Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 3: Ch 3 – Trap

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Finally the response came, “Its ready. Look around, you should be able to see my scout.”

I glanced around, careful not to move too much. It was hard to see with the fire light so close, but in the distance I could see the distinct motion of some shadowy silhouette waving about among the trees.

“I think I see him.” I replied.

“Good, go to him, get your weapon and preform your task. Inform me if you need me to attack, the others are close by.”

I took a breath, “Alright.” I replied.

Then after a few moments I slowly stood up, the man’s hand had at some point ended up on my leg without me really noticing, and it slipped off.

“Where are you going?” The elf man suddenly spoke.

I had luckily already prepared a response for this, “I need… to pee.”

“Ah…” He grunted. “Fine.”

I walked in the direction I’d seen the motion in and stepped past the faintly glowing line. Nothing obvious happened, perhaps it was some form of alarm like the dungeon had thought? I couldn’t say for certain, maybe he would control it?

I didn’t waste much time considering it as I wandered in the darkness of the trees.

“Don’t stray!” The elf man called out.

“Right!” I called back in my best mimic of his volume.

I rounded the final tree to find a creature half my height standing there glaring at me.

“You…” I glanced down at him. The creature grabbed my wrist, then firmly placed a singular handle in it. With a nod he left me there.

I wasted a few moments finding a way to hold the knife in the blanket I covered myself with. Then thinking it had been long enough I walked back towards the fire.

I crossed over the line just as easily coming back. So I slowly slipped back towards the elf man who had both eyes open, sharp blue eyes fixed upon me.

I sat down once more, and he seemed to be ready to relax once more.

Some part of me told me I should wait, I should have let him go back to sleep, then use the knife. The same part of me agreed that this was a sound plan that properly worked with the directions I’d been given. But I had other instincts, or maybe inclinations? I doubted I could tell the difference if someone beat me over the head with either one.

The truth was, I wanted more then that. I didn’t want to kill this man before I got what I wanted from him. I’d wasted enough time avoiding what I wanted.

I slowly removed the blanket from me, reveling the two flaps I was wearing below. I carefully set the blanket down, in such a way that I hoped it would be easy to grab the knife when needed. Truth was I wasn’t sure it would work, maybe the dungeon’s troops would be the better way? I’d decide later in any case...

“What are you doing?” The man asked after a moment.

I slowly twisted to the side so I could look up just a bit into his face, “What I want.” I admitted. Then I leaned up to him, kissing him. It was a simple thing, but his hands reached up to my arms to resist me, instead he gripped them. Moments past, but he didn’t push me away. Instead he seemed to pull me towards him.

The kiss started simple, but as he became more invested, I reached up my hands to his chest, and our lips parted and our tongues began to dance.

Finally I had to pull back to breath, my breath quickening in the cool night air. I released small puffs in the gap between our faces.

He seemed to study me, “This is… wrong.” He insisted.

“But it feels… so right.” I replied.

Like I’d brushed his thoughts aside, he dove back in, kissing more even more roughly. The rougher he was, the more firm his grip was on me, the more excited I got. Then after a few more moments of that he laid me down, gently against the ground, looming over me. Our faces parted once more, “You’re certain?” he asked me again.

“Yes…” I breathed out. I’d been dripping wet for far too long already, aching for him to play with me. I wanted, no, I needed him to continue. Nothing else could satisfy me, certainly not just going back to sitting in his lap while I painfully fantasized about this!

He looked down at me, his own breath deep, if not fast. Then he nodded, half standing and unbuckling his pants. I could already see the obvious pretense of his cock though his pants. It was no doubt begging him to plow me. Finally his pants relaxed, and they dropped allowing this rod freedom. Only a few moments free and his length was pulsing and flexing as it went from firm, but droopy to fully erect.

My eyes were transfixed upon it, but my hands were already moving, a few moments and I’d lifted what amounted to my loincloth, revealing myself to the elf man. I was a touch surprised to find I had black hair down there, but he didn’t much seem to mind as he lined himself up.

Slowly I felt him dip gently into me, in and out, just the tip of him. It was wonderful torture that sent shivers though me. I left one my hands down below, gently massaging my nub as his tip separated my folds gently up and down my entrance. I couldn’t tell if he was uncertain about moving forwards, if he was just enjoying himself, or if he was allowing me time to get ready.

