Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 19: Ch 19 – Drunk

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“No… Not at all…” I replied softly, feeling a bit drunk on lust and pleasure.

He grinned, and after a moment his pants dropped to the ground. I devoted all of my attention to him as he stroked himself, and lined himself up against my lower lips. He glided himself in with a nice smooth motion. My insides were quite lubed at this point and his cock parted my insides with barely any resistance like I was made of melted butter. Or… well maybe it was just all the cum that was leaking out? He didn’t seem to mind it either way.

He was more gentle then either of the other two men, I began to fall down from my climax high, rather he was encouraging, and steady. I reached down between my legs, rubbing at my clit to make up for his gentleness. I relaxed as he supported me, so I leaned back into him. Enjoying the change of pace for what it was. I could breath, I could just enjoy the steady comforting motions. There was a wonderful charm to having so many options. I had loved how the rough treatment had made me feel, how they had filled me up at both ends. I’d thoroughly enjoyed them pumping their seed into me. I had been surprised at how much I wanted to be treated to that again. But now, as I was rocked back and forth on this man, I could relax some. I wasn’t so tense, so constricted like I was constantly about to climax, my muscles could simply… relax.

I’d ridden the rapids, and now I was relaxing down stream. Rather then the shaky and almost spontaneous fits of orgasm I’d experienced before I could feel my next one building, slowly, predictably. Like slowly watching the edge of the cliff come closer, and closer. The soft almost wet kiss like sound of his dick in my pussy was the only sound in the air for minutes. I relaxed so much I almost forgot about everything else.

“Hey…” A voice pulled my attention. It was Devin, “You didn’t think your done with met yet… did you?”

I shook my head, “No…” I moaned out softly.

“Good, you promised me something the other day.” he said firmly.

“The other day…” I hummed. Then slowly the thought crystallized in my mind, “My ass?” I asked.

“That's right…” he grinned. “I said I wanted all of you, You’ve got two more holes to let me fill up before I’m done.”

I grinned stupidly. “That sounds wonderful…” I leaned back tilting my head to the man behind me, “You wouldn’t mind turning me around would you?”

“Hmm? Around?” He asked not quite following.

“Yeah.. just turn me around, and lift me up onto your cock.” I explained.

The gentle man didn’t quite follow but he seemed receptive as he considered me.

“Don’t worry… we’ll keep going… I just need to open up room.” I explained.

He still seemed confused, and I was surprised he was still going to be honest. How long had he been at it? It didn’t matter, I gently pressed my hand at him from behind and he popped free, his length glistening as the strands that connected our bodies snapped one by one.

I turned, my body feeling too relaxed to act with urgency, and approached him. Lifting my loin cloth in the front, “Here… Just put it back in…” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling myself against him.

He lifted me up, and with a bit of fumbling found my slit, pressing himself back into me nice and easily.

His hips quickly and easily resumed his previous pace with me resting my head on his shoulder, “Your so steady…” I whispered into his ear, i liked that we were so close.

“Is… Is that good?” he asked uncertain.

“I like it… I don’t know if its my favorite… but I like it.” I said listening to his steady breathing.

After a few moments of nothing else happening, I glanced back at Devin, “What are you waiting for?” I asked him.

He frowned back at me, “What? What do you mean?”

“I just made room for you… Do you want my ass or not?” I asked. Did I have to do everything?

He glanced down, taking a moment to reach forward and pull my loin cloth to the side.

Moments drifted by as I relaxed again, when I was starting to get the impression he still didn’t understand, “Your not blind right? Make sure your cock is still lubb…” I tensed up as I felt his cock press in a bit fast from behind. “Ahhh… Ahh… That’s..”

“Are you alright?” The man in front of me asked a bit worried.

“Oh… I…” Then Devin slipped himself in a bit more, “Ow… Ohh… Ahh..” A few more incremental pushes.

“Damn this hole is tight… its like it wants to choke my dick right off.” Devin growled.

I couldn’t help but squeeze my gentle lover a bit tighter. “I’m… okay…” I forced out, even though my ass hurt more then a little, I honestly hadn’t expected this. My mind had expected it to feel good, which is why I just pressed on ahead. This… was a bit concerning. Of course I’d mostly stopped moving because of Devin, as soon as my gentle man thought I was in pain he had stopped, leaving me with Devin three fourths buried in my ass, and the other cock resting idly in my pussy. I was feeling quite stuffed.

