Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 29: Ch 29 – Moments

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Ch 29.a – Moments

Two Aquina’s regarded each other for a moment before the eyes of both glanced to the side landing on the vicious looking blade that slid some distance towards Kay. I tried to dive for it, but Aquina grabbed at me by long braids of silver hair I hadn’t had moments prior.

“How dare you!” She demanded of me as she pulled back on my hair painfully.

I gave up on the knife for the moment, and twisted back, grabbing her hands and trying to wrestled her from pulling my hair.

“How dare I? How dare you! Let go of my beautiful hair!” I demanded in my best imitation of a haughty self righteous attitude that I figured made sense considering what I’d seen so far.

She growled, and I growled back as we rolled this way and that way.

Both of her men stared in obliviousness at the two Aquina’s going back and forth on the ground. I really hoped they stayed that way.

I put far more effort into keeping us moving even as she released my hair and we started half slapping, half scraping at one another. My face burned, my arms screamed as we both pulled back from each other. Neither of us were fighters, yet Aquina’s nails were filed to points, and neither one of was had gone easy on the other, blood was running from cuts on both our faces, our arms and our chests.

Aquina, the real one had even lost her top at one point, the tied cloth had simply come loose and exposed her ample bosom for everyone to observe. She hadn’t noticed, or didn’t care, and I didn’t blame her. For all I knew I was naked, the last thing either of us were worried about was a wardrobe malfunction.

As we both stood glaring at one another I couldn’t help but feel like I’d done worse. In fact I could feel pain in my fingers… I glanced just briefly at them to find the pointed tips on my nails growing… or regrowing? That was strange… But I couldn’t waste time on it, I snapped my eyes back up to Aquina and she took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Her lips turned up and she glanced towards the men, “Both of you, make your selves useful and at least get that one.” She gestured with her head towards Kay.

“You, idiots I need your help here!” I said gesturing towards the real Aquina I said just hoping to confuse the situation.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I ignored the pain, and I leapt back at Aquina and she dodged to the side, I came up short and she grabbed me from behind. I hadn’t expected it, I’d expected what chaos my ability could sow to have more impact then this.

As I was recaptured I noticed the two men walking towards Kay who had moved further into the corner, she wasn’t holding herself anymore, she was instead just huddling down under my poncho. No! I needed to do something! I couldn’t let them get her!

I could feel Aquina’s finger nails dig into my breast… or hers I suppose. She plied her grip into it, really squeezing like she had wanted to molest her body for ages. She dug her fingers into me and I couldn’t help but want to scream out. It hurt like hell as she attempted to pop my now over sized melon like a balloon, her nails didn’t help either! I couldn’t couldn’t stay here… I couldn’t! Wait! I didn't have too… With little more then a thought I was Meryl again, I was shorter, and practically flat chested by comparison, my body was just smaller in every way. Now loosened, I slipped down and in the same motion and Aquina lost her grip. Before she could regain it I twisted around just as her arms locked down on me again. It wasn’t prefect, but it was better!

I rammed my head into Aquina’s jaw, not a tremendous blow as far as things went but both of us fell backwards to the ground again.

We landed and I managed to wrap my hands around Aquina’s neck. Her hands however dove for my face, I didn’t risk it and I practically threw myself back off of her. I didn't want those pointy things anywhere near my eyes.

I was starting to think I’d underestimated her. When we had started I’d felt like we’d been an even match. But seeing her there with blood dripping from her filed fingernails and her fierce green eyes locked on me, I started to think that I wasn’t her equal in combat. It had just taken her a moment to collect herself.

Then before anything else could happen, a huge crash filled the room. Everyone glanced to the side to see the stone wall break open and a rush of dust billowed inwards. As if stumbling from the cloud Devin, half fell into the room, just barely staying standing. He coughed lightly as he scanned the room.

“Devin!?” I gaped. Behind him I could see the outline of the dungeon, what had once been a tiny line that lead off into the distance was now a path tall enough for a man?! Well… he had been crouched over.