It didn’t much matter of course I was fully ready for him before I’d kissed him. Though I supposed he knew nothing of that.

“I’d already heard stories of beast kin…” The elf said to himself.

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“Yeah?” I asked, having no idea what he meant.

“I’d heard your kind are unusually horny around non beast kin.” He said with a smirk.

I wondered if that was why he had been interested earlier when he found me? Did it matter? I didn’t think so. Then again I doubted that was what I was feeling now either. I didn’t feel like my interest in him, or my actions were related to this body, they felt natural to me. Rather then some of the other oddities that seemed, at odds with me. Not that those feelings lasted long, it didn’t really matter. Only one thing mattered, “Are you going to do that all night?” I demanded.

“Would you prefer that?” He asked with an arrogant smirk.

“Put it in…” I begged instead.

“Say please.” he replied.

“Please…” I offered with little resistance, I needed this so bad, every instinct in me was demanding he proceed. I couldn’t take much more of this game he insisted on playing.

He dipped a bit deeper, pulling back just when it was getting good, “Please what?”

It was enough to start to make me angry, “Please fill me up!” I demanded a touch of anger in my voice.

He didn’t hold back this time, pushing in as hard as he could, he drove his hard waist against me until his cock reached all the way up and into me. It wasn’t quite thick, but it was incredibly deep. I couldn’t help but let out a long breath that came out as a half giggle. I wasn’t sure what that sound was, but he only grinned at my response the excitement clear in his eyes.

He pulled back, pressed forward, again, and again. He shifted from harsh movements into a steady rhythm. I could feel his strength, his toned and trained body. As if hundreds of hours practicing footwork and sword swings had prepared him to fuck me. I loved it, his eyes fixed upon me, his body looming above me. I reached out with my free hand, and found his hand to my side. I wanted more of his attention, I knew he had the strength to spare, so I pulled his hand, and pressed it to my not so impressive breast. He squeezed the soft mound until it hurt a bit which only caused me to moan slightly louder.

“More… More…” I whispered up at him.

He provided, his strokes becoming firmer, more deliberate. Sharper, he drove me against the ground, and I loved each moment of it.

“What do you want?” He asked me.

“I want you to fuck me…” I insisted.

“When that's done?” He asked.

“I want you to fill me up!” I begged again.

“Then I’ll do as you ask!” He insisted, picking up the speed even more. He shifted himself back, forgot about my breast and grabbed my ass cheeks, pulling me against him higher, so my legs spread wide with each stroke.

“So… Soo… Deep!” I let out in a giggling madness. Did I climax? Wait? Was that what that sensation was? It was so wonderful, he just kept going too. Deeper, and hard his cock seemed to get even longer as he pressed himself into me. I could feel his warmth from it, I could almost tell it was pulsing against my insides, his heart beat as he explored me as my request.

“You’re… so tight!” He cried out as he worked himself even harder, his breath picking up with his pace.

“Are you close?” I asked.

“Nearly!” He pressed harder, faster, again and again. He was pressing himself so hard it stung my flesh with his time he clapped against me but the pain was nothing compared to the way my body sang in delight.

Maybe just one more minute, and then warmth exploded inside of me, he pressed down into me, no more thrusts and as he reached the deepest he could go, I shuddered, the waves of pleasure in my body causing my body to shiver as I giggled my moans back out at him.

We stay like that for a moment, him just above me, barely holding himself up, me barely able to focus on anything but my rushed breathing, the cold night air all but forgotten as sweat glistened on our pale skin by the firelight.

After a moment he slowly retracted himself, as though he had just realized what he had done. “I…” he said looking regretful.

“Thank you…” I said instead to deny him his regret.

He leaned back against the tree. Licking his lips he looked at me, “I shouldn’t have done that…”

I could barely muster any strength as I lay there on the ground, “Why? It was fantastic.” I insisted.

He chuckled for a moment but then his lips turned down and more serious, “Its… I guess It doesn't matter…”

“Good… if it doesn't matter then we can continue.” I said smiling up at him.

“Continue?” He seemed perplexed by that, but I could tell his concern had nearly evaporated at my attitude.

With a touch of strength returning to me, I rolled to the side, and crawled over to him.

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