“Can you move… Just a little.” I whispered.

“You sure?” he asked.

I nodded, “Its alright, just a little.”

He did as I requested, gently lifting me fractionally, and lowering me back down. Of course it wasn’t like only he was affected, I could feel Devin’s dick tick, tick just a bit further in with each stroke. He hadn’t quite gotten it in all the way, I wasn’t sure if he had stopped on purpose or not.

I wasn’t sure how long it was, maybe a half a minute, but suddenly, I felt Devin’s chest against my clothes.

“Finally you relaxed enough.” He rumbled behind me.

The pain was slowly fading now, In fact I think both dicks were starting to move a bit more. The burn of pain was slowly, turning into pleasure. “You can move a bit more… Just a bit.” I offered.

He complied, and as if Devin himself wasn’t to be left out he began adding his down back and forth. A minute later and their motions had picked up, and I was feeling more into it. The pain had mostly retreated, the pressure of two different men inside of me seemed to multiply the sensations together, the pressure inside of both of them competing to pleasure me.

It was a glorious sensation, and as they began to pick up the pace even more I relaxed my grip, pushing myself back slightly as though I was really just floating on two hard dicks supported by someones hands.

“Wha-” The man asked trying to pause, but Devin’s motions caused him to pop free.

I reached up, pulling my poncho off and tossing it to the side, “That should help.” I proclaimed. Then said, “Devin.. hold up, he needs to get back inside.”

Devin growled softly behind me but did as I requested, until I was once again riding both dick at once, their un-synchronized rhythms picking back up.

Then as if completely by surprise my gentle lover gripped my ass cheeks tightly and I could feel him pulsing inside of me, dumping all the cum he’d been building slowly into me. It was so warm… and even as that warmth filled me on one side, the soft burn of Devin’s in my ass made it so much hotter.

Finally as if it had been ages since I’d climaxed, I came again, my ass and pussy shook as I let out a giggle between the two men.

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“Do you got her?” the gentle man asked.

Devin shifted his grip on me, moving his hands to my legs, and as one man retreated my legs went up, almost to my head.

“Whoa…” Devin said a bit unsure of how to hold me.

“Looks bit used.. but its been a while.” The last man of the group said he as stepped up in front of me as Devin had paused.

I glanced down at his cock, and I could see cum already dripping from his tip. He was jacking it slowly. It was incredibly thick, and pretty long too. It was by far the largest cock I’d seen yet.

I looked up at him to see him grinning a knowing smirk, “That's the look the girls give me…. Can I really take something that big? They ask.” He pressed himself against my entrance, and with a bit of force the head slipped in, then with one long but steady full stroke pushing all the cum inside of me into my depths with a wet pop I felt his cock drive all the way into my womb, pressing itself into it. All the while I moaned out as my body responded with another climax.

“Well that was easier then expected…” he said, as he moved his hands to my ass, “Guess having other guys to get you ready makes this part easier.” He chuckled.

Devin said, “Time to pick up the pace…”

I leaned back as both men began to pummel me from both sides. “Mmm--” I moaned out. It was so good, I didn’t need to say anything else. I let my hands wrap around Devin’s arms and cupped my hands to his. I just enjoyed the moment and let out moans as I melted between them. I closed my eyes and forgot about everything else. This had all been a terrible idea from the beginning, but what did any of it matter? It didn’t even seem like our guards cared one way or the other.

It was like a dream, I didn’t need to do anything, they did it all. I just let my body react however it wanted, I surely became a giggling mess shaking between them. The irregular motions of two men doing their own thing was more then I had expected, it was more then I could handle in that moment.

I opened my eyes when I felt the man in front of me pull out, even as his cum dibbled to the dirt below the first archer returned, the man who I’d once considered dangerous. He shoved himself back in, and I just let everything go. My world compressed down one thing, pleasure. The sensations of two cocks pulsing within me, it was less two sensations and more one continuous amalgamation.

Could I have cared? Could I have paid attention? Probably, but I didn’t want to, I wanted to just let it all go and simply let them all pamper me. I wanted them to come back to me over and over again. Once wasn’t enough for them, they stood around watching as other men fucked me, stoking themselves as they eagerly waited their next turn. I could just let the world and my worries fade away.

It was more then I could have asked for. I had a special place inside of me for Devin, he blew his load in my ass at one point, and vacated it for someone else, luckily not the big fellow. I couldn’t help but open my eyes at one point glancing to find him off to the side stroking his eager cock while he waited his next turn. I smiled at him and I could see his lips turn up just a touch. Like we were somehow sharing some strange secret between just us in that tiny moment.

