Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 16: Ch 16 – Discussion

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As It turned out I wouldn’t be going back to the other tiger kin this evening. Maybe in the morning? Regardless once we’d returned to our cells I lay there staring up at the dark closest space. It was either sleep, or inspect the ceiling. I wasn’t tired, so my choice was made for me.

“You awake over there?” Came the low whisper from behind me.

I leaned up against the wall, “Yes.” I replied.

“About what you said before… I’d prefer if we both got away if the opportunity came up. I don’t know about the rest.”

“Alright.” I replied, it was all silly optimism on my side anyway. What was I expecting? I knew deep down it didn’t mean anything. I knew that we didn’t have some bond that would last beyond this. It didn’t mean that I didn’t want a connection however.

The conversation ended there and I went back to inspecting the ceiling. It wasn’t particularly interesting, mostly bundled up grass, most likely harvested from the cleared area around the camp. Either that or maybe they’d brought it? Only they would really know. It wasn’t even that interesting, and it was hard to see.

I couldn’t help but realize I was alone in that moment. I didn’t have a family, I had what? A dungeon? It was probably there with its goblins, maybe considering how many years or months it would take to collect enough mana to do something else. That was realistic…

My thoughts turned to the tiger kin, I wasn’t one of them, and I wouldn’t be. From their perspective I was Meryl. I didn’t know much about their society, but Meryl was technically a widow. If I forced it, if I went back with them… Then what? A quite life? Find some guy like Joan and marry again, but for the first time? Always being pitied for my lost memories? I’d probably get captured by goblins again… I couldn’t help but lightly chuckle at the absurdity if only for a moment.

The part of me that had asked him if he would come with me… I just didn’t want to admit how lonely I was. How lonely I’d been since arriving. I’d had at best fleeting moments of something, the goblins had accepted me, I’d gotten the dungeon to go along with me… But for what? There was nothing to really show for any of it. Maybe it went back even further...

Time ticked on by as I sat there and slowly I started to feel like I was inside of that dark nothingness that the dungeon had found me in. I didn’t like it, and I wanted to leave more then ever. I needed to to act, to do something. Even if there was no where for me… Maybe I could take somewhere or something, and make it mine.

“Finally.” A voice popped into my head.

I narrowed my eyes, “What?” I thought back, which had become almost a secondary means of communication for me.

“What do you mean what? You’ve caused me quite the difficulty in this one. What do you have to show for it?” The voice replied.

“Dungeon…?” I asked barely able to believe it.

“Not much of one at the moment.” The voice replied.

“Wait! Your here? Like in …. person? Or…” I didn’t know what to make of that.

“Quite. I’m more of gem then a person however.” it noted.

“But… But why are you here!?” I asked.

“Would you rather I not be?”

I just went against my expectations... Or at least what I kept telling myself. “No… of course not. But your so against risks, you even warned me to do what Scout wanted. This is my fault!”

“Yet the scout is the reason I am here.” The dungeon replied.

“In what sense?” I asked.

“He insisted that you are part of our tribe. Personally I found his eagerness to recover you surprising. Based on our prior discussions it occurred to me that this might also be an opportunity to consider relocation. It was only reasonable to assess the odds of your survival as well. Which leads me to the obvious question, can you be recovered?” it asked.

“Maybe. The area is lightly guarded at night, but they still do have guards, unfortunately I’ve got a ball and chain attached to my leg so I won’t be running any where.” I explained.

“Yes. I can sense it, there's magic involved, if I could use my abilities on it I could remove it without issue. That isn’t an option where we are however.”

I felt some measure of relief, not just that it could remove the restraint, but that somehow after all of this the dungeon came for me. “Really?” I asked a touch of that loneliness I’d wrapped myself in earlier leaving me.

“Yes. unraveling and constructing magical constructs is a dungeons specialty, you could even argue that it is our primary function. However there are underlying rules that govern what we can work with, and when.”

That wasn’t exactly what I’d meant, but I was sort of curious. “Can’t you just ignore the rules?” I asked, I had been quite the expert on that so far. But maybe that was just advice I'd been ignoring.

“No, unless the conditions are met I simply cannot effect the world, which leaves me as little more then a sentient gemstone in certain conditions.”

“I see… So we need to return to the cave for you to free me?” I asked.

“No, I need to establish a new dungeon body to do so.” It explained.

I considered, “What type of place would you need?”

“Ideally somewhere we can stay longer term.”

“I mean, does it need to be a cave.” I clarified.

“No. However it must be a mostly enclosed space.”

“Could you turn a tiny room into a dungeon?” I asked.

“Possibly, though the specific requirements for my abilities would require the room to be well sealed. Because of my abilities inherent properties moon and sunlight vastly restricts them.”

I looked around at my room, it wasn’t like it was pitch black. There were tiny cracks and bits of light poked though the ceiling. I shook my head, “Alright, so this room is probably not an option.”

“Creating a dungeon within an enemy encampment is a poor choice regardless. Most of my abilities become limited, or even useless when creatures possessing mana antagonistic with me are within a certain distance.”

