“For such dirty maid, the only correct punishment is getting your womb filled to the brim with my seed.”

“Ahn.. ah ah Master’s warmth filling up my womb~”

Holding her thighs and thrusting upward, I let out all my pent up into her womb.


At the same time..

*Bam* “Uncle~ are you stil—eh—”


“Oh, good morning, Marika-chan.”

“Good morning..geh Uncle what are you doing?”


“’Sex’…-- don’t say something like that so casually!!”


I got up with Lia still clinging on me.

“Now now… that’s not important. What is it, Marika-chan?”

“I was told to call you since you aren’t going down at all, the rabbit stew is going to get cold.”

“Rabbit stew?”

“It’s yesterday’s [Rabbit Meat], Master.”

“Ah. Sorry sorry. Ok, we’re going down now.”

“Seriously, what a pair of perverts…”



In front of me are a dish of several slices of bread, a small serving of some kind of nuts, and a bowl of thick rabbit stew. There is also a mug of frothy golden-colored drink. A mixture of rich aroma permeates all over the room.


“Let’s try the stew first”

I scoop up the stew with a spoon and put it into my mouth. Soon the savory umami and complex herbaceous taste of the stew spread in my mouth.

“Wew, it’s good.”

Next I take a bite of a bread slice.


Its slight saltiness and the crunchy outside as well as the soft inside texture are so much better than the bread I had from convenience store in the past world.


I didn’t have time to appreciate it yesterday since we focused on talking or something else during meal, but the bread is actually pretty good.

It tastes even better than the modern bread I used to get from convenience store. Well I get that the bread was factory processed bread, and to be fair I heard that small bakery bread actually taste good. But I never thought I would encounter such good bread in a supposedly medieval-setting world. I guess medieval is not equal backward?


“Now let’s try the meat”

I scoop up a small piece of rabbit meat from the stew.


The meat is savory and taste like chicken meat, though it’s a bit tougher and chewier. There’s also slight spiciness that warms my throat. The taste of herbs seeping inside the meat also added richness to its flavor.

Next I took a pinch of nut.

“It’s not crunchy, but actually soft with dusty earthy texture once bitten. Not bad, I actually like it.”


Enjoying my meal, I realized Lia stopped eating her food.

“What is it, Lia? Does it not suit your taste?”

“Ah, no, Master. It’s just Master eating so scrumptiously, it’s a bit stunning.”

“Well, it’s just eating new food, new experience for me. It’s my first time eating all of these.”

“Does Master’s hometown have no [Rabbit]?”

“Well, no. I mean well there’re rabbits, but I never ate its meat.”


Still though as someone who came from rice-eating society, not eating rice still kind feels unsatisfying. There’s saying, it’s not meal if there’s no rice.

“I wonder if there’s rice somewhere in the world.”


“It’s a kind of grain, where after dehusked, you simply boil it before you can eat it. It has neutral taste but fluffy and best served with other side dishes.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I guess that’s to be expected huh.”


I took a sip at the mug of frothy golden colored drink.

“nmm~ It’s sweet and nutty, malty but with a tinge of aromatic bitterness.”

*Glug* I drank another gulp.

“mnnhh~ refreshing”



“So we didn’t get to do this yesterday. But let’s review yesterday adventuring.”

Because of various adult reasons, I forgot to do this yesterday.

“So I have been thinking, yesterday monsters are all quite weak and somehow we are always aware of them first. But I wonder if there’ll be monsters that set up ambushes and such. Wouldn’t it be dangerous?”

“As Master said. It’s indeed would be dangerous.”

“So do you know any countermeasures?”

“I’m sorry, Master.”

Well that’s to be expected, for Lia who had been living civilian life, I shouldn’t have hope much about adventuring. Though that’s the same with me.


“Hmm… at least if there’s convenient ability or something.”

“Um, if it’s ability. Before I became a slave, I heard of [Presence Detection] and [Danger Detection].”

Lia then tell her story how some nobles in this world develop [Presence Detection] because of their constant need to be aware of their surrounding especially during parties and such. I guess that’s noble life for you, you have to be quite a socialite.

Then [Danger Detection], as it’s called it’s used to detect danger, a kind of prescient ability that warns its user of an imminent danger. Some nobles who got lot of enemies often develop this ability. Being noble sure seems like a hassle.

Then let’s purchase [Danger Detection 10] for Lia and [Presence Detection 10] for me. These cost a total 98k Zeni. Money left is about 630k Zeni.



Name : Oji

Abilities (70):

… [Presence Detection 10]




Name : Lia

Abilities (1):

… [Danger Detection 10]



“Now you have [Danger Detection] and I have [Presence Detection]. Hmm I can notice that Marika-chan is on the 2nd floor.”

