Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 28: Ch 28 – Dungeon

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I only grew more restless with the knowledge I may soon be reunited with the dungeon. Though at the same time I had to admit that I’d never seen the dungeons physical body before. I knew it was some kind of gemstone. But what kind? Was it blue, or red? Maybe it was yellow? Knowing it was out there able to speak to me helped ease my worry, but each second I couldn’t help but focus on that tiny anxiousness that was slowly building in my mind. I was glad I could pace to at least help keep my self occupied.

The morning arrived, and today it seemed like we weren't going to get fed. I wasn’t sure what gave me my sense of time but I somehow felt it more then not. Maybe there was some magic to it? If a dungeon could sense me a days jog away was it so strange that I might be able to know where the sun was without actually seeing it? Not like I had the answer, maybe I was just delirious!

Kay woke up at some point glancing around a bit confused.

“Something wrong?” I asked her.

She considered for a moment then shook her head, “I… didn’t dream.”

I didn’t see the problem.

“I’ve been having bad dreams…” she explained after a moment.

“Oh, that's good then right?” I asked trying to be excited for even the smallest of good fortunes, if only for Kay’s sake.

She nodded, “I guess so…” Then tucked herself into her arms against the wall, she was wearing my poncho to help to stay warm. I’d given it to her as a blanket, even if it left me half naked, what did that matter anymore?

The day continued, so did my usual routine. Which was to say I was busy power walking my stress away. It helped, but not as much as I’d have liked.

I finally heard something, and… the door opened. Was it that time already?

In walked two familiar faces. But then a third one I didn’t recall appeared giving me pause. It was a woman this time, she wore a two piece outfit. A medium length skirt and a cloth bikini? The outfit showed off her outrageous body. I was a touch impressed. She had shining earrings and a necklace as well. Her long silver hair was braided behind her back. Her longer angled ears on full display. She really was stunning in the looks department, far more then myself for sure. I was jealous alright!?

I’d already moved to put myself between the men and Kay as I usually did, not that they had shown any interest in her past the first time they came in.

The woman glanced at me, then past me at Kay. Like she was inspecting produce.

“You’re both slipping…” The woman said.

What did she mean? Was she here to chastise the men for their actions? Would they be punished for abusing prisoners?

“She was worse the first day…” One of the men stated.

“I think its cause we put her sister in here.” The other noted.

“Sister…” The woman mused looking at me, “Why does she look so chipper?”

I wouldn’t have described myself as that… Still, what in the world was this woman here for?

“She used to be worse too… Our usual approach doesn't work with her, shes actually begging for it now.” One of the men replied.

“I am not…” I retorted a bit to fast.

“Right now… but as soon as you get a taste…” The elf man in question snorted while grabbing his loins with a hand.

I grimaced, I couldn’t really argue with that now could I.

The woman laughed, “My silly boys. Always thinking with your dicks, and not with your heads.” She placed a hand on one’s cheek briefly, then repeated the action on her other side with the other man. “I’m still fond of you both… but its obvious she needs a different approach. Have you tried pain? What about torture?” She said in a tone that was practically singsong.

Oh… Oh no. I could feel dread slither up my spine at her words. This wasn’t two men abusing women in a prison cell… This was… endorsed? Worse… “Who are you?” I decided was the most straightforward way to find out what I wanted.

She sniffed as if annoyed but then answered with joy in a tone practically dripping in pride, “I am Aquina, Priestess of Lulinla Goddess of Dispair.” No sooner then she had answered, she reached to her waist and pulled out a long curved blade that had somehow been made with jagged teeth on the cutting edge.

“Oh…” I uttered, my eyes widened like saucers.

“Hold them both down.” Aquina stated to her lackeys. Her green eyes looked excited, lips curving up into a smile.

I took a step back my eyes still glued to the blade. What the hell was this!? I know I had expected them to be sacrificing people… but I guess somewhere in the back of my mind I was expecting a big alter and a pit or something… Some giant maw that swallowed people up whole. This? What the hell was this!? She sent her people to… Kay… the rest? She was abusing people until they broke? Then killing them in the name of her goddess?

The two men took a step towards me they didn’t look the least bit worried, this was just another day for them.

Click… Tick… Crack...

Everyone slowly slowed to a stop at the sound.

Crick… Tick…. Rustle…

“What is that?” Aquina asked

I then saw it, out of the corner of my eye, a tiny hole had pushed though the wall. A tiny shining yellow gemstone protruded.

There was a click… then it fell, bouncing twice on the stone floor. Then it rolled to a stop.

