Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 24: Ch 24 – Lesson

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We walked for ages…. Alright the guy lugging me around was the one doing all the walking, I’d been staring off at the trees contemplating my own limitations. Somehow this elf man could carry me around like I weighed nothing. Thinking back on my first man in this world he had that sort of feeling too. Trained, muscular and fit behind reason. There was a clear correlation to be drawn there. Maybe they were from the same village? Maybe they were guards or soldiers? Maybe they were some kind of secret organization of highly trained operatives funded by the elvish monarchy to sow decent and undermine neighboring countries. Alright, that was pure bullshit I just made up… I’m bored!

I was pretty sure these elves were soldiers, I mean that much seemed obvious now. They were the ones that had attacked the camp, or at least that's where I’d bet my money if I had any. The only question was, what was this all about? The elf woman? The human camp? The tiger kin’s villages being destroyed? What was the explanation behind all of it? I didn’t know. At least not entirely. However I had the distinct impression that of all the parties that could be responsible, these elves seemed the most likely.

However that didn’t impact the one task I had. I had to have this man fuck me until he couldn’t move, it was the only way to finish what I’d started. Hopefully I could escape again. Alright, escape again was certainly a strong way of phrasing that someone had let me go. Why was everything was so frustrating!

“Are we almost there?” I complained.

“Nearly.” He replied.

I sent my thoughts out towards the dungeon hoping it might still hear me, “Still going south.” Though there was no response.

The longer we walked the more concerned I was I’d be too late. So, should I press my luck again? Was now the best time? I was a bit worried I’d only get one more chance at this.  Knowing my luck next time I’d be alone and be forced to live in my own filth this time. That was the opposite of exciting, besides even I had my limits for what I considered kinky… Yeah, that wasn’t it.

Truth was I had no idea what to expect ahead, only what I had right now. If anything I had to try and slow the man down, “Its been long enough right? You want to tie me up?” I offered recalling his sticking point earlier. I hadn’t lied that I wasn’t interested, I wasn’t an S&M kind of girl. But I was willing to set aside my preferences, and the possibility of me running off when he was tired. I doubted I could really do that anyway, he was bigger, taller, and practically a picture of athletic prowess when compared to my skinny ass.

“We are nearly there.” He stated.

“But we aren't there.” I pointed out helpfully.

He slowed his pace slightly, considering it.

“You want that right? If you want you can use each of my holes.” I offered.

“Each.. what?” He seemed confused.

For some reason I kept thinking that would entice people, but everyone just seemed confused by it. Was anal and oral sex so strange in this world? I had no idea, maybe it was more who I talking to rather then a universal. “I can lick you… suck on you… it feels really good, I promise!”

He glanced back at me, “You’d do that?”

I nodded, “Of course. If you prefer I can do that before, or after you enjoy my pussy.” I offered.

This man seemed eager, but skeptical. Unfortunately I didn’t know how I could reassure him. He seemed more naive then the archer had been. Which gave me another idea.

“Have you ever been with a woman before?” I asked.

He immediately glanced away, and after a few moments he replied, “...No.”

“Oh… well don’t be shy. I can show you all sorts of things. If you want I could do the whole thing and you can just enjoy it.” I continued to try and sway him.

“Even while tied up?” He asked.

“I can try…” I offered but I had to admit that I honestly didn’t know, but I was willing!

“But…” He said looking off into the distance.

“You don’t want to stay a virgin do you?” I asked him.

“Well… Its not been a problem so far.” He said honestly.

I gaped back at him, what sort of totally reasonable attitude was this!? Of course he couldn’t see my expression since we were facing the opposite direction. I cleared my throat, “But you’d prefer not to?” I said hoping to catch him again.


Why was he so wishy-washy? This was the worst… I wanted a proper man! I wanted a man that would bend me over and give it to me! I sighed, but the world just didn’t care about what I wanted. I’d started down this road, I had to commit!

“Who knows when your next chance will come? You're like a solider right? Doesn't sound like you’ll have a lot of options in the near future.” I said crossing my fingers.

He continued walking, but slowed with each step, “You're not wrong… Some of the others might have gotten into this so they could take what they wanted… But I just want to protect our home….” He said, almost a touch sad at that last part.

I really needed to stop jumping into these situations thinking that men were all cock and no brain. If I wasn’t dealing with men starved for a woman’s attention I’d probably have been tossed in prison- Wait… This wasn’t some kind of karma or something was it? I certainly hoped not.

Still, how to seal the deal? I needed to respond to him! I needed to listen, and give him something he wanted. But what was that? Was he sad? Did he want comfort? “Its alright.” I offered, even though I had no idea why he might be sad in the first place.

He didn’t answer me, but he did stop.

“I can help.” I offered.

“You’re just a prisoner…” He offered weakly.

“I’m not just a prisoner.” I insisted, “But you’re not wrong, I happen to be one...” Still that answered that question more definitively, That man back in the woods had been coy. Who did he think he was kidding anyway?