It seems purchasing ability from the smartphone store feels like installing an app.


“It’s sure is incredible.”

“What is?”

“Learning abilities simply by paying money.”

“It costs quite a bit though. From 1 000 000 Zeni Bonino left me, there’s only a little more than 600k Zeni left.”

It hurts quite a bit, which is why I decide to have one of us learn one of these abilities. Still it costs quite a bit, but it’s necessary investment, better safe than sorry.

Though there’s an option to use [AP], but they seem limited, I would reserve them for the more expensive abilities since in terms of [AP] their cost only depends on their ability rank. So again, better safe than sorry.


“It’s still incredible, Master. In certain way it’s very convenient.”

“How do you normally learn abilities anyway?”

“Normally you get to learn them because of necessity, effort, or someone else teaches you, Master. So even if you do it normally, you still need money if you’re going for apprenticeship.”

Basically it’s like in previous world, you learn something because you have put an effort into learning it.


“How about [Action] and [Magic]?”

“[Action] and [Magic]?”

“You know things like [Water Ball] or your [Iai Slash].”

“Oh it’s the same as with [Abilities], Master. You learn them through effort. You can’t check them with divination from the church though. So they are also often called hidden abilities.”

“Hidden abilities?”

“Yes. Moreover, hidden abilities often require some [Abilities] to use as well. For example my [Iai Wave Slash] need [Bushido 10] at least to activate.”

Then I check one of my magic,




Make something wet.

Require: [Water Magic 1] OR [Magical Art 1]



“I see, it seems [Wet] need [Water Magic 1] or [Magical Art 1] to cast. It seems some hidden abilities can have alternative requirement?”

“Indeed, Master. For example I have hidden ability [Cooking: Gel Pudding], which require either [Cooking 1] or [Maid]’s job exclusive ability [Maid Service 1] to use.”

“Huh, there’s job like [Maid]? I thought job is combat-only. Or are they something like combat maid or something huh?”

“Combat maid?”

“Ah never mind. Anyway what is job in the first place as understood commonly?”

“Then do you need a short lecture on [Job], Master?”

“Sure, please do.”


Lia proceed to explain.

“[Job] is a divine blessing given to humanity from Lord Gods and Lady Goddesses. It’s supposed to determine one’s destiny in life.

The general knowledge is people with certain job are more suited to have certain role in life. For example, while [Militia] can learn magic, their magic is apparently far inferior to that of a [Mage].

However it’s not completely predetermined, as often times job can be acquired by effort, for example, to have a [Soldier] job you have to serve in the royal army. Or to have the job [Lumberjack] you have to take a lumberjack apprenticeship.

But sometimes there are people granted a divine blessing from birth. For example, someone who is granted the job [Knight] from birth will usually be scouted by a local lord. In exchange for service, they will be given a fief and sponsored by a noble lord to enter non-hereditary nobility class. Usually the job [Knight] can only be attained by noble sons attending the knight academy, or training by a well-to-do [Knight] family.

However, in some other times, the divine blessing can act more like a curse instead. Such as in my case, for having unknown job [Samurai]. Moreover one in which can’t be easily or even possibly changed.”


“Divine blessing huh. So from what you said, it seems you can change your [Job]?”

“Indeed, Master. For example, most people start with the job [Civilian] from birth. Though most of them will eventually change their job to something else."

Because of its condition of being able to change to any jobs, [Civilian] is said to be a special job that signify untapped potential that can be molded into anything.

However changing job is not a simple matter because there are various restrictions on job change. Most importantly, often you can’t easily change between jobs.

For example, while you can change job from [Militia] to [Warrior], you can’t change back to [Militia] afterwards. It’s also well-known that you can’t change jobs between the three basic combat jobs [Militia], [Hunter], and [Mage]. I can do that just fine using the smartphone [Status Board] interface though.

Another reason that changing job is not trivial matter is for some jobs, like [Mage], you need to have ample background or wealth to change into as well as learn abilities appropriate to it, especially the [Exclusive Ability].

"Even for job such as a [Lumberjack], sometimes you need to pay for the apprenticeship.”


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“Can’t you just by your own effort, change your job without external help instead?”

“It’s possible sometime, especially for low level job like [Lumberjack]. There are cases of people imitating [Lumberjack] changing job into [Lumberjack] themselves as well as learning the job’s [Exclusive Ability].

However even for low level jobs, it’s often more efficient to just take the apprenticeship program to change job as well as to earn the support of a professional guild for profession related to the [Job].

Job such as [Alchemist] may need external support for their activities, such as buying alchemical ingredients and common alchemical recipes. The trade of alchemical ingredients, recipes, and products are also monopolized by the alchemy guild, so it makes sense to join one for an [Alchemist].