Never one to freeze up in the moment, I broke into a run rushing towards the wall, I didn’t know what my goal was, I didn’t know what the hell I was going to do! But I ran to grab the gem! Dungeon I’ll protect you! Maybe!

The two men bolted after me.

I dove to the floor cupping the gemstone into my hands and felt a strange tingle as I did so.

The men grabbed, one from behind pulling me against the too smooth cave floor.

The other rolled me over from the side.

I twisted as one grabbed at my hands.

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“What is it!” He demanded.

I tried to roll away, tried to crawl, with each motion I made, I could feel them clamming down on me, twisting this way and that way. As they grabbed for the gem in my hands I moved it, tried to put it under me, then when they twisted me around, I held it out. A hand dove for the grip. No where left… I shoved it in my mouth.

A hand dove for my lips. I swallowed!

“What…” A voice in my head said.

I felt incredibly sick all of a sudden.

“What the hell! She ate it!?” One of the men stated.

“What was it?” The Aquina asked almost bored.

“I think it was a gemstone…” The other man replied.

“A gem? In the prison?” The woman asked obviously in disbelief, almost snarky.

My whole body tensed up. Then pain seared though me, words, images… All a thousand books were being crammed into my head, years, centuries of knowledge… then it was gone, and I was screaming in agony as I writhed two men trying to hold me place.

“What the hell is wrong with her now?!” A man holding me asked as my screaming trailed off.

I lay there panting intently. My brain felt the same as it had moments before. I didn’t know anything more, or anything less… What was that? What the hell just happened!?

“Anna.” A voice in my head spoke.

I twisted around slightly looking around feeling the visceral panic that had overwhelmed me moments before.

“Anna…” The voice in my head spoke again.

I calmed slightly, “Dungeon?” I asked.


“You’ve never used my name before.” I replied as I continued to calm down.

“It never occurred to me to use it before.”

“But now?” I asked.

“I’ll explain later.” The dungeon stated into my mind,

“Helpful...” I replied sarcastically.

“Are you ready?” The dungeon asked.

“For what?” I asked back.

“To become a monster.”

I glanced at the two men holding me in place. I glanced over to Kay holding herself watching me in horror. I glanced towards the woman, Aquina with a sneer on her face. She was using the edge of the blade in her hand to gently cut her own flesh with a knife as though it was perfectly rational. Blood dripping from her finger tips as she did.

There was no way out of this… This was utter insanity… It had asked, if I was ready? I had to be… “Yes.” I replied.

“I forge our contact, me for you, and you for me. We are partners. What’s mine is yours, what’s yours is mine. Do you accept this contact?” The voice said inside my head.

I didn’t have time to think, “Yes.”

“From this moment forward, you and I are bound in contract. We are dungeon!” The voice said its voice filling my mind in a way I’d never experienced before.

Something changed. It was an awareness, something above me, behind… I glanced up and I could see a pathway carved though the stone. The dungeon? Was I seeing the dungeon? This was the path the dungeon gem had bored though to reach me in this prison? In the next moment my body cooled considerably and steam rose off of me as though all the sweat I’d collected over my pacing instantly boiled off into the air around me. My skin for the barest of moment seemed to pulse in a singular wave out from my center and in that tiny faction of a moment I swear I could see magic circles, triangles, runes and more. Like my entire body was a giant work of magical intricacy tattooed under my skin. It wasn’t actually there though...

The two men must have noticed something because they suddenly leapt away from me. Maybe it was the steam? Maybe it was something else?

“What are you two doing?” Aquina demanded.

Both men glanced at each other confused, maybe startled?

I felt… different. Then something unfurled inside of my mind, something that had been put there that just… opened up. Like suddenly realizing you had a third arm…

We really didn’t have time to just be standing around staring at one another now did we? I’d always been a creature of instinct, and I could feel my instincts singing in me now. I dove between, and past the two men who reacted just a touch too sluggishly for my sudden motion. I crashed into Aquina who had been too busy playing with her knife to be worried about using it.

The knife fell to the side as we collapsed together.

She shouted back at me, “You-” her eyes went wide as she looked me in the eyes as I pinned her down.

I couldn’t wait to check if what I’d done had worked, I had to trust that my body could do what I wanted. I yelled out, “What are you two dullards doing? Get her!” Both of us glanced back towards the men.

The two men stared at me, and the woman under me. Yet no one moved they seemed stunned and bamboozled.

Me and Aquina glared at one another and I knew as she stared back at me, that everyone else was staring at two Aquina’s one straddling the other.

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