Hmm… Interesting, so because myself and the goblins considered ourselves allies that gave the dungeon more access? That was certainly something I’d not considered before. Not that it meant much short term. “Right, so you couldn’t even help if you were in here.” I sighed back. After a moment I just asked something that popped into my head, “Do you need to be inside the dungeon for it work?”

“I need to be inside the space to create the dungeon, however I can remain connected to it once that's done. I could have chosen to leave the cave as my dungeon body, however I decided it was more prudent to recover what mana I could from it and come here instead.”

“Alright… So we need to setup a dungeon so that we can free my leg. But we also need me to escape to said dungeon before I remove the shackle. There are guards, and I’m locked inside of a room.”

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“I can roughly gather some of those details, for instance I know there are four guards that are pacing the interior of the camp and two that are watching either gate.” The dungeon explained.

“How can you tell that?” I asked, impressed.

“My natural ability to observe. I’ve had the scout place me near the wall which has allowed me to gleam this much information. I could attempt to guide you and the goblins to avoid the guards. However you are locked, and secured. Considering this and the risk inherit to an offensive manure, this is ill fated.”

I figured that much, but I still had my own thoughts to work through, “You can see the guard watching us?” I asked.

“Sleeping, but yes. Also what do you mean by ‘us.’ Are you some how insinuating that the prisoner next to you is with you?”

“I believe he could be useful, I’ve also roughly made him an offer. The only issue is that he doesn't know anything about you, or the goblins. Maybe he could join us?” I explained my idea.


“He’s fairly strong, but like me he has ball and chain as well, though its bigger then my own. Still he seems better at moving with it then I do.” I continued.

“Yes. I see the same magic at work.”

“Any ideas?” I asked.

The dungeon considered before continuing, “There is one inhabitant that truly concerns me, but the rest pose risk as well, so for now, nothing worth implementing. I don’t dislike your recruitment idea. Explain what else you have learned about these humans.”

I explained that it was a military fort, just in case Scout had failed in that. I touched on the other tiger kin, and the limited knowledge I had related to the elves.

“Curious…” The dungeon replied.

A long time seemed to pass before it spoke again, “Your present goal is to solidify that prisoners commitment. He needs to be willing to work for us for it to matter.”

“But he could just leave. I might be willing sleep in a cave, but not everyone is.” I replied.

“Yes. Though your situation has given me other ideas as well. Then there is also the possibility of comforts you’ve explained.”

“Oh?” I asked perking up a bit.

“Should we opt to try and recruit humans willingly, we’ll need to be able to provide human comforts, this much is clear. Ignoring that for the time being, there is something else of interest, something that suggests that your recovery is worth while.”

“Hmm? Whats that?” I asked.

“Your corruption has increased to eighteen percent.”

“So my gut was more or less right then… I need to engage in sex on my own.” I said into our mental conversation, “Still that doesn't help much. I barely managed to get that much earlier today the guards were getting suspicious.”

“Is there no way you can continue to improve this in your current situation?”

“Maybe… I do have one idea.” I admitted, “Still, will that really help us?”

“If your corruption is complete, you may gain magic, or abilities. I can’t offer definite conclusions, only possibilities.”

“How does that work? I’ve seen humans use magic, but I think it has to do with intricate tattoos.” I asked.

“Yes. Most creatures with a bit of intellect can learn and use this type of magic. However it is not the only type of magic.”

“I’m listening.” I said.

“Abilities, are a kind of magic that are specific to the natural existence of something. This is very true with me. My gemstone is riddled with complicated geometric structures that produce what is my existence. So complicated are these structures that I cannot fully grasp them.”

“So kind of like my body too? Like I know the basics of how a body works… but I don’t know the details…” I offered.

“Yes. Just as an example, the ability to digest food and convert it into mana is a key component of most life. Though its imperfect and weak. Most creatures do not need a large amount, but muscles, and other activities your body preforms all consume mana to one degree or another.”

“Alright, so abilities are specific to our biology.” I nodded my head at the thought.

“I do not know this word.” The dungeon replied.

I frowned, “Sorry…” I admitted it had just popped out.

“Regardless, if corruption means that your body becomes closer to your affinity, then you may gain one or more succubus abilities. Another option might be that your mana takes on properties of your affinity.”

“Ok, I guess that makes sense, though I can’t imagine how it would work?”

“Until you have such abilities, it would be pointless to speculate. As for magic, I can possibly give you the tattoos needed to use magic, however your body would need to be capable of holding, and handling the mana for such. While your body has more mana then I remember its not vastly different.”

“Could you not have done this sooner?” I asked feeling like being able to shoot a fireball or knock over a door with a blizzard might be useful right about now.

“Your body as it is ill suited to the task. Even with its greater density, over using ones mana can result in weakness, paralysis, or in the most sever cases death.”

I grimaced, “Oh…”

“For now I will seek out possible locations to use for a dungeon body. You should attempt to corrupt yourself as fast as possible, and if possible complete the recruitment of any prisoners. I’ll return later.”

“Right…” I offered back. I had only been planning on the one prisoner. After all there was no way that the two tiger kin would understand… For the moment at least I could commit towards my idea, as stupid as it as.

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