That wasn’t important I needed to focus, I needed to seduce this man.

“What can you possibly do?” He asked glancing back at me.

“What do you want me to do? I can make you feel better. I can hug you. I can…” I drifted off when I realized was about to tell him he could plow me. Seriously Anna! If the future wasn’t hinging on this I’d have slapped both my cheeks.

“You really would let me take your flower?” He asked almost upset he was even asking.

Yikes! This one was way more naive then I’d expected. “I’m afraid that’s long gone…” I said scratching at my cheek. At least I hoped were communicating on the same page.

“Oh… I didn’t… I guess I just don’t know how to say it.” He said obviously nervous.

Well… that was my mistake? Might as well just go for it! “You can do anything you want to me as long as you don’t hurt me.” I said giving him a smile.

He set me down and gently spun me around. Before I knew it he had secured my hands behind my back quite tightly. I could barely move them at all.

That done he asked, “So… How do we do this?”

It started with that huh? Was I being punished? Probably… but whatever, “Take off your pants.” I instructed.

Strangely he seemed plenty eager to do as I said now, it only took a few moments before his pants hit the dirt. He wasn’t all that hard though. He must not have had much of an imagination.

I smiled up at him and waddled my way over to him, carefully dropping to my knees in front of him. I extended my tongue and started licking at him.

That changed things, it didn’t take long for him to go from soft to semi hard, and once his cock started standing up on its own I could try to go further.

I didn’t really have any leverage and my position was awkward, I tried to get my lips onto his shaft but it kept trying to escape. This was way more awkward then I’d expected. He wasn’t messing with me was he? Probably not.

“Can you hold it for me…” I asked sweetly.

He did so, holding at the mid point, almost like he was… Nope! I’m not going there, focus! I got one job! I’d made it this far, even if I had to do everything myself I’d make this work!

Shaking the nonsense from my head I smiled up at him. He was being helpful, what should I do? Oh right! “Thanks…” I said before kissing the tip. He couldn’t help but grin down at me, it wasn’t an eager grin, it wasn’t even an animistic grin, it was more the grin you might get when a kid is told he did a good job. Might as well lean into it… “Your sweet.” I told him.

He obviously blushed at my attention, and I leaned in starting at the base, and licking my tongue up the whole length of him, even getting his fingers where he was holding it. He didn’t seem to mind either. That just gave me more ideas. But for now I had to focus on what I was doing and not get distracted. There had been enough of that so far!

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“Move your hands down to the base.” I instructed him.

He did as requested, and after a few more kisses I wrapped my lips around the tip, and lifted myself to angle properly down the length. Then I practically inhaled it. It was long, but at the same time it had a flexibility to it, and with a bit of effort it the whole thing flexed and arced into my throat. I had definitely gotten a better handle on my gag reflex, though for the moment I decided it was best to not tempt fate and pulled back.

Back and forth I went. Each time I dove down I would take a breath. At its deepest his cock prevented me from doing so. So each time I’d lock my lips to his flesh, and suck, dragging my head up his length. I only needed to do this a handful of times before I felt his cock throb against my tongue. Hot thick ropes of cum shot from the tip and filled my mouth as I reached his tip. So fast!?

I just looked up at him with my lips on the end of his dick. He visibility sagged in the moment, “Wow… that was amazing…”

After his dick had ejected its contents over several bursts I repeated my ministrations twice over making sure I got everything I could. I just enjoyed the warmth of it for a moment before swallowing it all down in one big gulp. The warmth filtered out through me, as though it was skipping my stomach entirely and just flowing outwards. The whole thing just making me feel wonderful in a way I could barely describe. Why was I so turned on by blow jobs now? The rush I’d once felt from drinking Devin’s cum felt like a distant past now. This was so potent I honestly didn’t know if I would mind just drinking cum from now on… Well… Given the option him cumming inside me would be even better right? This combined with my own orgasm? That's what I really wanted there was no way I’d give up on that.

Pulling free with a messy sound I grinned up at him, “Do you think you can handle more?”

“We can do more?” He asked the eagerness in his voice.

“Of course.” I said, and gestured with my head, “Lay down.”

He didn’t even hesitate, he shifted himself down and did as I wanted.

I was enjoying myself, but I definitely wished he would take control. I clearly wasn’t a teacher, besides I liked it rough and hard, just not too rough. I had to keep reminding myself of what this was for. That this was important, and I wasn’t just doing this for my own enjoyment. I shimmied over to him, and up the length of his legs so that I straddled him, I could feel his cock bounce against me as it came back up past my loin cloth as I approached.

“I need your help, could you line yourself up with me?” I asked.

He looked down at himself.

“Just lift up my loin cloth and you can see my pussy? Put yourself in there.” I guided him.

He did as requested, lifting the cloth up, and then angling himself.

