Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 18: Ch 18 – Bait

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I wasn’t much of a hand-job girl to be honest. After jacking him off three more times, and drinking his cum each time, I certainly was convinced of that much. The rush I got when sucking out what I could was nice, but it wasn’t exactly “tasty.” What came to mind instead was the difference between black coffee and a frappuccino… I only had a vague sense of how that worked even though my mind was more then happy to produce the comparison. The clear and decided point was that maybe if the cum tasted better I’d be willing to keep this up.

The fact was however, that was not the case. Rather I was quite sure I was going to go nuts if I had to keep this up without getting my own orgasm. A rush of excitement was good, but it just made me more, and more horny. I was so frustrated after the dishes were done that I actually masturbated when I got back to my cell, something that I’d not managed until then.

I wasn’t much into masturbation, I just couldn’t get turned on the same way I could with someone else, even with careful stimulation. The whole process just felt empty by comparison. However earlier tonight had been an exception, I’d been so hot and bothered that I could barely stop from touching myself, and before I’d realized it I’d reached an organism.

Unfortunately that was about the my limit. I wasn’t the only one frustrated by the situation, as much as Devin enjoyed me jacking him off he had explained quite simply that “if you keep this up I don’t know what I’m going to do.” I really wish he had done something. Instead here I was licking my dampness from my fingers in my cell. The day wore on, and after some time the sun went down, only evident by the lack of light leaking through the cracks.

I tried to masturbate a second time. After having success even once I was eager to try again. But in the end, nothing. Well I suppose I should have expected that. It wasn’t new, it was something I was used to. I couldn’t even get off with masturbation combined with stimulation from the goblins. But I couldn’t help but be disappointed as I focused on closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a voice.

“You’ve made progress.”

My eyes flashed open, “Dungeon!” I replied.

“Yes?” It said likely confused about my enthusiasm.

“How much progress?” I asked eager to hear.

“You are up to thirty eight percent. Quite industrious for one day.”

“I think I figured it out… Or at least I have a working theory.” I explained.

“Good. If you continue at this pace then we maybe be able to come up with a workable plan. I too have made small progress. We’ve located several small caves, one with a stream within. I’ve yet to decide which, if any I will choose however.”

“That's good.” I noted, “You don’t want to hear about my plan?” I asked.

“You seem to have it in hand. You clearly are more suited for the task then I was. So I’d prefer to not taint your own discovery with my observations, least we have a set back.” The dungeon explained.

“Oh.. Alright, I guess that’s true.” I said feeling a kernel of happiness in that it trusted me in this rather then second guessing me.

“Do you have anything else to report? If not we should depart.”

“So soon?” I asked.

“I intended to simply verify your progress.”

That ruined it, “And here I thought you were trusting me.”

“You have misinterpreted my words. You told me you had an idea, if I’d not confirmed that your idea worked, what would you have done?” It's tone stern and insistent.

“Oh…” I replied realizing better what it had meant, “No, thank you, Its good to know that what I did worked.” I replied feeling better about everything.

“Good. I intend to return tomorrow as well. Until then.” The dungeon said, then it was gone.

I lay there considering. Neither of us really had a good solution to the imprisonment problem. I decided to focus on trying to think of something, but before too long I fell asleep.

The next morning I wasn’t given the option to return to the tiger kin, seems my antics the previous day had struck a nerve. We instead were sent back out to wash dishes again. I wondered if there was a reason we were only washing dishes, I wondered why they didn’t have us doing something else. Maybe they just didn’t have anything else for us to do? I didn’t know, but I wasted no time falling into the same rhythm as the previous day.

“Damn you…” Devin groaned out as he emptied his dick into my mouth for the second time.

I sucked, and sucked at his tip until he ran dry and I pulled back and swallowed down what I’d gained for my efforts. As usual I enjoyed the rush it provided, the warmth of it even seemed to make everything a bit brighter, make me feel less tired. It was definitely feeling stranger. Hand over my mouth I asked, “Damn me? Whats wrong?”

His breaths were deep, his eyes were intense as he stared at me.

He didn’t say anything as I just kept waiting I couldn’t help but let a smile form on my lips. Hand or not, he noticed.

“You little…” he said reaching over. He plunged his fingers between my legs, and his fingers dove into my pussy forcefully.

I moaned out, “Wahhh.”

He didn’t quite know what he was doing, but I could feel his fingers shifting this way and that way, trying to find better purchase into me, at the same time his hand couldn’t help but rub over my clit as he worked his fingers around. “Hows that? Huh? How do you like it!” he didn’t sound angry, rather he sounded excited.

I half giggled and half moaned as I shifted, and wriggled about, “Ahh… Mmm… Yes… Yes…”

“You like that huh?” Here… take some more!” He said as he picked up his fingers pace, his motions became more deliberate, shifting from trying to snake about to simply going in and coming out. From there he realized that worked well enough and he practically began to vibrate his fingers as my breath picked up and a squirmed loving every second of it, “Yeah! Yes! Devin… yes… I want more… More!” I demanded practically yelling that last one.

