Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 23: Ch 23 – Snag

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We kept moving, but with each step forward we seemed to be going slower. Devin was a trooper, but was hurting far more then he was letting on. The first thing I noticed was blood on his lip, it was hard to make out with his unkempt stumble but the hit to his face must have broken his nose or at least caused some damage in there.

His breathing was growing more and more labored, and I kept seeing him trying to shift the weight of his iron ball. His body must have been screaming that it had gone to far. Yet he just keep going, giving me a firm look as though he was trying to tell me, “I’m here, just behind you… Keep going. I’m here.”

So I kept going, but it couldn't last. Finally I heard a sound and turned to find Devin had collapsed next to a tree.

I rushed back to him, “Devin… are you alright?”

He managed to lift himself up but his eyes wouldn’t quite focus on me, “I… I guess I can’t manage after all…”

I helped him sit up next to the tree and looked him over. The cut on his arm had bled more then I expected. Though it had at some point stopped bleeding, but that didn’t mean that the thick red lines running across his hairy arm weren't alarming.

Devin noticed my expression upon looking at his arm and he said, “Its not as bad as it looks…”

“You fell over!” I pointed out.

He nodded weakly, “This…” He patted the iron ball at his side. “We’ve been walking for ages… My arms… my legs… They just can’t do it… My whole body is exhausted…” he coughed for a moment after that, “Plus that bastard… I think he broke a rib.”

Ages was certainly an exaggeration… but I could at least sympathize. I frowned, “What… what should we do?”

“Lets… rest here for a moment. Maybe I’ll feel better soon.” He offered.

It wasn’t likely, but I nodded and took a seat next to him.

We sat there for a short while and he chuckled to himself for a moment.

“What is it?” I asked.

He shook his head looking tied, “I was just wondering when you were gonna ask to suck me off…”

I gave him a flat look, “Seriously?” I wasn’t that bad...

He chuckled again, “That's why I was laughing… Its so stupid, but I kinda wondered if you would do it anyway.”

I couldn’t help but smile back at him, the truth was that I could see myself doing that in other circumstances. If I didn’t see the obvious need to keep moving the temptation to try and finish my corruption off might have won over.

He met my eyes and for a moment we both shared something.

We rested for some five minutes and I noticed that Devin had closed his eyes. His breathing was steady, maybe he’d fallen asleep from the exhaustion? Maybe he was just resting his eyes. I wished I could give him just a tiny bit of the energy that was urging me onward. Even if it was just adrenaline I wished I could give him something to help...

Minutes continued to tick by and I started to get anxious, I even tried reaching out to the Dungeon several times. Then finally…

“I hear you.”

“Dungeon! You’re here?” I asked.

“We are near enough to speak. You have escaped?”

“The camp was attacked, they let the tiger kin go, I freed the man I talked about and hes with me. Though he's wounded.” I explained quickly.


Moments ticked by and I heard rustling near by.

“You’re in the woods?” I asked.

“Yes. We were resuming the search for a proper home. What is your situation?”

I turned to Devin caressing his cheek with my hand. His eyes opened slightly and he blinked back at me. “My friends are near by. I’ll be right back.” I explained.

He simply nodded I didn’t think he was fully awake, maybe something had jostled his head? Or maybe he was really had been sleeping and was just exhausted.

I stood up and rushed towards the sound I’d heard. It was fairly easy since they didn’t seem too concerned about staying quite. Besides I was gaining confidence in my hearing. There was a few more sounds added to it to help guide me.

Around several trees, past this bush, and that bush.

“What is your situation?” The dungeon asked again as I practically jogged. “I’m following your sounds.” I explained.

I broke through a small bit of brush, and turned around the tree expecting to see a bunch of goblins standing there.

Instead I came up short to find very not goblin three men standing there. I didn’t recognize them. But they reminded me of someone… The elf man… They were elves! They wore the same style of clothing, they had swords at their hips, they all looked dangerous in their own right.

I let out a breath, “Oh… Excuse me. I thought you were someone else.” I tried to explain.

“Catch her.” The elf in the middle stated.

I froze up for a moment unsure where to go, where to run.

The other two slowly began to encircle around me on either side.

Then my panic finally urged me past hesitation, I took a step backwards and backed into the tree I’d just gone around. It cost me a precious moment, before I could turned to bolt the way I had come. That moment was all to precious as one man grabbed my arm. I couldn’t help but spin around as I tried to move, but his grip was firm. The second man arrived from the other side moments later grabbing me around the middle.

I reached under my blanket for the knife. Then paused recalling Devin’s words. If I attacked them now, three men against me? They’d kill me easily with swords. If I was lucky I might wound one.