Without saying a word his hand moved forward, and a single item fell to the floor, skidding across the smooth stone. I reached out and grabbed the simple knife that he’d sent my way. I turned to face Aquina. To my shock her face was healed, her body was unblemished. When had that happened!? I had expected to find her grasping for the knife as well, instead I saw her consider her options. She turned towards me, then the two men. It was then I saw as a cog in her head fell into place, she turned and rushed towards the door. “Shit!” I muttered and I pushed myself to my feet and rushed after her. I crashed into the door just as I heard the metal bar click into place on the outside.

Why had I waited!? I’d more then hesitated…

I turned around to see one man standing over Kay, and I saw the other squaring off from Devin, Scout was at his side and another goblin opposite him, the rest of the goblins were filing into the room! We were clearly going to win!

I just needed to help Kay before something happened! Insistent not making the same mistake again I rushed towards Kay ready to attack, but before I even reached her the man dropped to the side, the long curved and jagged monstrosity was in Kay’s hands and coated in blood.

I came up short upon seeing it. I turned to see the last man standing panicking, he turned to run, clearly oblivious to his own imprisonment. It didn’t matter. Devin stepped in and a long blade lanced though the mans chest as he moved. Blood stained his chest red as he took one step, then tumbled forward to the ground with a heavy thud.

For a moment everyone just stood there taking it all in. Then I couldn’t help it and I rushed over to Devin and wrapped my arms around him, “You’re here!”

Devin grinned down at me, “I can’t believe it honestly… One moment we were just sitting there waiting for word, then the whole cave wall started melting away… Just had to charge the last bit when the dungeon said it was ready.”

I couldn’t help but grin, I couldn’t believe it! I thought I’d never see them again, and now we were both saved! I glanced over to Kay, “Kay! You’re…” I slowed my excitement when I noticed she was eyeing me. The weapon was in her hand, still dripping blood, still pointed… at me.

I suddenly realized that this might not be over. “Kay… What is it?” I asked hesitantly.

“You... You’re not my sister.” She said slowly her eyes fixed on me and her voice accusatory.

I realized with shock that Kay had just lost the tiny thread that was holding her together, her sister. She was visibly unraveling before us.

“You’ve been lying to me this whole time haven't you!” She said brandishing the bloody knife at me sending a few droplets spraying into the wall and across the floor.

“No!” I replied, even as Devin pulled me backwards against him and raised his sword up in my defense.

“You’re a liar!” She insisted.

“I have lied… but I am whats left of your sister!” I said trying to be honest even if it didn’t matter.

That was probobly the wrong approach,“You took her body! You! You killed my sister!” She said coldly. “You’re a monster!” She yelled over the rest of us.

What could I say? She wasn’t wrong, even if it wasn’t by my hands, it was the dungeon. There wasn’t really a difference, especially now. What could anyone say?

“Don’t do it lass.” Devin warned her. He held me tightly to his side.

“You’re protecting her!?” She glared at Devin, though she had no idea who he was, or why he was here. "You realize she’s lying to you! She’s lying to everyone!" She continued before her eyes fell back on me. Her golden eyes turned back to me her eyes narrowed, and she charged.

“No! Stop! Stop it!” I shouted back even as they were already in motion, but I really had no control in that moment. A red bloody dagger was driving straight towards me, but just like I had no idea how to fight with a knife, Kay didn’t know either. Luck and surprise was one thing… But Devin had his own priorities. His blade was up, we moved to the side even as I tried to shove Devin from the side in hope he wouldn’t do what he was about to do.

Two heartbeats and I saw her bloody chest skewer itself along his blade. The world seemed to freeze around us in that terrible moment. Then the knife dropped from her fingers and the world lurched back into movement.

“Nooo!!!!” I screamed even as Devin pulled us both to the side to avoid the lunge that had stalled.

I couldn’t hold back, “No!!!!!!!!! Not again! Not another one!” I didn’t even know what I was talking about, but the words came anyway. Tears blurred everything and all I could feel was Devin using his one arm to hug me tightly, so tightly I couldn’t really even move, my arms were pinned, if I could move…. Then what? What would I be doing!? What was I doing!?

I broke free and rushed over to Kay’s side even as Devin tried to hold me back. “Kay! No! You didn’t deserve this! This is all wrong!” I screamed.

Kay’s eyes focused on me, and her lips parted but only blood leaked out of her lips. Her chest was red... So much red....