“Good. Cause I want more too!” He said standing up suddenly. He hadn’t put his cock away, and so it was standing at attention right in front of me, “You keep telling me how much you want to suck it! So suck it!” He proclaimed for all the world to hear. Had he lost his mind!?

“Wha-” I opened my mouth more out of shock then to really ask a question, but the moment it was open he rammed himself into my mouth.

I stared up at him, his fierce eyes alight with desire looking down at me. I swallowed around his cock, and then slowly pulled back, his hand on his head urged me forward. I bobbed back, and forth, his hand always pulling me forward, so I had to practically fight to move back. I knew he wasn’t really trying to force me down, but perhaps he just wasn’t aware of his own strength being applied.

“That’s right… just like you promised…” He grinned manically at me like he was possessed by lust.

I hummed my response back unable to remove him under my own power, and he groaned at my vibrations. I focused on his manhood, and I picked up my pace. He relaxed a bit and moved his hand back on my head, gripping into my hair behind my ears.

He watched me intently like he wanted to enjoy every tiny motion I made not only in touch, but also by sight, “You know… your ears twitch when you get excited.”

What, was that a thing?! Really? I could feel my tail swish at that as if it was annoyed it had been missed.

“I like it…” He said with a smirk as he pressed me forward once again. His cock was quite salty and bitter from all the sweat and pre-cum of me jacking him off so many times. Rather then turn me off It only served to excite me more. I had wanted to do this so bad. Now that we were doing it, so forcefully where literally everyone could see us… I fucking loved it! I didn’t know I was such an exhibitionist before, but I was all about it, at least in this moment.

After a bit of that he pulled out of my mouth, slapping his dick lightly against my face, it was more playful then not. “You’re not ready yet?” I asked before catching my breath.

“Barely… I want something better… I want to hear you scream for more when I fuck you.”

I was ecstatic, I turned around and stood up, glancing back at him I saw him stepping up to my ass, his thick and hard cock eager to visit my depths again. I turned around biting my lip waiting for him to begin when saw the archer approaching. “Shi-” I began when I was pulled back hard against Devin, “Shit!!” I cried out in one long moan as he drove himself into me harshly sending sensations dancing though me.

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The man watched as I began to take Devin’s dick in full force. He seemed more amused then not.

Devin for his part seemed… intent on just plowing me as though he had no interest in following the rules any longer.

He dove in, and out, using his hands to control my every motion. I was so incredibly turned on from everything else that I climaxed right there and then letting out a wave of giggles as I shook.

“More…” I demanded as he kept going, he hadn’t been deterred by my orgasm, let alone our voyeur. I moaned and moaned as he continued to drive himself deeper and deeper intent on somehow cramming every possible bit of himself into my pussy.

It occurred to me then, that he was just watching us. I had said the other day that I disliked him, that I wasn’t interested him, that he was off my list… Maybe that was would have been for the best. However right now I had entirely different priorities.

Sure I had to work on my corruption, sure I needed to escape, but that wasn’t what was on my mind. Rather, my body demanded more, and right now I saw the opportunity. I gestured him over with a hand, I was barely standing, more leaning over, my whole body moving with each motion of Devin behind me.

He ignored my subtle request. “What the hell do you think your doing?” He asked, glancing at Devin.

“Whats it look like?” Devin snorted back as though he didn’t even care if the man pulled out a weapon. Though for the moment he made no move.

The archer turned to me instead, “Is this your idea? I’ve been seeing you doing weird things over here for days.”

“It is…” I said grinning, “I’m a bad girl… He's punishing me…”

The archer’s eyes twinkled a little at that and he came closer.

Devin gave my ass a slap as if punctuate the moment, I clenched up on him and swayed on my feet as if for that instant all I could think about was the shape of him inside of me. That… that was so good...

“Well that's a problem, because I want to punish you.” He said darkly.

It took a moment for my mind to process his words, but smiling I said, “Get... your cock... out…”

He blinked, “You…” Did he not understand, or did I not?

“You saw us the other day right? You watched as I rode his cock?”

He didn’t respond he but his mind was ticking, working, thinking on something.

“You don’t want… to be left out… Do you? Don’t you also… Want to enjoy… Me?” I asked between moans, just saying whatever complete nonsense seemed to slip into my mind. It was pretty hard to think, I was so hot, and Devin was relentless, not even slowing down.

He actually laughed a bit at my words, “You’re right I do… I should be the one enjoying you. Not him.” He said with some measure of confidence and an air of authority I really didn’t care about.

Why did he have to be so difficult? My smile faltered, “Does it matter? Can’t… You both… share?” I said moans as I was pulled on the length of Devin’s cock periodically interrupting me as I spoke.