I had to lift myself up a bit higher and then I felt his tip peek inside of me. Resting just within my folds I smiled at him as he watched, Then I slowly lowered myself down on his length. Somehow he hadn’t lost any of his hardness from the first go.

Bit by bit my pussy swallowed his cock until I reached his base and I felt his tip just reach the tip of my womb. I took a few moments to just breath and focus on my pussy and enjoying the hardness inside of me.

“You’re so warm…” He said.

“Do you like it?” I asked.

“Yes…” He nodded, his face was quite red.

I gently slid myself forward. The motion caused his dick to rub against me as it slid just a bit out, then I pushed back, as it straightened out it pushed just a bit in deeper. I rocked back producing the same effect, and I picked up the pace slightly, “Hold my legs for me.” I said.

He put his hands on my upper thighs, his grip was gentle, barely even there.

“Harder. Really grip me, squeeze me like a fruit.” I said.

His grip grew more intense then he asked, “A fruit?”

I shrugged, “That's better.. just like that.” I said having no idea what I was talking about.

Enjoying his grip on my legs I was able to get some more leverage, and I began lifting more with each motion, really grinding my bottom against him as I moved forward and back. I started to really get into it as I began to use my upper body to give emphasis to the motion. Once I got going I started feeling where I wanted his cock inside me and I pushed just a further back but kept a similar motion. I adjusted a little bit each time really getting a feeling for where I wanted him, and picked up the speed even more. He grew harder, and I could feel him almost twitching inside of me as I moved.

I was so into my motions I nearly missed when he started cumming inside of me. I say nearly, but once the rush of warmth filtering though my body started I couldn’t get enough. I just kept going, wanting it to never end. I didn’t just want more, I needed more.

“Stay hard for me.” I whispered.

“I… I don’t It hurts…” The man under me said when I showed no restraint.

I just kept going, picking up my pace even more, his grip had lax-ed, but I squeezed my legs around his trying to use them for added leverage, and pushed myself. I needed more, had to have it. My entire body was practically singing. It was like I could hear music through my body, it was everywhere and it was special.

“Miss… It's…” He tried to say his hands rubbing on my legs.

“Give me everything you have!” I demanded and I switched my motions to be more up and down, it was easier that way and I didn’t need to worry about him slipping out since there was virtually no way I’d topple by accident.

Each motion was loud, and wet as his manhood pushed his cum around inside, his waist was wet with both of our fluids and each time I dropped down I could grind a little bit to try and get him just where I wanted him. I was relentless and soon enough I dropped my self down and he pressed deep just where I wanted him…

I let out a long moan all at once as my body vibrated around him. My giggles were more subdued, more tiny moans, but it was fantastic still.

As if his cock has been waiting for me to finish I felt him dump everything else he had into me in a few more pulses. My body hummed, I was unbearably hot, my skin prickled at it sweat breaking out over me, like suddenly stepping into a hot sauna, which sounded strangely good...

I just stat there straddling him and feeling like my entire body had suddenly lit on fire, but in a good way. If that could ever make sense?

“Wow…” The man under me wheezed out.

I finally opened my eyes and glanced down at him, “You like that?” I asked.

“So much… its shame I can’t keep you for myself.” He said with a big stupid grin. “Still thanks for that.” he said.

It was only then that I realized that this should be it, this should have been the moment… Why didn’t anything happen? Was I a succubus now? Was I a monster? Wasn’t my corruption complete? I was so perplexed by the lack of happening that I barely acknowledged him slackening inside of me. Wasn’t something supposed to happen? Had I done the math wrong? Did I need one more time? I was pretty sure this should have been enough. He came three times, and that first elf man had cum the same. That should be thirteen percent right? Had I made a mistake some how? Was it not his orgasms that matters but mine? What had I gotten wrong?! Was I not interested enough? Shit!? Did he need to do the work? I had no idea, my tiny hope was collapsing inside of me.

While I was debating my failings the man snatched me up, and before I knew it was over his shoulder again. I’d been so long in my own world I’d missed him pulling his pants up and everything!

“Too bad I live in the barracks… if I had a house of my own I’d tie you up in my basement.” The man chuckled to himself.

What!? Wasn’t he an innocent young man!? Tie me up in his basement!? He was secretly some kind of sociopath?

“Uhh…” I offered weakly.

“You’d probably prefer that in the long run I think.” He offered.

“I… what?” I asked my thoughts flipping over on themselves.

“It's not really an option… But thanks, I really enjoyed that, you were right, I do feel better now.” The man said, likely grinning to himself.

I sagged and reached out hoping maybe somehow the dungeon had caught up, “Dungeon are you there? Can you hear me? I’m still headed south...”


“I did what you wanted… I should be corrupt… but… nothing changed.” I said.

“Hmm? What did you say?” The elf man asked.

“Nothing… Just… Thinking how useless I am.” I complained.

“Don’t be silly! That was great!” He announced.

“Thanks…” I said, half hating that I was happy that I had gotten the compliment.

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