Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 15: Ch 15 – Tension

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Two more days passed that way. They didn’t really have us do anything else, just dishes and back to the cells as they called them. Their captain “Dragon Smith” didn’t come again, it seemed he was only required to show up to put my ball and chain on. I wasn’t sure how long they planned to keep me on this side. I recalled them saying a “few days” but that might mean in the morning or last until tonight? Maybe they’d not really meant anything in particular by it. I’d be returning to the others, or I wouldn’t. So far however their group had been fairly organized and deliberate, so I supposed I had no reason to doubt them.

My problem wasn’t really if I was here, or there. Regardless of where I was being held I doubted I had any way forward. I was starting to doubt I’d ever be free again. Maybe that was just because I’d been locked up for the better part of a week? Roughly five or six days depending on how I thought of it. It felt like a small eternity.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I knew that my restraint was far too impractical I might have tried to run. But I wasn’t suicidal, quite the opposite actually. All the same we were also way over here siting next to each other… And I really had something I wanted to do…

“Uh…” My fellow prisoner stated as I gently put my hand on his leg, gently stroking it.

“Yes?” I asked.

“What are you doing?”

“Do you not like it?” I asked almost pouting.

“Its not that… I just don’t understand it…” He explained.

What was there to understand!? Maybe he thought he wasn’t good looking? “Its not like you don’t have your own charm.” I offered.

“That’s not really the point…” He said glancing down at me, having paused his own cleaning.

Then what was? Did I care? “A small break won’t hurt would it?” I asked.

“You realize we’re going to get in trouble right?” He insisted firmly.

“What else is new?” I suddenly exploded, “I don’t know what the hell is even going on in this camp! I was just trying to find a town, maybe trade something. But noooo! Suddenly I’m a prisoner and I can’t leave. I try to trade the only thing I have to improve my situation and what then? They stick me in a dark room and make me clean their dishes! I’ve not had proper sex in over a month! I don’t even care anymore!” I finished huffing with sudden exertion.

“Uh…” He blinked looking stunned.

I had no idea that had been brewing in side of me, maybe those times with the goblins were actually more frustrating then I had figured. Or maybe my stay with Kay and Joan? I’d had way to much free time lately as well… Or maybe it was just that everything had just surged up all at once. Either way I’d made my intentions known. “You don’t mind right?” I said more pleasantly as though I hadn’t just been a fountain of frustration.

“No…” He admitted softly.

“Good.” I said, reaching over and began undoing the cloth loop that secured his pants. I shoved and pulled at the cloth for a moment until it was down just enough for his mast to pop free. Whether it had been my hand on his leg, or my outburst, he seemed ready, and he didn’t seem too shabby either, shorter then the elf for sure, but he had been surprisingly long, but he was definitely thicker.

“Uh…” He said intelligently.

I stepped over his legs one leg at a time, then leaned back against him, and lowered myself down only pausing when he poked into me. I didn’t even need to worry my loin cloth. I considered our position a little, and debated using my ass, but decided against it. “Can you lean back a bit?” I asked.

He seemed to be thinking twice about what we were doing. “Why are you…”

“You don’t need to know why, in fact I don’t need to know why. All I need right now, is you to go along with me.” I said quite insistent.

He didn’t reply, rather adjusted slightly, his hands gripping onto my waist automatically for support.

“Oh.. that’s good, a nice and firm grip.” I said practically moaning at my love for his hands on me.

I reached down and finally lined him up, slowly sliding him into me as I let of a long shuddering breath. “That's it… That's a real cock.” I finished as I couldn’t get him any farther in.

Letting out breath of his own the man inside of me asked, “As opposed to what?”

“Don’t ask…” I said just enjoying the soft pulsing of him inside of me, his length hardening just a touch further with each tiny jolt. “But you can-” I was about to tell him he could go ahead when he decided to shift me forward, then slam me back into his crotch with a nice smack.

“Wahh…” I said unprepared for the movement and feeling my whole body felt a bit too much like jello for a moment.

“Speechless already?” He asked suddenly seeming like he was the one how had started this.

I didn’t mind if he wanted to run the show, in fact that was preferable. But I still wanted complain about his choice of word, “Shut up and fuck me…” This time I shifted my legs so I could pull forward as though I was trying to escape him.

Just like I wanted, he pulled me back sending shivers up my spine. It was delightful. I’d nearly forgotten how much I loved this after the better part of a month of goblin cock. We picked up the pace, the sound of our flesh meeting was obvious. Our combined back and froth building in both volume and tempo.

“Damn you feel good…” He growled behind me.

“You too… So good…” I echoed back at him as I felt an orgasm quickly building inside of me.

