Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 4: Ch 4 – Sprung

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He didn’t move as I approached, rather simply watched me.

My eyes glanced down at him however, his relaxed cock wet with my fluids beckoned me. I reached down, gripping the balls with one hand, and the relaxed length with my other.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

Rather then reply, I showed him. Gently I stroked at his length, and gently rolled his balls in my hand. I leaned in closer, kissing the trip. Gently I wrapped my lips around his still mostly soft length. I sucked just a touch, tasting our combined flavor, bitter and salty as it was, I loved it. Something about it made me shiver with anticipation renewed.

It was easy to get all of him into my mouth since he was soft, I worked my tongue around him, and sucked at him. After a short time he began to harden, and I had to pull back allowing his throbbing length to assert itself once more.

Since I pulled back I ended up looking up at him past its cock, the length of it extending from just below my lips now, to past my forehead. So close to it, it felt monstrous and I gently pressed my face to it, breathing in deeply at the slightly pungent smell of sex. As though he knew I was aroused by it I felt his length stiffen just a touch as it throbbed gently against my face tiny strands of fluid from it sticking to my cheek as I practically nuzzled it.

I looked up at his face, even as I continued to gently roll his balls around in one of my hands.

“Where… where did you learn this?” asked me.

“Secret family technique…” I offered, knowing full well that was completely ridiculous. I had no idea how to respond to that question, since I had no idea where I’d gotten it from in the first place. That didn’t stop me from doing what I wanted however. Even if I didn’t know how I knew something, it didn’t change that I knew it. I moved and operated by that “instinct” and acted it out as though it was how I’d always done it.

I pulled back slightly angling his mast towards me as he was now fully hard. I paused for only a moment to instinctively trying to brush my hair out of the way. Hair which, I found wasn’t present since my hair was considerably shorter only a few inches long. I decided to not worry about that, and I slurped him down.

“By the goddess!” He groaned out.

I sniffed at that, and gliding his length down my tongue. I wasn’t a goddess, though if that's what he wanted to believe I wasn’t against filling that role. I doubt that's what he had in mind when he said “the goddess” I wanted him focused on me, not some disembodied ghost lady… I released him just long enough to insist, “Say my name.”

“I… I… I don’t know it.” He offered back.

Only then did I realize that it was true, we’d never actually introduced ourselves. After a few more bobs of my head, pressing his length into my throat I pulled back to respond, “Anna.” Was that my name? I had needed one, and it just popped out without me really thinking about it. It must be mine, otherwise why would I have said it so easily?

“Anna?” He asked.

I nodded gently as I wrapping my lips back around him, this time rolling my tongue round his tip. He was already accumulating pre-cum there, and its slimy texture was coating my tongue. I separated from him making a show of it, drawing back just a touch so he could see his fluids sticking to us both. I wished I could see, but I’d have to settle for the fire in his eyes, still building as I reached down, licking the base of his length, then licking up the side of it. I went back down, kissing him several times with just a bit of suction.

Then I stuck one of his balls in my mouth, probing at it with my tongue, this way and that way. Then I sucked, pulling it deeper in my mouth as I reached my tongue out at the same moment. He responded to each and everything I did. Even if it was small, a twitch, or a beat of his heart. Being where I was, it was like I could feel, and hear everything that was him. I reached over and stroked his cock with my free hand. Up and down, up and down. Even as I toyed his balls. One in my mouth, the other one in still with my fingers.

“Anna….” he groaned out, “Its too good…”

I released his ball from my mouth with a pop, and went for my prize, lining my mouth up with his cock, I locked onto the tip of with my lips. Then picked up my pace with my hand.

It only took a few more moments.

“Goddess- Anna!!!” He cried out as his cock pulsed, then again, then it just kept going for what felt like thirty seconds.

Then it was over, even as I kept stroking it, even if it was a touch softer, I wasn’t trying to torture him after all. I finally swallowed down what was in my mouth enjoying the thick stickiness as it coated my throat in a familiar way. As much as I had enjoyed playing with him, my own insides wanted more. Maybe I Shouldn’t have sucked him off if I knew it was going to end here?