The hesitation was enough to keep me from that. As though my hand guided them straight to it, a stray hand snatched the knife free, the motion snapped the leather strap that kept it around my neck with a somewhat painful snap.

“Ow…” I replied as he looked over it.

“Bit of a big knife for a little girl isn’t it?” He asked chuckling to himself.

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“Its good for skinning things…” I replied hoping to avoid further scrutiny. Besides… I wasn’t that little, by goblin standards...

The elf who was in charge walked over to me, raising his hand to my face. He gripping my chin, “And to think that this was where the missing tiger kin went.”

Missing tiger kin? I frowned, “I’m not missing…” I replied.

“No… Not anymore.” He said smiling at me, “But it would be a shame to not reunite you with your sister.” He said with a dark smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

“Dungeon… I… I just ran into elves in the forest…”

“Elves? What!? Why didn’t you stay put!?”

I was an idiot… The dungeon didn’t even know where I was. Had I really stopped to consider my situation I should have realized that the dungeon would be able to sense me at range. Well, that was a maybe an over estimation, I had no comparison between my own hearing and the dungeon’s senses. I had just wanted to help Devin... A tear couldn't help but escape and roll down my cheek.

Still I guess I could try and explain things, “I’m maybe a minute or two from where Devin is… I can’t tell you where. Can you not see me with your sense?” I asked back.

“Your beyond my reach. Yet… I do have a vague sense of your direction for some reason.”

Feeling my hopes dwindling, I decided to at least do what I could. “If you find Devin don’t hurt him, he knows about you and the goblins. He’s by a tree with a huge iron ball strapped to his leg.”

“We’re coming.” The dungeon replied.

“What are you thinking about?” The elf man asked leaning in.

I focused back on the man in front of me, “You… you found my sister?” I asked not wanting him to think I was up to something.

“Yes.” He replied simply.

“That's great… Where is she?” I asked. I even sniffled though it wasn't for what I said.

“Oh, shes resting I’d imagine.” He said in a way that really made me question his truthfulness.

“That’s great…” I replied ignoring my intuition.

“You should go see her. I’m sure she’d be excited to see you.” He said releasing my chin and stepping back.

“Alright…” I replied feeling a horrible pit in my stomach.

The elf in charge nodded to one of the two who had snatched me, and the man who was holding me around the middle lifted me up, and hoisted me over his shoulder. It was a violent motion and he treated me no differently then a sack of vegetables.

“Hey… No need to be so rough…” I exclaimed at the shock of it.

I could have probably wriggled or fought with him, but he seemed sturdy, far too much so.

He also didn’t even reply to my comment, just carrying me as if I was nothing but the catch of the day. In fact… maybe I was.

“Take her back to the city like the rest.” The man in charge commanded.

“Yes sir.” The one carrying me said with a nod. Then he began jogging.

Was that it? Really? How useless was I? It was so damn frustrating! Still, I supposed it was better then fighting, and dying. I could only close my eyes and hope that they wouldn’t find Devin. I’d put some distance between us, there was a good chance… Right? They wouldn’t find him?

There was nothing I could do for that… I put my mind to the one thing I could do. “I’m captured…” I said to the dungeon.

“Unfortunate...” The dungeon replied, and I couldn’t help but either detect or imagine a groan to it.

I glanced up over head, “We’re heading south I think. Back towards the camp… They said something about a city.”

“We’ll find you again.” The dungeon replied.

“Am I even worth it?” I couldn’t help but ask a torrent of self loathing bubbling up from seemingly no where.

“You're an investment that is nearly matured. I won’t abandon that potential so easily.”

That made me feel a little better. My effort was worth something in the end.

Still there was just a bit more left to go wasn’t there? Might as well? “You want a reward for finding my sister?” I asked the man carrying me, forcing a bit of joy I didn't feel into my voice.

“Hmm, Reward?” He asked, obviously skeptical.

“You can fuck me as much as you want!” I explained.

He just kept going for a few moments, then as though it finally sunk in he spoke, “Really?” A touch of curiosity in his tone.

Oh!? Maybe this could work after all! “Yeah! Just bend me over and go to town! I love it!” I said cheerfully, an emotion that bubbled up naturally.

He gave it some thought then asked, “Do you mind if I tie you up?”

I frowned, tilting my head, “I’m not really into that…” I admitted honestly as I considered it.

“Better not then…” He said without missing a beat.

Shit… Why had I said that? “If you must… Then I guess you can?” I asked as I reconsidered.

He didn't reply back immediately but eventually, “No. On second thought, we’re too close to the battlefield.” He replied more firmly, having put his brain to work.

Alright… So maybe later?

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