“I feel that… Your clenching on me… I’m getting close…”

“Me too… Keep going… whatever you do…” I whispered back to him.

“But…” He offered.

I let gravity drop me back onto his cock when he suddenly slowed to a stop hesitating at the worst possible moment. I wasn’t about to let him ruin this! “I…” I pushed off ignoring what little resistance he provided, And down I went again. “Said…” I pushed off again, this time he didn’t hesitate to pull me back down along his length.

“Understood…” He grunted with more enthusiasm.

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Three more strokes and I was just about at my limit, “Just… a… bit…” Then I felt his cock flex inside of me the motion of it tipping me over the edge, and I shook and shivered as he hugged me from behind, as one spurt at a time I could feel his balls draining into me.

I felt my giggles gently bubble free as my body relaxed, then with all the tension leaving me I cooed back at him, “That… was wonderful….”

“Oh shit…. Hes looking at us.” The man hugging me suddenly said.

Oh shit! I fought to put strength back into my body when it really just wanted to relax, and I stood up.

After a brief moment I slowly walked over to my spot at his side I tried to clench my muscles as best I could to keep his cum from dripping down my leg, but some was inevitable. It was nice and warm and it almost felt like it was swirling inside of me.

A moment after we had each taken up a dish in each of our hands the man called from behind us, “And what was that about?”

I glance back at him, “Sorry?” I put on the most innocent smile I could.

“What the hell were you two doing just now?” The suspicious archer demanded again.

“She had a muscle cramp…” The man at my side said, “I was just trying to help her with it.”

“Muscle cramp eh?” He said eyeing me.

I nodded, “He really helped too.” I rolled my arm as though that made any sense.

“Right… Well cut it out.” He said obviously not quite wanting to believe us.

“No worries, we took care of it.” My fellow prisoner nodded along.

After a moment he turned and started back towards the target dummies taking an extra glance back at us as though he expected we might immediately start doing something else he could catch.

“I can’t believe he didn’t notice…” My fellow prisoner said with a relaxing breath, “You nearly got us in trouble.” He said, bemused.

“Nearly…” I noted glancing back over to where his cum soaked cock was starting to sag. “Good thing he couldn’t see that thing.” I said smirking. I wanted to dive over and give it a suck, but I’d pushed my luck enough for one day, “You might want to rinse that off in the stream… I’m sorry I can’t help further.”

He chuckled using the clean bowl to pour some water over himself. He shivered, “Damn that's cold…”

I smiled up at him, “Thanks.”

“What?” he asked looking back at me confused.

“For going along with that…. I know that was stupid. But…. I really needed it.” I admitted feeling much more relaxed now, and less wanting to just make a break for it.

“I’d like to say anytime… but you know…” He offered with a grin.

I giggled at his stupid grin then after a moment I asked, “If I did have a way to escape… would you come with me?”

“Eh? What do you mean?” He asked.

“I…” I frowned in truth I wanted to recruit him, we could use someone with other skills and experiences, and having a human could be helpful, plus he probably knew about humans towns and other things. Also… I wanted him more. Just this one taste wasn’t nearly enough to satiate my appetite. Now that I’d appreciated a taste, it was only making my insides wetter realizing there was more to do. “If I wanted you… would you let me have you?” I asked not quite able to articulate my thoughts.

“I really have no idea what your trying to ask me… if you want to ride my cock again, I’d be willing for sure, but that's not up to me.”

“But if it was… if you had the option to go your own way, or come with me, and let me ride your cock. Would you come with me?” I asked again.

He looked at me unable to decide, “I don’t even know your name.” He added after a moment.

“Or I yours.” I agreed with a bit of a naughty giggle.

“Yet you want to run off with me?” He asked.

“Don’t misunderstand, I’m not asking you to marry me. Your seem like you could be a resourceful person, and I like your cock.” I said sighing.

He chuckled, “That's a strange way to put it.”

“Is it? Maybe I’m just too practical after what my life has been like so far.” I admitted. “I’m not saying you can’t ever leave… but your a thief right? So you aren't exactly worried what people think of you, and that's good for me.”

“By terrible choice only… Still, I don’t see how that makes sense. Don’t women normally want a reliable man who is upright and moral?” He asked a bit cynical.

I recalled my night with the elf man how he just kept going like an animal, and replied, “I wouldn’t know what most women want… But personally I kind of prefer them to have a little monster in them.” I said feeling my lust drip from my words as I said it. I didn’t know if that was because of the dungeon, or just my natural inclination? Had I always been this way? Even before I’d been given this so called second chance?

I didn’t know, and likely never would. Then again, it probably didn’t matter.

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