Blood…. Blood everywhere! My world lurched around me and for an instant I was somewhere else.

I didn’t know where this was. The room was a mess. Thick blankets and pillows scattered over a bed that hadn’t been made in days. The glass on the far side of the room showing the city beyond, sparkling and glittering lights of all the various colors I’d never even seen.

I flicked the switch on the wall and the room brightened like magic. Still there wasn’t much more then I’d already seen by the light of the flickering image on the wall.

I called out, “Belle? Are you here? They told me you didn’t come down to work.”

I glanced around the room, and walked to the far side, I briefly noticed my reflection in the mirror. What I saw staring back at me wasn’t any form I’d seen before. But all the same it was so familiar. I leaned towards the mirror noticing something in my hair.

“Geez… They could have at least mentioned that I missed some in my hair.” I said reaching up and picking the sticky bit from my otherwise brownish blond hair. I glanced down at the my fingers and sighed sticking them in my mouth and swallowing it, not like it mattered, it would just join the rest that was down there anyway. I wasted a brief moment turning my head this way and that way making sure that there wasn’t any more. I couldn’t help but give myself a smirk in the mirror. I wasted a minute pulling my top so it hung better on my breasts, the new position accentuated my cleavage as it was supposed to. Still I had to be careful with the strapless top. I leaned back checking over the whole look over with my green eyes.

“Better.” I agreed with myself.

I turned back to the door and saw the light under the door to the bathroom.

“Belle? Are you taking a bath?” I asked as I walked over to the door in question. I grabbed the handle and turned it expecting it to stop me. Instead the door pushed open easily.

I stumbled but caught myself as glanced up…

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Red… Everywhere…

I was in two places at once. I screamed, and I couldn’t stop, I wailed as something inside of me that had long scabbed over gushed forth something that had long before broken had just been smashed once more, and I couldn’t explain any of it, I could only cry and wail.


Ch 29.b – Moments, B Side

Kay stood there shocked to her very core. The world was tumbling around her, so much she swayed from side to side. But she gripped the weapon in her hand so firmly that she'd sooner die then release it. Drip, Drip blood beaded at its tip and fell to the ground. Kay's gaze however was fixed on the creature that had taken her sisters likeness.

She'd seen her change shapes. That explained why she was so different. Why no matter how much she tried to reach out and talk to her sister she seemed beyond her reach. It wasn't that she couldn't remember. it was that she wasn't even the same person! Once she realized that, the truth became painfully, horrifyingly clear.

"Kay... What is it?" the monster wearing her sister’s skin asked.

"You... You're not my sister." Kay replied her voice hollow, and cold.

Kay could barely believe it. All this time she'd tried to be kind and helpful. She just wanted to help her sister... Then.. Then everything went wrong. But it wasn't even her sister be begin with.

"You’ve been lying to me this whole time haven't you!" Kay demanded raising the knife up and holding it out uncaring for the mess, or the danger it posed.

"No!" The creature replied, even as the man she'd convinced to help her gently pushed to the side.

"You’re a liar!" Kay pressed taking a half step forward.

"I have lied… but I am whats left of your sister!" She said her expression making it clear she was hopeful that she could calm Kay down.

Kay's eyes however widened at that realization. What was left? Then... not only did she look like her... but... What tiny fraction of emotion Kay had left in her puffed out of her as she spoke with nothing but malice left, "You took her body! You! You killed my sister!” Kay shook pointing the knife towards the object of her pain, "You’re a monster!" She said firming her conviction.

Kay's legs firmed under her the swaying stopping as her mind finalized its choice.

"Don’t do it lass." The man insisted using a hand to hold the impostor to his side.

"You’re protecting her!?" Kay barely able to believe what she was seeing, "You realize she’s lying to you! She’s lying to everyone!"

He didn't even have the dignity to respond. Did he know? Kay narrowed her eyes even as tears gathered in their corners. It had to end didn't it? She'd already stabbed that man who had had tainted her body. He was dead on the floor, still she was cold. Nothing would ever bring warmth back... but it still had to happen.

Kay leaped forward knife aiming towards the creature wearing her sister.

"No! Stop! Stop it!" the creature begged for its life as Kay pressed in with two quick steps.

What was that? Kay noticed the glint of metal out of the corner of her eye.