“Anna…” he groaned.

“Yes?” I asked after removing my lips from his cock.

“Bend over!” He growled.

I felt a shiver run though me at his tone, and words. I wasted no time, I turned, and leaned down, then I arced my back as hard as I could, pushing my ass up at him. I couldn’t help but grin in anticipation from his voice alone.

He shuffled free from his pants, standing up, and he gripped my ass with his strong hands. He flexed his arms, rolled his shoulders he I looked back as he grit his teeth down at me like an animal.

I could hardly believe he still hard, was he really? There’s no wa-

He plunged himself into me rock hard and I melted into the dirt, “AH!”

“You want it? Don’t you!?” He demanded.

“Yes!” I cried out.

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“Anna, take it! Take my cock!” He demanded of me.

“Yes!” I cried, and plunged downwards, “Yes!!!” I screamed, and he pulled back, “Give me your cock!” I demanded.

He shoved into me, pressing down causing me to rub my face against the blanket I’d nearly forgotten about. Not that I was even remotely concerned with that anymore.

He drove himself into me, over and over again. I cried out in delight, my body switching between vibrations of pleasure and shocks that rocked my entire being, I giggled, I moaned, I screamed. I loved every bit of his cock, every ounce of strength he used to squeeze my ass, and how he drove himself into me, and against my backside.

His cock pulsed inside of me, and my insides pulsed back, it was a symphony of lust and he played me like a violin. Across and back, in and out, up and down. It didn’t matter, “Keep going!” I said when he slowed.

He picked up his speed once more, as though his animal nature refused to let win some contest of stamina. He pummeled my ass cheeks with his waist, I could barely even feel it anymore when he finally pressed hard against me and felt his cum spray deep into me.

He hadn’t even said a word, he just pulled back for another thrust, and tried to keep going. But his legs staggered, and he fell backwards. I slipped forward rolled over. I opened my mouth, trying to breath. My body didn’t make sense anymore, it felt like I’d run for days straight I just couldn’t catch my breath, I couldn’t do much of anything in that moment.

I glanced over at him, he leaned against the tree, a stupid grin on his face as he did much the same as me. I was spent, as he was.

I’d gotten what I wanted, more then that really, that was fantastic, wondrous even. But I had other obligations. “Are you ready?” I asked for the voice that was out there somewhere.

“You’ve taken your time.”

“Hes tired, warn out and virtually incapacitated.” I explained.

“Not dead?” He clarified.

“No, I changed the plan. But it should be easy to over power him… I’ve done what I can.” I admitted with a stupid grin.

“Fine.” The dungeon noted.

I stared up at the elf man, “That… was magnificent….”

“You were… as well…” He offered, “I… I don’t think I’ve ever been so intense.” he chuckled, “Something about you just brought out the animal in me…”

I nodded, “I loved that…”

“Maybe… Maybe we don’t have to go back to the city… I can keep you… We can-” He cut off at the sound of something, turning his head.

A moment later blood spattered across me causing me to flinch slightly, though I knew not why.

“Sorry…” I admitted, “I tried, I really did. At least we got to fuck before you died.” I said with a smile.

I could see his face twisted in pain glance towards me, he didn’t register my words, instead his eyes just looked concerned, right up until they unfocused.

Five goblins stood around me.

“Took long enough…” One grumbled.

“If girl wanted dick we could give.” Another sniffed.

“Oh.. this nice sword.” The other noted lifting up the man’s sword.

I rolled over still tired and unable to stand.

“Collect what you can and return to the cave.” The voice spoke, each of the goblins no doubt hearing it as well as they seemed to almost glance up at the words, as though a god had offered his voice to the lot of us.

The goblins did his bidding easily, it took three of them to carry the body, another one took his sword, and the other took my blanket and knife.

As the rest were carrying things away, I some how found the strength to follow. A dead man’s cum dripping down my leg. I didn’t have much strength, and my legs felt a bit more like trembling sticks then not. But it wasn’t a long walk. Once inside I followed using a hand to hold myself up against the wall.

I don’t really remember much else before falling asleep.

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