Again and again the cocks went like pistons, I was so stuffed with cum in the end that my entire body felt numb and more then a little sore at the same time. Devin finally found his turn to take my pussy for himself once more. I wrapped my arms around him as he gripped my ass cheeks firmly with his big hands.

I rested my head on his shoulder as my body shifted up and down between him and who knew.

“Is this what you were wanting? When you kept torturing me?” Devin asked in my ear.

“I don’t even know…” I whispered back to him.

“I don’t even know what the hell has come over me at this point…” He chuckled into my ear.

“Isn’t enough to just want me? You’ve almost finished your promise right?”

“I don’t think once in each is enough anymore… The more I fuck you… The more I want to fuck you more… I feel a bit like a drunk…” He chuckled.

I giggled as my body shook again, “I love it… I love it so much… Your wonderful…”

I could feel him pause, and his cock stiffened just that extra bit as I said it.

“You never told me your name…” He replied.

“Anna.” I replied.

“Anna…” he repeated almost reverently, he picked up his pace putting the man enjoying my ass to shame. “Anna… I want you… I want you more, and more…”

“And I want you… fill me up with your seed…” I whispered back to him.

Six more pumps and the buried himself as deep as he could, causing even my other lover to push in as deep as he could go.

All at once I felt both men go at the same time, and fresh warmth pumped into my depths, right into my core. There was so much warmth and I couldn’t help but focus on it as their cocks drained into me. Hot and potent it drew me inwards, and it circulated outwards, as though somehow their cum was dumping into my very veins. Not that it made any sense, that wasn’t how bodies worked, I knew that much. Yet in the moment that's what it felt like to me. Heat filled me, and fresh sweat trickled down my skin.

I was set down and my limbs refused to hold me, I sagged back and forth feeling more like a liquid then a flesh and bone creature.

“I think we broke her…” Someone said from behind.

“Well if she is broken, I might as well try this hole too…” A man said stepping up and thrusting his cock into my mouth. My instincts kicked in and I sucked, even as he gripped my hair and drove my head forward and back along his shaft.

His cock was pungent and coated with the smell of sex, how many times had this dick been inside of me? I could taste myself on him, an almost sweetness mixed in with the bitterness. How many times had he cum so far? I glanced up at him to see it was that archer again. The guard who had been quite certain to not put his dick in my mouth was now fucking my face eagerly.

It made me smile, as tired as I was, I still enjoyed it. But more then anything I enjoyed how each of these men had abandoned their positions, their rationality. They were now focused one thing alone, Me. Perhaps that was because they were beasts who had given into their base desires, but was there really any difference? I wanted this, and if they gave me exactly what they wanted, the simple truth was that we agreed on what needed to be done. We needed to fuck, so we fucked.

I could already feel the cock in my mouth throbbing to burst and I even helped pushing my head a touch faster, pressing my tongue against him to provide that extra bit of pressure, the thick thwacking sounds of his cock inside my mouth were practically all I could hear.

Then I heard something new, “What the hell are you all doing!” Boomed from who knows where, it felt like I was forever away. Yet it was incredibly loud and demanding.

The cock was pulled free my mouth.

All the men turned to see the captain standing on the top of the hill. I spared a glance but my mind was focused on something else.

He wasn’t done yet… I reached up, grabbing his cock and shoved it back in my mouth. I wouldn’t let him go, not so close to tasting him.

He glanced down at me and his eyes widened as I bobbed my head with what enthusiasm I had left, then he was done. Wet jets of cum burst into my mouth. He pulled away as if realizing something, sagging slightly as he clearly felt a bit weak in his knees. Some of his cum spattered across my face. There wasn't much left however at this point, and it wasn’t so thick so it was more of a spattering.

“Stand at attention you bastards!” The captain demanded.

Having finished what I started I fell backwards feeling the warmth in my mouth flow outward like it was joining the rest of me, making me feel… comfortable, relaxed, and content. My body practically hummed inside, like I was riding some insane caffeinated high.

Yet, as energy pulsed inside of me, and I lay there on the ground. I closed my eyes, I was so warm. There was odd disconnect inside of me. On one hand I felt like I had the energy to run. On the other my body was a wet, soggy and tired mess. In the end one had to win, and I just fell asleep right there.

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