For a [Mage] to learn magic, which is categorized as hidden abilities, Mage Guild also often is the only option. Another option is learning them from someone else, usually [Mage] or magic user relatives.”


So ends the lecture on [Job]. Finishing up our breakfast Rubelia asked,

“Then, what will we do today, Master?”

“Maybe we should get used more to dungeoneering. What do you think?”

“If Master really plans on making fortune from dungeon, I think it’s appropriate. But may I suggest to also checking the quest board in the adventurer guild first?”

“Let’s do that then.”


Like that we go to the guild and check the quest board.


“Excuse me, Master.”

“Yes, Lia?”

“How about we take this quest to get used to adventurer guild system?”

“Hunt [Rabbit]s?”

“It seems to be a quest from local restaurant in need of [Rabbit Meat]. They will pay per weight hunted.”

“How much for a typical [Rabbit]?”

“Um, I don’t know. I’m sorry, Master.”

“Oh let’s ask the receptionist then.”

We then go to a free receptionist.

“A typical adult [Rabbit] on a good condition will pay about 100 Zeni.”

“Good condition?”

“The specifics can only be worked out in the guild dismantling center. Simply do your best to not damage the body too much.”


I’m checking the [Map] app after short walk from outside of the city.

At first I thought of hunting inside the dungeon for [Rabbit Meat], but Lia told me that apparently it’s more efficient to hunt [Rabbit] outside the dungeon, since we don’t have to rely on relatively low drop rates.

Monsters outside of the dungeon don’t disappear into particles of light after their defeat. So you can dismantle them. Though they don’t drop magic stone either.

“I guess it’s around here? Hmm..”

The [Map] app seems to show some new change. It shows several colored dots. It shows a gold colored dot with blue next to it. Is it us?

Looking in the direction of red dots in the [Map] I see several [Rabbit]s.

I wonder if it’s the effect of learning [Presence Detection].


“Okay, we found them, Lia.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Let me start. [Water Ball]!”

I focused and shoot water ball at one of the [Rabbit]s.


“Hit one.”


The other nearby [Rabbit]s ran away as we approach the now dead [Rabbit].


“I guess I put too much force huh.”

The [Rabbit] body warped into somewhat grotesque form.

“May I try to hunt as well, Master?”

“Okay. Let’s take turn.”


While Lia easily neutralize the [Rabbit]s she hunts with a quick stab to the vital area. I have a hard time to carefully hunt them down without damaging it too much.

In the end Lia easily hunted down 5 [Rabbit]s. While I painstakingly contributed a single [Rabbit] while training my [Water Ball]. We only hunted as much as what our sack (lended by the guild) can hold. Having monster presence markers in [Map] app also helps a lot without it we would probably spend a whole day.

There were dead [Rabbit]s uncollected because they were too disfigured. I thought of also carrying them back, but Lia told me it’s better to leave them be as feed for other wild animals.



Adventure Log:

[Lia skill up: Long Sword 2 -> 3]

[Lia skill up: Short Wield 2 -> 3]

[Lia skill up: Light Armor 1 -> 2]

The party gained 6 [Rabbit Corpse]’s.



Finishing still in the morning we returned to adventurer guild. We are then told to go to the dismantling center.

“The total is 600 Zeni. Here. Also here the proof of the quest completion.”

We were given a bronze tablets and coin. If I remember these should total to 600 Zeni. Glancing at Lia, she nodded approving the amount. We were also given a scrap of paper.

“Uh.. what do I do with this scrap paper, old man?”

“Huh, are you newbie? Just give it to the receptionist to validate quest completion.”


So I do as told and go a receptionist in the main guild building.

“Certainly. With this the quest is completed.”

The receptionist holds both of our adventurer ID cards on something like a crystal ball. The ball shined for an instant.

“Um do we receive reward directly from the client?”

I asked since we received the reward directly from the dismantler.

“Oh, most of the time you will receive reward through quest receptionist here. But for material hunt, dismantling center often directly pays you, so you can negotiate if you think the price for the material is not right.”

“I see. Thank you for the explanation.”

“You are welcome.”


We left the adventurer guild. I just realized Lia has changed back to her maid outfit since who knows when.

“It’s still day bright. Should we go tour the city, Lia?”

“If Master wish for it. This Lia will follow.”

“No, well I’m just asking for an opinion. It would be helpful if you share your suggestion too.”

“Ah, I’m sorry for misunderstanding you, Master. But if you ask for my opinion, then I think it’s generally a good idea to familiarize with the city, Master.”

“Yeah, since we are living here for now.”


I started walking and Lia quickly follows.