Kay noticed the blade just as it was coming around, She tried to pull back even as she could see the creature being held to the man's side practically yanking on him as if trying to change his direction.

Wait... Had that not been begging? Was she trying to save Kay?

Kay pulled up less out of hesitation but more about of realizing that there was a sword headed her way. It didn't matter either way, It plunged into her chest.

Kay coughed, her eyes glancing down at the dagger and towards the creature staring at her with tears running down her cheeks. What was it crying for?

Kay didn't have the strength for this, it was cold inside. Her fingers twitched gently and the knife dropped away.

The world lurched and a moment later the creature was over her screaming, "No!" over and over again, "Not again! Not another one!" Kay had no idea what she was talking about. In truth she found she rarely did. Memories flickered though her mind of when she'd tried to argue with her about their situation. It was like she was talking to someone else... But she had tried to help her hadn't she? Why would she do that? Kay didn't know, she had not really thought about it. She had discovered the truth, that she was an impostor... Yet her words echoed in her mind.

"Maybe the sister you knew is gone."

"Maybe she died in the fall."

“Maybe the sister you knew is gone…”

“I know I’m not the person you want me to be.”

So many ways to say the same thing…

Joan's words flickered back to her, "She doesn't know us Kay! She told me that Meryl was gone! Stop..." She couldn't help but remember his warmth as he wrapped his arms around her clinging her to his chest, and whispered into her ear, "Let her go…"

Kay's eyes focused again as she saw this strange woman hovering over her. Tears dripping onto Kay's chest.

“I just want you to not blame me for this Kay.” she had said, “Because before its over I doubt I’ll get any other chances.”

Kay tried to ask why, but when her lips parted liquid bubbled free, she had no breath with which to speak. She couldn't say anything.
Moment by moment a cold darkness seeped in, and she could do nothing but watch as the last person in this world that knew her shed tears that she shouldn't feel.

Then it was gone. The sound, the sights, even the cold that had become so complete towards the end.

It was over.

Rather then cold she began to feel warm. Was that a heart beat? Her heart beat? Was she alive? How? Why? Wasn't it over?

The moments drew onward and the prospect that she was alive faded from her, the pain and the cold were gone entirely. But the darkness persisted... Kay tried to turn, to look around. She most certainly could think? Yet, what was this? Moment by moment nothing happened. Was this it? Was this all the gods and goddesses offered them? An eternity of dark solitude? Or was this some punishment for what she'd done?

Was she wrong? Was she having second thoughts about it?

Moment by moment Kay couldn’t help but spend her time thinking back over it. It was so easy to blame that woman for what happened. But how much of this was really her fault?

Kay couldn’t blame her for how the elvish men had treated her. Nor could she pin Joan’s fate on her. Or the fact that her and Joan had been captured by the human camp.

As much as it hurt to accept she couldn’t blame the fate of her friends and family, the tribe on her either.

There was so much pain… it seemed practically endless. It had all been eating away at her, then strangely that… person showed back up. She tried to comfort her, she’d kept her warm. Even given her a blanket. She let her eat half her food most of the time, she was obviously lying that she wasn’t hungry.

This was regret… She’d been furious, and been convinced that she’d been manipulating her from the beginning. But was that really true? Or had she been trying so hard to explain that she wasn't Meryl at all.

Seeing her cry and bawl for Kay had reminded her that she had cared. Not that Kay had any idea why.

It made her really consider who had wronged her. Practically all of it would be pinned on someone… or at least a group of people. Those elves… They did this.. They did all of this. Maybe even that… person had been pushed into this because them?

Kay didn’t know. She still felt empty inside, hollowed out by everything so that she had nothing left. But the more she considered it, the more she couldn’t bring herself to actually hate the strange woman that had taken her sisters place. Her hate for the elves however? That was something else, the more she considered it the more she realized she’d made a stupid mistake in the moment.

But in the end what did it matter? Hate for a strange woman? For elves? Joan had left her, and now she was gone too. Nothing really mattered anymore, just this vast warm darkness that would last forever.

Still just how long was she going to be this way? How long had it been? It felt like hours, if not days.

Then suddenly that infinite silence was broken, a voice spoke though the darkness, “Do you want a second chance?”

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