“Share? You must be joking.” He asked almost sarcastically.

“I’ll suck it… you can take turns…” I tried to explain. He obviously didn’t mind the show. He obviously would prefer to get in on this rather then run off and tell their captain. So what was the problem?

“I’m not fond of the idea of your teeth anywhere near my equipment. No, I don’t think I want to share. You either give me what I want… Or…” He said intently before tapped the short sword at his side.

I really, really didn’t like this guy… But if I told him off, then it would all be over. Probably in the worst possible way now. This had been such a bad idea from the beginning. But at least for once I wasn’t the cause! No wait.. I was. Forgetting that for the moment, I had to do what he wanted, besides even then… how long before someone else stopped us?

I looked back at Devin, who was focused, his eyes were on fire, and with each motion he breathed in, and out, like a machine… I didn’t know what that was, but it was the perfect word.

I really didn’t want to stop him, I felt so wonderful… I was getting close too… But if he wanted my pussy, there was only one option I could think of at the moment, “Want to… try my... mouth again?” I asked him over my shoulder.

“I don’t wan-” I began to try and explain myself before he plunged himself into me and releasing one hand from my backside, he grabbed my neck. His hand gliding across my skin and smooth motion he guided my head back to him, and he kissed me deeply. “I want every part of you…” He said hoarsely like a man possessed, after pulling my face away. I couldn’t help but feel giddy at that, how long had it been since someone had been so focused on me? On doing what I wanted? I was honestly happy for that moment. This whole situation was practically nonsense, but yet it was sort of perfect.

With a sharp motion Devin pulled himself free, and I was practically spun around. I nearly fell over, if it wasn’t for Devin catching me, and pulling me back to his lips I might have collapsed or tumbled over.

Mine and Devin’s lips parted after a moment, I grinned at him as I tried to catch my breath.

“You want it… then go down and get it.” Devin growled at me like an animal denied his treat. He said putting his hands on my shoulders, and urging me downwards.

Was he mad? He should know as well as I did why we were switching positions. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy what he’d been doing, even if I’d been distracted. Still his eyes were fixed on mine, and after a moment I decided that it didn’t really matter, as long as he got what he wanted, I’d get what I wanted, at least on some level.

I put my hands on Devin’s legs, backing my ass up. I had to angle my legs out in the process. The end result was that my rear was pointed towards the archer, my face next to Devin’s firm and drenched mast which was presently oozing at the tip. I gently shook my ass in the archer’s direction as Devin grew impatient with my lack of attention on him and his wonderful shaft. He shoved his manhood back into my mouth. I’d obviously taken too long, and he opted to not let me to have control in the slightest. He lunged himself in, far deeper. He pressed himself info me, burying my face in his groin as that the musk of his hair filled my nostrils. He was so deep I could feel his tip poking my into my throat, I couldn’t help but gag. In and out, back and forth he used my mouth as he did my pussy.

He was finding a steady rhythm when he pulled me tight down his length, his hand forceful as he began dumping his thick cum directly into my throat and I was forced to swallow reflexively each time. Each blast of liquid sent hot shivers though me, actual shocks that arced out though my body… Was I actually climaxing at the sensation? Did that even make sense? Did I care?

As if he was aiming for the worst possible moment, I felt a dick poke me from behind. Just a touch in, then Bam! He rammed himself in deep so that the motion jammed Devin’s cock so it practically formed a seal in my throat. I shook with a new orgasm and my eyes rolled up slightly.

Two… Three… Four pumps from behind when I began pushing on Devin, I pushed back gasping for air, then Devin drove me down on his length again. I climaxed again, and shaking with his cock lodged in my throat.

“You need to get all of it…” he said.

I sucked, and I sucked. Behind me the archer slapped my ass a bit too hard, I couldn’t even protest as I couldn’t speak around Devin’s length. I pushed back again, gasping and panting as saliva and cum dripped from my lips and I coughed a bit up.

“That's right.. What do you say?” Devin asked me.

I glanced up at him panting my breaths, “Can I have some more?” I asked, “Please…” I begged. I didn’t know what was coming over me, it was like I was possessed too. Even though it was borderline with how he had gagged me, I wanted more. Even though the archer had no care in the world for me as he drove his own slightly thinner, cock into me from behind, I wanted more of it.

Devin laughed, chuckling to himself darkly.

A moment later the archer came, I could feel the warmth of his seed squirting out inside of me. I shivered with delight at his warmth spread though me, My body was practically vibrating continuously at this point.

I felt as the archers cock popped free and I staggered this way, and that way with no one supporting me, but finally backwards into him, his hands catching me at my sides. “You mind if I have a turn?” A man I didn’t recognize asked.

I glanced back to see a different man, and another as well. It was the other archers… Oh dear… This was getting quite out of hand… I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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