“For now? Are Master planning to live somewhere else?”

“Ah? Not really. I basically have no goal outside of making money for now. But maybe it would be nice to find a nice place to live permanently somewhere down the line. Ah, I’m not saying this place is not nice, I’m saying we should keep the options open.”

“Oh, for retirement then, Master?”

“Yeah, something like that. Well it’s still far down the line though. I mean, I feel like I got at the very minimum 30, or maybe even 50 years left to live. Speaking of which, how long is the average lifespan in this world anyway?”

“Um… if I remember correctly, on average, most races of humanity have live to 90 before dying of old age. This applies for both riam and most family of beastkin.

Two exceptions, dwarves live almost twice as long to around 150; while elves living in their hometown can live to about 500 years old, apparently high elves live even longer though.”

Beastkin, I guess human with animal ears I saw in the slave mansion.


“What is riam?”

“It’s Master’s and my race?”

“Oh like us? Basically normal humans?”

“Normal human?”

“Yeah, normal as in, unlike elves, dwarves, and beastkin?”

“Um… Master, please lower your voice.”


Lia then get her face close to my ear and whisper.

“Is Master a riam supremacist?”

“Riam supremacist?”

“Um… since Master doesn’t seem to consider humans other than riam as humans..”

“Oh wait, so you consider all human-like race as humans I see.”

“Um it may be different in Master’s hometown, but it’s somewhat dangerous here to discriminate against non-riam. So I suggest Master to keep secret of Master’s inclination.”

“Ah no no, you misunderstand me. I don’t hate non-riam humans. It’s just in my hometown everyone is riam, so we tend to distinguish riam from the rest of humanity. Actually in my hometown, we only thought that only riam actually exists, and the rest are myth.”

“I see.”

Lia seemingly relieved rest her hand on her bountiful chest.


Unknowingly we walk to somewhat desolate street.

“Ah ah ah”

“This voice…”

I slow my step down and peek at one of the smaller alley.

“Ah ah ahn”

A bearded man pinning a thin figured woman against the wall, slamming his lower body against her.

“Um let’s try not to bother them, Master.”

Lia whisper to which I reply with a nod.


Not far, I see another alley with a couple.

“I wonder if it’s popular spot for couples in the city.” I mumbles quietly

“It’s probably so, Master. Since it seems to be quieter part of the city during this time of the day.”

I then drag Lia holding her wrist to an empty alleyway.


*Blush* “M-master…?”

“One short round is fine, isn’t it.”

“I-if Master wish for it.”

“Lia don’t want to?”

“Ah… if I’m allowed the luxury to be honest. I want to be embraced by Master- Ahn~”



“Let’s go, Master.”

Said Lia while reaching out her hand to me. She is smiling with slight tinge of red on her cheek.

After fixing our attire we return to our stroll of the city.

Eating food from stalls along the city streets, buying some more outfits for Lia and some for myself, and eat out at some good family diner.

Seeing it’s still quite bright, there’re still several hours before it’s sunset. I’m guessing we can still go dungeoneering for few hours or so.

So after returning to the inn to store our new bought outfits, we dived into [Talba Great Cavern] and hunt monsters around the entrance area.



Adventure Log:

[Lia skill up: Dual Wield 2 -> 3]

[Lia skill up: Tactics 2 -> 3]

[Lia skill up: Eye of Mind 2 -> 3]

[Lia skill up: Healing 1 -> 2]

[Lia skill up: Light Armor 2 -> 3]



After several hours we left the dungeon and return back to the inn to have dinner.

We then proceed to our nightly activities after the dinner.

“Master… pierce me deeper~”



Adventure Log:

[Oji level up: Mage 5 -> 6]

Oji earned 10 [AP]

[Oji spec up: Strength 7 (Best) -> 8 (Best)]

[Oji spec up: Constitution 6 (Best) -> 7 (Good)]

[Oji spec up: Dexterity 8 (Best) -> 9 (Best)]

[Oji spec up: Perception 8 (Great) -> 9 (Great)]

[Oji spec up: Learning 14 (Superb) -> 16 (Great)]

[Oji spec up: Will 16 (Great) -> 18 (Best)]

[Oji spec up: Magic 21 (Great) -> 24 (Best)]

[Lia spec up: Strength 18 (Good) -> 20 (Good)]

[Lia spec up: Constitution 10 (Decent) -> 11 (Decent)]

[Lia spec up: Dexterity 18 (Decent) -> 20 (Bad)]

[Lia spec up: Perception 15 (Decent) -> 16 (Decent)]

[Lia spec up: Will 9 (Best) -> 11 (Best)]

[Lia spec up: Charm 21 (Decent) -> 22 (Decent)].




[Status Board]




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